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Learner747 10-21-2011 07:10 PM

I haven't slept all night for as long as I can remember. I had a sleep study done last year and the results are shocking. I have counted up to fifteen awake sessions but the study showed many times more than that. I would love to sleep all night through and awake rested. :cry:

quiltgrammyt2 10-21-2011 07:33 PM

Most nights I wake 3 or 4 times a night and have a hard time getting back to sleep. The worst thing that happens is when I sit straight up and wake hubby telling him he is late for work, and he still has about 4 more hours till it's time to get up.
Some days right after lunch if I sit down I'll just fall asleep and have no idea how long I slept, but my iron levels are so low that I just feel so wore out :thumbdown:

Maureen 10-21-2011 07:37 PM

some nights are better than others. Last night it was 3 am, the night before midnight. I always wake up twice to gp to the bathroom regardless what time I go to bed. I guess the days of sleeping 7 or 8 hours a night are over.

Tartan 10-21-2011 07:45 PM

I don't sleep as much as I used to, 6 or 7 hours a night are usually enough and I don't nap or I have a hard time falling asleep. I have a new twist in my sleep pattern, I wake myself up snoring! Good grief my husband and son both snored for years and it didn't bother me at all. When I wake myself up snoring it gets my heart a pounding and it takes a while to go back to sleep. As if menopause isn't bad enough! :oops:

burnsk 10-21-2011 07:52 PM

What I wouldn't give for 6 straight hours of sleep.

BETTY62 10-21-2011 07:55 PM

I take a nap almost everyday and enjoy it very much.

Cosy 10-21-2011 08:06 PM

When I went to my six week check up after my first child and the doctor asked me how I was feeling, I told him, pretty good, but I wish I had a good night's sleep. He laughed and said I wouldn't get that for 21 years. Well, my son just turned 42, and I have yet to ge a good nigt's sleep. Now that my kids are all grown and out of the house, I am starting with grandkids.

Then of course, my night life is so exciting, anyway. Go to bed with Ben(gay), visit(the) John several times during the night, Charly (horses) keeps waking me up, then I wake up with Art(thritis).

Melinda in Tulsa 10-21-2011 08:24 PM

Originally Posted by burnsk
What I wouldn't give for 6 straight hours of sleep.

Ditto!!!! I usually get my best sleep during the day. When I lay down for a nap, I usually sleep 4-5 hours. Seems like I wake up during the night, every 2 hours.

Patti Mahoney 10-21-2011 08:31 PM

I'm 54, a night shift nurse, I'm always up at night when I off work. Been on nights for over 17 years so that is my daytime. I do sleep alot during the day alot but on my days off I try to switch to a day shift mode. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't.........

wolfkitty 10-21-2011 09:43 PM

For some reason, I don't sleep more than 6 hours at a time. Sometimes, my cat insists that I get up by walking back and forth across my stomach until I wake up. What's that about? He has food in his bowl, and a litter box, so it's not like he needs me to do anything for him. A lot of times, I fall asleep in the chair in the living room in front of the TV, for a couple of hours at a time. I just don't sleep well.

slk350 10-21-2011 10:19 PM

Right now it's about 2:15 AM and here I am. I have always as long as I can remember been a night owl. Even when my kids were little and I HAD to get up to get them off to school. Then when I do go to bed I get up almost every 2 hours on the dot. It's gotten worse since my youngest started driving himself to school and is now in college. My husband works a night shift, so I'm really messed up now. I sometimes go to bed between 2 and 3 am or later, then sleep in until around 10 or 11 am.

wanda lou 10-21-2011 11:08 PM

I don't sleep well at all, Guess that's why I am on the quilt board at 3 am.

craftybear 10-21-2011 11:10 PM

I am a night owl also usually goes to bed about 4 am to 10 am or so

Texaspeggy 10-22-2011 12:09 AM

Originally Posted by grann of 6
I would sleep a whole lot better if my Great Dane didn't take her half out of the middle of the bed. She likes to sleep crosswise instead of lengthwise, so that has a definite bearing on how well I sleep. I know, I know. Well, YOU COME AND GET HER OFF THE BED!!!! :roll: :lol: :roll: :lol:

