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2wheelwoman 04-04-2010 05:29 PM

I hope that nobody does "chop your head off." I do know, as one who has suffered with depression and anxiety for many years, that I can get touchy when the meds are discussed. I agree totally with yourstrulyquilts, and feel that it's good to discuss it. I, too, fought the meds for a couple of years, until I realized that I was losing my capacity to function, and was suicidal enough to have a well-thought-out plan. Then I agreed to the meds, and they've saved my life. It is difficult, because it's another of the "invisible" illnesses. It doesn't matter if there is nothing to be depressed about - because that isn't usually the cause at all. It's about brain chemicals or the lack thereof. Just like the insulin for diabetics, which is the only way I've known how to explain it. I, for one, am glad you brought up the topic, because it's good to discusses it, both for us who suffer, and for those who don't understand. I never understood fibromyalgia (sp?) before reading so much about it on that thread. I have a family member who has it, and must confess to being one of those who thought it was more of an attention grabber than an illness. I know better now. Perhaps the same will come of this thread. Or, someone who is fighting taking medication that they really need will find the help and relief they need because of reading here.
Believe me, I'm an advocate of taking the minimum you need for the minimum time you need it - but if you need it, you need it.

CraftsByRobin 04-04-2010 05:35 PM

Having had depression (and still do to a certain extent) along with anxiety ... I'm a stress eater so I eat when I'm depressed, sad, angry, hurt, upset, bored ... you get the picture ... and depression meds have helped me in some instances.

Nothing wrong with taking meds when they are needed. We never know what is going on inside the person next to us. Most folks when they meet me or see me think I've got it good and never know what I'm really feeling as I try to hide it to prevent being negative.

We never know what another person is going through until we walk a mile in their shoes ... I thank God you aren't depressed nor have you had it ... it's like being in a black hole/vacuum cleaner ... and you can't get out no matter what you do ... you can't sleep ... you can't think ... you are so tired you just get to where you don't care ...

If meds help you ... then you are blessed ... because sometimes it takes a long time to find the right med ... I know ... been there done that ...can write the book and own the movie rights ;)

canmitch1971 04-04-2010 05:40 PM

If you have never had depression thank your lucky stars because real depression is hell on earth. I have suffered from anxiety and depression for all my adult life. I would hate to think where I would be without antidepressant pills. Probably in a psychiatric facility. I thank God everyday that my medication works for me. I can remember waking up in the morning and I was scared stiff as soon as I opened my eyes. I don't want to ever go there again.

sunflower126 04-04-2010 05:51 PM

You are right, there are a lot of people today that are on anti-depression drugs. I recently retired from working in a PCP's office and there were many people-young and old on medication for depression.

Myself I have been fortunate not to have a depressive type of personality. However, my husband has been on anti-depressants for most of the 43 years we have been married. His father and 2 sisters are also on them. It can be hereditary. My father took them. Oh there have been times that he tried to get of off them feeling as some do, embarrassed that he would need to take them. The Dr finally convinced him that it is like any other disease-heart problems, diabetes etc-you would take medication.

About 6 years ago, despite the fact he was one medication, due to some issues in the workplace, he had a set back and had to take off work for 6 weeks due to the depression. He visited a psychiatrist 3 times a week to start and eventually was well enough to return to work. On new medication he is doing just fine and knows that he will have to be on this for the rest of his life.

Marsye never having to deal with the issues you weren't aware of so many people dependent on anti depressants and why. Now you have been educated--and will be better able to understand your friend's problem. And I am sure that there are some taking medication that could do without with some life changes, but it's not always that easy.

Honey 04-04-2010 06:00 PM

I, too, fought useing depression meds. No one in my family had ever had a problem and, like Peace and Joy, I thought I should be able to handle everything on my own. When I got to the point that I didn't have the will to even pray anymore, and that I was activly thinking about suicide, I knew it was time to do something. When I called my Dr. I thought he was going to do cartwheels. I didn't realize how much I had changed and how worried so many people were about me. Do I still have down days? Of course, everyone does, but at least I do not fall back into the black pit that I was in. And yes, there are people in my so called "family" that are embarassed if I am to open about it. They will never understand and that's their problem. One day I heard one of my brothers say that I was just trying to get attention and if everyone ignored me, I would "snap out of it". I didn't even have the energy or will to slap him up side the head like I should have. All I can say is off meds I am a person that I do not even recognize or like and on them I am my old self. Marsye, don't feel bad about starting this thread, it's ok. Sometimes you can't see the blood and scars that others carry. For myself, I was the worlds best actress and could hide things with the best of them.

