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-   -   have any of you decided to just go gray? (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/have-any-you-decided-just-go-gray-t110451.html)

mommafank 03-26-2011 06:59 AM

I colored my hair to cover the grey for many years. It was costly to say the least but I just felt better not having grey hair. So before I retired I decided I had to stop paying big bucks every 6 weeks and doing it at home is just not for me. Moving also meant not having my ususal hairdresser either who I trusted so much to make me look my best. My wonderful hairdresser, Mitch Eubanks of Mitchell Wade Salon in Oveido, Fl said he would assist me in letting it go natural without having the awful look you get when it grows out. So with his color magic he highlighted and lightened my hair until it was grown out. Honestly I like it more than I ever imagined and love not having to run out for color every 6 weeks.

stichinluvr 03-26-2011 07:04 AM

I never colored. Some said I should be since my husband was 18 years older than me, I never saw the need. Now It's just fine. I'm still salt and pepper.

ggreenridley 03-26-2011 07:11 AM

I love gray. I have never and will never color my hair. In my family, graying comes late (I am almost 70 with very little graying.)I believe in natural. My husband started graying at 24.

lillybeck 03-26-2011 07:14 AM

I gave up coloring back in 1991. I decided I was tired of the upkeep and went all gray. My DDs and GDs keep trying to get me to color it but I tell them I earned every one of these hairs and I am keeping them.

grammydar 03-26-2011 07:16 AM

Originally Posted by AKDaffyodil
I love the gray in my hair. I figure I earned every single one of them!!

That's what I say too.
Mine is not bad yet, I'll be 50 in June.
I had someone ask me recently "who does your hair, I love the color". I told my hairdresser and of course we got a wonderful laugh. God does a great job with my color!
And my DH loves it says the gray is sexy....I don't know about that. He didn't marry just my long brown hair though...AND he has lost most of his hair.

barb12makeitsew 03-26-2011 07:20 AM

I colored my hair for years, and about 2 years ago said the heck with it. I've been partially gray ever since. I love the not having to deal with coloring every month. Strange though when I visit my one aunt who is 78 with red hair, and I'm 20+ years younger with salt & pepper!

sherrill 03-26-2011 07:25 AM

I have brown hair streaked with gray,didn't cost a cent for the frosting.My sister has lovelysteel gray.Mine is like my Mums and she never did go all gray.Her mother didn't either.I don't like the chemicals and smell that goes with it all.

sylviasmom 03-26-2011 07:36 AM

I used to color my hair. But then decided at when I become 60, I would just let it go completely gray. Fate took a hand then. Four months after my 60th b-day, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. By the second chemo treatment all my hair fell out. When it grew back, it was snowy white. I loved it! But it changed, now it is salt and pepper. I been told the secret to WOW grey hair, is a good hair style.

auntjo 03-26-2011 07:44 AM

Never have colored my hair and long time ago swore to myself I would just let it be what it was going to be... My oldest D is 6' tall - I'm 5'6". Many years ago when she was still a teen, she would tower over me & if she noticed a grey stray, would want to pull it. Of course I wouldn't let her - I teased her then if I let her do that I'd eventually go bald...; & that was when the youngest two boys were still little... Up until about 2 years ago for the most part it still looked pretty dark overall & I'd tease my DH as his is almost snow white. So I've actually made it quite a long time before it was really noticeable. I've been teaching f/t again this past year & for the first time I had a student ask me "what color did your hair used to be?" Without really thinking much about it I replied "the same color it is now w/o the grey!" But it did make me sit up & notice that I've hit that point where it doesn't have the overall dark look to it any more because I've got that much more grey in it. I'm with the others tho - every one of those grey hairs has a name to it & has been earned living the good life !! :) They're going to stay that way & I am adjusting to it (slowly).

carol43 03-26-2011 07:44 AM

When anyone asks me about my gray hair I just tell them I earned every one of them and I'll keep them, thank you.

MommaDorian 03-26-2011 07:46 AM

Originally Posted by cjomomma
I'm too young to let the grey show. I'm fighting it.

