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tabsmonsters 08-11-2011 06:01 PM

Oh, and I did give her back the blanket. I almost didn't do it but I didn't want to be mean and spiteful. When I gave it back to her is when she mentioned she has something else for me to fix. That is what prompted my rant and buying her a sewing kit.

jaciqltznok 08-11-2011 06:33 PM

I don't mind HOME repairs..as it saves me $$ in the long run..but YOU are being taken advantage of...hope you can learn to say NO soon...

MelodyWB 08-11-2011 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by tabsmonsters
I am in a pickle. This young wife whose husband works with mine found out that I sew and in the last several months has brought me sofa pillows that popped a seam, a stuffed animal that popped a seam and the other day my hubby brought home a blanket that she needed the binding sewn back on. When I returned it to her this morning, she mentioned another project she needs fixed. Its a simple project, sewing a bow back onto a costume but her excuse was she didn't have needle and thread. I am just beyond irritated that she seems to think that because I have a sewing machine and I know how to fix these things, she can bring me all sorts of projects. I was still fuming this afternoon and bought a cheap sewing kit to give to her the next time I see her and I plan on SHOWING her how to sew that bow on. It really isn't that difficult. I guess I have just been feeling used and I don't know how to tactfully deter her from using me as her personal seamstress or sewing fix-it-all. Thanks for letting me vent!

I know your pain..my DH (Had) a friend who brought a pair of shorts over once..said your arts and crafty you can fix these while I'm here..I informed him..I was an artist and I never fixed anything for rude people.. who assume they could ask Picasso to paint their garage..lol..!!

luv-e 08-11-2011 06:51 PM

Originally Posted by tabsmonsters

Originally Posted by Rose L
Personally I'm a little put off by your comment that you don't want her as a friend. Being helpful doesn't mean you have to be chummy and go out for lunch and shopping after all. Besides do you really have more friends than you can stand? It's quite possible that this young woman never learned manners or how to survive from her own family, I say she just needs some guidance and I would give it to her while standing my ground.

I know that sounded mean and I am sorry, but as I get older, I find I am selective with who I make friends with since I got put it sticky situations when I was younger. I have been helpful to her, but after 15 yrs of being married to a Marine I have learned to be independent. I know she is young and they haven't been married as long as I have, but its not my job to hold her hand for every little thing. She hasn't once asked me to show her how to mend things, just simply hands it to me to do.

I couldn't even show myself online on facebook without her trying to chat with me and ask me to do this and do that. One time she wanted me to drive to her house in the afternoon (20 minutes away on a good day) and fix the strap on her highchair that the dog had chewed through before she needed it at dinner. That was the turning point for me and after that she was just a nuisance to me. My husband was deployed too, for much longer than hers was, and I have two kids to take care of while she only has one.

I don't have the time, patience, or desire it would require to maintain her as a friend. I know how I must sound, but that's just how it is. I won't outright be mean to her or anything like that or I would have done it already. I don't have a lot of friends, but I like it that way. They don't bug me to death with helping them with every little thing.

I have been rambling long enough I think, lol! I really do appreciate all the replies. I will try to have more patience with her and show her how to mend a few things.

Good Reply Tabsmonsters.......

4EVERquilt 08-11-2011 06:56 PM

If you really can't say "NO to them at least charge them!!

tsnana2000 08-11-2011 07:17 PM

Personally I think it is ok for you to not want to be friends with her. Not everyone wants or needs alot of friends. Life is short so each of us has to decide what people are the most important to us and invest our time and love in those people. Besides it seems she doesn't really want to be a friend as much as she wants someone to fix things for her. That is not friendship it is a one way relationship. (Aka - a one way street.)

leatheflea 08-11-2011 09:17 PM

A friend of my Dh asked me to hem his shorts, I'll need you to put them on so I can mark where you want them hemmed. You would of thought I asked him to dance naked in front of me. He says " hey whoa ho ho! cant you just hem them?" So I thought he doesnt want me that close to "Him". I Hemmed the shorts, gave them back and he says they are still to long. Furious I was. I rehemmed them and they were fine. Never again will he do this to me. Either you let me mark them or I dont sew. I'm not crazy about sewing denim anyway. I broke 3 needles because I didnt have the correct needle for sewing denim because I dont like to sew denim! Another gal keeps bringing me her old purses to mend. I make purses, I dont want to mend them and I told her that but she insisted I take them. I mended the first ones she brought but this time I've had them now for 4 months. When she asks about them I'll tell her the same, I make purses I dont mend them.

