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jitkaau 06-28-2011 05:51 AM

I discovered that mine were caused by eating apples and so I avoid them now and don't suffer. Don't know how you can solve it in the short term but suggest you try to discover the cause so that you can 'treat it' before it starts.

raedar63 06-28-2011 06:01 AM

If I catch them soon enough Excedrin migrane and real sudafed {not the sudafed PE} I wake up often with headaches. Ice also really helps me. I keep a bag of frozen peas that I reuse over and over for an ice pack. But if I don't get it in time I have to retreat to a dark room with my ice pack and a trashcan .

(do not take sudafed if you have high blood pressure}

SS Muro 06-28-2011 06:12 AM

The best course of treatment is to immediately start taking the medications when I start seeing fractured colorful stars and faces become distorted.

verna2197 06-28-2011 06:19 AM

I get severe migraines and very frequently. I am on a preventive medication-it is a blood pressure med. They had me on Topamax and I ended up with Nerve Damage in my feet, so if anyone is taking that please be careful. I also have pills that I take when the headache comes and if it is so bad that I can't keep the pills down I have shots that I give to myself. I hate needles but once I give myself that shot it is instant relief. Hope you find something that helps you.


HisPatchwork 06-28-2011 07:15 AM

Anyone taking Excedrin Migraine should compare the ingredients of that and Excedrin extra strength...and then compare the price.The ingredients and dose is the same, and I have seen the latter $2 or more cheaper for the same amount. That is what works for me..but one of my daughters breaks out with it and the other daughter felt her chest tightening up, so they can't take it at all.
My friend is a Dr. and has suffered migraines much worse than mine. She has recently cut meat out of her diet and has noticed a great difference.

clynns 06-28-2011 07:17 AM

I take K=Pax (?) It's prescription. It is NOT a pain pill so there's no drowsy feeling. I take one, lay down, in an hour it's gone. I've actually had MRI checking for brain aneurysm which was negative. I had 2 different shots at ER after 3 days with one. I should have been knocked out with the first shot. I drove myself home after the second one. That was the last one that has been that bad. That was in 2004. K-Pax seems to work for me. They are expensive, but it supposed to lesson your likelihood of having another one. I think I've had 3 since then. I hope this finds you feeling better. They can make you feel like dieing.

crazy cat lady 06-28-2011 07:17 AM

Excedrin Migraine is wonderful!!! :thumbup:

IdahoSandy 06-28-2011 08:16 AM

I can relate to migraines because I've had them all my life and certain foods can bring them on, along with a drop in harmones as I got older. I would get migraines just before my period would start. I would just lay in bed with a wet cloth over my eyes and the room darkened until it went away. Thinking there is something on the market now that helps if you can take it at the beginning of a migraine. Check the drug department.

leiladylei54 06-28-2011 08:17 AM

I have suffered from migraines since I was 7 years old. Now I am talking such bad migraines that they sometimes had to hospitalize me because I didn't know what I was doing. After all the years of migraines interfering in my life, when my children came along, I took a hard attitude against them. Mind over matter, so to speak. Anyway, when I get the aura, I take two Excedrin (the regular one as both the regular Excedrin and the Excedrin Migraine contain the same amount of ingredients), with a Mountain Dew (highest content of caffeine) and once the Mountain Dew is done, then down cups of coffee until I feel the headache on it's way out. I also exercise vigorously while experiencing the migraine (like vacuuming, mopping, or raking the yard) to get my blood pumping and rushing. Hurts like the dickens but I feel that it really does make the headache more tolerable. I used to give in to the headache (quiet, dark room with no smells which all seem to irritate the migraine more). Am now 57 years old and have learned to rule the migraine and not have the migraine rule me.

Rann 06-28-2011 08:31 AM

Strong pain killer, dark room and ear plugs.

sew_meme 06-28-2011 08:31 AM

Sorry you have to suffer with this awful pain. Mine are from a head injury from when I was three.

