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Nanamoms 01-23-2012 08:52 AM

Pet Peeve on TV
Ok, I just realized I have a Pet Peeve when watching my favorite shows on TV. Why is it that all the female characters are wearing such low cut tops that you can see more cleavage than on a Playboy Bunny?????? I am watching CSI: Miami and the blonde girl is wearing a t top and bent over to dust an object for fingerprints. The top was already revealing and this just added more "exposure". I'm no prude but I truly have never seen as much "skin" on TV as in the last year. And there's no reason for it that I can tell!!!!

And I won't even get started on the young people these days!!

PS: I also noticed that they show very few "men" with skin showing....LOL

Rylandon3 01-23-2012 09:26 AM

You hit the nail on the head...Do real CSI cops dress that way?

TnBecky 01-23-2012 09:38 AM

You are soooo right. I hardly ever watch tv anymore. To much junk. If I can find an Andy Griffith marathon I'm real happy, know them all by heart. LOL. I do love the old shows from growing up. :D

Have you seen the "Tide" commercial with the young married couple folding clothes for there babies. At the end of the commercial she tells him that he "sucks" at folding. Please don't make me have to explain to a child what that means. They could have chosen any other word but that. I have noticed that if I see it during the day now they have cut that out, but not at night. TV is bad enough but now the sponsors too. Give me a break. :eek:

Charlee 01-23-2012 10:02 AM

The female cooks/chefs on the Food Network too...I'm amazed that they haven't fallen out and burned some rather personal body parts!

BMP 01-23-2012 10:15 AM

Originally Posted by Charlee (Post 4902671)
The female cooks/chefs on the Food Network too...I'm amazed that they haven't fallen out and burned some rather personal body parts!

I know who you mean and I wont even watch her....!!!

Peckish 01-23-2012 10:19 AM

Originally Posted by BMP (Post 4902700)
I know who you mean and I wont even watch her....!!!

X 2!!!! I change the channel when the dang commercial for her show comes on!!!! I feel nothing but revulsion...

Sadiemae 01-23-2012 10:19 AM

It isn't just the low cut tops, what about the language allowed, hopping from one bed to another, feminine products and male enhancement commercials??? I am not a prude either, but I am not impressed by any of these changes.

quilter824 01-23-2012 10:20 AM

and now the car commercial that says its" badass" just what little ears will pick up on and use then get in trouble for doing so

nycquilter 01-23-2012 10:21 AM

or how the portrayed law enforcement agents are dumb or bumbling with one notable exception? Or how they can devote hours and hours of time to one case? or how the DNA results are immediately returned? or how the commercials get really loud? Or how the female officers, such as on CSI all wear and can run in heels? over uneven ground? yeah, right. Or how they find the exact one hair that leads to successful resolution of the case?

OK, Laurie, back off.... I could go on!

Twisted Quilter 01-23-2012 10:25 AM

I was watching a program last week and was wondering the same thing! I just chalked it up to getting older. :o

Jingle 01-23-2012 10:48 AM

I don't watch any of those shows and not much TV period.

Peckish 01-23-2012 11:06 AM

Yes, WE can avoid the trash, but unfortunately the younger generations DO watch these shows.

I recently read an article about bullying and how it's become so prevalent in our schools. Someone noted that sitcoms have changed - the comedy used to be about the person, now it's about putting someone else down. I think he's hit the nail on the head!!! Our children are watching this and learning that it's okay to put someone else down because it's considered funny. I even believe it's extended to our political system. It is nearly impossible to have a civil discussion about the issues without it devolving into name-calling!

honeybea 01-23-2012 11:22 AM

I do agree 100% with the above comments......I was really surprised that on one cooking show they had to choose a trampy looking smart mouth female(won't use the word lady). There are so many really good talented people that they could have picked. Whats up with this vulgarity.......Bea

Crqltr 01-23-2012 11:22 AM

The French fry com that has the guy shoving as many fries in as he can get. Disgusting.

chickadee_42us 01-23-2012 11:27 AM

Agree with everything said but my true pet peeve, the volume increasing for commercials is NOT necessary.

merry 01-23-2012 12:12 PM

The state of tv crudity was summed up for me by hearing that Steven Tyler testified before a government board that tv is getting too graphic in dress & language!!!

