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marsye 04-17-2010 07:22 AM

I realize that this is not a medical forum however I have looked at some of the medical forums and I didn't care for them for various reasons. This forum seems to discuss alot of different topics and everyone seems very smart about these type topics so here goes. This is not for pity but for knowledge and support from others that may have Hepatitis C. I found out that I had it about 12 years ago. I never did drugs, tattoos, etc where needles are used. They only way I could have gotten this was from either a dentist, doctor, hospital surgeries, etc. but thats not important now. I had a liver biopsy done about 2 years ago and my liver was in very good condition except for fatty liver. I have my blood checked every 6 months. This last time my liver enzymes were elevated. My PCP is sending me back to the gastro and it may now be time to start treatments for the first time. Other than some joint pain and some discomfort in the liver area I feel fine. This is the reason I started the thread about taking pills for depression because everything you put in your mouth goes thru the liver. I don't even take anything for a headache unless I have to because I'm scared to death that it will make my liver enzymes go up. Just curious if there are others on here that have this disease and would like to support each other? Have you been thru the treatment? I would like to hear your story. This is not easy for me to talk about publicly. There is not many people that even knows I have it but now everyone will know. :lol:

quazyquilter 04-17-2010 07:47 AM

I personally don't know anything about this ailment but wish you well...

sewcrafty 04-17-2010 08:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My DH also has Hep C. So far everything is OK though. This was a very informative site for me.


I have a document that are good foods for your liver. Its never too late, you know. I try to include some of these items for DH. I'm going to attach it. Hope it works, if not, PM with your e-mail and I'll send it to you.

Granna of 5 04-17-2010 08:44 AM

Thank you for the download. I had stage 3 colon cancer 12 yrs ago and try to be conscious about what I need to eat to keep liver working properly.

marsye 04-17-2010 10:38 AM

Originally Posted by sewcrafty
My DH also has Hep C. So far everything is OK though. This was a very informative site for me.


I have a document that are good foods for your liver. Its never too late, you know. I try to include some of these items for DH. I'm going to attach it. Hope it works, if not, PM with your e-mail and I'll send it to you.

Thanks for the replies. Has your husband been thru the treatments? The document won't open for me. I will pm you. Foods is one of the things I was wanting to learn about. What to eat and what not to eat......... I have so many questions inside! :lol: What about milk thistle? Does anyone take it? How much? I have taken it since I found out I had this. And what about detoxing the liver? Is there anything to that? I've heard lemon water was good so I drink it daily. There is so much to learn.

trupeach1 04-17-2010 11:03 AM

Go to the health food store and get dessicated liver, it comes in a pill. There is no cure but the dessicated will repair the liver. Believe me this will work. Also red clover tea along with honey.

marsye 04-17-2010 11:26 AM

Originally Posted by trupeach1
Go to the health food store and get dessicated liver, it comes in a pill. There is no cure but the dessicated will repair the liver. Believe me this will work. Also red clover tea along with honey.

Thanks, I will check it out. A doctor told me recently that there is a new treatment out now that is a cure. But then another doctor tells me there is no cure. Its very confusing. :roll:

raptureready 04-17-2010 11:45 AM

Hey Marsye, I know we usually joke around on here but this isn't a joking matter so I won't. I don't know anything about Hep-C but I do know that whatever holistic medicine, herbal tea or OTC pill you take be sure to inform your doctor. Some "natural" remedies have reactions with meds making the meds weaker or stronger than they should be. Like eating grapefruit with Lipitor---big no no. Personally I love the herbal, home remedies but I check them out first with my doc to make sure that they won't interact badly with my Lisinopril and Cylexa. Hang in there and know that we'll be praying for you.

The other thing is this: When my mother was 36 she was diagnosed with Lupus. She was told by her doctors that she was going to die, that the longest anyone had ever lived after diagnosis was 8 years. They were right, Mom did die---at 75 years old of a heart attack. Doctors don't always have the correct answers-- your own attitude and will power plays a big role.

trupeach1 04-17-2010 12:03 PM

Originally Posted by raptureready

The other thing is this: When my mother was 36 she was diagnosed with Lupus. She was told by her doctors that she was going to die, that the longest anyone had ever lived after diagnosis was 8 years. They were right, Mom did die---at 75 years old of a heart attack. Doctors don't always have the correct answers-- your own attitude and will power plays a big role.

