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sdeaaz 03-17-2011 11:50 AM

The other day coworkers and I decided to try a new Chinese buffet very close to our office. I offered to drive and off we went... got to the buffet, jumped out of the car , into the buffet for a great lunch......then....... after paying I start looking for my keys.... OMG no keys... did I lock them in the car.... we all raced to peek through the window.... not only did I lock my keys in the car.... but I left the car running..... You can imagine the hysteria that followed.... I really felt s-t-u-p-i-d. ( later I felt like I was too old to be driving....or anything... only 62... but gee... Please tell me you have done this too.... can't tell you how uncomfortable this makes me. Quilter 1234

virtualbernie 03-17-2011 11:52 AM

Yup, did that once while going to Walmart. To add insult to injury, AAA took 2 hours to get to me! Had to stand out in 100 degree sun and wait and wait :oops:

mom-6 03-17-2011 11:53 AM

My best friends DH is a locksmith and no you are not alone. At least you didn't also leave an infant or toddler in your vehicle!

dogsgod 03-17-2011 11:55 AM

My daughters friend, a college student, left his running with the keys in it all day! Don't know how it didn' run out of gas.

kwhite 03-17-2011 11:57 AM

I locked my infant in the car many years ago. Not running . I had to decide to go get help or wait for someone to come. I went for help. By time I got into the building I could not remember my own name literally. Now I own a Subaru. You cannot lock the keys in the car if the keys are in the ignition. So I put them on the console and locked them in that way. LOL No you are not alone!

feline fanatic 03-17-2011 11:58 AM

Since getting a car that has the lock thingy in the key fob I have not done it. But once I was loading grocerys and had set my keys down inside the trunk (rest of car was still locked). Yup, you guessed it, shut the trunk door with keys inside.

Ramona Byrd 03-17-2011 11:58 AM

Yes, I've done that. Been there and done that. And forever after, I've kept a spare key in my bill fold AND one single key in each pair of pants or skirt or jacket I wear. Just in case.

We think WE have troubles?
Not too long ago I was in a crowded parking lot of a big shopping center, in a pounding rain storm. I was sitting there with the heater on, waiting for a lull in the storm. Right next to me a young woman with a baby in arms and a toddler took the kids out of the car still running car, shut the back door and turned to go get her coat from the front but her toddler "helped" her by pushing shut the door, which for some reason was locked!!! Coat, cell phone, car keys in running car...
Of course I put her and kids in my car and loaned her my cell, but after calling her DH she started crying. It had been the absolute last straw in a bazaar day she said started early in the am with the baby crying, her spilling the diaper pail over the floor, etc and a lot more of that, escalating into this parking lot.
I told her DH to take her home and watch the kids while she had a long soak in a warm bath, which he declared he would do.

blossom808 03-17-2011 12:07 PM

Well just the other day, I pick up a little girl from school and she loves when I pick her up in the v.w bug. So I had to move the truck to get my car out. I started my car its a 5 speed. I put it in nutral. went to move the truck look back and see my bug coming down the driveway, OOOO NO I sat there in the truck and wam hit the back of the truck. I get out thinking i really messed up my front end, I have a little dent thats it. but the back of the truck, The bumpper is bent down the hole thing. My hubby comes out and wants to know what happened he heard it. I told him he looked at his truck, I cant explan the look on his face. Well lucky for us, Our friend is going to fix it for us tomorrow. It should be a easy fix.I sure hope it is. I cant believe I didnt have on the emerency brake. First time I did that. Now im putting bricks on the back of my tires just in case...

donnajean 03-17-2011 12:13 PM

Yes, I did this one on a hot 100 degree day.

Originally Posted by feline fanatic
Since getting a car that has the lock thingy in the key fob I have not done it. But once I was loading grocerys and had set my keys down inside the trunk (rest of car was still locked). Yup, you guessed it, shut the trunk door with keys inside.

Ramona Byrd 03-17-2011 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by dogsgod
My daughters friend, a college student, left his running with the keys in it all day! Don't know how it didn' run out of gas.

Somewhere on the internet were two stories about something like that. One was an older couple who had left their car running, the garage was right under their bedroom and both died from the fumes. Another I believe was a group of 5 teens left their car running and went in to their motel room to party. All of them died there even before they could eat the fast food they had just bought.

Probably a lot more we don't hear of happening. And then there's a lot of high end cars that can and will keep on running even with the key removed!!!!!

I apologize for the gruesomeness of this letter, but it's something that we should really take to heart.
Check this out on the Internet.

