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EllieGirl 11-11-2013 05:54 PM

Do You Trust Your Pet Around Food?
I had a wonderful dog for ten years. She was perfect!! She was MY dog. I could leave her in the car with groceries for a little bit and she never touched anything. Well……this evening DH & I went to eat for Veteran's Day. We had HIS dog, Molly, with us, who is wilder than a March hare! I had some left overs so I put them on the floor of the front seat and DH & I went to Jo Ann's (who had an awesome sale today). When we got back out to the car about 20 minutes later, my left overs were gone!!! I had forgotten we can't trust Molly, where we used to be able to trust Ellie!

Nanny's dollface 11-11-2013 06:02 PM

Absolutely not food with my two! The 7 year old bigger dog can be trusted at home by himself. He dosen't get into anything nor touch anything like books, pictures, stuffed animals. The little one who is 7 months can not be trusted at all- he is a weasel despite the fact that other people think he is a cute chihuahua - dashound mix.

moonwork42029 11-11-2013 06:05 PM

I wouldn't trust any animal in a car with leftovers. They are different than groceries. The leftovers are meant to smell good and entice you to eat them. Poor Molly was only doing what she was baited to.

EllieGirl 11-11-2013 06:14 PM

Originally Posted by moonwork42029 (Post 6399873)
I wouldn't trust any animal in a car with leftovers. They are different than groceries. The leftovers are meant to smell good and entice you to eat them. Poor Molly was only doing what she was baited to.

Well DH's daughter had a dog who would eat loaves of bread, plastic and all!

yngldy 11-11-2013 06:39 PM

I was taking a cake decorating class. We were to make a bunny cake, where you cut a round layer in half and stood them up, then covered a cupcake for the head and the rest of the body with piped icing. You made the tail out of a mound of icing. I decorated the cake on the dining room table, then when done, took the bowl and other decorating stuff over to the sink. When I turned back around, the tail was gone and Aspen, my husky/retriever had icing all over her mouth! Guess she thought it was real, and she tried to catch it by the tail??? lol Didn't know dogs liked icing.

cizzors 11-11-2013 06:56 PM

<<<<<She's a lot bigger now so that would be a nope!

lynnie 11-11-2013 07:15 PM

I have a Russian blue kitty Zoey. the only people food she'll eat is crispy bacon, stinky cheese and fresh dunkin donuts blueberry muffins. and at that only when she knows it's hers. she's a good kitty, not like my moms. she had a chicken out one time, and her cat Horatio, knocked it on the floor so he could eat it with his pal the lab. Anything she has on the counter, her cat will eat. my little girl just eats out of her bowl or her silver platter.

auntpiggylpn 11-11-2013 07:27 PM

Nope, can't trust mine! My Shepherd/Akita mix, BG is quite the "counter surfer". We have child locks on all the food cabinets. We have a French door refrigerator with a freezer on the bottom. BG has figured out how to open the freezer door. One morning, I had to leave before other half got home. BG was unsupervised for about 20 minutes. She managed to open the freezer and helped herself to 2 frozen rack of ribs that we had smoked just 2 days before. She ate every bit of the ribs, including the bones! There is now a child lock on the freezer door also!!

nativetexan 11-11-2013 07:31 PM

So far so good with my cats. I used to hear my Loki (lost him several yrs ago) getting down from the table or kitchen counter. Never when he went up!! but he never got into anything. Even the Thanksgiving Turkey. We now have three cats and they only like their food. Mama used to want to clean my plate but lately she things every thing I eat is icky!

pdcakm 11-11-2013 08:12 PM

had a shepherd mix that would eat anything she could get her mouth on. once left a full bag of hershey kisses on the dining room table. when i came home they were all gone, including the foil. she stole my sandwich while i went to answer the phone. in the car she ate half a pie while i ran into the store on the way home. none of this seemed to affect her in any way, except to want more.

other than stealing food she was a wonderful, sweet natured girl and i miss her.

also, had two cats who would sit in front of me as i ate and watch the food go from the plate to my mouth. like someone watching a tennis match, their heads following the food. laughed at them a lot.

Chasing Hawk 11-11-2013 08:30 PM

Our dogs have no shame when it comes to food. Why you ask..................because I cook for them.....LOL

Chicken, beef and pork, oh and they lovely turkey.

So a "doggie bag" in their immediate presence is fair game...

