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PurplePansies 03-07-2022 03:40 AM

Early Sign of Spring
Yesterday, I suddenly had a huge flock of Red Wing Blackbirds at my feeders in SE Wisconsin. Most of them were immature and it was a feeding frenzy! They must have just flown in. Bird maps show them as being here all year, but I never see them in the winter, so I always consider them an early sign of Spring!

WMUTeach 03-07-2022 04:40 AM

Had a Red Wing at my feeder on Saturday. I am in Michigan and it has been a long while here since I had one fly in. I have been hearing them daily now. My sign of spring is the chipmunks are dashing about chasing one another like little children playing tag at warp speed. I believe they are demonstrating spring "friskiness" and will likely see a additional chippies as the days warm up. ;)

sandy l 03-07-2022 04:53 AM

I'm in northern Ind. and I saw a red-wing blackbird the other day, so spring is coming.:)

juliasb 03-07-2022 06:15 AM

buds on the trees. Some bud earlier than others but that is a true sign of spring for me.

Snooze2978 03-07-2022 06:17 AM

My sister's daffodils have been trying to come up but everytime they get to a certain height, we get snow or a freeze so their tops are all brown. We've had 60's weather last week and during the night we got snow with temps in the 20's. Don't think Spring is here just yet. I'm in western Iowa.

mermaid 03-07-2022 08:11 AM

Daffodils in bloom, beautiful..and saw a Japanese cherry tree, dressed in pink yesterday..75 degrees. But raining today and
colder for next 10 days…34 for a high one day coming. Middle Tennessee, and we usually get killing frost before daffodils can be enjoyed. We are so tired of winter.

Anniedeb 03-07-2022 09:24 AM

Have not seen any red winged blackbirds yet. Usually around here we have to get past "ice-out" on the lakes before we look for signs of spring. Just had 5" of snow on Saturday, so spring is a ways off.

Tartan 03-07-2022 04:02 PM

Saw a flock of geese but not a sign of spring because the last few years they have not flown south for the winter. Even nature is confused.

berrynice 03-09-2022 06:37 AM

We have a lot of wildlife around, but the eye opener for Spring this year was that a flock of male turkeys have been coming through daily over the winter. Yesterday, they brought their girl friends. -- just look at them boys just strutting their feathers and all, while the girls were more interested in the bird seed that the regular birds knocked out of the bird feeders.

aashley333 03-10-2022 04:17 AM

Buttercups and bluebonnets. Spied some yesterday, which is my early sign of spring!

lberna 03-16-2022 12:54 PM

Buds on our cherry trees and flowers on our satsuma trees. Woohoo. Summer can’t be far away.

maryb119 03-23-2022 06:22 AM

My tulips and daffodils are coming up. I will have to cover them this weekend due to cold temps predicted.

sewingsuz 03-26-2022 07:59 PM

It is almost summer here in Arizona.

Barb in Louisiana 03-26-2022 08:09 PM

The butterflies are visiting my Butterfly Weed plants that I protected all winter. Soon we will see caterpillars and the plants will be their food. That darn little yellow and black garter snake is back again. Last year he had 3 females with him. I was hoping that he had forgotten where we lived. I will aggravate him and his harem until maybe they move on to another home. The gingers are growing a little too well and the weeds have taken over every flower bed. That will teach me to make sure I mulch everything good before winter is over! And, all the red wing black birds (down here we call them rice birds) that have been eating at my sunflower seeds at the feeders all winter are gone. Now I know that they are moving up north for the summer. I learn something new every day.

PurplePansies 03-27-2022 12:59 AM

Originally Posted by Barb in Louisiana (Post 8544880)
The butterflies are visiting my Butterfly Weed plants that I protected all winter. Soon we will see caterpillars and the plants will be their food. That darn little yellow and black garter snake is back again. Last year he had 3 females with him. I was hoping that he had forgotten where we lived. I will aggravate him and his harem until maybe they move on to another home. The gingers are growing a little too well and the weeds have taken over every flower bed. That will teach me to make sure I mulch everything good before winter is over! And, all the red wing black birds (down here we call them rice birds) that have been eating at my sunflower seeds at the feeders all winter are gone. Now I know that they are moving up north for the summer. I learn something new every day.

Well, I learned something too! Red Wing Blackbirds winter in the Southern US! Why do you call them "rice birds"?

Lena1952 03-27-2022 04:47 AM

Ospreys are our first harbinger of Spring. I'm fond of RW Blackbirds and used to see lots of them on the farm. Now that I live in a aboretum I see hardly any. Too many trees for RW Blackbirds?

Andrew Crowley 03-28-2022 04:22 AM

Because they haven't flown south for the winter the last few years, I saw a gaggle of geese, but no indication of spring. Nature is perplexed as well.

lberna 03-30-2022 07:16 PM

Our satsuma trees are covered with flowers. I’m hoping for a lot of satsumas this fall. We give them to family, friends, and the food bank. We used to have a Meyer lemon tree but the severe freeze last year killed it.

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