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Cagey 11-12-2013 05:15 PM

My Charlie (Avatar)was known to eat whole roasts and chickens that were left on the counter - his only vice! He also ate a remote control when he was pup. Don't think it tasted very good but must have had a good crunch.

MadQuilter 11-12-2013 05:18 PM

I trust my dog to eat whatever she can snag. So yes, I do trust my dog, unfortunately do do the "wrong" thing. lol

RugosaB 11-12-2013 06:57 PM

I would NEVER trust any of my dogs.
And it's not just food, they love plastic, and we call toilet paper - filler food.

Having basenjis when the kids were little taught them to pick up their stuff!

In fact I remember taking one to a show and took her to potty before our ring time. She had eaten a Barbie hand because one was crawling out of her!

I always knew if they were not eating, they were sick. Or full

quiltmau 11-12-2013 08:04 PM

My Abs was a potato chip freak-she just KNEW that the bag of chips were bought just for her. I could leave meat, cheese any and all groceries in the car with either dog (Cyn-the brown dog is a kelpie cross and Abs was a lab-we lost her in July) or both and they never got into things--but with chips, Abs would take the bag out of the sack and lay it on the front car seat for me to open and then hang her head over until I fed her chips. She never opened the bag herself, but made sure I knew that was my job and I needed to do it NOW!! Mom!! She had been good and waited int he car and now wanted her reward!! Loved that dog and miss her terribly.

running1 11-12-2013 08:49 PM

NO!!! Libby, the ten-year-old beagle is the reason we ALWAYS push the chairs up to the table... she will jump up looking for anything. We don't usually leave food on the table, of course, but she'll just go exploring if she can find a way to get up there! I was watering in the back yard a few months ago and looked in the kitchen window to see her looking at me from on top of the table! She knew she was in trouble when I headed for the door! And Mia, the two-year-old yellow Lab recently ate 10 of 12 muffins I'd put on the counter to cool. I'd made them for our Sunday School class, then went upstairs to dress. When I came back downstairs there were dusty paw prints on the counter and only 2 muffins left... well, really only 1 1/2 muffins... she'd taken the top off the 11th muffin... sheesh....
Oh and there was the time my DH had picked up one of those roasted chickens... put it on the table and absent-mindedly went to do something else... yep... Libby was finishing it off when he got back into the kitchen. (I was off on a teacher-trip that time...) Oh he was not happy.... but all that said... I still love 'em!!

running1 11-12-2013 08:55 PM

Oh... and a friend's lab pup (she was almost a year old) ate some bread dough that hadn't cooked correctly... her owners had thrown it in the trash in the garage without thinking... it made her pretty sick, judging by the mess she produced... the vet said to just watch her closely... but after all the vomiting and pooping subsided, there was enough fermented dough in her belly, she was drunker than, well, you know... DRUNK!!! She recovered nicely of course, but it was quite a mess!!

milikaa1 11-12-2013 09:29 PM

We can trust all our dogs with our food, we are pretty lucky that we can, but we can leave a plate of the coffee table and walk away and it is always there when we return.

Caswews 11-12-2013 11:55 PM

LOL nah .. wouldn't trust any furbaby .. We just had a foster Great Dane over while Gus was being transported to his forever home (Special needs dane-Deaf) and he would stand there and clear our counters with one swoop. LOL good thing I don't keep much on my counters (DD couldn't apologize enough for Gus .. Oh heavens .. no apology needed-Gus stood as tall as the counters and could see over the counters .. Geez.. LOL ).

Edie 11-13-2013 03:53 AM

Originally Posted by Cagey (Post 6401756)
My Charlie (Avatar)was known to eat whole roasts and chickens that were left on the counter - his only vice! He also ate a remote control when he was pup. Don't think it tasted very good but must have had a good crunch.

