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May in Jersey 06-24-2010 06:07 AM

Another hot and humid day here in Jersey. Has to be too hot here as DH, who hates AC, even left it on overnight. I was planning to run some errands and do some food shopping before it gets too hot out, ouch when getting into the car even though I leave the sunblocker over the windshield. Think I'll whip up something from the fridge/freezer, maybe potatoes, peppers, onions and eggs, tomatoes on the side and some Italian bread. Sounds good to me that way I can sew instead of going shopping. May in Jersey

shopella 06-24-2010 06:11 AM

I'm in Pensacola and I don't dare open my front door or a gush of hot humid air rushes in at me saying stay in you don't need to go anny were. unless I am going to the pool and then it is hurry up cary the baby she is too slow and the pool water is bath water warm! August is what I am dreding it seems to be the hotest! I am seriously concidering The pool party listed it lookes so good right now!

TexasGurl 06-24-2010 06:17 AM

I feel for you ... and me, and everyone in this heat & humidity !!
It's been 95-100 since Mem. Day here - I'm in the Houston TX area ... these high temps are early even for Houston. I'm already WILTED too, and summer has just BEGUN !! :(

stitchinwitch 06-24-2010 06:23 AM

Is anyone going to fry eggs on the sidewalk today? hmmmmmmm - I wonder how my bro and sil are doing in cool Montana!

wickn34 06-24-2010 08:11 AM

100 in North Mississippi

reach for the stars 2 06-24-2010 08:19 AM

We hit 97 in central Ill. Today the same and it is no dry heat. My son in Az. says Ma 107 today but you know dry heat. Ha I was there and it was 101 dry or not, it's a oven there and here.

tryitall 06-24-2010 08:33 AM

We hit 107 here on Monday. Tooooooo hot for me. I want to go to Alaska!

jnagy1206 06-24-2010 10:20 AM

It's only 112 in Sunny AZ today! The asphalt is quite sticky.

Deara 06-24-2010 10:33 AM

Originally Posted by Sassy913
Just a thought...I live in AZ but in the mountains (5200 ft alt) and it still hits 96 like today. A local gal makes neck scarves that are about 2" wide and 30" long that are tubular and filled in the center 1/3 section with the pellets you use in potting soil to maintain moisture. When dry, it lays flat and folds easily into your drawer or purse. But when soaked in cold water for about 20 min. they absorb the water and can be worn around your neck like a kerchief. I have several to go with many wardrobe changes as I work and they look nice as well as keep me cooler. I've even found them to be a benefit with my hot flashes. If you are interest I'll be glad to check on the name of the product they use inside, and send you the pattern. Easy to make, comfortable to wear and really helps keep you comfortable on those hotter then hot days. Can also be worn as a head band while working outdoors in the hot sun and keeps the perspiration from dripping down your face.

I would love to have the pattern and the name of the product to create a few for myself.
Today it is suppose to top near 100 with high humidity. Air quality is reaching code red, as it did yesterday. Heat index 105 to 110 this afternoon.
Piedmont of North Carolina (Charlotte area)
Blessings to all,

JKMom 06-24-2010 10:38 AM

In coastal south Texas, it will be between 95 and 100 again today. We are very fortunate though, since we live close to the coast. Each afternoon the sea breeze comes in and makes the heat bearable. I grew up in San Antonio and there was NO sea breeze, just heat and humidity.

katiebear1 06-24-2010 12:06 PM

Originally Posted by Jim's Gem
Ummmmmm we are a gorgeous 71 degrees, blue skies a few little clouds floating around and a light breeze. Of course I am looking out the window of the office I work in so am not able to enjoy this gorgeous weather.
I love where I live!!!

Yeah, yeah rub it in. Here in Lexington ky it has been 90 plus and high humidity.. When your glasses steam up when you step outside you know it is bad. Thank the Lord for AC

Butterflyspain 06-24-2010 12:19 PM

Here in Spain its around 80. Starts of cool in the morning but by 1pm its hot hot hot. Still nice balmy evenings though. Hottest time here is August when it gets up to over 100, well last year it did, but its hit the high way before it usually does- Its hotter in the middle of Spain, They call it the melting pot and thats Madrid. All the big Companies close down for the whole of August, so forget trying to get any thing. This I think is what is called Global Warming.