Lv2sew2011 08-11-2011 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by tabsmonsters

Originally Posted by LindaM
Showing her how to sew may be a wonderful opportunity to establish a friendship.

You also could gently suggest that you can't do her projects - that cuts into your valuable 'quilt therapy' time :)

The problem is I really have no desire to be her friend. We really have nothing in common besides the fact we are both married to Marines. I just don't want to hurt her feelings or cause stress for my husband at work.

Thank you for all the replies!

OH Wonderful Military Politics, you can't win, that's why I'm happy my hubby is no longer in the Marine Corps, don't have to deal with people I don't care for... Next time however, I would say I'm sorry have quilts that need my attention and just don't have time right now....

peabee 08-12-2011 03:15 AM

I would say I'm sorry have quilts that need my attention and just don't have time right now....[/quote]

i agree!

Weenween 08-12-2011 03:19 AM

Originally Posted by tabsmonsters
I am in a pickle. This young wife whose husband works with mine found out that I sew and in the last several months has brought me sofa pillows that popped a seam, a stuffed animal that popped a seam and the other day my hubby brought home a blanket that she needed the binding sewn back on. When I returned it to her this morning, she mentioned another project she needs fixed. Its a simple project, sewing a bow back onto a costume but her excuse was she didn't have needle and thread. I am just beyond irritated that she seems to think that because I have a sewing machine and I know how to fix these things, she can bring me all sorts of projects. I was still fuming this afternoon and bought a cheap sewing kit to give to her the next time I see her and I plan on SHOWING her how to sew that bow on. It really isn't that difficult. I guess I have just been feeling used and I don't know how to tactfully deter her from using me as her personal seamstress or sewing fix-it-all. Thanks for letting me vent!


KwiltyKahy 08-12-2011 03:32 AM

Be aware that this could snowball too. She is talking about you to her friends "The Lady that sews for me" may come out of her mouth and they will start sending things too. Good luck.

Originally Posted by tabsmonsters

Originally Posted by luv-e
Maybe you need to have a starter class on sewing???????
That way they will see what you go through...
Make up a little flyer and have DH past it out..
Oh!!! by the way on DH....Tell him the next time he says you sew, He needs to say you are a Quilter!!!!
If he comes home with something to be mended, hand him the needle and thread......LOL LOL LOL LOL
I was joking,,,,He is very proud of you or they wouldn't have found out that you sew........

LOL, I thought of a starter class! It was actually me that mentioned I make quilts and she was asking me if I know how to fix her pillows. I said sure thinking it was a one time deal. When he brought home the blanket, he was kinda thrust into a situation. She was at work and handed him the blanket along with an extra cell phone they gave us since I got mine wet. So he didn't feel right refusing the blanket at the same time they were giving us something.

I will get through it. I am just still kinda irritated! :lol:


psychonurse 08-12-2011 03:39 AM

You are irritated for all the right reasons, the lady is using you.
Try this approach, "Let me check my calendar when it might fit in to my schedule?" Of course that date might be a year from now.

jasming 08-12-2011 04:18 AM

I was over at a neighbor's house having a chat when another neighbor came in. She was upset because she bought pants that were too long and didn't want to hunt down a seamstress. My neighbor said "Oh Jasmin sews she can do it for you".

My jaw must have hit the floor. I just told her that I quilt and don't know the first thing about hemming pants.

I'm not sure why some people assume that because we can sew we would want to sew and have time to sew for everyone else.

judi wess 08-12-2011 04:23 AM

I know how you feel. The most amazing thing was when a man at work said to me," I'll let you crochet a table top for me." Right......I was just fooling around with crochet thread,making little butterflies, for fun. Can't believe I came up with this reply, "No, no, no, I don't do this for money". 'Nough said.

Rainy Day 08-12-2011 04:31 AM

. She was at work and handed him the blanket along with an extra cell phone they gave us since I got mine wet. So he didn't feel right refusing the blanket at the same time they were giving us something.