After all, "a dog will be a dog"

that is the one constant in this universe.

adnil458 11-12-2013 02:26 AM

Wilder than a March hare, I like that. I had a buff Cocker Spaniel who acted like that :/p

NJ Quilter 11-12-2013 03:35 AM

The first lab I had was amazing. NEVER touched food. To the point, we had inadvertently left a piece of cake on the coffee table and gone out for a couple of hours one night. Came home and the cake was still there with him lying on the floor next to the table. Of course, had to give him some at that point! The subsequent labs...not so much. We've almost always had 2 at a time so hard to tell which one has been the culprit. Lost a 5 lb bag of potatoes - including much of the bag - one time. Have baby locks on the cabinet with the garbage. Doesn't matter. The girl knows how to work them. She's getting older so not so much the 'counter surfer' she used to be. Birthday cake on the kitchen counter has been spared this time! And although the younger male can just put his nose on the counter, he doesn't take food from there.

barri1 11-12-2013 03:38 AM

My guy was a good guy until he learned from my brother's golden doodle.. I came home one day to the garbage all over the floor, and a great big grin on Sock's face.. If he could talk, he would've said something about him never knowing how much great stuff I throw out.. On the other hand.. Doodle gets into everything, counter surfs, and always has a smile on her face.. When they leave the house, they have to make sure the kitchen doors are closed.

Edie 11-12-2013 04:27 AM

Miss Bess had surgery last Friday. Four days of pain pills (1 a day) and two pills a day of an antibiotic for a week. Last night I took a chub of Liverwurst (Braunschweiger) that I usually give her pills in (I cut out a little groove, put in the pill, cover it up and literally throw it in the air and she thinks she is getting something special) Well, last night I did exactly that, went to put her dinner food dish down and I heard a plastic bag. I ran like heck and there she was scarfing down 1/2 chub of the Liverwurst.......yellow cover and all. So now for the next few days she will be pooping yellow Liverwurst paper. Then, not five minutes later, she got into her food bin (which she opens with her sweet little lethal nose).

One Thanksgiving I had set some Ande's Mints on the dining room table, left the table to go in the kitchen, came back out and there she was with a mint in her mouth. You'd be surprised the adrenalin that can be pumped into an old lady's body trying to get a stupid mint with the cover on out of the mouth of an 84 lb dog.

To continue, I went over to pick up Mom and got back and my husband said how about a glass of wine before the kids come over and maybe give Bess a little taste (oh, about 2T). She'll be nice and calm when they get here. Oh, she sure was!!!!!! A few minutes later I heard this noise - sounded like Barf. barf! It was! She did! On the middle of the living room floor and in the center of all of this "stuff" was THE Ande's Mint, still neatly wrapped in the wrapper. That was about eight years ago. She's going to be 11 in January. Love her dearly, but heavens' to Betsy, you'd think I was starving the poor emaciated little puppy out of surgery (on her behind no less) five days ago. Actually, by the day after surgery she was back to her normal self.

I have come to the conclusion that this is normal behavior for a dog. Also, when I eat my dinner, Bess also sits and watches me, with drool just pouring out of her mouth. This is after her dinner. I don't drool like that when she eats, for crying out loud!!!!! Oh well, we love them, we take care of them, we raise our children from babies wiping up their drool, why not the dog, too?

We are in the throes of one more day of cold cold weather. I think it is around +10 right now. Then tomorrow we are back up in the 40's for the rest of the week. Lots to get done yet, outside. Can't think of a drooly dog then.

Have a great day, all of you. Edie

Suzette316 11-12-2013 04:34 AM

Food on the floor? You bet my dog would go for it! She is well trained using positive reinforcement methods, so our bond of love and trust has been cemented as well. But if I put it on the floor and walk away, I have no doubt she would devour it. And why not? Only in the human world would it be rude to eat someone else's food. In a dog's world, it's fair game!! :)

kydeb 11-12-2013 05:45 AM

I have a black lab. I can leave her in the house with a plate with a steak on it sitting on the couch next to her and go outside. When I come back in, she and the steak will be where I left them. She doesn't touch it unless I give her permission. She's been trained that she can't touch food since she was tiny and she's really good about it. I've left her in the car with leftovers and she just sits in the driver's seat and waits for me. If I put something extra in her dish, she looks at it until I say it's okay and then she eats it. I also always keep dry food for her in her dish (contrary to what the trainers say I should do). She has never been a piggy dog gobbling food down. When she gets hungry, she goes and eats. It seems to me that following what the trainer said (which was to put food down for 15 minutes twice a day and if they didn't eat it, pull it back up) only teaches them to be pigs - eat it before it disappears. Gee, if I only had 15 minutes twice a day to eat, I would eat like a pig too!!

juliea9967 11-12-2013 05:59 AM

Hmmm. My little sweetie looks like an angel, but looks are very deceiving. Thank goodness she is little, or nothing would ever be safe. My sister had a full size dog that once ate all the pineapple off her pineapple upside down cake. She blamed the kids and her husband, but turned out it was Buster.