Nanamoms 01-23-2012 12:31 PM

I forget to add how in the world can the female characters wear "White" pants to investigate a crime and NEVER get a speck of "evidence' on them, much less dirt!!

I was watching TV with my 21yo grandson and one of the "female pleasure" commercials came on. I just had to pretend it wasn't on. And the sponsors DO NOT wait until after 9 pm to air them!!

QuiltnNan 01-23-2012 12:37 PM

I totally agree!

Jothesewer 01-23-2012 01:34 PM

You are right. I have noticed that some of the news girls are wearing very low revealing necklines. I agree the bad language is not needed. All of the sex scenes disgust me too, seems like every show needs to have some kind of sex talk or scenes. The sitcoms are terrible.
There are some very good shows on history, smithsonnian, Discovery, some of the upper channels have good informative shows.

Sheila_H 01-23-2012 01:48 PM

I always laugh at the CSI ladies that show up to basically a blood bath and they are wearing white pants and 4 inch high heels lol dry cleaning bill must be murder.
Our pastor one weekend said he was going to anger a lot of people with his sermon it was "sex, drugs and TV", the first show he hit was desperate housewives and the second was the daytime soaps. He said what kind of society are we raising our children in, where people aren't really dead when they show up as ghosts, and rejoin the family. The adultery, rapes, incest, murder, kidnapping, money buys you anything. At supper time I see more commercials for KY and trojans than anything else and the volume level is through the roof. When my grandsons are here I always police the channels as to what I will allow them to watch. They only get an hour of time in front of the TV which I think is plenty, we play board games, we read, we work on crafts, and they survive!

nativetexan 01-23-2012 05:49 PM

yes and they do all this testing without wearing hairnets either. Hair falling in their faces, etc. I love it when they are wearing gloves and touch everything and go back to testing. sure!! tight pants and low tops are mandatory in some jobs.

AuntieD 01-23-2012 06:06 PM

Glad I have a remote channel changer, and even gladder that the batteries work! It's so bad my 80 yr old my Mom watches DVD's or older tv shows. I don't see why all the stars have to be picture perfect, if you watch shows from other countried, their actors are more realistic.

Sewhappygal 01-23-2012 06:09 PM

At least you can change the channel or even turn off the TV but I work at a high school and that's how the principal's secretary dresses and that's perfectly executable in our building. We usually know what color her panties are too. It's really terrible.

Lois-nounoe 01-23-2012 06:17 PM

Maybe they are trying to get the men to watch so we don't have to watch wrestling or continuing sports all the time. I'm not interested in those shows but at my house it's either wrestling, football, or horse racing 24/7! I do a lot of quilting, reading, or computing! LOL

Greenheron 01-23-2012 07:32 PM

How about the 'news' with the host in a suit and well groomed and the hostess dressed to go barhopping? On every channel.

Second peeve: hair-tucking. All these heads of long hair and women constantly hooking tresses behind their ear(s). Most gross when bending over a ripe cadaver or bloody corpse.

Third peeve: no handkerchief, no bandana, no tissue. Swipe your eyes with your fingers and don't forget to be careful with that mascara. Once only little children did that, adults knew better.

sewgray 01-23-2012 07:33 PM

For a while now, even before Sheen left, I have wondered how they get away with the things they say and do on Two and A Half Men. Most of the others are almost as bad.

alleyoop1 01-24-2012 04:23 AM

Do you really think a real CSI would be working in a white pants suit with high heels and her hair hanging all over the place? And do you really think they wear long sleeve jackets in Florida when they work? Come on, TV, get real!

alwayslearning 01-24-2012 04:26 AM

And then people complain about breast feeding in public. Are you kidding me? Those mothers are more covered up than so many other women are in public .... it is not just on TV.

romanojg 01-24-2012 05:23 AM

The thing is though; in our real lives they aren't allowed to dress like that. I'd be sent home immediately if I came to work with a low cut top or even straps instead of sleeves. No wonder these young kids coming out of high school have no idea how to dress when going for a job because they think that is the way it is. But it isn't, at all.