I don't have a Great Dane, but the Yorkie is just is bad, and she always wants my side of the bed...... as far as sleep. What am I doing up at 2 am? seems to be a regular thing with me these days. And I am Way past menapause

sandilee 10-22-2011 02:37 AM

I love the nighttime. I sit in my room and watch t.v. and this is my time. I am not a morning person so I usualy sleep all morning. We are retired and I have no obligations, etc., so I see no harm. However, if I do have an appointment or church in the morning I do manage to get a few hours sleep and know I can nap in the afternoon.

dakotamaid 10-22-2011 02:41 AM

Originally Posted by niizh
"SLEEP" Had to look up definition of word!

here, here!

watterstide 10-22-2011 02:45 AM

yes i take a nap everyday. i am up at 5am to get the husband off to work..i am ready to sleep at around noon.

i am 54 and in menopause..2 years since i had the monthly.
haven't been officially told by a doctor..lol

i get up at least once in the middle of the night to pee. drives me crazy.

i have Fibromyalgia, and if i don't get a nap in, i am useless by 7pm.

smagruder 10-22-2011 02:59 AM

It seems we ladies could start and all night sewing party. I don't sleep all night either. It makes no difference if I take a nap during the day or not. I am awake by 5 AM at the latest.

smagruder 10-22-2011 03:00 AM

It seems we ladies could start and all night sewing party. I don't sleep all night either. It makes no difference if I take a nap during the day or not. I am awake by 5 AM at the latest.

jitkaau 10-22-2011 03:08 AM

CPAP machines fix the problem - generally.

JHolm 10-22-2011 03:27 AM

I get up at 2:30 A.M. and stay up until 5 P.M. Then I doze off and on from 5 to 8 and usually go to bed to sleep between 8 and 8:30. I don't truely nap between 5 & 8 because I have to fix supper and give our dogs their medicine. One is on insuline for diabetis and one on phenobarb for seizers.

teri295 10-22-2011 03:49 AM

I'm 54 and have had trouble sleeping for the past couple of years. I used to sleep beautifully 9 hours a night - now I fall asleep quickly but then wake up every two hours. Started with this new doctor who has me taking 15 mg. of melatonin a night and it seems to help me sleep six hours relatively "deeply" a night (if I'm lucky). When I get desperate, I'll take an ambion and that puts me in to deep unconscious sleep for six hours but then the following night I sleep restlessly with nightmares. The melatonin, with no alcohol at night, works healthiest for me I believe.

I hate waking up with occasional hot flashes. I wake up right before they hit (which is weird I think) - sleeping on an ice pack also helps with the hot flashes!

I'm glad there are others like me.....it doesn't matter if I nap or not during the day. I miss that DEEP sleep - but the melatonin helps.

Weenween 10-22-2011 04:05 AM

Originally Posted by Hosta
do you take a nap. I know this is a problem for women but is it just menopausal women or women of all ages?


red-warrior 10-22-2011 04:24 AM

It made me feel a little better to know I am not the only one struggling for
years with little sleep since menopause!

Dodee 10-22-2011 04:38 AM

I run hot and cold. For some reason by 8:00 PM, I'm pooped and am in bed by 9:00; however, I awaken anywhere from 2:00 on and sometimes I give up trying to sleep and get up. I don't get this Quilting Forum until after 6:00 so I'm gnawing at the bit until it comes on.

stitchinwitch 10-22-2011 05:01 AM

NO! No I DON'T!!! (snap)........I think it has to do with age. Mother Nature wakes me up to use the bathroom as often as every hour and a half to maybe 2 times.....is this why I am ALWAYS tired?? Ya Think???

grandjan 10-22-2011 05:06 AM

Neither really. I've never taken naps and I've always had problems sleeping--since way back in my teens. I have found that I sleep better if I get up early in the morning, even if the night before has been rough.

Annaquilts 10-22-2011 05:08 AM

I have sleep issues ever since I had treatment for my thyroid (5 yrs). I usually do not take a nap. At times when I have a meeting late afternoon or evening I try to rest. I sleep 5-8 hours with many ( up to 10) interuptions and waking up. I haven't slept good for years. I do feel tired chronically but I just can't sleep. I am 47.

kimscruzer 10-22-2011 05:14 AM

Tel me more about this ACV with mother in a bottle. what is mother in a bottle ? I would love to try this drink. I wake up at least 3 times a night because of hot fLaShEs !