I currently that Topomax daily to try to prevent the headaches but if one bleeds thru I have Maxalt which I take at night. Usually I wake up feeling much better.

I will say that weather changes caused me the greatest problem and I watch what foods I eat. No shrimp - very little chocolate - peanut butter or peanut products - bananas and alcohol. It was a trial and error process but seems to work for me.

Alot of women do infact (out grow) this with menopause.

Hope you feel better soon. I know it that so much out of you to go thru it.

ncredbird 06-28-2011 09:18 AM

I used to have migraines frequently and my son and granddaughter have them also. They are caused from the blood vessels in the brain being constricted. When I was in nursing school one of the instructors sent me off the floor to the cafeteria and told me to get a couple of tablespoons of the hottest salsa/hot sauce/peppers that I could stand and swallow them or eat it with some chips. I thought she was nuts but since the meds I had taken for it weren't working decided to give it a try. Within 15 minutes it was totally gone! The hot peppers contain capsaicin which opens up the blood vessels. I now keep capsaicin capsules (also called cayenne) in the medicine cabinet and take them when ever I feel a migraine coming on. My granddaughter says they are hard on her stomach but I always make sure I take mine with food and have never had a problem.
Ann in TN

gmajudy 06-28-2011 10:06 AM

I had migraine headaches for 45 years. Mine were all associated with the menstral cycle. I went to the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago and they put me on Nardil. It is a potent drug but it helped a great deal. Dr. Diamond had me keep a journal of what caused headaches. What I ate, what was the weather, what was my state of mind, etc. There are certain foods that will trigger them. Any kind of food with a slippery texture; bananas, chocolate, hot dogs, sausages, avacado, etc. When I finished with the change of life, the migraines went away. I still have a headached once in a while, but two Tylenol kills it. Good luck. I knew truly what they meant when they said why do you hit your head against the wall, it feels so good when you stop. It was very hard for me to keep a professional life, be a wife and mother, and all the other things.

Quiltbeagle 06-28-2011 10:23 AM

I've had them since my early 20's (I'm 52 now) and when I get a pounder I take a BC Powder or Excedrin, drink some caffeinated coffee, lie down in a dark room with an ice pack or two, and try to get to sleep if at all possible.

DanaNVa 06-28-2011 10:27 AM

I find that an antihistamine works like a charm. Much better than Aleve or other pain killers. Chlortrimeton is the one -- just in case there's an allergy component.

pdriggs 06-28-2011 10:48 AM

I usually use Imitrex, which is a prescription, but if that does not work, or I am in the mood for chocolate, I drink a 20 ounce regular Pepsi, 2 Hershies bars, and some bacon if it is handy. Usually gets rid of it in 30 minutes. when I had them all the time, I gained a bit of weight with this remedy.

Jennifer22206 06-28-2011 11:10 AM

Imitrex is still my prescription, but it doesn't always work with me, but sometimes Excedrin Migraine (can't use the other one), 85% pure cacao and a real can of Coca Cola *sometimes* help too.

Tawnya's Mom 06-28-2011 11:23 AM

I have had migraines for over 30 years. After trying several OTC meds, I needed something stronger. I keep Zomig with me. I can usually abort a headache in 45 minutes. I still have to be in a dark room, no movement, and no loud noises. I usually feel very drained after a headache. My doctor has also put me on preventive medicine which has been such a blessing. He said one migraine is one too many. Talk with your doctor and see if you can get help. Migraines are horrible!

craftybear 06-28-2011 11:25 AM

I hope you are feeling better soon, I sure miss you in live chat, take care!

madamekelly 06-28-2011 12:43 PM

I was lucky enough years ago, to find a neurosurgeon who was doing research on migraines. He told me about his work with what they called " cerebral allergies". He helped me figure out what were my 'triggers'. I have issues with nitrites (think sausage, bacon, lunchmeat, etc.), chlorine, and wine. I have to avoid all of them, forever, but I haven't had one in 20+ years. I hope the pain is gone for you by now, but what he did, was ask me to keep a 'mouth diary' to record everything I put in my mouth.(Even water, and where it came from) I did this for months before we found the patterns. Big thank you to Dr. Chang! Maybe it could help you? (One sip of wine will have me crawling on the floor begging for death.) Blessed Be!