I will get through it. I am just still kinda irritated! :lol:


IMHO, she paid you with the cell phone. She is saying thank you and paying you. I am from Australia, and from what I have read on this board, your military service people are not paid very well, and are often in tight financial situations.
I have no idea what a cell phone costs in the USA, but surely they have some value, like your time.
If she is not a sewer, she has no idea what sort of sewing you do, and she may want to learn, but if you are not a willing teacher, point her in the direction of someone who is. or work out a swap that works for you.
For example, I have a friend who wants a quilt. I have explained to her how many hours work there is in the one she wants, and that she will be paying me in housework, child minding and sorting the virus' on my computer. She is happy with that deal.
Sorry, just read the rest of your posts, and all the things she has asked of you. She sounds like she is not coping well with life, and is looking to learn from you, as you seem to be coping well.

wolflady 08-12-2011 04:42 AM

I would nicely tell her that I just have so much on my plate, that I can't take on even 1 more little thing, to do.

Selena 08-12-2011 04:52 AM

Good luck sorting it out. I had a "friend" a few years ago. I inherited her when I married her husband's friend. She made plans for us to sew together. After the second time of me doing all the sewing even though I taught her how to do what she didn't know how to do, I stopped being available. She then just called and told me what she wanted me to make. This also happened with pie crust even though I taught her how to roll it out twice, "OH you can do it so much better." She would call and tell me what day she was making pies and when I was supposed to be there. It grew to decorated cakes and hair cuts. I got rid of my cake decorating supplies so I absolutely couldn't do it anymore. I stopped answering the phone and she came to my work. My point is that some people just don't want to learn to do for themselves and really take advantage. We went to the same church. I stopped going. This harrassement stopped when I moved to another state and didn't tell anyone where I was moving to. Extreme you say, you betcha.

lvaughan 08-12-2011 05:06 AM

Originally Posted by auntpiggylpn
I know how you feel! Before I even finished reading your post, I was going to suggest buying or making her a simple sewing kit and deliver it with the offer of teaching her how to sew. My friends were never interested in my quilting or sewing unless it benefited them. Guess what, they no longer get anything from me and they no longer ask me to "fix" something for them.

I was going to give the same advice. I have not been asked to make repairs for anyone other than my daughter for the grandchildren so have no problem with that . My sister's answer would be to offer to teach the person how to do the repair for themselves. I started quilting after she taught me how to make flying geese and I was bit by the quilting bug. You never know after showing them how to make even small repairs they may get the sewing bug.

charity-crafter 08-12-2011 05:10 AM

Originally Posted by Selena
.....My point is that some people just don't want to learn to do for themselves and really take advantage. We went to the same church. I stopped going. This harrassement stopped when I moved to another state and didn't tell anyone where I was moving to. Extreme you say, you betcha.

I had a similiar person glom onto me, always wanted me to do something for them on their schedule even after I showed them how multiple times, I even wrote out recipes and step by step directions the second time she asked. But it was never a give/take relationship, it was all take.

I got out of that relationship the same way...stopped going to church to avoid her, then moving out of state.

EC 08-12-2011 05:53 AM

If you can't offer her the sewing kit, offer to put it in the pile with the rest of your repair work, no guarantees......................................

If it's something she wants, she'll ask for it back.

larkspurlanedesigns 08-12-2011 05:54 AM

Tell her Leonardo (Da Vinci) didn't paint houses!

luv-e 08-12-2011 05:54 AM

After reading all the responses, I understand why we turn to the QB....I don't mean to sound condescending, but I understand why we are so stand offish with people.....
Do they like us or our talent?????????
I too have had people treat me the same way....I dabble in all kinds of crafts....
I had a woman call me @ 8:30Pm and ask me to PAINT a slate piece 15x22 for a wedding that she was going to the NEXT DAY!!!!! She said she would be by to pick it up around 11:30AM !!!! OH!!! you know the people so I thought you would do it free!!!!![ but she wanted to give it to them in HER name......] I couldn't believe my ears!!!!
I said there is NO WAY to paint something that fast!!!
She argued with me and well, I've not heard from her since...... I don't do crafts anymore....just quilting now... And Yes, I'm always busy to do anything for anyone else,FREE
It may sound cold but you wouldn't get anything else done if you didin't.......Why should I do it for free when XXX down the road gets paid for it!!!!!??????!!!!!! It isn't greed, it's a matter of Respect for OUR CRAFT whatever it may be..........

QuiltNama 08-12-2011 06:10 AM

Just say NO THANK YOU, if you decide to still do them CHARGE her a good price, or give her a pack of needles and spool of thread. As soon as people know that you can sew, it seems you become the go-to person for mending. I say I'll show you how to do it because there is not enough time for my hobby and mending.