Originally Posted by AlwaysQuilting
I am almost 61 and have had sleep problems for approx 10 or 15 yrs. I have recently begun a health 'kick' and started drinking some a.c.v. (apple cider vinegar with the mother in the bottle) and raw honey twice daily.
Call me crazy but I have been sleeping better and my hot flashes have ceased!

Wanabee Quiltin 10-22-2011 05:37 AM

I am very lucky because I always go to sleep fast and sleep all night too. I try to take a nap if I am very tired or just rest for an hour each day. I am 66 years old and I still take hormones since my ovaries were removed 30 years ago.

SunlitenSmiles 10-22-2011 05:40 AM

i go to bed at 7p.m.(out like a light) and wake up at 3:30a.m. like clockwork... early morning is my very best time, great for cutting fabric, figuring settings, etc. good thing i live alone because no one else i know has this internal clock, but it works great for me. if i try to change this - everything goes wacky. if i am visitng in an eastern time zone i can do bed at 10 and wake at 6:30 for two days or so then my internal clock says "woah" i know this is TMI...LOL....i am 39 (1939 ;))

Quiltbeagle 10-22-2011 05:46 AM

I wake up several times every night, usually at the same times and in one or two hour intervals. I get up in the mornings sometimes more tired than I was before I went to bed.

redeagle 10-22-2011 06:03 AM

Originally Posted by grann of 6
I would sleep a whole lot better if my Great Dane didn't take her half out of the middle of the bed. She likes to sleep crosswise instead of lengthwise, so that has a definite bearing on how well I sleep. I know, I know. Well, YOU COME AND GET HER OFF THE BED!!!! :roll: :lol: :roll: :lol:

I hear you!! I just put my hand near my 100 lb German Shepherd's collar to move her and she turned her head and barked at me. Did not snap at me, just barked, but I got the word!

May in Jersey 10-22-2011 06:09 AM

"Then of course, my night life is so exciting, anyway. Go to bed with Ben(gay), visit(the) John several times during the night, Charly (horses) keeps waking me up, then I wake up with Art(thritis)."

Gee, we have the same exciting night life, LOL! I'm 75 and finally have given in to the pattern of 2 hrs. sleep then a potty call then the cycle repeating itself several times during the night. Now I just pile up some soft pillows on the couch and watch tv or read or spend time on the computer and then back to sleep for a few hours and begin my day around 7am. Recently a bad cold came on overnight and at 10 am I was still asleep so DH began to worry and started poking me to see if I was still alive.

Funny story, once I decided to spend that awake time catching up with some sewing. Next morining DH said he had had nightmares about trains coming to run him down. That's when I realized since my sewing room is directly over our bedroom that was no train he heard - it was my sewing machine.

sandybuttons 10-22-2011 06:13 AM

I have never slept well, even as a child I woke up many times a night. don't have a need for potty trips yet, but a bad night is when you have tried every postion except sleeping between the mattress and box spring.... lol

valsma 10-22-2011 06:22 AM

I only manage to get a full nights sleep when I take an Ambian. Most nights I'm awake by 2 or 3 in the morning. Then I doze on and off till about 4:30 when the morning really gets going. Most of the time I don't know what a full nights sleep is anymore.

Wonnie 10-22-2011 06:25 AM

Up until I retired just never required much sleep, maybe 5-6 hours and felt great the rest of the day. Now that I'm retired I find I need even less. Weird, isn't it?

grannypat7925 10-22-2011 06:53 AM

I have always been a good sleeper, but have always had a sleepless night or two around full moon time. Have no idea why, it just happens and I do not feel the least bit sleepy. I sometimes nod off in the afternoon for 1/2 hr. or so but that doesn't seem to matter.

Nanaquilts44 10-22-2011 07:35 AM

Never was a good sleeper my whole life. Finally in my 40's I was put on prescription medicine that really has helped a lot. I take a smaller amount than prescribed. Really made a big difference in how I feel.

Sew and Sew 10-22-2011 07:36 AM

Poor sleep for me. Degenerative arthritis of spine and all joints. I am currently have such back pains that for 2 months I have had to sleep on the sofa. It seems the back of the sofa pushes against my back, and so I sleep better. I am afrain I will never see a bed again.

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