bob1414 06-28-2011 12:43 PM

There is a big, big difference between migraines and headaches - I suffer from both. Thank goodness there are medications to take when a migraine hits. The pills are $20 each (ouch!!) but they work for me! The best one for me is Maxalt MLT (MLT means it melts on your tongue). Exactly 46 minutes after I take one, the migraine is gone. If I don't take anything, I suffer for 8 hours, I vomit and then 20 minutes later I'm fine. But those 8 hours are H E L L !!! Good luck - I hope you can get a prescription for your migraines.

BobbiG 06-28-2011 02:22 PM

The shot thing was probably calle imitrex. That was a sumitriptan drug. Each year they come up with more and more drugs. I think I've read that many many are hormone related which is why more women get them.

BobbiG 06-28-2011 02:25 PM

If you check the ingredients, you'll find it's the same as regular excedrin which you can buy at a low price by mbuying walmart's generic. 200 for $3.something/

sewgarden 06-28-2011 02:25 PM

I suffered with migraines all my life. A natural type doctor discovered I couldn't tolerate sugar and yeast. That was about 18 years ago. I went without these things for about 16 years and no migraines. I now eat much more of both than I should and still no migraines but have had a touch of the heamorrhoids and aching legs that were also a symptom.

leatheflea 06-28-2011 02:57 PM

My mom taught me a trick that helps if you can stand it. Run hot water over the back of your head in the kitchen sink, then quickly turn the hot off and the cold on, keep alternating the hot and cold till you get relief, wrap a towel with ice packs around your head. I only use this method when I ablsolutely have to because it hurts before it helps.

wolfkitty 06-28-2011 04:03 PM

As a chronic and frequent migraine sufferer, I discovered the daily taking Omega-3 fish oil capsules (2-3 daily) has lessened them, and helps the (prescription) pain med. to work better. I discovered my HA are allergy-triggered, and probably stress-affected. But the fish oil caps helped. They take a couple weeks or so before it gets into your system enough to start helping. Also, don't wait too long to take your pain relief med., whatever it is. The less advanced the pain and accompanying symptoms are, the easier it is for you meds. to work. Best of luck! BTDT (been there, done that)

Gramof6 06-28-2011 04:05 PM

I have fought migraines for over 25 years. Have been on sev preventative types of meds and pain meds as well. When I had a heart attack 5 yrs ago, they yanked me off of the Imitrex. It worked pretty well (the shots). Put me back on 10 mg Maxalt & Topamax. Topamax jacks with my heart rate and blood sugar as well as made my hair fall out. Got off of that and just try to deal with it with the Maxalt & Ibuprofen 800mgs. When it gets too bad, I go to the ER for a shot of Toridol. Percocet & Hydrocodone do nothing to ease the pain. The weather is mainly the cause of mine. Any time the Barometer flucuates, there is pain and suffering until it is stable again. And then I am so wiped out for a couple of days from all of the meds. Not a pleasant way to live but I deal with it the best I can. I am is thankful that my DH is so understanding and caring when I am sick! My heart goes out to all of sufferers. I know how you feel.

cminor 06-28-2011 04:06 PM

I don't know why I am suprised at the number of posts on this. I count my blessings every day that although I have been getting them since I was about 9 - they are very controllable with a simple pain med.

I am so sorry for all of my wonderful quilter friends that have is so much harder.

chickadeee55 06-28-2011 04:07 PM

I feel for you, I get them and I hate taking meds, but if I don't take a pill right away when it starts, the headache is 100 times worse. Nothing I can do to prevent them, they just happen.