I also forgot to mention that she ate three pair of glasses and my husband's hearing aid. Getting a bit serious, we bought Bess a couple of raw beef bones when she was just teething. She is going to be 11 and she still chews on them, She has worn teeth grooves into them, but they do keep her out of some trouble. She gnaws on them when she gets agitated. Edie

Amythyst02 11-13-2013 06:36 AM

Our little girls are pretty good. We have left food and they have not bothered it. But...also like kyded, we leave the food down for them 24/7. If they are hungry they go and eat. They are not over weight in any way either. However they do know that after we eat dinner, there is usually a small sampling of dinner for them. I guess its a small dinner treat. And thanks everyone for sharing your stories, they have been very entertaining with my coffee this morning.

KalamaQuilts 11-13-2013 07:11 AM

I wouldn't trust ME with leftovers ;) My dogs have better self control than I do

blondeslave 11-13-2013 09:28 AM

I'll never forget the day Glenn had just finished bringing the groceries in and had several bags on the kitchen floor. We have a system-I shop and he carries the bags in and puts everything away. We were standing in the kitchen and since he left the kitchen gate open Huggie Bear(my avatar) and Gracie Allen were also in the kitchen. I happened to hear rustling and looked to see Huggie Bear showing interest in the package of pork chops-then I saw that a pork chop was missing. Glenn and I simply couldn't believe she stole a pork chop and ate it while we were standing there. It seemed impossible that she could have devoured it that quickly. I scolded her and shooed her out of the kitchen. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gracie Allen gobbling down the missing pork chop as fast as she could. To this day Huggie Bear still believes that after having been falsely accused I should have given her a pork chop. Nope-food is definitely NOT safe around the hounds.

gramquilter2 11-13-2013 10:28 AM

Yes I can trust our pom. She " LOOKS" like she is on the heavy side but she is a light weight with lots and lots of fur. She really won't eat unless she is hand fed and I know we spoiled her because the first vet we took her to for a puppy check said we should put her down because she had a heart condition. She is 5 now and runs the house. Eats when hand fed and praised for doing that, only goes to the bathroom if someone is there to watch and praise her. Eating anything left out, no way there would be no one to tell her how great she is. :o

paperpieceme 11-13-2013 10:39 AM

well dh learned not to trust my german shepherd yesterday... he had his deer hanging in the yard (he picked it up off the road, but that is a story for another day) while he worked, and after the kids went to bed he went to start butchering and realized she had been snacking on the hind end all day. she got most of one of the hind legs, and a few bites off the other. I found it fairly entertaining, but the poor thing has horrific gas right now and she sits under my desk all day.

in our early married days we had a great dane that cleared off the entire counter of christmas cookies while we were out, we were young and dumb.

FroggyinTexas 11-13-2013 11:09 AM

My Yorkies, Booger and Wookie Doodle and my Pomeranian are absolutely not trustworthy around food. Even if they don't like it and ultimately won't eat what they sample, they just have to taste it.I wouldn't take a million dollars for any them! froggyintexas

solstice3 11-13-2013 11:36 AM

I don't trust them any more than I do my husband. Put a note on it don't eat and he does...really messed up my bake sale contribution! My cat will drink my ice tea and loves sweets...so no, I don't trust my pets around food

ManiacQuilter2 11-13-2013 12:26 PM

I could NEVER trust either of my Westie with any food that they could grab, run and hide !!! Even if I was filling up with gas, I had to watch them carefully or the loaf of bread would be GONE IN 60 SECONDS !!!

svenskaflicka1 11-13-2013 07:17 PM

my granddog is an eating machine. she has no sense of control, and is one of those dogs who would eat until she burst if she could. she is smart enough to have learned on her own that certain containers have edible contents, and will make the most of it. we've had our own dogs in the past (one border collie mix, later, a border collie) who both had brief careers as food thieves. they, however, were smart enough to learn the NO command, and abide by it. they could be trusted after they were taught. now, the grand dog? nope. she just gets sneakier and more creative. we even have to hide our cat's food when she comes over to visit. can't stay mad at her, though--she has a terribly engaging smile...

RugosaB 11-13-2013 09:59 PM

Originally Posted by Normabeth (Post 6400899)
I would never leave my dog or any dog in the car by himself!!