Launie 08-12-2011 06:11 AM

My first job in HS was doing alterations at a local dept store. So yeah, I can hem pants, skirts, wedding dresses, replace jean zippers, shorten suit sleeves, etc. I worked there for 4 years. My sister always wants me to hem this or that. I got sick of it and started telling her $5 per pant leg hemmed. After about two years she finally got the hint and has found someone else. The only ones that I will do things for without griping is for my mom and my MIL. I don't enjoy doing alterations, I just like to sew what I want when I want...

Connie in CO 08-12-2011 06:20 AM

We were walking out to the car,here comes a car.Wanted me to take in side seams to a dress.Why couldn't we have left 5 minutes earlier.I did tell her i don't do that kind of sewing.

rexie 08-12-2011 06:49 AM

Buy her a needle and thread or a little sewing kit as a gift and teach her to DIY.

grandma nurse 08-12-2011 07:25 AM

My grandaughter was bringing me things to repair and even brought me jeans of her boyfriend. I told her it might be awhile before I got to them, as I only mend when in the right mood. Well she had broken up with boyfriend before I got his done. I was so glad I had waited.

kellen46 08-12-2011 07:56 AM

Originally Posted by grandma nurse
My grandaughter was bringing me things to repair and even brought me jeans of her boyfriend. I told her it might be awhile before I got to them, as I only mend when in the right mood. Well she had broken up with boyfriend before I got his done. I was so glad I had waited.

I would thrift a good sewing book and a small sewing kit and return it with the blanket saying "I am just overwhelmed right now with a big project. I just could not get to this for several months and I know you would not want to wait. Here is a book and a kit so you can do your self or you can go to the local person who mends for a living."
When I was working people would come to me all the time for mending, mostly replacing the zipper in their jeans. I got a bunch of business cards from a local seamstress who made a living with mending. When I got requests I would politely decline and give them one of her cards. Yes, non sewers think we would just love to do their repairs for free....the clue was they would approach me with " I know you love to sew......". I do love to sew but I don't care to mend for anyone outside my family....Even I will repair a popped hem or seam with fusible web.

IdahoSandy 08-12-2011 08:49 AM

You are looking at the the wrong way. We were put on this earth to help one another. You have this wonderful sewing skill. Others have none. I would be glad and happy if someone ask me for help fixing these things. I call it charity. Doing good for another.


chichimamma 08-12-2011 09:28 AM

Oh Boy, I worked in a doctors office with 40 other girls I know how you feel, I got to where I did,nt want to make my self something new "cause everybody else wanted one. I was miss fix-it too.

charity-crafter 08-12-2011 09:58 AM

No we aren't looking at it wrong. My charity consists of making doll and quilts for sick children at a local hospital, quilts for the wounded soldiers, giving to my local church, organizations that help those in need, setting up food drives for the local food pantry.

I was not put on this earth to do things that the other person is perfectly capable of doing by themselves. I work a full time job and have a life that does not include mending anyone's problems. Ever.

Good for you to have the time and desire to help others.

peevypat 08-12-2011 11:01 AM

This happened to me years ago. MY "friend" brought everything to me to fix. I asked her one day what would she do if I weren't there for her, she said"Oh I'd just find someone else." With that answer, I just replied "well, I think it's time for you to find that someone" It fixed the problem.

writerwomen 08-12-2011 11:19 AM

Been there and done that. Have found I can be too busy and not feel guilty. Have learned to say- anyone can learn to sew the local tech school offers courses at all levels and times to accommidate people. Even the local sewing shops hold classes. If it's something you need now bring it over and I will teach you how between the other things I'm doing. Also have said-one reason I don't tell many people I sew is they seem to think I'm a free sewing service. I also let them know my sewing is limited and specialized. Give her a started kit of sewing stuff and tell her you'll help her get started so she can enjoy sewing also as well as not have to worry about when you might actually have time amid all you already have to do. Not long ago my husband made a deal that included throwing in my services to hem 2 pairs of pants. It turned into 8 pair and the woman failed to tell me one leg was shorter then the other- last time for that. I also told our son who was just notified he had to pick up a uniform for the high school marching band that I would fit his and a close friend but the others would have to take it to local taliors. Just like our sewing machine refurbishing- We will under certain circumstances repair a machine for someone but we are not in that business full time and do not wish to take business from our local shops.

sueisallaboutquilts 08-12-2011 12:10 PM

Tabby, you are not mean at all! You are simply making a decision how to use YOUR TIME and you're the only one who can do that.
I'll bet a hundred fat quarters you don't have a mean bone in your body :thumbup:

sueisallaboutquilts 08-12-2011 12:11 PM

Originally Posted by IdahoSandy
You are looking at the the wrong way. We were put on this earth to help one another. You have this wonderful sewing skill. Others have none. I would be glad and happy if someone ask me for help fixing these things. I call it charity. Doing good for another.