charlie 1940 01-24-2012 05:50 AM

OMG! Is it my other self at mycquilter? Those are many of my own peeves (politer way of stating my thoughts) lol. Especially the comercials coming louder when you are watching the program in bed and dozing. It always happens just before the tv shuts off with the timer. DRATS!


stitchinwitch 01-24-2012 06:27 AM

Its just like they want to share "what the doctor gave them" - it just keeps getting worse with so much exposed. God didn't give me a good body because He thought I would show it off too - haha. There was a movie on the other night and it looked like the size 10 girls were wearing size 1 bikinis.---ohhh give them time - when they get up there in age, they will probably be wearing mumus!!

redeagle 01-24-2012 07:59 AM

Originally Posted by Greenheron (Post 4904436)
How about the 'news' with the host in a suit and well groomed and the hostess dressed to go barhopping? On every channel.

Second peeve: hair-tucking. All these heads of long hair and women constantly hooking tresses behind their ear(s). Most gross when bending over a ripe cadaver or bloody corpse.

Third peeve: no handkerchief, no bandana, no tissue. Swipe your eyes with your fingers and don't forget to be careful with that mascara. Once only little children did that, adults knew better.

My complaint exactly. The "news" men are all professionally dressed and the women look like they are dressed for the evening out.

wildyard 01-24-2012 08:35 AM

And what about the cooking shows? Some of those ladies, but not all certainly, show more of their boobs while they are cooking than you used to see at the beach. I mean, come on, protect those girls so they don't get burned. I mean really!!! LOL

wildyard 01-24-2012 08:39 AM

Originally Posted by redeagle (Post 4905695)
My complaint exactly. The "news" men are all professionally dressed and the women look like they are dressed for the evening out.

I have to give kudos to one of our local stations here in Syracuse where the female is always dressed in a suit and looks as professional as the male.

brushandthimble 01-24-2012 08:43 AM

Glad to know I am not the only one "getting older" and is bothered by all this excessive skin, etc.

DogHouseMom 01-24-2012 08:49 AM

I'm pretty far from being a prude, but I have to agree with a lot that's been said.

One of my worst is the Trojan commercial that makes couples feel "closer" and it shows the two bodies almost morphing at the middle as they embrace. SERIOUSLY?? I don't want to see ANYONE get "closer" - not even with their clothes on!!

And another pet peeve is the way a lot of commercials depict husbands/dads as hapless stupid morons. Yes I know that the vast majority of consumers are women - but selling women as "hero's" of the household while making men look like complete idiots, is as much demeaning to women as it is to men!!

I don't watch cooking shows, so I have no idea who most of you are referring to. But that's OK cause I really don't want to see cleavage. Got my own. Not amused.

Peckish 01-24-2012 08:52 AM

Originally Posted by DogHouseMom (Post 4905887)
And another pet peeve is the way a lot of commercials depict husbands/dads as hapless stupid morons. Yes I know that the vast majority of consumers are women - but selling women as "hero's" of the household while making men look like complete idiots, is as much demeaning to women as it is to men!!

Strongly agree!!! Or, how about the commercials where the dad is totally absent!?!? Mom and kids are sitting down to a meal and there's no dad. I realize there are a lot of families dealing with divorce, but to totally write dad out of the picture offends me.

IdahoSandy 01-24-2012 09:34 AM

The clevage is for the men and not women. I have thought the same thing and wondered if reversed(women all covered up) would it appeal to men any way because of what might be under that top. Laughing. Hollywood does not respect women and this is where kids learn the same thing.

barbo117 01-24-2012 09:51 AM

I said the same thing this morning while watching one on the morning "news" shows. The female hosts or anchors wear such short skirts and low cut tops that it is just shocking. I am not a prude and in fact consider myself quite liberal and a modern woman, but do we need all of this just to get brought up to date on the morning news? The fact of the matter is that on tv, in magazines and on the internet, sex sells!

adrianlee 01-24-2012 10:05 AM

Yes to bad "loose" TV programs. All those satellite channels and nothing really nice to watch. Sad.

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