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cathyvv 03-19-2011 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by emsgranny
This is one area that needs more regulation!! There should be a cap on markup. I know I have great insurance my copay for my injections is 35.00 (they dont make generic) They always list the cost which is right at 3600. of course the insurance company is then billed for the difference of my copay and cost. And we wonder why our insurance rates keep going up !!!

Dont even get me started on the Medicare prescription plan - I qualify for it but choose to buy my own insurance. How do they expect anyone to afford drugs they desperately need. All I can say is the legislatures probably have not run into this or have a family member with a chronic illness. Of course their insurance is the best to be had and at the cheapest rate!!! Thanks Hiliary :lol:

Insurance companies very rarely pay full price for prescriptions. They negotiate with the manufacturer for a reduced price. My insurance company now tells me what drugs I can take - whatever is on their 'formulary' is ok, everything else costs $$$, even with a co-pay. Some of their formulary drugs don't work for me...so I pay, and pay and pay. It's either that or get sick.

Thank God we can afford to pay. At least for now.

cathyvv 03-19-2011 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by LindaJR
My thing is that Obama's insurance bill should have been approached on fixing the insurance companies. They are what is wrong with the whole helath care problem, but I do not want nation health insurance I just want regulations put on insurance companies and medical manufactureres of meds and other health care products.

You got your wish. Health insurers are the biggest beneficiary of that, followed by pharmaceutical companies. By any definition, the health insurers are "well fixed" for the forseeable future.

However, what is good for health insurers doesn't solve the biggest problems with health care in the USA - cost and access.

Maybe if our darned politicians (ALL of them, not just Dems and not just GOP) would get off their idiotic soap boxes and actually do their jobs - REPRESENT CITIZENS, NOT BIG BUSINESS - we'd have gotten a real health reform law.

And now I will step off my soap box.

klgreene 03-19-2011 02:52 PM

I decided if it isn't generic, I won't take it. Besides, I am soooooo tired of every time you turn around another dr. gives you something else to take. I used to take so many that I felt horrible all the time. So one at a time, I stopped taking them. I take only what I think I need, and I feel sooooooooooooo much better. My dad died at age 76, and the family is so sure he was just over medicated on everything. And why in the world would we want to pay for the non-generic if generic is available. It sure doesn't make sense to me. So I'm glad you told them "Hell No!"

klgreene 03-19-2011 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by chris_quilts
While we're talking about health insurance companies and drugs, let's also talk about SSDI and Medicare. You can disenroll from both Social Seucirty disability income or insurance, SSDI, and Medicare Part B if you don't like the price of Part b and you have a JOB that pays enough in wages but you're stuck having Medicare Part a for another 98 months past termination of Part B. DH's health insurance says that for me to have his insurance, I have to have both A & B, just can't have Part A which is all I have now. DH's insurance company calls me "a non-insurable entity" - gotta love that label!!! Have spent the last 6 months fighting this. Went to SSA yesterday to talk to real people & the 2nd lady told me I was stuck in the disability system at Social Security. I can either pay for Part B for the rest of my life and get DH's insurance coverage, I can wait until Part a expires in Aug 2016 and then get his health insurance coverage or I can die at which time I assume both expire since I am also expired. I am so stinkin' mad it ain't funny and have decided that I'll wait until Aug 2016 to get health insurance. What a ridiculous situation and the idiots at SSA don't have a clue and talk to me like I'm an imbecilic idiot. Am going to see a supervisor on Monday with DH - we hope he can understand the situation. I am a disabled vet so have some healthcare coverage through the VA. Sorry for the long post and venting about the system but it is very frustrating and on-going.

I am disabled also, not Medicare age yet. But I bring home about $100 to much a month to get SSI. I do get a very small SSdisability, but no insurance. So I am paying through the nose just to stay insured until I am 65. Then I'll feel like I'm rich because my insurance for PartB and D will go down drastically. Fortunately I only have 2 yrs. to wait. While all the noncitizens in this country get Medicaid at no cost. Something big time wrong with our coutry.

patski 03-19-2011 03:02 PM

and I bet they wondered"why doesn't she want it". Are they all nuts?

cathyvv 03-19-2011 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by BellaBoo
The US drug companies research all the meds. No laws to research meds in most countries. Canada and Mexico do not research medicines. No research no high cost to pass on. They use US research info. If US didn't require drug testing our prices would be super low and we would all be going to many more funerals.

The Europeans research the drugs, too. In fact, the FDA frequently refuses to allow researched medications from Europe into the US. I guess their standards are not the same - notice I didn't say that the FDA standards are better - just not the same.

USA is viewed as a cash cow by pharmaceutical companies. They milk us for every cent they can.