I know of someone who left their basenji in the car, and then paid $600 to get 2 new seatbelts

sewmom 11-14-2013 10:34 AM

Our female Maine Coon will eat any bread/muffin et. If it's left on the counter. Also soft vitamin capsules! The male, Rocky has been caught licking the butter, any meat that is waiting to be cooked or while we're eating he will check out what we left on the counter! If nothing else, it keeps me consistant about keeping stuff put away. On the othr hand, sometimes I don't have to wash the frying pan because it's been licked clean! Just kidding! Lol

misseva 11-14-2013 10:37 AM

I just love all these fur babies stories.

SusanErler 11-14-2013 11:10 AM

Feather babies are also notorious for chomping down anything and everything they can get their beaks into...

Kiki, my Senegal parrot, will try anything at least once. If there's food around, she's at it. Gets quite annoyed at me if I'm eating something and don't at least offer her a taste, too.

In the cage she goes when I unload groceries... lol

nancia 11-14-2013 07:32 PM

We left the dogs overnight. They have a dog feeder , multiple water bowls and dog door and a good meal before we left . Came back to a torn open bag of dog food with much of it spilled on the floor. Resounding answer, NO WAY, NO HOW!

nativetexan 11-15-2013 07:52 AM

I have three cats, forgot one of them did chew a hole in a large bag of dry food!! I still don't know which one it was.

chris_quilts 11-15-2013 12:09 PM

I was eating a donut and driving one day. Maya, the shepherd, was riding shotgun. I have about 1/2 the donut gone when Maya casually reaches over and takes the other 1/2 donut out of my hand and proceeds to eat it. I was hopping mad but realized she'd probably seen the puppy do the same thing and just learned. Our puppy is lab/eating machine mix and eats anything that doesn't eat her first. I don't trust that one with food nor do I trust Maya anymore since we've gotten the puppy.

blondeslave 11-15-2013 12:34 PM

Glenn works weird hours and the only window we have together on work days is between 5 & 7 for dinner. So I indulge him and we eat at the coffee table and watch TV. Huggie Bear is 11 1/2 now but quite smart and very ornery. The hounds are usually laying in close proximity while we eat knowing a bite will be saved for them to have after we're done. They don't beg or pester us while we eat. Anyway, one night we were having duck breast, a rare treat. I had had 2 bites of my duck when all of a sudden Huggie Bear rises up like the worlds most adorable red and white land shark and snatches my duck off my plate. I was so shocked I just sat there. It had been years since any of the hounds had done something like this. Huggie Bear quickly turned her back to me and scarfed down the duck as fast as she could. She REALLY wanted that duck-it is a favorite of hers.

DOTTYMO 11-15-2013 12:35 PM

I purchased at midday two sets of sandwiches. One for midday and one for either evening or tomorrow. Definately had mid day set. Came home had a workout on compute and emptying bag etc. can't find my other sandwich . No idea where it went can't find the paper either. Which dog , the eldest , no on a table too high for her to reach. Middle dog no was with me all the time . The puppy oh yes I bet she has had it and hidden the paper in middle dogs basket. She is full of fun and mischievous.but so cute.

irishrose 11-15-2013 08:24 PM

Lily, a Siberian mix, and Moira, a Border Collie mix, won't touch anything unless I tell them to 'Get it'. Even meat dropped on the floor is safe. That applies if I am anywhere in the house. All bets are off with Lily if I leave the house. Raw food thawing for their dinner - at least she had the courtesy to serve Moira. There was an empty plastic on each bed. Stick of butter. A loaf of thawing bread dough. That initiated a phone call to the emergency vet. I had to make her vomit before it raised in her stomach - he said it would be fatal. Hint - if you have give a dog hydrogen peroxide, do it outside. While on walks, Moira looks for bread people put out for the squirrels which is bad because she gets ear infections if she get a smidgeon of bread with yeast.

So, I have two answers - yes, I trust my dogs if I'm in the house and no if I'm not.

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