Me too. I highlight mine, rather than completely cover it up.

oldlady 77 03-26-2011 08:04 AM

I have natural high lights, each and everyone earned and did not cost me a cent. At least I still have hair, my little brother is alway the first to know it's raining.

Maralyn 03-26-2011 08:19 AM

When I retired almost three years ago...no more coloring/no more perms. Got my hair cut short so it looked better when I took my motorcycle helmet off (hate helmet hair.)

The funny thing was that my 35-year-old son started letting his hair grow at about the same time and ended up with naturally curly hair longer than mine! ;-)

Connie Merritt 03-26-2011 08:23 AM

I colored my hair for many years (Too many, too costly). Then in 2006-7 I said "that is it". I went and had my hair cut short, frosted so that the grays blended while it grew out. I love the freedom. I am 73yo and enjoy my years, wrinkles, grays, cuz let me tell ya, the so called golden age is not what its cracked up to be. Soooooooo the more freedom (and money) I have to enjoy whatever, I go for it. Remember the burning of the bra in the 60's? Onward to the next step.

3699quilter 03-26-2011 08:23 AM

Been covering my gray since I was 25 years old. DH says I can stop when I'm sixty, only 7 more years to go. What is it with men & a woman's hair? I've asked my hairdresser how she'd "fix" it without looking like I have a stripe down the top of my head and she only said they have ways to blend the gray in until it's complete. I have a 9 year old daughter and even without the gray have been asked if I'm her grandmother - oh well! You never know these days.

kinigenie 03-26-2011 08:24 AM

I started going grey in my 30's...now 56 and salt and pepper...I have long hair and never dyed it...decided I didn't want the chemicals....my husband is 72 and his hair is still black, everyone thinks he dyes his hair! My MIL dyed her hair and had the beige hair til she died at 95 and was mortified that I didn't dye my hair....I think the beige color is to match their scalp since many old ladies have thin hair and it blends in to their scalp so it doesn't show so bad....I 've gotten many compliments about my hair...I use coconut oil on it also...just a dab worked thru and makes it nice and shiny....

mjsylvstr 03-26-2011 08:25 AM

No, still happy with my monthly "T&T"s ....... tints & trims.

Only time will tell for later.

Connie 03-26-2011 08:36 AM

I started going gray at 16 (which was when I started dating my husband..should that have told me something). Now at 57 it is a silver/gray. I colored it at home for years. The last time (about 5 years ago) it turned several colors..purple..then orange and then pink.. I went to the hairdresser and she tried to fix it.. colored it 3 times to get it brown and then it two weeks it turned ash blonde which was the color it was supposed to be in the first place. Never again. Going to work with pink hair was the laugh of the office for quite some time. I guess I have earned each and every gray strand one of them, 40 years of marriage and 3 grown sons.

kathidahl 03-26-2011 08:49 AM

Originally Posted by AKDaffyodil
I love the gray in my hair. I figure I earned every single one of them!!

LIKEWISE...it is what God has given me....

tutty 03-26-2011 08:51 AM


Novice.for.now 03-26-2011 09:00 AM

It was a question of giving in to heredity for me. My maternal family went gray early and when it started happening to me I decided to let it go naturally. My mother's hair was a beautiful silver and I hoped mine would be same color. It is. I am in my early 60's now with just a very few darker hairs. I just knew myself; I really do not like taking time with my hair so the roots would always be showing. That is not an attractive look. So, I am and I get comments on how pretty my hair is. Also, when people find out my age they are surprised that I am that old. Those few dark hairs seem to have a nice streaked look and when complimented on it I say: "Thank you, I have gone to a lot of effort for this look!" And I have...61 years and not all easy years. LOL

Vikki 03-26-2011 09:22 AM

I feel I've "earned" each and every gray strand on my head. I'm not coloring :)

mamaw 03-26-2011 09:22 AM

I have never colored my hair, nor do I ever intend to. I feel blessed to be on this earth with each new day regardless of my haircolor. It is me....who I am; and nothing will change if I change it's color. When one lives with cancer every day of their life, hair is not that important. Yes, my cancer is incurable; so every day is a gift. Have better things to spend my money on....like fabric lol.
Please note that this is my personal opinion, and have no intentions of offending anyone else for their choices.