Margate, Florida Accident Lawyer :: Carbon Monoxide Deaths ...
In August 2010, a 29-year-old Boca Raton woman died from carbon monoxide poisoning after her car was left running in the garage. The vehicle, a 2006 Lexus ...
www.personalinjuryfirm.com/lawyer-attorney-1690820.ht... - Similar

LoriEl 03-17-2011 12:31 PM

I'm in the club. Took my DD to the doc and we were running late. Time to leave I can't find keys and YEP! 1 1/2 hrs later there's the car running all locked up nice & safe.

sdeaaz 03-17-2011 12:35 PM

I'm starting to feel a little better. quilter 1234

Jennifer22206 03-17-2011 12:47 PM

My DH locked his keys in the trunk of his car when we were getting back from the airport. It was Dec. 19th. We had to wait outside for 2 hours with a 2 year old.

You're not alone.

judy_68 03-17-2011 12:48 PM

I actually locked my boys in the car when they were infants TWICE!!! Do you feel better now??????

cjomomma 03-17-2011 12:50 PM

This is why I now carry extra keys in my purse. I have done it too many times.

amandasgramma 03-17-2011 12:51 PM

I had a friend that did that, only she left her car locked up and running in her driveway ALL night long!!!! Me, nope, never did such a thing....that's my story and I'm sticking to it.... :) :)

Quiltforme 03-17-2011 12:54 PM

Been there done that locked kids in car 3 times when they were babies.

MCH 03-17-2011 01:02 PM

My son was moving to a new place and I had loaded some things from his apartment into the trunk of my car. Knowing my purse would get lost in the "rubble and chaos" of packing, I had put it into the trunk, but tucked my keys into my pocket.

I went merrily on to the packing / loading project. When it came time to unlock the trunk, I was "cool" because I had my key in had and could push the button to "pop" the trunk.

Loaded the trunk, shut the trunk...and THEN remembered I had lain the key on my purse in the trunk...not only had I locked my keys into the trunk, the car doors were locked, as well. I couldn't push the "trunk release" button inside the car.

My cell phone was safely ensconced in my purse. The car was parked in a semi-underground parking garage.

I was quite upset as I could only think of how utterly stupid and inattentive I had been, as well as "burning daylight" instead of helping my son.

Almost in tears of frustration, I went back to son's apartment, told him how stupid I'd been and apologized profusely for wasting valuable time.

My husband was at home, but that was a 25- min. drive, one-way.

What followed was the classic "The Child Becomes the Parent" scenario.

"Mom, it's OK. You have OnStar. We'll just call and they will unlock the car. No problem. It'll be just fine."

"But I don't remember the number, my phone is in the car, and the car in parked under the building. I'm so irked with myself," I wailed.

"Mom, I have my cell phone. Don't worry. I'll try 1-800-OnStar."

"Hello, OnStar, how can I help you?"

Most of my tears dried up with that.

My son handed me the phone and in less than 2 minutes, all the lights on the car flashed and voila! the car was unlocked.

I've used OnStar other times to lock my car. One of those times, I was at a hockey game and had parked several blocks away from the arena -- and didn't remember if I'd locked the car or not. OnStar locked it for me.

I get such a kick when the person tells me to "step away from the car and don't touch it until I tell you it's OK." Then, all the lights flash, the horn blows, and the locks go "clunk!"

Anyway, I love, love, love having OnStar. If you have the option to purchase it on a new car, buy it. Between having OnStar and my cell phone (with a car charger) with me, I know that help is literally a button away. OnStar communication is via cellular technology, thus, one truly has a back-up cell phone built into the car. My car has a phone number...and my husband and son have called it!!

Back to the story of helping my son to move. He said he'd not seen me so "spun up" in years and was glad he was there to help me out and to calm me down. I loved it when he put his arm around me and said, "Mom, it's OK. Don't worry."

Since then, it's made for a good "family story".

Oh, BTW, I've used OnStar a couple of times since then.

auntmag 03-17-2011 01:09 PM

I haven't but my children have.

mltquilt 03-17-2011 01:45 PM

I recently purchased a 2011 Kia Sorento with one of those smart keys. Smarter than me. I've tried to lock it and it would not lock only to realize I had not turned the key off. We all get distracted at times.


mltquilt 03-17-2011 01:45 PM

I recently purchased a 2011 Kia Sorento with one of those smart keys. Smarter than me. I've tried to lock it and it would not lock only to realize I had not turned the key off. We all get distracted at times.


bj 03-17-2011 02:07 PM

I've locked my keys in my car once and it was a total pain. Now I have a Nissan with the push button ignition. I love it. You can't lock your keys inside the car or trunk. I never even have to take the fob out of my purse (unless someone borrows my car!).

grayma 03-17-2011 02:23 PM

I left my car running once. The engine was so quiet I didn't notice. Even forgot to lock it! Luckily one of the guys in a different car noticed it and took the keys and locked it. He kept the keys until I got frantic searching for them. Everyone had a good laugh, but my face still turns red remembering that!

ssgramma 03-17-2011 02:32 PM

When we lived at the beach in So Cal our elderly neighbor lady left her car running in her garage. When she came back out it was gone so she called and reported it stolen. The police found it backed into a carport at some apartments that were across an empty field from us. They figured it slipped out of park and the emergency brake wasn't on.