If they can sell a drugs for big $$$ in the USA, then they can afford to sell the same drugs for much less in other countries. Essentially, US citizens are paying for the drugs these companies sell for a lot less all over the world. And if we can't afford the drugs - oh, well. We get to be sick and die.

On top of that, we pay for the FDA to approve the drugs via taxes, why should we also pay for the rest of the world to get the advantage of the testing we paid for?

BellaBoo 03-19-2011 03:08 PM

Please Please all here that are healthy and not on any long term meds, do everything for your health. Eat right, get exercise, lose the excess weight, get regular check ups and don't forget dental problems. Dental problems may not cause pain but can destroy your immune system. Make sure your kids know what the right health choices are even though they may not always choose the healthy ones all the time. Any money spent to prevent health problems is money saved.

mommafank 03-19-2011 03:08 PM

My meds that have to come from the mail order place that my insurance designates all have been made in India--go figure!

chris_quilts 03-19-2011 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by patski
and I bet they wondered"why doesn't she want it". Are they all nuts?

If you are talking about me, they truly don't get "why I don't want it." They (SSA) can't understand why I want to be free of their clutches and off the disability system. I was told in the beginning about SSDI that it's only a temporary thing for most people. I'm guessing that ain't true cuz it's be simpler if I got sick again, was laid off, and then restarted the SSDI. I am much happier off SSDI which is yet another thing SSA and other parties concerned don't seem to understand. Most people I talk with don't seem to understand why I even want to be off SSDI and Medicare. AARRRGGGHHH!!!

butterflies5518 03-19-2011 04:03 PM

Wow, experienced similar last week when the cobra payment was posted late, normal copay $40, w/o $249.00, nope I'll wait and the pharmacy can re-run the fill order. I am grateful I can pay the cobra but so looking forward to my new employers insurance to kick in on May 1! I really feel for those that don't have that option, ouch!

Marge L. 03-19-2011 04:39 PM

Am I happy I don't have to take any meds. I do use an inhaler for a touch of asthma, but it's not too pricey.

passionpiecer 03-19-2011 04:54 PM

I am a pharm tech at a local pharmacy and I hear horror stories like this all the time. Mail order is probably cheaper but when there is a problem, the poor patient has to scramble to get their meds.

sandybuttons 03-19-2011 05:03 PM

Don't have insurance, generic drugs never work for me. Maybe because I have Lupus. Holding my breath until I turn 65 for medicare. You are right to say, guard your health while you can, not sure what quality of health care will be available in the future

quilterpam 03-19-2011 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by ptquilts
drugs are so expensive here BECAUSE they are so cheap every where else. The poor drug companies have to make their profits somewhere.
Call or write your representatives and tell them you are tired of big drug companies writing policy in this country. We could be just like Canada and have cheaper drug prices but the reps won't vote it in because they are getting BIG campaign contributions from the drug companies. So they do what is best for the drug companies instead of what is best for their constituents.

I think this is all too true!

Momsmurf 03-19-2011 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by emerald46
We had friends' parents several years ago who went to Mexico like 4 times a year to buy drugs for themselves and friends. Same containers, same everything, could not bleieve how much money they saved. Drug companies are making a fortune on anyone with chronic problems needing drugs or supplies.

Maybe someone should consider out FDA?

Say a pharmaceutical company makes and sells a drug overseas and has been doing so for 10-15 years. Before they can sell it in the US the FDA requires that it go through all the testing all over again - as if it were a brand new drug.

Not kidding folks.....that's just one piece of the fractured picture. :thumbdown:

jitkaau 03-19-2011 07:26 PM

This is why we have a benefit scheme here that keeps a lot of drugs affordable to the average person, and the multinational companies keep trying to erode it.
They would not be able to sell it if nobody could afford to pay for it.

auntiehenno 03-19-2011 09:45 PM

Hey, at $3,178.06, tell them to send a 6 month supply. ARE THEY INSANE?

I spent $217.00 for 6 Rx's this month. 117.00, 80.00 ,5.00 each for 4 rx's/ I have $300.00/month disposalable income for drugs and food. My encocronologist gave me synthroid, which is about $30.

madamekelly 03-20-2011 12:24 AM

Originally Posted by dpparris
Thinking I may lose my mind today..oops to late its already gone!
Mail order drug company calls Monday and tell me that the name brand is NOT avalible, but they can send generic, I tell them we get generic all the time. then they call on Thursday to say one med is not available in generic until the 30th (have enough until next tu...esday) but, they can send name brand. Generic is $25.00 for 3 month supply, name brand is $3,178.06 for 3 month supply, do you want us to send it? Not NO but, Hell NO. Have to call the Doctor and get them to phone it in to the drug store to get generic.

I don't think my throat would let me swallow a pill that cost over $35! I'm with you!

