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gaigai 11-04-2009 07:42 AM

Oh Ninnie! I can just see Carson painting Mortimer like that in a couple of years! ROFLMBO

Mousie 11-04-2009 07:48 AM

kind of makes you wonder if you left the pets and the kids in the same room...would you have any house left?
Yeee-iiikes...run...run now, while you still can! :mrgreen:

Knot Sew 11-04-2009 08:36 AM

I can remember my son using about 6 galons of paint to paint the back of the porch...i was sitting on the front porch he was playing in the back yard. he had some on his hands jacket and sneakers...he was quite neat for 2 1/2...the mailman was going by and saw him i the gap between houses. he got a screwdriver and opened the cans. he remembers parts of it mostly that he had to throw away his baseball jacket...he really liked it :wink:

k3n 11-04-2009 09:12 AM

OMG! Did that teeny little pup do all that damage on his own? :shock: :lol:

Oh Mel - you've got so much to look forward too! Even the most responsible parents in the world don't have eyes in the back of their heads. And kids are a lot smarter than you'd give them credit for, plus they, unlike adults, have NOTHING else to think about except what trouble to get into next! :lol:

Quilt4u 11-04-2009 10:34 AM

I'm not commenting. I had and have both.

Sandy1951 11-04-2009 12:31 PM

Well, I never had my dogs do quite that much damage to a couch, but I had kids do that! Seriously, it looked much the same as the one in the picture. And they weren't even my kids!

I was babysitting for 4 or 5 preschoolers and had to answer the phone. I could still see the living room where the kids were playing, but they were just out of sight. They seemed to be having a good time though, laughing and giggling together. The couch already had some nasty tears in it, due to a puppy that we only kept for a short time (not because he ripped the couch, but because he bit me rather badly). During the short time I was on the phone, those little "angels" ripped much of the upholstering off and pulled most of the cushioning out of the couch. I walked into the living room and stood there in shock. :shock: The mother of two of them came to pick her darlings up at that point and of course thought I hadn't been watching them closely enough. I tried to explain, but it sounded lame even to me. Oh well, we needed a different couch anyway.

Mine never got into paint like that, but our son did try to build a bomb in the playhouse. His little cousin got scared and tattled on him (thankfully).

Oh yeah, and my daughter and her little friend (the older brother of two of the couch-ripping fiends) started a fire upstairs. We saw him come running down the stairs and dash out the door to go home. So we called upstairs and asked Sara if everything was okay. She said yes, rather frantically, then ran down the steps herself and into the bathroom. She got a pitcher of water and ran back up the stairs. What are you doing, Sara? Nothing, Mom! Hmmm...time to check. Ooops, more water needed. Thankfully, it was very minor.

Kids! Ya gotta love 'em, but you also have to watch them every second!

cutebuns 11-04-2009 01:07 PM

THat is so funny, we have never had a dog do that kind of damage before, a few corners have gotten it especially with the cats, The kids are another story, yup, it is amazing what they can get up to in very short order, and all it takes is a trip tot he bathroom, switching the laundry, phone call, something and before you know it, they are knee deep into it. There is very few parents out there that hasn't had something like this happen, even a diaper change on a younger sibling, it happens, my mom came into the kitchen on day from something and there we were, sitting on the table flour everywhere, mom the day before had made up playdough, and we were just making more. Or the time that she had me and my older sis in the bathroom while she put the two younger ones into their jammies, we had gotten out of the tub and when she opened the door a big cloud floated out, we had gotten in to the babypower and it was everywhere, including pasted to us as we were still wet from the tub.

kwhite 11-04-2009 03:01 PM

Oh DH's dog ate a couch down to the frame and then chewed on the frame too. DD painted with Pooh three times until the last time when I made her little two year old self sit in a chair and watch me clean the room for two hours removing the Pooh from walls and windows and curtains and furniture and carpet and..........

Yes K3n I agree our friend has quite an awakening comming. It is all in fun though.

bearisgray 11-04-2009 05:31 PM

I had great theories about how to raise kids until I had some.

kwhite 11-04-2009 06:57 PM

Aint it the truth!!!

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