Take care of yourself.

mmonroe 06-28-2011 09:07 PM

I suffered for 2 years, every single day, with a migraine headache. I met a friend who is a nurse and she told me to go to the GYN and get a blood test for hormones. I don't know how old you are, but I was peri-menopause. The Dr. prescribed bio identical hormones, and now I live head ache free. I don't know if this will work for you, but I wanted to tell you my story. It saved my sanity. Good luck.

Pam H 06-28-2011 09:43 PM

I have been having migraines for over 30 years. I have tried several different preventative meds, acupuncture, chiropractic, reflexology, massage. I took Imitrex for 10 years and now take Relpax. I have found many triggers and live my life tiptoeing around them. My hysterectomy 5 years ago did not help. Currently I have 1-2 a week and that is a huge improvement over some periods of my life. I have been taking notes on these comments and will try some of the ideas here.

writerwomen 06-28-2011 09:47 PM

Here's what I have learned over the years.
Dark chocolate ia great for a migrane. Some swear by dark chocolate and a diet pepsi as it is coming on as well as an excedrine.
Ibuprofen works better on them the Aceptaminphen.
Red wine can induce them.
When your thyroid is off you will get more of them.

fishnlady 06-28-2011 10:51 PM

I suffered with Migraines for much of my younger years. Ended up in the hospital many times because I could not stop the vomiting and pain. Come to find out it was the fluctuation of my hormone levels. Some women just are like that. I would suggest asking your doctor about your hormone levels. If you can get them leveled out it might stop your migraines completely just like it did mine. I have been on estrogen replacement since 45 years old. The headaches stopped. I use the Vivelle Dot .5 mg patch. A more natural way to go. It keeps my hormones at a steady level.

writerwomen 06-29-2011 06:21 AM

Originally Posted by Gramof6
I have fought migraines for over 25 years. Have been on sev preventative types of meds and pain meds as well. When I had a heart attack 5 yrs ago, they yanked me off of the Imitrex. It worked pretty well (the shots). Put me back on 10 mg Maxalt & Topamax. Topamax jacks with my heart rate and blood sugar as well as made my hair fall out. Got off of that and just try to deal with it with the Maxalt & Ibuprofen 800mgs. When it gets too bad, I go to the ER for a shot of Toridol. Percocet & Hydrocodone do nothing to ease the pain. The weather is mainly the cause of mine. Any time the Barometer flucuates, there is pain and suffering until it is stable again. And then I am so wiped out for a couple of days from all of the meds. Not a pleasant way to live but I deal with it the best I can. I am is thankful that my DH is so understanding and caring when I am sick! My heart goes out to all of sufferers. I know how you feel.

Can't verify it this but years ago there was a claim made that a air purifier will help reduce migrains for those who suffer severely

polly13 06-29-2011 12:06 PM

I'm fortunate that Excedrin works for me. The pain is horrendous. I truly understand. No position helps, lying down doesn't help.

jansquiltn 06-29-2011 12:13 PM

My severe headaches usually come from dehydration and too much salt. Make sure you have enough water.

writerwomen 06-29-2011 07:01 PM

Back stretches can help- bend over and let your upper body go limp- there is a tingling someowhat uncomfortable feeling at first but getgs better

Leota 06-29-2011 07:04 PM

I take 400mg B2 every day and it keeps the migraines at bay. If I don't take it I get them with blunt trauma force so bad, I will collapse from the initial pain.

The other thing that triggers my migraines is allergies...

nycbgirl 06-29-2011 10:32 PM

I immediately take Excedrin Migraine and go to the tub and stick my feet in the hottest water I can stand and put a ice pack on the back of my neck. In about 20 min or so I feel much better. And I also have a Mtn Dew.

sawsan 06-30-2011 12:16 AM

Good days to all u FRIENDS
I chatting to craft bear today that i read all what u rote and feel better already after two full days of ---------
I felt i am not alone. Sure had some prays from u
I took Brufen 600 and drank hot Genger ,hot bath wet towel slept when i can feel relax to sleep, drank water when acceptance is there, I hate to visit docs i hate shots.
Yes maybe hormones thing and i will not admit.
I will put all your notes to try them next :cry:

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