montanaquilter 04-04-2010 06:06 PM

Being on medication for depression is nothing to be ashamed of. Neither is being depressed. Instead of being negative be supportive of your friend. Just because you don't think there's anything to be depressed about doesn't mean anything. Usually it's a hereditary, brain chemical thing. Not a, down in the dumps day, it's usually worse than that. It's a very difficult decision to be finally be put on meds but it sure makes a difference in most people's lives. Just be a friend and don't be judgemental about the meds. That's not really the issue.

Pamela Artman 04-04-2010 06:18 PM

I think there are conditions now that are treated with meds that in years past were not diagnosed. Like ADD and ADHD. I think years ago, before these were diagnosed and treated, they existed, but were just considered "problem" kids, and it was considered a behavior or lack of discipline problem. In the same way, clinical depression was undiagnosed and people who suffered with it were untreated, and were considered to be just always unhappy or blue, or even mentally ill. Some cases of depression can be triggered by a loss, and when someone can't get over that loss and remains "down" then there's a chemical change in the brain that becomes clinical depression. Some people suffer from depression that is chronic, genetic, and is not caused by an "event." I have suffered depression of the first kind when I suffered a traumatic loss and took antidepressants for a year and then was weaned off of them and had no further need for them. My daughter, however, suffers from the second kind and will probably be on antidepressants for the rest of her life. Without it, she becomes terribly depressed and suicidal. It does seem that more and more people are diagnosed with depression and treated with meds. Sometimes I wonder if our lifestyles have changed so much since our grandparents day and if they had better coping skills and therefore less depression or if just as many people were depressed and were never treated. But having been through it for a short period of time, it gave me a better understanding of what others go through when they live with constant depression. It's like a black fog that descends over you and you can't see beyond it. I struggled with suicidal thoughts - not because I wanted to die so much as not seeing a way out of the terrible grief, pain and unhappiness. Luckily, I saw a good dr. who explained about the chemical changes and I had some good therapy to learn new coping skills and after being on antidepressants for a while, the fog slowly lifted. I hope I never have to repeat that time in my life but I think because of my experience so long ago, I've been able to help my daughter when she became suicidal.

raptureready 04-04-2010 06:18 PM

Originally Posted by marsye
Ok, I guess I just don't understand it because I've never had it. A friend of mine just told me she was taking drugs for depression now and I couldn't see anything she should be depressed about so I was just wondering.....But I'm thinking I should have never started this thread. :? Maybe admins. will delete it before someone chops my head off. :shock:

I'm not in one of my black moods right now so no head chopping. LOL
The second half of your second sentence in this post: there isn't an external "reason" for clinical depression. But there are, at times, external things that can trigger an onslaught of it. It's due more to a chemical imbalance than anything else. The pills help keep the chemicals in the brain that control the emotions to flow in harmony. At least that's the way my doctor explained it. Does that help to make sense now?
As far as this post goes, maybe you've helped others to understand and even some of us that have a hard time dealing with it to vent our frustrations at the disease and at having spouses, friends and other family members that also don't understand. It's far easier to vent online to someone we don't really know than it is face to face with friends and family. Don't worry yourself into a depression over it. :lol: :lol: :lol:

btw: cute new avy, now take it away and put up something cheerful. :thumbup:

mrsjdt 04-04-2010 06:22 PM

Ditto on chopping off your head---then we wouldn't be able to have this discussion. And, I apologize for----"jumping" ...I fought meds for 3 years..didn't care if I ever saw the sun shine again...or ate a decent meal, or went for a walk with "my best friend", my DH...and I got the same speech about if I was diabetic, if I had heart disease...and I agreed to try it. It works. The hardest thing to understand, even for those of us who suffer from depression IS---there doesn't have to be "a reason" that you can put your finger on. You just lack the proper chemicals, in the proper balance, to be ?????normal.(whatever normal is). I fought it because the only person I ever knew who was "depressed" was a neighbor when I was growing up...she was nuts---she used to walk down the street in her nightgown, dragging a broom...and I was never gonna be like her. Better in a nightgown with a broom than dead. Sometimes it takes a whack with a mallet.

yourstrulyquilts 04-04-2010 06:24 PM

Marsyee, you crack me up!!

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