Wanabee Quiltin 11-12-2013 06:17 AM

Yeah, I can trust that they will eat anything in sight !!

Retired Fire Chief 11-12-2013 06:18 AM

My five and food??? The better question is who would eat it first...Oliver will eat anything and everything, when I clean their yard I am never surprised to see something interesting in the....well, you know. Now that he is 1 1/2 he is getting better, but when left in the car he will shred paper or whatever he can find, thank heavens he hasn't eaten a seat or seat belt. Elliott, the biggest, he is a beautiful golden, he is big enough to stand up against the counter and reach anything that is left out and 2 of the labs, Bridgett and Miles are also capable of that so I don't leave anything on the counters when I leave home. I once left a new bag of Frito's chilie chips in the corner by the fridge while we went to one super bowl party. We came home to pick up a corn salad I made for a second party - the chips where added to the salad just before serving. The bag was gone, no sign of it anywhere until, on a whim, I ran upstairs - we only use the upstairs when we have company - but I thought there had to be some evidence somewhere. In the front bedroom I found the bag, it was opened down the side, not torn, it was like someone forced the bag open at each end and right down the side seam. There wasn't a crumb or even a smell of Frito's left. There wasn't even any of the red color anywhere on my beige carpet (thank heavens!). Bridgett did have a little red on her face so I guess she is the one who ate the most.

mighty 11-12-2013 07:01 AM

My two would not get into it if I am there, but left alone they sure would.

Stitchit123 11-12-2013 07:07 AM

I have a grey tiger cat-Tommy Girl- she refuses to eat people food. She won't even eat fresh fish or eggs. I recently adopted 2 kittens They were drop offs and I don't believe they were weaned yet. George -the orange tabby-is always eating and nothing is safe - he has even figured out how to open the bread box. I see a very soggy future for him. I keep the spray bottle in hand at all times.His sister China a black long hair -now she won't steal it herself but once George has it on the floor she will help eat the spoils.And my 3 dogs I would not trust them as far as I can throw a Buick. My brother says they are all ''opportunists''...

damaquilts 11-12-2013 07:21 AM

All my dogs past and present could not be trusted... Molly, sheltie/corgi mix.. I had to go to the hospital one day and we had just ordered pizza, It was left on the table. Molly climbed up and daintily picked off ALL the pepperoni and just ate the cheese off 2 slices. She left the rest minus the pepperoni for the kids.. Andy was always pretty good. I could leave stuff on the coffee table at home but at my brothers he could reach the end table, I went to answer the door and he scarfed down my pork chop. Daisy my dog now , Never touched anything but I left a crème horn on my night stand one evening , went to get tea and came back she was going to town on that thing.. LOL So I don't leave anything anywhere they Might be able to reach anymore.

willferg 11-12-2013 07:32 AM

Our sweet little Havanese/Papillon mix is so good, she won't even sit on my lap if I'm eating something; she just knows that would be rude. But on a few occasions when my son has left his plate on the coffee table, and when no one was around...the temptation was just too much and she's sneaked a few bites. She always feels terribly guilty, but she can't help herself!

scarlet14 11-12-2013 07:50 AM

my current black cat it a good boy and shares ice cream with 'dad'---but had a white girl that would eat the tops out of bread---in the sack---if she could get to it and loved cheese

Jingle 11-12-2013 08:25 AM

My Dog Cookie can't reach anything. If dining chairs are not pushed in she could/would get up on the table. We don't leave food on the table.
I have a grey/black/white male cat that will/has gotten on anything. I took him in and think he might have been given leftovers.
Years ago I had a tricolor female cat that loved powered and/or glazed donuts. She would steal them. Years ago I had a male black cat that loved pumpkin pie. They would get anywhere to get them.

Normabeth 11-12-2013 08:34 AM

I would never leave my dog or any dog in the car by himself!!

Bueniebabe 11-12-2013 08:35 AM

My miniature Schnauzer got a bowl of gravy I had sitting back on the counter next to the wall. He was all bloated and had to be walked to get rid of the gas. He also got smoked fish off the counter, ate them all and left a pile of bones. Have no idea how he got stuff off the counter as he was so small. He also went right through the screen on patio door when he wanted out. He liked to chew up Kleenex and toilet paper.
Our rat terrier would push the chairs back to get on the table and jump to my kitchen island looking for food. He also ate cotton balls with sea breeze. Vet said make him throw up with hydrogen peroxide. He threw up 4 that he could not pass. If he got in the bathroom he would keep jumping and hitting the toilet paper until he unrolled it. My girlfriend called him the devil dog from hell because he got into so much. My husband thought he was really smart and bored. Our vet was always what did he do now? He chewed on the shift ball in my car while I went in to pay for gas.