Lv2sew2011 03-20-2011 12:27 AM

Boy I'm glad I have medical insurance, those prices are out rages, for generic $3.00 and name brand is $15.00, if they do the same thing give me generic....

laalaaquilter 03-20-2011 04:02 AM

Hell NO is right!!! Glad this was while Dr.'s office was open and could call in script!

PATTIESPEARL 03-20-2011 04:36 AM

yeah, my potassium, generic, was $15.00 a bottle dec 31,2010. jan 3, 2011 was $65.00 for the same bottle!!! I have to take 120 tablets per month if I want to continue to live.

k9dancer 03-20-2011 04:44 AM

Drug companies are in business to make money, not to cure anyone of anything. Think about it: there is lots of money in treatment, but if you are cured, you'd spend your money on other things like food, shelter, and maybe a vacation instead of drugs. There is no incentive to create a cure, but lots of $$$ incentive to 'treat' illnesses.

hheelleenn 03-20-2011 05:23 AM

Originally Posted by k9dancer
Drug companies are in business to make money, not to cure anyone of anything. Think about it: there is lots of money in treatment, but if you are cured, you'd spend your money on other things like food, shelter, and maybe a vacation instead of drugs. There is no incentive to create a cure, but lots of $$$ incentive to 'treat' illnesses.

This EXACTLY what I always said. I have M.S and One medication I take is over 3,00.00 per month. I was diagnosed in 1993 (the very year the FIRST drug for M.S. came out. Disease modifying drug they call it. There is no cure because I'm convinced there is more $ in treatment not cure. There isn't ANY medication for the type of M.S. I have because it is a minortiy of people that have it, therefore more money in the majority type. ALL M.S. drugs (injectable) are over 3,000 a month. A newer drug (you take this in ADDITION to the disease modifying drug). But the catch is it's 1,700 per mo. My insurance company will not pay for it if I take it. They will not (despite several appeals) cover it. This is a PPO, I never thought they would or could deny me.

hheelleenn 03-20-2011 05:35 AM

Originally Posted by chris_quilts
While we're talking about health insurance companies and drugs, let's also talk about SSDI and Medicare. You can disenroll from both Social Seucirty disability income or insurance, SSDI, and Medicare Part B if you don't like the price of Part b and you have a JOB that pays enough in wages but you're stuck having Medicare Part a for another 98 months past termination of Part B. DH's health insurance says that for me to have his insurance, I have to have both A & B, just can't have Part A which is all I have now. DH's insurance company calls me "a non-insurable entity" - gotta love that label!!! Have spent the last 6 months fighting this. Went to SSA yesterday to talk to real people & the 2nd lady told me I was stuck in the disability system at Social Security. I can either pay for Part B for the rest of my life and get DH's insurance coverage, I can wait until Part a expires in Aug 2016 and then get his health insurance coverage or I can die at which time I assume both expire since I am also expired. I am so stinkin' mad it ain't funny and have decided that I'll wait until Aug 2016 to get health insurance. What a ridiculous situation and the idiots at SSA don't have a clue and talk to me like I'm an imbecilic idiot. Am going to see a supervisor on Monday with DH - we hope he can understand the situation. I am a disabled vet so have some healthcare coverage through the VA. Sorry for the long post and venting about the system but it is very frustrating and on-going.

I am also on SSD. I have ins through my hubby who still works. I carry the "extra" insurance because they cover most of my expences because by law they are secondary. The insurance I have through my hubby covers only to a point. I needed a motorized wheelchair. It had to be through a certain supplier. It took me six hours of phone work to find one that services my area. After many, many appeals medicare took TWO years to pay their portion. In the meantime I was threatened by collection so I had to pay 25.00 a month to the supplier. That's a choice I had to make. Fruits and veggies or collection, and a lein on my house.

gramquilter2 03-20-2011 06:16 AM

I know what you are going through, been there!!

gaiatender 03-20-2011 07:53 AM

Agree Congress is too complacent with Rx, why not...they get their's for free...often for life. They are out of touch with reality. We are stuck paying for Cobra until I turn 65, another year. Beginning this past Oct have been paying $1,257. PER MONTH to have insurance...just for me. The only way I can keep from getting crazy is not to think about the total, not to mention what we could have paid for something else. My husband retired in Oct, went back to work as a sub because of this insurance. We are lucky to have that option...but the bottom line is he can't really retire until this is over AND the insurance companies keep scabbing off us.

hheelleenn 03-20-2011 09:46 AM

Originally Posted by gaiatender
Agree Congress is too complacent with Rx, why not...they get their's for free...often for life. They are out of touch with reality. We are stuck paying for Cobra until I turn 65, another year. Beginning this past Oct have been paying $1,257. PER MONTH to have insurance...just for me. The only way I can keep from getting crazy is not to think about the total, not to mention what we could have paid for something else. My husband retired in Oct, went back to work as a sub because of this insurance. We are lucky to have that option...but the bottom line is he can't really retire until this is over AND the insurance companies keep scabbing off us.

