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Ditter43 02-24-2010 08:07 AM

Oh my, what an ugly can of worms I've opened here! It makes me sad to know I have so many "sisters" under the skin here.
I have suffered from this "DD"{damn disease) most of my adult life. It flares and subsides at the most inconvenient times.
I retired on disability several years ago. I loved my work as a nurse. I have always been very much a people person. But I got to the point where the fibro-fog made me afraid of making a serious mistake. The memory problems some days were so bad I would hear a loud buzzing and my head would feel tight...I quit.....and became the opposite. Now I prefer to stay home most of the time. I go through spells where I hardly even leave the house!! Of coarse after I returned home from caring for my daughter with terminal cancer I went downhill for a while.
Bless my wonderful husband....he encouraged me so much to get back into quilting. He is my rock. I don't always like what he does, but I know things could be so much better for us if I didn't have this DD.He is always there to praise and encourage me...I am very lucky there.
Well I didn't start out to write my life story, just to say I feel a special closeness to you all.
Do any of you remember a news item a few months ago about the xm retro virus? http://chronicfatigue.about.com/b/20...nked-to-fibrom virus? It has been linked to fibromyalgia and related disorders.Go to the list on the left and click on xmrv.
I know it's a retro virus that gets into the dna stands somehow and hides there as it replicates....Doesn't that sound just too cozy? Lucky us.. :?
We need to see if we can keep this as a subject on the index so we can help each other...Maybe misery does love company. I know I look forward to everyone's pictures and comments each day. I have really enjoyed quilting again and sharing it with all of you!!
Now back to the reality of this flareup that is trying to wrestle me down

:-( Ditter

DollyRose 02-24-2010 09:31 AM

I've suffered with fibro for about 15 years and I usually get along just fine with the pain, I live with 5/10 pain. When I have a flare, I'm usually down for a few days. Now that I'm working, I have been taking tylenol extra strength and alternate with IBU when I start creeping up to 6/10.

grammo013 02-24-2010 10:15 AM

Trazadon made it so I couldn't move. Couldn't even call my hubbie in next room for help.

grammo013 02-24-2010 10:23 AM

If they want us to move this I will open a yahoo group for us.

Slow2Sew 02-24-2010 10:28 AM

I have too many friends with fibromyalgia and feel blessed not to have it myself. I have had serious problems with my feet in the past 7 - 8 years. I was on a walker for three months, saw 6 docs and 2 therapists and still couldn't walk. Out of desperation I went to a doctor of oriental medicine for acupuncture treatments. It is truly amazing how good those worked for me! Acupuncture is also supposed to work very well for fibromyalgia and arthritis. I am back on my feet now and feel better than I have in several years, with no medications. The treatments work on the whole body, so there are other benefits as well. And no, the needles don't hurt, they are very thin, almost like a stiffer hair, unless they are quickly placed into a bony area like the backs of your hands or feet. Any discomfort is well worth the results!

kat13 02-24-2010 11:26 AM

Thanks to all of you! I have trigeminal neuralgia and fibromyalgia but was not aware of the pain in the bottoms of my feet being related, or the memory problems! It is so refreshing to hear from people who totally understand!!

nellebelles 02-24-2010 12:17 PM

I have fibromyalgia and lupus too. For me, it feels like a big truck ran over me, backed up and ran over me again... :cry: Oh yeah, I was severely injured in a head-on collision 10 years ago too. I had lupus before the accident, and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 8 years ago. I take prescription pain meds, and was taking ibuprofen until recently. My lupus may be attacking my kidneys now (bp is way high, edema in my legs, up to my knees, etc.) so I had to knock off the non-steroidal anti-inflammatories. I was put on prednisone AGAIN just a week ago, and it hasn't helped much yet. The cold weather bothers me something awful, and for that matter, any weather change bothers me too. I am on disability and always will be, so I am fortunate to be able to just take it easy and take care of myself. DH also has fibromyalgia, and was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in October. His fibromyalgia affects him pretty much like mine affects me. We both suffer from indescribable fatigue as well. We cope, and we take care of each other.
Misery loves company, huh?

nellebelles 02-24-2010 12:21 PM

Oh this is classic...I forgot to mention that my DH and I both have problems with memory :oops: LOL

Beverly 02-24-2010 01:56 PM

Please try this: After suffering for years, five of my friends have no symptons of fibromyalgia after NAET treatments. You can find practioners all over the world. It is an alternative medical treatment for allergies. I am so excited. I have had all the symptons mentioned here for about 10 years since moving into a new house. The chemicals triggered fibro. Since being on the NAET treatments I have gone off my thyroid medicine, with the doctors help, and am able to function better, sleep better and best of all, think better. I just had to respond to this topic, I know how devastating this can be, I had to put life on hold and now I am enjoying things I thought I never would be able to do again! Look it up on the internet for a doctor near you!

yourstrulyquilts 02-24-2010 02:08 PM

What is it?

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