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Rhonda 04-05-2011 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by gloria farmer
I know exectelly what you are saing, that happen to me today when I got home I was telling my HD a story about work and he walk away two times, and then I was telling the story and then my son's girlfriend comes in the room and ask a question about a movie, and HD answers to her and I got ignore so I just walk alway, HD said finish the story and I just said is not worth it anymore, after that they all left the house to to there thing, at least now I get the house to my self.
thanks for listening

Cute cat pic!! Yeah I get the same thing.

cheryl rearick 04-05-2011 05:14 PM

I think in the past number of years, people have came to take another for granted. BACK when (famous last words huh) when I grew up, listening was actaully taught in our school. You did not interupt another speaking. It was a way of living. Somewhere between then and now, interuption took place. I don't care (attitude) seems to have taken over. Not, saying I am sorry is a way of living for many. Expecting is expected. Guess I could go on and on. needless to say, Since, after 1960 is(when I noticed changes) people lost something. Even if it is taught in the home. respect is lost.... in the work field, friendships, parenting, spouses, siblings... Do not get me wrong. people still love one another. a link is missing. I do understand what you are saying Rhonda. I really do. I lost a part of my identity living with Daughter and family. I just recently, started claiming it back... (respect) (((hugs)))) to one and all and a special one for you Rhonda. (((HUGS)))) :)

cdufur 04-05-2011 06:13 PM

You are very welcome! And we will listen to you anytime!!

Stitchit123 04-05-2011 06:23 PM

I don't text altho I have been known to twitter at funny stuff I don't condone putting ones hands on any body in anger but its getting real hard not to Jethro people when that glazed look appears I'm so glad my son was born before cells he still knows how to talk and listen and so does all his kids[& hisGCs] but on the whole writing letters or actual conversation is becoming a sadly lost art at least for the under 35yos [ and husbands]-but I think you can Jethro your husband gently

Rhonda 04-05-2011 06:31 PM

Originally Posted by stewyscrewy
did you actauly say something I wasnt listening I was trying to tell you how to make a proper senctence.to explain why the world doesnt care how you feel when you are trying to talk... Joking you have always had and always will have my attention and ear any time you need it.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: Cute! Cute! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Carron 04-05-2011 09:17 PM

What you stated is so true, unfortunately.

I also have a pet peeve about when I am actually talking face to face with someone and their cell phone cuts in. The person just answer it with out a second thought. All of a sudden I must have vanished from their sight. They don't even say "excuse me while I see if this call can be put on hold."

Gee, does this mean we are getting old? No of course not, it means "they haven't any manners!"

Rhonda 04-05-2011 09:33 PM

Originally Posted by Carron
What you stated is so true, unfortunately.

I also have a pet peeve about when I am actually talking face to face with someone and their cell phone cuts in. The person just answer it with out a second thought. All of a sudden I must have vanished from their sight. They don't even say "excuse me while I see if this call can be put on hold."

Gee, does this mean we are getting old? No of course not, it means "they haven't any manners!"

With caller ID I usually ignore when someone is calling me when I am already talking to someone. I can call them back later.

JoanneS 04-05-2011 11:00 PM

I absolutely agree. Conversation is becoming a lost art!

Radiana 04-05-2011 11:52 PM

I seldom even speak to my husband because no matter how simple the question or comment might be he'll write me a book. Another thing that upsets me about him is the man will not let me finish a sentence before he reacts. We've gotten in more than a few rows over this. So now before I come up with an idea or have something important on my mind I have to tell him to let me finish my sentence.

All I have to say is thank goodness for message boards. I'm new here but I really like this place.

cheryl rearick 04-06-2011 12:44 AM

Do you know I have lived on and off with my daughter and family for abt 4 years. and NOT one time have we sat at the table to enjoy conversation over coffee or tea.... Not once. Conversations induce laughter and fun into a home. NO.... not all the time.... why no talking, hmmmm TV, Phones and COMPUTERS... COMPUTER GAMES... they took over board games and joy went flying out the window. sooo sad.

and yes this is a GREAT board... I feel like this is where my friends are (smile) In meeting another board member recently, we spoke of board people by their board names haha seemed so odd, these are our friends... (((hugs))) to you all.

happymrs 04-06-2011 04:28 AM

Originally Posted by Carron
What you stated is so true, unfortunately.

I also have a pet peeve about when I am actually talking face to face with someone and their cell phone cuts in. The person just answer it with out a second thought. All of a sudden I must have vanished from their sight. They don't even say "excuse me while I see if this call can be put on hold."

Gee, does this mean we are getting old? No of course not, it means "they haven't any manners!"

My own DH is guilty of this & I hate it, am forever telling him how rude it is! Some people just don't get it, I guess!

Deb G 04-06-2011 05:09 AM

Originally Posted by darlin121
Its funny that you should bring this up. My sister and I were just talking the other day about how communication has changed so much. If we wanted to be really heard we would write a nice long letter. Then the phone calls became so popular and that was the way to get someones attention. Now its texting! My young nieces don't write nor use the phone to keep in touch with their friends, they just text. I wonder what will be next? Can anybody still hear me out there?lol

You're coming in loud and clear.
:-) :-)

quilter1943 04-06-2011 06:06 AM

She is always telling me later that I never told her ,,,,,,,,,. But I did.

Hi Rhonda Have to agree about people not listening. It's a very narcistic society unfortunately. As for your mother, God bless you. DH wanted to move next door to his mother years ago. Glad I finally put my foot down on that one.