We are put on earth to help people who CAN'T help themselves, not people who are perfectly capable of doing things. I don't see your logic at all, sorry!

Marge L. 08-12-2011 12:23 PM

Living in a Sr. housing complex, one would think that these women (65-95 yrs. old) would have a sewing machine, or have used one in their past life. Not so. Some like to think they can't sew on a button, much less sew up a seam or shorten slacks. I sew, quilts that is, most of the time, and they know it. I get a bit tired of hearing "Marge, would you shorten these, sew up this seam? etc. etc. etc." I know what you mean and it does make one blow smoke. I now make excuses of some sort and believe the problem is getting solved. Their taking the hint. I hope. Good luck.

jpthequilter 08-12-2011 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by tabsmonsters
I am in a pickle. This young wife whose husband works with mine found out that I sew and in the last several months has brought me sofa pillows that popped a seam, a stuffed animal that popped a seam and the other day my hubby brought home a blanket that she needed the binding sewn back on. When I returned it to her this morning, she mentioned another project she needs fixed. Its a simple project, sewing a bow back onto a costume but her excuse was she didn't have needle and thread. I am just beyond irritated that she seems to think that because I have a sewing machine and I know how to fix these things, she can bring me all sorts of projects. I was still fuming this afternoon and bought a cheap sewing kit to give to her the next time I see her and I plan on SHOWING her how to sew that bow on. It really isn't that difficult. I guess I have just been feeling used and I don't know how to tactfully deter her from using me as her personal seamstress or sewing fix-it-all. Thanks for letting me vent!

Honestly, non sewers often just do not understand how much we hate mending things!

Do all that - sewing kit etc and when you give it to her, gripe about a "ficticious" friend that does not "understand
that you are not running an alterations business"!
and perhaps make a quilted mug rug, placemat, or little simple (coloring book style) flower wall hanging, to bring her and give to her, explaining that is what you really do! ....and maybe offer her a discount on just ONE baby quilt.

jpthequilter 08-12-2011 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by sueisallaboutquilts

Originally Posted by IdahoSandy
You are looking at the the wrong way. We were put on this earth to help one another. You have this wonderful sewing skill. Others have none. I would be glad and happy if someone ask me for help fixing these things. I call it charity. Doing good for another.


We are put on earth to help people who CAN'T help themselves, not people who are perfectly capable of doing things. I don't see your logic at all, sorry!

I sort of lie with a perfectly straight face, and say:
"I make art quilts! like paintings made of cloth! - I have absolutely no idea how to do that!"
- and they have to find someone who does alterations for a living....

jpthequilter 08-12-2011 01:16 PM

Hey Everybody !
I have a pair of pants that I used strips from a roll of wonder under that I ironed on them to make a hem, more than 10 years ago and they have been washed and dried almost weekly since then, and they are still stuck fast!

Everybody can Iron!
PS I use a wet paper towel as a steamer "cloth" !

Give them a yard or so, and instructions copied on a copier!

meemersmom 08-12-2011 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by bebe
give her a price for repair of item that is unreasonable and that will also probably keep her off your back

$10 to sew a seam closed
$5 for a button anc such

just a thought

I tried this approach. Didn't work for me, but ended up working to my advantage. The people who asked me to do repairs were actually willing to pay!! One guy, after I had hemmed a couple of pairs of jeans for nothing, brought me more for hemming, and one pair with a broken zipper. I had run out of the gold/orange thread I use for jeans -- he volunteered to go out and get some since I was making dinner. Once he saw how much the thread and the zipper cost, he gladly paid me from that point forward. His comment? "why didn't you tell me that costs you money?" DUH!!! So, I've developed a bit of a part time job, and my customers know that the turn around time depends on my work schedule from my "real" job. If they need it sooner, they bring it to a professional. When it comes to my time, I am not at all shy about charging for it.

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