My Grandmother had cancer the doc opened her up and closed her the cancer was to far gone to even remove it. They never expected her to leave the hoptial alive. My cousin was born in the same hospital NY Hospital/ Sloan kettering while my Grandma was there. Granny was taken to see her grandson, she kew it was the one and only time she would except................she didn't die, Granny was at my cousins wedding 28 years later and lived to see his 2 sons. What killed her at age 88 was heat stroke. NY was having a heat wave and even though she had air conditioning (she lived in the top floor of her building) the air conditioning was not enough the apartment got too hot and that is what took her life.

marsye 04-17-2010 12:15 PM

Originally Posted by raptureready
Hey Marsye, I know we usually joke around on here but this isn't a joking matter so I won't. I don't know anything about Hep-C but I do know that whatever holistic medicine, herbal tea or OTC pill you take be sure to inform your doctor. Some "natural" remedies have reactions with meds making the meds weaker or stronger than they should be. Like eating grapefruit with Lipitor---big no no. Personally I love the herbal, home remedies but I check them out first with my doc to make sure that they won't interact badly with my Lisinopril and Cylexa. Hang in there and know that we'll be praying for you.

The other thing is this: When my mother was 36 she was diagnosed with Lupus. She was told by her doctors that she was going to die, that the longest anyone had ever lived after diagnosis was 8 years. They were right, Mom did die---at 75 years old of a heart attack. Doctors don't always have the correct answers-- your own attitude and will power plays a big role.

I ain't going anywhere...I have too many orders to do! :lol:

I'm sure glad your mother proved them wrong. I'm hoping I can do the same! :thumbup:

My doctors know everything I take which is no more than I have to. I have always had a good attitude about this and try to stay positive. I've had 2 or 3 doctors tell me that my liver is not what I'm gonna die from because its in good shape so I'm hoping at least one of them is right. And if I die... well lets just say I'll be in good hands. GOD'S I hope!!!! ;) :thumbup:

raptureready 04-17-2010 12:17 PM

Nothings very scary when you know where you're going.

craftybear 04-17-2010 12:25 PM

I will pray for you and hope you start feeling better each day. Hang in there!

amma 04-17-2010 12:28 PM

A suggestion would also be to talk to your pharmacist about some of the OTC and natural/herbal rememdies. Not all of these intermingle, and sometimes a pharmacist knows more about this than a physician.

What helped one of my best friends, was cutting out all caffeine, increasing her water intake, and NO chemicals of any kind in her food or beverages. Also be aware that what sinks into your skin can also get into your blood stream heading to your liver. She felt better when we got her diet under control, and her liver function greatly improved.
If you can get into a teaching university, they have access to a lot more options, and they really helped my friend out a lot more than her general physician or the specialist that she had been seeing.
Treatment and options have really come a long way in the last 15 years since she was diagnosed. It is good that you were diagnosed so early, many aren't, usually not until their liver is already in great distress.

marsye 04-17-2010 12:41 PM

You know how I found out I had this was when I started taking birth control pills because I had very bad monthly cramps. The doctor said it would greatly relieve my cramps. Well about 2 months after taking the BC pills I got very very sick, turned yellow, pee was brown, vomiting, etc. Went to another doctor and he told me to stop the BC pills because they attacked my liver. Thats when I found out I had HepC, otherwise I might not have ever known it. But that was another lesson learned.....BC pills will kill ya!

marsye 04-17-2010 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by amma
A suggestion would also be to talk to your pharmacist about some of the OTC and natural/herbal rememdies. Not all of these intermingle, and sometimes a pharmacist knows more about this than a physician.

What helped one of my best friends, was cutting out all caffeine, increasing her water intake, and NO chemicals of any kind in her food or beverages. Also be aware that what sinks into your skin can also get into your blood stream heading to your liver. She felt better when we got her diet under control, and her liver function greatly improved.
If you can get into a teaching university, they have access to a lot more options, and they really helped my friend out a lot more than her general physician or the specialist that she had been seeing.
Treatment and options have really come a long way in the last 15 years since she was diagnosed. It is good that you were diagnosed so early, many aren't, usually not until their liver is already in great distress.