Margie 06-24-2010 03:33 PM

THANK GOD FOR SUMMER! I live in PA and we had the third worst recorded snowfall winter. It was awful...give me sunshine and warm weather! I cant even stand the thought of winter coming :(.


Luv Quilts and Cats 06-24-2010 03:35 PM

It has been hot and humid the past couple of days, upper 80's near 90. A cold front passed through this evening and we should be dry and near 80 tomorrow and for the weekend. Give me fall weather any day. I do not like the heat anymore. I think I must have been a polar bear in a previous life! Oh, and the hot flashes are not helping any either!!!! :-D

katiebear1 06-24-2010 03:55 PM

Originally Posted by reach for the stars 2
We hit 97 in central Ill. Today the same and it is no dry heat. My son in Az. says Ma 107 today but you know dry heat. Ha I was there and it was 101 dry or not, it's a oven there and here.

I'm with you . Dry or humid anything over 90 is just too darned hot!

katiebear1 06-24-2010 03:58 PM

Originally Posted by Luv Quilts and Cats
It has been hot and humid the past couple of days, upper 80's near 90. A cold front passed through this evening and we should be dry and near 80 tomorrow and for the weekend. Give me fall weather any day. I do not like the heat anymore. I think I must have been a polar bear in a previous life! Oh, and the hot flashes are not helping any either!!!! :-D

Yeah, when do they ever stop? I had a total hysterectomy 6 years ago and I am still having them! and I had them for about 4 years before tha

WalMartGranny 06-24-2010 04:33 PM

Seems to be hot everywhere. How about Alaska? Do we have any quilters up north. How to stay cool. Crank up the air, put in White Christmas and sing along with Bing! WEorks for me.

Mrs. I 06-24-2010 04:49 PM

Hi, we are in Oklahoma and its absolutely miserable here. Yesterday it was 98 with heat index of 107. I open the door and my air is shut off. Glad it was a little cooler today (about 5 degrees) as I had to take hubby in for surgery. He is home and fine. But right back up tomorrow. Electric bill will need help from my banker. haha

Mrs. I

magpie 06-24-2010 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by Sassy913
Just a thought...I live in AZ but in the mountains (5200 ft alt) and it still hits 96 like today. A local gal makes neck scarves that are about 2" wide and 30" long that are tubular and filled in the center 1/3 section with the pellets you use in potting soil to maintain moisture. When dry, it lays flat and folds easily into your drawer or purse. But when soaked in cold water for about 20 min. they absorb the water and can be worn around your neck like a kerchief. I have several to go with many wardrobe changes as I work and they look nice as well as keep me cooler. I've even found them to be a benefit with my hot flashes. If you are interest I'll be glad to check on the name of the product they use inside, and send you the pattern. Easy to make, comfortable to wear and really helps keep you comfortable on those hotter then hot days. Can also be worn as a head band while working outdoors in the hot sun and keeps the perspiration from dripping down your face.

Yes I would like the info too as I work where ther is no A/C
and could make them. the good ones to buy cost $23.95 for 2/w shipping. The ones at WM, the innards come right thru the fabic after a couple of uses.

Gramof6 06-24-2010 05:11 PM

I am so hot & tried of running the A/C & already a high elec. bill, I could just scream. Ya get out of the shower & before you get your makeup on & hair dried you are dripping sweat! Ugh! I am just cranky. I'm also in full agreement that those crazy hot flashes are for the pits! Why don't men have to enjoy those suckers? DH even asked me if I would like for us to go away to the Mountains somewhere for a few days. I asked him, "Where do you suggest, as it is just hot all over the darned place?" Yep I am just cranky & crabby. LOL I want FALL. Love that Season!

galvestonangel 06-24-2010 06:28 PM

Originally Posted by ktbb
I've got to do it, sorry gals....65 degres, low humidity and beautiful sunshine....Anchorage, gotta love it!

But we can laugh in the winter.
Actually if you want hot summers come to South Texas and we also have high humidity. I stay inside or in the car most of the time. But we have very mild winters. We had one frost in Galveston last winter, if it gets down in the 40's we think it's freezing.