Taughtby Grandma 03-26-2011 09:32 AM

Check out my avatar. Before I quit coloring when I turned 50 I was coloring about every 3 weeks. My hair got so dry and fragile. Now I love it. Mine didn't go gray, it went straight to white.

Evie 03-26-2011 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by yellowsnow55
Never coloured my hair and never will. I like it just the way it is.


Katts 14 03-26-2011 09:38 AM

I tryed to go gray but it's not pretty like some get, so I still dye.

IDquilter 03-26-2011 09:41 AM

Yep!! saves lots of $$ and the hassle.

MrsRodgers 03-26-2011 09:43 AM

Red till I'm dead.

fmd36 03-26-2011 09:55 AM

When you are bald you really don't have that option. If it looks good - do it.

texpat45 03-26-2011 10:01 AM

Originally Posted by MrsRodgers
Red till I'm dead.

LOL!! That's exactly what I used to say! Until - last June. I retired then and started letting the color grow off. I was so tired of coloring every 4 weeks trying to keep the gray away. It was a losing battle. I keep my hair very short so it never took long for grey to start peeking thru on the sides! Never thought I'd like it gray but I love it!

Robinmg 03-26-2011 10:09 AM

Originally Posted by nativetexan
yep, i'm white haired now. trying to keep color on white hair is difficult. i hate seeing someone's roots! so this is it!

That's why my hair doesn't take color well!!!! I am going white, especially on my temples. My grandmother's hair is bright white. I'm not sure I like that. Love the color of yours. Wish mine would be that color and not bright white. I don't know if I am ready to go white, will be 55 in July.
I am a teacher at a boys juvenile corrections facility and they can be a little matter of fact sometimes. I have been told several times it is time to die my hair. It's about time I hear that again--just waiting.

spacepegs 03-26-2011 10:10 AM

I gave up the hair coloring years ago. It is very liberating. Having raised 4 teenagers, I earned every single gray hair and I wear them like a triumphant badge. My grandkids are now giving their parents gray hair now and I'm lovin' it!

leaha 03-26-2011 10:18 AM

I uded to dye my hair when I was a teen and in my 20's, when I found my first gray hair I stopped! I love love love gray hair!! Our hair truns gray to soften the lines in our face, I'll take all the help I can get in that area, LOL I just wish my hair was even grayer

jean knapp 03-26-2011 10:31 AM

I am now gray. It took me 9 months and no one could tell since my hair had bleached out in the sun. I love it and my hubby says its my hair. It has much less body than when I colored itl But I really like it. I keep saying I am making a statement "Not afraid to go gray" while my sister in law has long blonde hair a tummy tuck and face lift and arm lift, now she wants a butt lift and her hands done., What ever. I am happy

Phyllis42 03-26-2011 10:33 AM

I colored my hair for 47 years. Retired, quit coloring, no makeup. More time for crafts. My mom had beautiful salt and pepper hair. Sadly I didn't tell her.

Susie42quilter 03-26-2011 10:39 AM

Yes, PURE F R E E D O M !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Why did I wait so long ?

:D :D :thumbup: :D :D

OraLee 03-26-2011 10:40 AM

I'm a hairdress and tried to go gray a few months ago and decided it just wasn't we, so had one of the girls at work make me a beige blonde and everyone loves it. So will keep it. Have to look good for the customers that come in that I do and everyone else.

Margie13 03-26-2011 10:41 AM

Yes, I also stopped coloring and now gray. My daughters think it looks better. Might as well enjoy. Look at the money you will save for quilting.

Marty K 03-26-2011 10:54 AM

I am constantly arguing with myself ab out just going grey.....but I always talk myself out of it.

Marty K 03-26-2011 10:57 AM

I really feel inspired after reading what you all have to say......I feel ready to take the plunge!!! No more color? Maybe, no more color!!!!

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