I'm down to 2 cups of black coffee a day, I gotta have my coffee :-) I do drink alot of water, lemon water, cranberry juice, etc. I used to drink alot of milk and I love it but been reading that with all of the additives that it might not be so good after all. Like I said before its all very confusing! When we are out somewhere I tried to eat fruits, veggies and salads but who knows what are in them! Thats why I posted this thread hoping others could educate me (and maybe others) on what we should and shouldn't do when it comes to food, herbs, etc. from their own experiences. I don't even know what snacks are healthly for the liver and I'm ready for one right now! :-P

amma 04-17-2010 01:28 PM

I know what you mean!!! Organic doesn't mean a whole lot in the USA, as there are not any regulations yet in place as to what "organic" means... We did start buying her as many organic foods as we could, figuring even if they had 1/2 the chemicals in them that is better than be laden with them. Those of us who had gardens, mainly grew organic so we canned and froze a lot for her. Buying meat from butchers who had access to organic/grain fed animals was another thing we did too. (and the meat tasted sooooo good!!!) We basically put her on a Mediterranean Diet, also known as a Diabetics diet. It is over all healthy, low in fats and sugars, so good for the whole body and for maintaining weight or weight loss.
Keeping your kidneys healthy is also a good thing for Hep C patients :wink: as well as letting your doctor know if you have any kind of an infection so it can be nipped in the bud.
She used to take Vitamin B shots, but to be honest, I don't think they helped any...and she had to go out of state to purchase them for some reason...

watterstide 04-17-2010 01:54 PM

Dr Oz has a website and a FB page. he really pushes the food thing..his show has something to learn about everyday.i think it is on channel 4 at 3pm here in michigan.

..go check him out..they also have messages board and "ask Dr Oz" email/post thing.
I wish you well..Prayers and wonderful thoughts..Kim

MegsAnn 04-17-2010 03:58 PM

Sorry I can't help except to offer my support. I don't know much about this disease and haven't yet met anybody but you with it. But I send you HUGS!!!

marsye 04-17-2010 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by watterstide
Dr Oz has a website and a FB page. he really pushes the food thing..his show has something to learn about everyday.i think it is on channel 4 at 3pm here in michigan.

..go check him out..they also have messages board and "ask Dr Oz" email/post thing.
I wish you well..Prayers and wonderful thoughts..Kim

Thanks! I will go check it out now.

brushandthimble 04-17-2010 06:15 PM

Good luck and God Bless, hope you feel better soon!

Jingle 04-17-2010 06:21 PM

Good luck and I hope you recover from this without any ill effects.

Gramof6 04-17-2010 11:58 PM

Marsye I don't know anything about this disease, but I am here for you & will sure offer my support in any way I can for you. Of course you have my prayers. I will also be reading up on this as well. Dr Oz is a very smart man and I really enjoy watching his Show everyday. I learn something nearly everyday. He is on ABC channels.

Huge Hugs

marsye 04-18-2010 04:10 AM

Thanks guys! I'm a fighter! :thumbup:

marsye 04-18-2010 03:09 PM

I can't find Dr Oz's shows :(

amma 04-18-2010 03:11 PM

He is associated with the PBS channels


amma 04-18-2010 03:14 PM

looks like he is also associated with Oprah Winphrey's show.

AnnaK 04-18-2010 03:22 PM

I have had elevated liver enzymes since 1999. My only symptom was fatigue. I attribute my problem to taking Naprosyn for back pain, at least that's when this manifested. When they took a liver biopsy I was told that I had auto-immune hepatitis, basically my own body attacking my liver. I also have to be very careful not to even take aspirin because that overwhelms my liver. I have to have the blood tests every 6 months. I was once put on prednisone and my enzymes came down to normal. Because of the side effects of prolonged prednisone and my family history of heart problems, I was taken off and now am just being monitored. The biggest drawback for me is that I dont have the energy my contemporaries do; I tire easily. There is hope for us and we can support each other in doing the things we know are good for us and our livers. Please PM me if you want to talk more about this.