Quilter2B 06-24-2010 07:00 PM

Try dabbing some cool water behind your ears and a cool wash cloth around the back of your neck. When I lived in NW Arizona I'd keep a damp wash cloth in the freezer!! It will help with some of the heat.

grammy 06-24-2010 07:24 PM

Heat index has been over 100 degrees here in Louisiana, too.

craftybear 06-24-2010 07:40 PM

Indiana has been hot in the high 80 low 90's with heat index high

Pins n' Ndls 06-24-2010 07:43 PM

what is the humidity ?

Dorothy of Kansas 06-24-2010 08:41 PM

All I know is that it feels like it's Zimbawe hot here in OKC!!! And I don't have air conditioning, only fans!!! SEND ICE!!!

sharone 06-24-2010 09:02 PM

Living in the Kuwait is tough at this time of year we have average temperatures of 115. Fortunately everything is airconditioned. We spend very little time outdoors which gives me plenty of time to quilt.

dsj 06-24-2010 10:10 PM

We are having a heat wave in Middle Tennessee as well, and lots of nasty humidity to go with the heat. I struggled with the idea of putting in a new a/c unit (there is a great reason for that) but thank goodness that we did, I who never gets warm and barely breaks a sweat am just a little warm I have to say. UGH!!! is right.

tryitall 06-25-2010 03:52 AM

You sound like my DH! He'd live in summer all of the time, I believe. But give me the winter any day. Just don't do heat well at all!

trupeach1 06-25-2010 08:39 AM

yesterday wasn't so bad today you can't breath when you go by the door. it is like you are breathing in water.........................I WAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNTTTTTTTT winter. give me snow and ice and the cold.

Rosyhf 06-25-2010 09:25 AM

It's probably 92 here is Longwood Fl but I really don't know. I dont't go out there until after sundown lol. I just sew and quilt inside with my children (doggies) the go out but run back quick lol.

NewToQuilting 06-25-2010 10:08 AM

It hit 100 in Baltimore yesterday!

trupeach1 06-26-2010 12:10 PM

HELP HELP this heat is killing me!!!!!!!!!

mispati 06-27-2010 04:08 PM

WOW! Where are you? Is that in the states?

mispati 06-27-2010 04:12 PM

Cruised to AK about 5 years ago.... The weather was 70's and beautiful in August! It's nice to have the memories.

Gwyn 06-29-2010 07:43 AM

In Brigham City we started at 57 degrees. Blue sky, slight breeze and dry. Should get up into the higher 80's by 4:00, but will be back in the 70's by bedtime. Perfect picnic, play around, gardening weather. We try to stay in between 11:00 and 3:00, but by 4:00 it is cooling and the shade is getting larger.

We seem to have perfect weather here, all four seasons. Nothing really lasts so long you get totally wrung out. It really does change about every 3 months.

LoriJ 06-29-2010 09:17 AM

Gwyn that sounds wonderful! We had 101 on Saturday, 99 Sunday, 97 today, but a "cold front" comes through tomorrow and we may be down to the mid 80's for a few days. This is usually our August weather, but it's come early this year. So much for working outside taming my jungle of a back yard.. *sigh*

Gwyn 06-29-2010 09:47 AM

Lori: This year all of our weather is starting late and lasting longer than ever before. I have been here when it snowed on July 4th. I've also seen it be very hot and humid. The Tsunami in Japan a couple years ago was actually so strong it changed the earth's axis by 3 degrees. The weather man told us to expect changes and that it may take several years to get a regular pattern again.

We also have trouble keeping up with the weeds and grass, but at least it cools off in the morning and evening. ONly unbearable in the afternoon.

azdesertrat 06-29-2010 10:18 AM

Originally Posted by tcnmom
We have dry heat in Az. 107 today. Stay in and sew up some UFO's.

its not that dry anymore though the humidity is up and still going to be 105 with a slight chance of thunderstorms,bring on the rain!

trupeach1 06-30-2010 03:26 PM

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it is soooooooo nice today. No AC windows open it has FINALLY cooled off and I can't wait for the sun to go down so it will be even cooler. Great weather for sleeping.

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