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-   -   Lets hear some pet peeves...(probably been done before) (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/lets-hear-some-pet-peeves-probably-been-done-before-t33848.html)

Lisanne 01-29-2010 08:37 PM

Maybe I should change my username to "Peevish." I seem to have so many peeves!

Alu_Rathbone 01-30-2010 06:24 AM

When my boyfriend sends me a message on facebook telling me to get on AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) ASAP so that he can find out if i'm going to some convention with him. (He did that yesterday to me. If I'm not on AIM when I normally talk to him... it means I'm not on the computer!)

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 01-30-2010 06:59 AM

Originally Posted by Chasing Hawk
My biggest pet peeve is...

People who think Jethro Tull is a just a person in the band.

Oh, that drives me kind of batty too, lol.
I often get 'oh that song drives me crazy, Led Zeppelin has such a strange voice, change the channel' Uh, Well, it's Robert Plant singing, the BAND is Led Zeppelin-and I like Led Zep, so don't touch the radio!

Quoting lyrics from one of their own songs, ' your band is just fantastic, that is really what I think, oh by the way, which one's Pink?'
(Pink Floyd)
I guess it bothers a lot of people, lol!

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 01-30-2010 07:15 AM

Oh, I just thought of another one that drives me up the wall.

I HATE it when people fiddle with the dials in my car. It's usually Sasha, and it's usually the heater. He's in the passenger seat, and I don't always notice him lowering the heat but a little while later, I'll be cold again and then I'll see that he's turned the heat all the way to cold.
It's MY bloody car, and if you don't like it, get out and walk.
Or, worse, when it's -900 degrees out and before going to work I'll crank the blowers way up, hit the defrost button and then leave the car. 15 minutes or so before leaving, I'll remote start my car, but when I get back in my car, it's not even hot yet because the little bugger turned the heater way down last time he sat in my car. ARRRRRRGH!!!!
Plus, I paid extra to have the remote started put in my car, and it's a pain in the butt to figure out because my car is a manual transmission, so the clutch had to be by-passed... anyway, so in the winter when it's really cold out, we take my car so we can start it before we leave wherever we are, but it seems like every time we do that, he's fiddled with the heater and blowers again, so when I get back to the car, it's not warm yet.
Ok, I'm just going on for nothing anymore, but it's really cold here right now, feels like -30, so it's hitting a nerve, lol!

Clothfiend 01-30-2010 08:28 AM

"Thought we only used numbnuts here."

When our sons did something wrong, my dh used to refer to them as "numbnuts." Unfortunately, one of our sons began using that term at school when visiting with his friends. One day the teacher said to him, "You know, that really isn't a nice term to call someone." My poor son had heard it so much he'd turned it into a form of endearment.

As for all those PPs I've been LOL about, I don't think there have been any mentioned that are missing from my collection. However, I think the spoiled, unruly children top my list. Half of my grandchildren fell into this category - especially the oldest and the youngest group. The inbetween groups had more sense. When asked for advice, I've told both sets of parents that what their children really needed was parents who parent, not pals.

Lastly, but not least, I cannot abide people who tailgate. It is an extremely dangerous practice and causes horrendous accidents.

Lisanne 01-30-2010 09:26 AM

Originally Posted by Baren*eh*ked_canadian

Originally Posted by Chasing Hawk
My biggest pet peeve is...

People who think Jethro Tull is a just a person in the band.

Oh, that drives me kind of batty too, lol.
I often get 'oh that song drives me crazy, Led Zeppelin has such a strange voice, change the channel' Uh, Well, it's Robert Plant singing, the BAND is Led Zeppelin-and I like Led Zep, so don't touch the radio!

Quoting lyrics from one of their own songs, ' your band is just fantastic, that is really what I think, oh by the way, which one's Pink?'
(Pink Floyd)
I guess it bothers a lot of people, lol!

I knew I liked you, Baren*! Let me commend you on your excellent taste in music. :D Led Zeppelin is my lifelong favorite band, and Jethro Tull is also way up there on the lists. (I recognize the excellence of Pink Floyd, but their lyrics creep me out.)

Lisanne 01-30-2010 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by Clothfiend
"Thought we only used numbnuts here."

When our sons did something wrong, my dh used to refer to them as "numbnuts." Unfortunately, one of our sons began using that term at school when visiting with his friends. One day the teacher said to him, "You know, that really isn't a nice term to call someone." My poor son had heard it so much he'd turned it into a form of endearment.

LOL, when I was a kid, I did much the same thing with the Jewish (Yiddish) word "schmuck." I thought it just meant "hopeless loser" or "jerk." In fact, I'd heard others use it affectionately, as in, "He's such a schmuck, ya just gotta love him." Was I surprised to find out it meant, uh, dick.

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 01-30-2010 09:46 AM

Originally Posted by Lisanne

Originally Posted by Baren*eh*ked_canadian

Originally Posted by Chasing Hawk
My biggest pet peeve is...

People who think Jethro Tull is a just a person in the band.

Oh, that drives me kind of batty too, lol.
I often get 'oh that song drives me crazy, Led Zeppelin has such a strange voice, change the channel' Uh, Well, it's Robert Plant singing, the BAND is Led Zeppelin-and I like Led Zep, so don't touch the radio!

Quoting lyrics from one of their own songs, ' your band is just fantastic, that is really what I think, oh by the way, which one's Pink?'
(Pink Floyd)
I guess it bothers a lot of people, lol!

I knew I liked you, Baren*! Let me commend you on your excellent taste in music. :D Led Zeppelin is my lifelong favorite band, and Jethro Tull is also way up there on the lists. (I recognize the excellence of Pink Floyd, but their lyrics creep me out.)

Ha ha, yeah, well, I'm sure they were on drugs when most of the lyrics were written, but they really are musical geniuses.
I think the early works with Syd Barrett were much weirder, in the sense that even with the lyrics in front of you, you STILL can't figure out what they're trying to say! I much prefer the years with Roger Waters and David Gilmore... not that I understand much more of the music, lol.
I have my father to thank for my musical taste and interest. The music that my generation listens to is garbage, for the most part, there's nothing original anymore.

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 01-30-2010 09:48 AM

Originally Posted by Lisanne

LOL, when I was a kid, I did much the same thing with the Jewish (Yiddish) word "schmuck." I thought it just meant "hopeless loser" or "jerk." In fact, I'd heard others use it affectionately, as in, "He's such a schmuck, ya just gotta love him." Was I surprised to find out it meant, uh, dick.

OMG, I did not know that!
I've never used that word, but I have heard it used... I thought it meant something along the lines of hoser or something like that, lol!

Shadow Dancer 01-30-2010 10:26 AM

Originally Posted by Clothfiend
Lastly, but not least, I cannot abide people who tailgate. It is an extremely dangerous practice and causes horrendous accidents.

This irritates me to no end too! I had a guy who persisted in tailgating, didn't matter if I sped up, he seemed to be having an ongoing affair with my back bumper. After an hour of this he finally signaled to turn into a service station and I was just hot enough under the collar by then that I turned in too! I jumped out of my truck and marched up to him and told him, "If you are going to ride my butt, the least you could do is pull my hair!!!"

He kind of smiled and introduced himself...he was the new Pastor of one of the churches where I lived!!! Boy did I feel like an idiot!! Now I just find a place to pull off and let anyone tailgating me go ahead... LOL

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