Quilter2B 04-18-2010 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by marsye
Thanks guys! I'm a fighter! :thumbup:

Marsye, I am sorry to hear about your condition. My DH was diagnosed in 1996; he found out when he went to have lab work done for a knee surgery that his enzymes were elevated. His first go round with Interferon therapy initially went okay for a short while but then it didn't seem to be doing anything so his Dr took him off it. He has had other health issues and surgeries that have effected his liver. Just this last year he was put on another round of therapy.

Hep C, as you know, has flu like symptoms. You are achy, have headaches, just generally feel like crap. The therapy can affect people in different ways. Some people do okay with it; others don't. The drs wanted him to be on it for 48 weeks but took him off early because the side effects were so drastic. He was having to have his blood checked every week or two. His red blood cell and white blood cell counts dropped dramatically; his drs were threatening to give him transfusions; he was weak, forgetful, had no appetite, drs wouldn't let him drive, was light headed, had elevated levels of ammonia is his system, and was foggy headed. My husband has Stage 4 liver disease. His liver will not get any better but this last go round with therapy, according to his Drs, put the virus in remission.

One misconception that people have is that it is easily transmitted or it is generally contagious; it is only transferred blood to blood. We have been together for over 16 years and I don't have it.

I'm not telling you all of this Marsye to scare you. Like I said, people react to the disease, and the treatment, differently. My husband had a really, really tough time with it. Now the Drs believe he has fibro because of his surgeries and the therapy. But he too is a survivor. If you're feeling crappy, take care of yourself. If your feeling good, don't over do it 'cause you'll pay for it the next day or two. Be careful what you drink and eat! Lots and lots and lots of water to flush your system. Stay away from or cut down on the sodium (salt). I've gotten really good at reading labels! Eat more white meat and fish high in Omega 3 & 6. Red and Dark fruits are good too. My husband's gastrointerologist suggested milk thistle. But whatever OTC (including pain relievers) or herbs you may supplement your diet with, just make sure your Dr knows what you are taking. And if your Dr tells you to take anti-depressants, do it! They can make a world of difference for you (and your family); a happy soul heals a body faster!

I wish you well; if you would like to pm me with any other questions, please feel free to do so.

Hugs . . . .

marsye 04-18-2010 04:50 PM

Thanks for all of the replies, prayers and support. I'm reading everything and learning. :-)

alaskasunshine 04-24-2010 02:55 PM

I highly agree using MILK THISTLE is crucial for HEP C patients! It is great stuff! also try dandilion, and drink black licorice tea. But if you have high blood pressure watch the licorice because it can elevate your BP

Stay away from fried food and lose weight if you are overweight! A fat body is a fat liver! Such a bummer. Exercise is also important.
alaskasunshine :D

Mousie 04-24-2010 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by marsye

Originally Posted by amma
A suggestion would also be to talk to your pharmacist about some of the OTC and natural/herbal rememdies. Not all of these intermingle, and sometimes a pharmacist knows more about this than a physician.

What helped one of my best friends, was cutting out all caffeine, increasing her water intake, and NO chemicals of any kind in her food or beverages. Also be aware that what sinks into your skin can also get into your blood stream heading to your liver. She felt better when we got her diet under control, and her liver function greatly improved.
If you can get into a teaching university, they have access to a lot more options, and they really helped my friend out a lot more than her general physician or the specialist that she had been seeing.
Treatment and options have really come a long way in the last 15 years since she was diagnosed. It is good that you were diagnosed so early, many aren't, usually not until their liver is already in great distress.

I'm down to 2 cups of black coffee a day, I gotta have my coffee :-) I do drink alot of water, lemon water, cranberry juice, etc. I used to drink alot of milk and I love it but been reading that with all of the additives that it might not be so good after all. Like I said before its all very confusing! When we are out somewhere I tried to eat fruits, veggies and salads but who knows what are in them! Thats why I posted this thread hoping others could educate me (and maybe others) on what we should and shouldn't do when it comes to food, herbs, etc. from their own experiences. I don't even know what snacks are healthly for the liver and I'm ready for one right now! :-P

geesh, louise! I have been drinking 1% milk for years, 3 x's a day, bc i can't take calcium supplements.
I shrank 1 1/2" in height in 1 1/2 years!
I think that's a lot.
I have multiple chemical sensitivities so I try to be careful.
I should have known there were a lot of things in milk.
Look what gets sprayed on the fields where the cows are!
I think I need to become Amish and go back to the old way of life.
Grow my own veggies, raise chickens and a cow or two and fish.
But where are there clean fish? (clean water?)
and I want to know how a person develops cysts in their liver.
I had one. Might still be there. I doubt it, but who knows?
Just pondering all this, not worried.
I do eat cheese, but it comes from contented cows. moo!:wink:

Mousie 04-24-2010 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by amma
I know what you mean!!! Organic doesn't mean a whole lot in the USA, as there are not any regulations yet in place as to what "organic" means... We did start buying her as many organic foods as we could, figuring even if they had 1/2 the chemicals in them that is better than be laden with them. Those of us who had gardens, mainly grew organic so we canned and froze a lot for her. Buying meat from butchers who had access to organic/grain fed animals was another thing we did too. (and the meat tasted sooooo good!!!) We basically put her on a Mediterranean Diet, also known as a Diabetics diet. It is over all healthy, low in fats and sugars, so good for the whole body and for maintaining weight or weight loss.
Keeping your kidneys healthy is also a good thing for Hep C patients :wink: as well as letting your doctor know if you have any kind of an infection so it can be nipped in the bud.
She used to take Vitamin B shots, but to be honest, I don't think they helped any...and she had to go out of state to purchase them for some reason...

gee, Amma, how long ago was this? I take b-12 shots, and so does DH! that's ridiculous!
I think we could all do with less fat and sugar...before we get sick!
It boggles the mind, what is in our foods.:roll:

Mousie 04-24-2010 04:29 PM

Originally Posted by marsye
Thanks guys! I'm a fighter! :thumbup:

I knew you were a tough cookie right after you joined!:XD: ...and a sweety too! :-D

marsye 04-24-2010 05:10 PM

I knew you were a tough cookie right after you joined!:XD: ...and a sweety too! :-D

OMG!!!!! Don't tell anyone that I'm sweet!!!! It will ruin my reputation!!!!!!

SUSAN 04-25-2010 06:10 AM

I have a fatty liver also. Go to the medical hobby shop on base. Aslo go to my 'gut doc'. He said I need to quit drinking alcohol for at least a month. Thats hard to do. I take 4 prilosec a day for ulcers and reflux. Plus anti depressants and high blood pressure, allergies, and cholesterol.

CarrieAnne 04-25-2010 06:21 AM

Like Alaskasunshine said, I have heard that dandelion greens are great for your liver. And they are really good right now....I like them fresh in salad or cooked like a green, even sauted in olive oil. Try to pick the samll ones. I am Praying for you!!!!

marsye 04-25-2010 07:42 AM

Originally Posted by CarrieAnne
Like Alaskasunshine said, I have heard that dandelion greens are great for your liver. And they are really good right now....I like them fresh in salad or cooked like a green, even sauted in olive oil. Try to pick the samll ones. I am Praying for you!!!!

Thanks! :D

marsye 04-25-2010 07:44 AM

Originally Posted by SUSAN
I have a fatty liver also. Go to the medical hobby shop on base. Aslo go to my 'gut doc'. He said I need to quit drinking alcohol for at least a month. Thats hard to do. I take 4 prilosec a day for ulcers and reflux. Plus anti depressants and high blood pressure, allergies, and cholesterol.

You take 4 prilosec per day??? :shock: I take one prilosec and a thyroid pill and I worry that will elevate my liver enzymes!

Quilter2B 04-25-2010 08:02 AM

Originally Posted by SUSAN
I have a fatty liver also. Go to the medical hobby shop on base. Aslo go to my 'gut doc'. He said I need to quit drinking alcohol for at least a month. Thats hard to do. I take 4 prilosec a day for ulcers and reflux. Plus anti depressants and high blood pressure, allergies, and cholesterol.

If you have Hep C, drinking is like signing your death warrant. Alcohol is at the top of the list of NO! NO! NO!s, including mouthwash, toothpaste, or anything else that might have trace amounts of alcohol in it!!!

marsye 04-25-2010 08:47 AM

I don't drink at all and never did much, an occasional beer was all...........but I didn't realize toothpaste, mouthwash and things like that would do harm too. :shock:

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