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Greenheron 08-26-2011 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by virtualbernie
My son's nurse told me that at his former job before he became a nurse, he used to work for an apartment complex and they were given box cutters to go out very early in the morning and cut up furniture that the tenants had put out. They had had a bad infestation of bed bugs and couldn't get rid of them because people that had the bugs would put out the furniture and the other tenants not thinking, would bring it into their homes and start the infestation all over again!

And roaches and fleas and head lice can all be brought in with old furniture. (And boxes of fabric?)

vickimc 08-26-2011 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by karenpatrick
If she lived near me I'd give her a chair and a bed!

me too!!

The Quiet Quilter 08-26-2011 05:28 PM

So sorry to hear this has
happened to your dear sister.
I hope things get bettet for
her soon. Hugs to her, Sharon

MargeD 08-26-2011 05:37 PM

My heart goes out to your sister, it's a shame this had to happen. I really thought bed bugs were a thing of the past, but not so. The newspaper had articles about apartments being infested, and one hotel that served as a very low cost place for people to stay for short periods of time had to toss their bedding and fumigate the entire building. There was even a warning that if an infested mattress is taken down a stairway that they could hop off for "higher ground" so to speak. My Mother never let my Dad know about the first hotel they were to spend their "honeymoon night" and it had bedbugs, and my Mom refused to sleep there. Can't blame her. Guess that's one way to delay wedding night jitters. She was 19 when she married my Dad and the only man she dated because her father was so strict he wouldn't let her date anyone else. They were together almost 43 years until her heart gave out. They were a good model growing up of what a marriage can be. Thank you for the warning, it never pays to be too careful, especially today.

MargeD 08-26-2011 05:37 PM

My heart goes out to your sister, it's a shame this had to happen. I really thought bed bugs were a thing of the past, but not so. The newspaper had articles about apartments being infested, and one hotel that served as a very low cost place for people to stay for short periods of time had to toss their bedding and fumigate the entire building. There was even a warning that if an infested mattress is taken down a stairway that they could hop off for "higher ground" so to speak. My Mother never let my Dad know about the first hotel they were to spend their "honeymoon night" and it had bedbugs, and my Mom refused to sleep there. Can't blame her. Guess that's one way to delay wedding night jitters. She was 19 when she married my Dad and the only man she dated because her father was so strict he wouldn't let her date anyone else. They were together almost 43 years until her heart gave out. They were a good model growing up of what a marriage can be. Thank you for the warning, it never pays to be too careful, especially today.

CAS49OR 08-26-2011 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by GrammaBabs
I do not want people to think i'm a wet blanket for writing this... but PLEASE be sure that if you buy fabric, blankets, clothing and especially furniture at yard slaes or estate sales....you WASH and dry in very high heat all of the fabric items... as for the furniture, i'm not sure... My reason being........... my SIS... who has gotten some fantastic fabric and other items this way.... purchased a beautiful, not too used looking chair at a very nice consignment shop... after a few months... she found "bed type bugs".... she has had to have a total fummigation TWICE... this was a ton of work for someone with a disability... next week they are going to "HEAT" her house to about 160degrees, to be sure they are gone....this means finding a place for her birds to go as well..... This has been a nightmare... they took her bed (they had gotten into the frame)and cut up and disposed of her chair that she loved.... they came in via. the chair...She's been told they like to hid in the folds of fabrics and are horrible to get rid of once they enter your home...I Love seeing all the great bargins of fabric and figure that lots of "our children" (mine will be some)... are left with the collections of their parents... and we never know just where this stuff was kept or how long it was around.... so... Just be careful,,, the washing is a given, i'm sure, but the "hot" drying, might be a good idea... regardless of the shrinkage issue.... hope this is taken as a helpful suggestion.... My Sis is without a bed and chair until she can afford one...we "skyped" last night and she was crying and saying she's never had much, but she never really felt as poor and ashamed as she does now... people are even treating her differently.. she is a person that does so much for others and it's so unfair ...............

It IS unfair! Before she pays for the heat treatment she may want to reconsider. It has not been proven effective. There are many companies jumping in to try to take advantage.

Bed bugs live for six months without feeding. They can be frozen or heated out, but it is not usually similar to spraying for bugs.

They do like to hide in folds, and often are found at the top of the mattress because they like the humidity of your head lying there.
So they are on the wall above your head and drop in.

From what I've read it takes at least five days of constant heat or freeze.

I am trying to remember where I saw a recent article about this issue, but cannot. I found this:


Items that cannot be washed may be heated or frozen. Currently, research is being conducted to
determine the most effective thermal conditions for killing bed bugs, while not damaging materials.
However, based on related research, a two hour core exposure at 120oF (45oC) should be
considered a minimum target temperature for heat treatments. For freezing, a minimum of 23oF (-
5oC) must be maintained for at least 5 days. As the temperature is decreased, the time of
exposure is shortened. For instance, the articles could be “flash frozen” resulting in a very short
time of exposure, but the target temperature should be -15oF ( -26oC) - the conditions required to
instantly freeze the eggs. Keep in mind that most non-commercial freezers will have varying
temperatures between 30oF and 20oF, and a 2 week freeze time is recommended if you are
uncertain of the freezer temperatures.
Just to re-iterate, if heating or freezing conditions are used, remember that these adverse
conditions must reach the core of the articles being treated.

Debbie C 08-26-2011 05:59 PM

my feelings exactly!! The poor dear - we're all praying for her

Originally Posted by GreatStarter
Please tell you sister none of this is her fault. Give her hugs from me and tell her to hang in there, things will get better eventually.


KarenR 08-26-2011 06:06 PM

I had never given any thought to bed bugs. Maybe I won't be shopping at the second hand stores any more.

owlvamp 08-26-2011 07:46 PM

Please tell you sister none of this is her fault. Give her hugs from me and tell her to hang in there all will be well..Chin up and smile. : )

owlvamp 08-26-2011 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by GrammaBabs
WOW..........what an outpouring of good thoughts for my sis.... you are all so wonderful... it has helped.... she has been in touch with a group in her area. she qualifies for help... (and trust me, if you knew her there would be no question)... she's the kind that has stayed in touch with some of the people she used to care for when she was able to work.... ie.. a 91yr. old... takes her out shopping and for b-days when she can... visits to nursing homes.. people where she lives..helping and shopping... the list goes on....
Anywhoooooo, they will be sending her a check for a mattress by Saturday we hope,,,, not going to be the electric bed she had, but we are grateful... and to all of YOU... i appreciate your wonderful support... thanks and hugs, Barbara

This is so awesome. She deserves it after all she has been through. Hope all continues to go well..

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