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Neva 01-07-2011 10:06 AM

My son is a single, never been married, full custody dad. He brought the baby home from the hospital and has managed on his own except when working nights in the Emergency Room at the hospital. As a grandmommie, I have my DGS nights and the days my son is on duty. Three days on, Two off, two on, three off. He is the joy of my life. Hillary Clinton says it takes a village to raise a child. However, if more grandparents were involved ... He's now in 1st grade and I have all the free time I could possibly want. What a privilege to be able to invest my time, values, and love into this little unexpected blessing.

Midwestmary 01-07-2011 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by mhansen6
I wish I could babysit my granddaughter. I live in Oregon and she lives in Minnesota and they are moving to New York next month. It costs far too much to travel to New York all the time. So she will probably never get to know her grannie very well.

I have a good friend who is in a similar situation - she is here in Iowa and her grandson is in England...he is two years old now. While not the same as in person, they have kept in close touch with him by using Skype to talk to one another once a week - that with lots of email and LD phone calls. Hopefully that will help you too, to stay connected.

Quiltinggma-nc 01-07-2011 11:02 AM

I also babysit my grandchildren so know what you mean about forgetting how much work it is to take care of an infant. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. When my year old granddaughter opens her arms for me to take her from her Mom it melts my heart. And when she smiles I don't mind I am not getting any quilting done. They are only small for awhile so enjoy yourself. Hopefully she will sleep better soon and you can get some quilting done.

baglady65 01-07-2011 11:02 AM

Who dosent' do that??? LOL I now have 2 g-sons living with us........I know know why the young is to have kids!!!
I do babysit the other 4 as needed.

catrancher 01-07-2011 11:06 AM

I don't have grandchildren yet, but I hope if I do that I could watch them part-time (maybe 3 days per week). I don't think I would enjoy it full time. I love my hobbies too much to give them up. Part time seems like the best of both worlds.

Mpark 01-07-2011 11:12 AM

I retired last May from teaching/library job. I let my children know really quick that I didn't want to babysit full time. I keep my grandchildren when the parents go out or go out of town for a few days and I love it then. But, I don't want to be tied down to full time at this point. However, that being said, grandkids are a precious gift, and aren't you glad you are having a part in shaping that precious life? Enjoy every minute of it!

cdufur 01-07-2011 01:19 PM

We have our two grandaughters (ages 1 and 3) every weekend...and have since the week they were born. I pick them up on Saturday afternoon and take them home Sunday night. We LOVE it. It gives our son and daugter-in-law a little bit of time to themselves. I teach school all week, so I don't have as much time to quilt as I used to. But they are only little for a small amount of time and the bond that has developed between us is something that will never break. My sewing machines and material will still be there in a few years...but they will be grown. Plus, I get to teach my 3 year old how to cook and quilt. She loves both!

squeakie 01-07-2011 02:31 PM

i take care of my 2 granddaughters now that are 2 and 3 yrs old, and when the newest ones momma goes back to work i will take her too, i've had so many health issues they are the reason i keep going and my kids are always asking if i am tired or not ok, i wouldn't give this up for anything in the world, i can get more sewing in when they are older and know that grandma had a hand in raising them not a babysitter, and i have nothing againest babysitters (i took care of 12 at a time when i was younger)but there is nothing like this bond..

denise d 01-07-2011 04:00 PM

I love reading this thread.

My parents live in FL, so the distance is too great, but when we visit... they love it. I actually get to shower in peace and go to the grocery with out children! :)

My husband's family is 4 hours away, but have never sat the kids. His mom often offers, but then finds a way to not follow through. His dad is good for sending expensive gifts, but does not offer time.

For us (hubby and I), we hope that as the kids get older there is more interest, but it is looking doubtful.

I commend all of you grands and great grands out there will to and wanting to help out. The time you spend is precious. I still cherish the time I had with my grandmother!

GailG 01-07-2011 04:47 PM

Originally Posted by Gabrielle's Mimi
I have been retired from teaching for 7 years and have been loving my freedom. I quilt til 2 in the morning, read whenever, make trips to my LQS, teach quilting classes, do some volunteer work, etc. You get the picture. Well, a darling little girl came into my life...our first grandchild, and my heart just melted. I am now taking care of her full-time for the next 4 mos. as her mom just went back to work after 3 mos. We've decided on 4 mos. with an option to renew if everyone feels that it is working out. I offered to do this, and feel privileged to be able to, but I can see that I am not getting any quilting done (or much of anything else for that matter!). I want to be able to quilt more but she is not a good sleeper. How many of you watch your grandchildren? How do you manage your time? Are you glad that you are doing it or is it too much for you? I adore this baby and am so glad she is with me and not a babysitter but I guess (in typical revisionist history style) I forgot how much work infants are and that they don't sleep all the time!!!! Anyway, I wouldn't trade this time with her for anything else in the world.

They grow up so fast. Before you know it, she'll be in school and you'll have a lot of time to "do your thing." If you feel up to it (healthwise), go for it. Just think of all you can do for her that she may not get in a daycare setting.

We had our 2 1/2 yr. old great grandchild here today. When he left, I had a nap.


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