tessagin 11-12-2013 08:48 AM

No way can I trust my dogs around any kind of food! I also won't eat at anyone's house who has cats. Will not eat on any surface knowing their butts and feet have been in a litter box. People laugh at me because before every meal, no matter what, I wash off the table. I have been known to take wipes and wipe off tables at restaurants. Hate sitting at a sticky restaurant table.

misseva 11-12-2013 09:33 AM

My little chihuahua will eat anything that doesn't eat her first. She particularly loves carrots, potatoes, turnips and my coffee if I forget and leave my cup on the table beside my chair. She can be sound asleep but as soon as I get up & walk away I hear her feet hit the floor and then I hear the drinking. She was a stray when my gdtr & friend found her and begged me to take her in. She was skin & bones but now she's up to 8 lbs.

buslady 11-12-2013 10:45 AM

First things first. Since when can you go into Joannes and be out in 20 minutes? LOL
We have a rescue dog that is 12, only with us for 1. He gets into the garbage if we don't put it up. I came home from grocery store with a bag full of stuff to make sandwiches for the house full I had visiting. When I went to lay out the food, the pound of salami was not there. Oh, silly me. I thought I must have left a bag at the store. So I called up there. No, it wasn't there. She remembered me and remembered the salami; she was sure it was in the bag. Low and behold, I found the empty plastic wrap next to the dogs bed. A whole pound of salami gone! He got diareah, too. We are much more careful now. DH gets upset, but I just remind him that we have no idea what his first 11 years were like. Best dog ever, in spite of this "little" quirk.

Originally Posted by EllieGirl (Post 6399857)
I had a wonderful dog for ten years. She was perfect!! She was MY dog. I could leave her in the car with groceries for a little bit and she never touched anything. Well……this evening DH & I went to eat for Veteran's Day. We had HIS dog, Molly, with us, who is wilder than a March hare! I had some left overs so I put them on the floor of the front seat and DH & I went to Jo Ann's (who had an awesome sale today). When we got back out to the car about 20 minutes later, my left overs were gone!!! I had forgotten we can't trust Molly, where we used to be able to trust Ellie!

Neesie 11-12-2013 11:06 AM

No. Just no. :rolleyes:

madamekelly 11-12-2013 11:56 AM

My cat Bruno won't touch a plate that has silverware on it, he will watch it very closely, but he won't touch it. With my dog King, all bets are off! If it smells like food, and he can reach it....lol.

quiltsRfun 11-12-2013 12:07 PM

Our last beagle couldn't be trusted around food at all. Even if you just turned your back for a few seconds she'd quickly snatch any food around. Once she actually opened a cabinet door, got out a bottle of spaghetti sauce and ate the whole thing. The two current dogs are a little better. They're not as quick to snatch food from under my nose but anything left unattended when I leave the room is fair game for them. :)

glassdriller 11-12-2013 12:36 PM

If I leave food near either of my beagles, I trust that every morsel will be gone in record time

Annaquilts 11-12-2013 12:58 PM

If we leave anything on our table Nina, 8 lb, will hop on as soon as we are out of sight and help herself to anything. It is annoying.

Annaquilts 11-12-2013 01:15 PM

Hahahahaha! One thing I was told not to give my doggie coffee. She sounds like a healthy eater with all those vegetables.

Originally Posted by misseva (Post 6401028)
My little chihuahua will eat anything that doesn't eat her first. She particularly loves carrots, potatoes, turnips and my coffee if I forget and leave my cup on the table beside my chair. She can be sound asleep but as soon as I get up & walk away I hear her feet hit the floor and then I hear the drinking. She was a stray when my gdtr & friend found her and begged me to take her in. She was skin & bones but now she's up to 8 lbs.

AngeliaNR 11-12-2013 01:16 PM

If they smelled good enough, you couldn't trust me alone in the car!

Originally Posted by moonwork42029 (Post 6399873)
I wouldn't trust any animal in a car with leftovers. They are different than groceries. The leftovers are meant to smell good and entice you to eat them. Poor Molly was only doing what she was baited to.

Pinklady 11-12-2013 04:49 PM

We had a great dane that eat a whole chocolate cake, I left it on the table, so he took advantage of it just sitting there. He also eat a pkg of chicken legs that were in the sink, defrosting. That cost us a lot, with the vet bill.

barri1 11-12-2013 05:10 PM

It's a little funny, but my guy is not into food.. He eats to live, and not lives to eat.. I put human food mixed with his hard food.. He likes human food, but will leave food in the bowl when full. If my neighbors dog comes over, she checks out what he left over, and it's gone..

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