Then comes medicare. No prize but at 96.00 a lot less than cobra. Ih if you want medicare rx that's additional.

gaiatender 03-20-2011 11:10 AM

One of the tings I find so insulting or even silly? When I get my COBRA "coupons" to pay my monthly fees, it is really a memeographed sheet with no divisions or way to tear off. I have to use scizzors to make each coupon, then mail it in my own envelope and stamp. They don't go out one bit. It really is so cheesy in a so-called industrialized, "modern" country, really unprofessional.

Maralyn 03-20-2011 12:28 PM

Luckily my husband and I can buy generic drugs locally - three-month supply at a reasonable cost. We don't submit them to the insurance company, because of all the rules and regulations.

karenchi 03-20-2011 12:41 PM

I had a similar experience. My med was always brand name (no generics) Then Ins. company decided to change the way they filled it. WITHOUT NOTIFYING ME. The prescription has to be written as
"Capsules" and the generic can be used. Well, the script was being filled and they told me $600. No way.....Took me weeks to get it straightened out with dr to write "as capsules, Generic".....They only come in capsules whether generic or brand....DUH!
Since it was always generic, why didn't they just fill it that way....I was told no generic available....What....did the ins. company change the way they can fill and Boom....a generic was made that day!

karenchi 03-20-2011 12:48 PM

I have MS also.....That injection med is out of this world!

I only pay $50, but lately I am injecting it every other week :(
Then mail order calls monthly to renew! Tell them I don't need it yet.
Asked me if I was using every week...Told them they are a pharmacy and not my keeper! She then states, I would have to notify your Dr. Hello....PIPA LAWS!....
All they want is there $$

DAWNROBIN 03-20-2011 12:49 PM

What we all need to stay alive.

ljorange 03-20-2011 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by Japonica
And we wonder why our health care costs are so high. Who is "policing" these companies?????? NO ONE!!!!

It's all political. My daughter's MS medication, which Blue Cross had a $25.00/mo co-pay on for 15 years was increased to $700/mo co-pay as soon as the Health Care reform passed. They have no conscience.

slstitcher 03-20-2011 02:15 PM

I think another reason our RX is so high is all the advertising on tv. Why do I need that. My doc can tell me what I need not the drug company.

hheelleenn 03-20-2011 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by ljorange

Originally Posted by Japonica
And we wonder why our health care costs are so high. Who is "policing" these companies?????? NO ONE!!!!

It's all political. My daughter's MS medication, which Blue Cross had a $25.00/mo co-pay on for 15 years was increased to $700/mo co-pay as soon as the Health Care reform passed. They have no conscience.

My mail order copay for 3 month was always 30.00. Then they changed it to 30 EVERY MONTH without telling me. Injections were no longer available for a 90 day supply. So copay was now EVERY month it would cost me 90.00 for 90 day supply. I called rx company, now they will pay copay if they want me to keep taking it.

CRicart 03-20-2011 03:29 PM

have to be careful in 3rd world countries- they buy the name and the right to make the drug, but their quality control is not to be trusted. Lots of counterfeits too.

Deb G 03-20-2011 06:05 PM

Originally Posted by AliceQ
My dad has cancer. His Dr gave him a prescription. He took it to the pharmacy and was told it would be $10,000! The last offer they (Mom and Dad) got was $2,000, but that's still way too much. Dad says 'forget it, I'm 82 and lived a good life'.

Have them contact the drug co. to see if they will give it to them cheaper. My dr. said if I loose my insurance and can't afford one of the most expensive drugs I have to take that her nurse will help fill out the application to send them. So far I haven't had to do that but she said they would probably cover it for a year.

Wish them luck!

Deb G 03-20-2011 06:18 PM

Originally Posted by gaiatender
One of the tings I find so insulting or even silly? When I get my COBRA "coupons" to pay my monthly fees, it is really a memeographed sheet with no divisions or way to tear off. I have to use scizzors to make each coupon, then mail it in my own envelope and stamp. They don't go out one bit. It really is so cheesy in a so-called industrialized, "modern" country, really unprofessional.

My cobra coupons come that way to. I thought it was just my insurance co. but I guess not.

ljorange 03-20-2011 07:58 PM

Originally Posted by slstitcher
I think another reason our RX is so high is all the advertising on tv. Why do I need that. My doc can tell me what I need not the drug company.

One of my pet peeves is pharmaceutical advertising and half of it is for men's erectile dysfunction. God forbid they shouldn't be able to perform.

tntgranny 03-21-2011 05:05 AM

Think that person that asked if you wanted the name brand needs to take some kind of meds - do they make a med that cures asking dumb questions?

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