Anyway, try getting a dry erase board and if there are important things - "John's dog died 4/4/11" write them down for her. Leave it at your house so she can see it. My mother had dementia and my DH has Alzheimers. Dry erase boards have saved us many an agrument. I also keep a very detailed calendar for him (us) on the fridge. You can print them out at 10,000 calendars. Hope this helps to eliminate some of your frustration. I pray every day for patience too! Jan

Rhonda 04-06-2011 07:30 AM

Originally Posted by quilter1943
She is always telling me later that I never told her ,,,,,,,,,. But I did.

Hi Rhonda Have to agree about people not listening. It's a very narcistic society unfortunately. As for your mother, God bless you. DH wanted to move next door to his mother years ago. Glad I finally put my foot down on that one.

Anyway, try getting a dry erase board and if there are important things - "John's dog died 4/4/11" write them down for her. Leave it at your house so she can see it. My mother had dementia and my DH has Alzheimers. Dry erase boards have saved us many an agrument. I also keep a very detailed calendar for him (us) on the fridge. You can print them out at 10,000 calendars. Hope this helps to eliminate some of your frustration. I pray every day for patience too! Jan

Some of Glen's not listening is because he has a brain injury and memory disorder is part of that. So I do put Drs appts on the fridge. If I tell him it is at 1pm he will get it in his head it is 2pm. Many arguments over this. He just did it now. We have an automatic pmt of $225 came out of his acct yesterday and he insists it is $250. No matter what I tell him he always thinks it is differant than what I told him. I always have to prove everything. So annoying! But there could be worse things. When he had the head injury they thought he might be a veg. all his life or he could come out of the coma thinking he was in Viet Nam or he could have been stuck as a little child for the rest of his life. So I remind myself to be grateful I have him and he is "normal" with LOTS of imperfections! * tongue in cheek* LOL He does have an excuse for some of the things he does I find annoying. My mom doesn't have those excuses for not listening!

Janet L52 04-06-2011 09:52 AM

I love reading what everyone has written because it validates my feelings! What ever happened to real communication? My husband and I were invited to another couples house for dinner and they each took calls while we were seated at the table. Nothing urgent, just chit chat that could have waited. It has happened with guests at our home, too. Cell phones that were answered and endless conversations. I love the board and enjoy reading all the posts! I am so glad that I found so many new friends! Oh yes, one other thing. My husband was always saying that I hadn't told him something important so I solved that problem by emailing him in the other room (we each have our own computers) and giving him the information. No problem now -- it's all there with date and time to show when I told him!

QBeth 04-07-2011 10:46 AM

Years ago, I pulled a (very nice) co-worker off to the side to discuss this very type of thing, i.e., interrupting someone. They were notorious non-stop talkers, always grabbing the conversation. In the middle of what I was trying to say, they interrupted me. I interrupted back. She says, "but you just interrupted me!" I replied, "yes, I took back the conversation after you interrupted me!"

Sounds somewhat childish now but the look on her face was worth it -- a light bulb went off as if to say, oh!

BrendaY 04-07-2011 11:06 AM

I remember telling my husband one time long ago that if he would just listen to me for 10 minutes a day, full and undivided attention, that it would be enough for me to go on. He was always looking around the room, checking this, checking that, and never gave me what I needed...a tiny bit of his attention. BUT! Now that he's retired he micro manages me! And about once or twice a year, I tell him to "Stop micro managing me!" And he laughs and tells his friends how funny I am..... Do I sound cranky? Yes, he's a pain in the tushie a lot of the time, but I still love him very much and will miss him when he's not around anymore....

nrt211 04-07-2011 09:54 PM

I have learned to shut up when it is obvious the person I am talking to is not listening to me anyway. And they usually don't even notice that I shut up. Probably because they weren't listening in the first place!

Wow...I can so relate to this! It sure is a frustration! And I understand what you mean about having the ability to write out your thoughts...and edit if necessary!

You talk, girl! There are so many great listeners here! :D

craftybear 05-15-2011 11:01 PM

I have read all of your comments,thanks everyone, it is very true, I was talking to someone the other day and happened to me at the store

Marion T 05-16-2011 01:30 AM

Originally Posted by darlin121
Its funny that you should bring this up. My sister and I were just talking the other day about how communication has changed so much. If we wanted to be really heard we would write a nice long letter. Then the phone calls became so popular and that was the way to get someones attention. Now its texting! My young nieces don't write nor use the phone to keep in touch with their friends, they just text. I wonder what will be next? Can anybody still hear me out there?lol

Oh yes, I can relate to this. Doesn't anyone write letters anymore? I can also relate to the vent about nobody listening! Isn't it sad?

JulieTN 05-16-2011 03:58 AM

You know how right you are? Perhaps everyone only wants to know they are being heard. Heard in the sense of being listened to ... could be?

When typing into the board, you do have the sense of being able to refine what you type...and that is SO GOOD! Glad you posted this topic. IT is timely.


Just Me... 05-16-2011 05:34 AM

I've been trying to break my DH of that for years. I just stop dead in my tracks now and look at him. He apologizes and in two more sentences...he has done it again. Makes me feel like he thinks what I have to say isn't important. :( I know that is not the case, but I have noticed it more and more in others, as well.

Charming 05-16-2011 05:38 AM

Oh i am sorry my sewing machine was running...could you repeat that (:D) and you could always TEXT ME (modern days communication).....:hunf:

ptquilts 05-16-2011 05:44 AM

I like the QB because I can take part in a conversation!! We live in a very rural area and I might not talk to anyone but DH all day. We spend winters in AL and have a great conversation group down there but I miss it when I get home.

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