So it crossed 2 beach lanes alone!

Tammy 03-17-2011 02:51 PM

My 23 year old pregnant grand-daughter didi the very same thing at the County Fair last year. Ran for 3 hours but the security guys prevented anyone from stealing it.

It's not old age!

sandilee 03-17-2011 02:57 PM

I don't have a "car keys" crisis but I have had the same feelings as you have lately. I am 61!

I sewed some quilt blocks on upside down not even realizing it! So I ripped the blocks apart to redo it and I sewed them back on the same way! Upside down!
I took a break!

Sometimes we all have these days! Don't worry!

dungeonquilts 03-17-2011 03:08 PM

These are some interesting stories and all I have to say is I am going to "KNOCK ON WOOD"

dakotamaid 03-17-2011 04:24 PM

Been there, done that!!:):)

linda701 03-17-2011 04:45 PM

Yep, did this once and my son was in the car in his carseat.

grayma 03-17-2011 06:28 PM

Originally Posted by linda701
Yep, did this once and my son was in the car in his carseat.

Oh no, that would land you jail now!

Beffy_Boo 03-17-2011 06:34 PM

LOL...I did it when I was 16. Worked a whole shift. Mom had to come and bring the extra key. Boy was she steamed!

Blue Bell 03-17-2011 06:50 PM

A friend of mine did it on a Wed. and I told my daughter. My daughter did the same the next day!

mama's place 03-17-2011 07:09 PM

I'm a couple of years older than you and have recently had surgery...my endocrinologist has told me that my lapses of memory are normal and that I should just "give myself time" to get over it. It's scary though isn't it?
Just relax ..... we all misplace things, etc. I think it is because most people today are so rushed and stressed. You're okay....if something is REALLY wrong others will let you know. Just continue to enjoy your coworkers and your job. Hugs......B

SherriB 03-17-2011 07:30 PM

I did that with one of our vehicles several years ago. I went out to start it up one morning and shut the door. It would have been okay, but I forgot to unlock the door. The door automatically locked upon starting the engine.

I was in Virginia at my Mom's house and had to borrow her car, drive to Tennessee where hubby was working and get his keys. I then had to drive back and unlock my car and then drive back home to Tennessee. LOL!!

trisha 03-17-2011 10:27 PM

Yep, been there, done that. Went to work on afternoon several years ago, locked keys in car with it running, did not know until I came out of work at 2:00 AM, and had to wake my DH up to come with extra set of keys, Oh yes, we were in the middle of a blizzard, no salt trucks out yet and he had to get on highway. Oh was I mad, he just laughed.....ha...ha....!!!!

Sallyflymi 03-18-2011 03:24 AM

Yes, i have down that. We were going on vacation stop to pick up a few things. My young girls were with me and i notice the keys inside the car. A Police man stop and open up the car for us. Nothing like being on Main St. for the whole world to watch. Other times had window open a few inches and was able to get coat hanger and open up. Usually happens to me when i am very stressed and not paying attention.

riaj63 03-18-2011 03:47 AM

I was going to the used book store one morning. I had my daughter with me. She was 4 at the time. We got to the book store and I went to get my box of books out of the back seat. Laid my keys on the seat get pull out the box and shut the door with my hip. Yep, keys still sitting on the seat in my locked car. This was before cell phones of course. I didn't have a spare key with me, but did at home.... Or so I thought. Called my great grandmother and her friend came to get us. Got home and guess what... couldn't get in due to my keys being locked in the car. Then I remember that the neighbor had a spare to my house. Went over there. They were gone for the weekend. Now what I say to myself. Well, they happened to have a doggy door, which was blocked due to them being gone. But I'm desperate so I pop out the wood and tell my 4 yr old to climb through and unlock the door. She of course thinks I'm crazy but I finally get her in. We get the key, go back to our house, get the spare car key and are on our way back to the car. Of course, we have to take the spare back so the neighbor doesn't know we broke in and took it. That was 18 years ago. My daughter still tells that story. We have since moved and the neighbors are none the wiser. :)

Carrie 03-18-2011 04:20 AM

LOL My husband just did this. He went to the bank, got out of the car, left it running and and locked the door as he got out. Called me and asked if I was busy and could I bring the other keys.

stitchinwitch 03-18-2011 04:32 AM

misery likes company - it is sort of reassuring in a sick way to read that I am not the only person who thinks she's lost her mind.......it is sooooooooo frustrating

abc123retired 03-18-2011 04:39 AM

Twice in one week and managed to get the same policeman to do the unlocking. He could barely restrain himself from telling me what he thought of my grasp on reality. In retrospect, it should have made me stop and think about how I was managing or mis-managing my LIFE and to make some changes...

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