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MadQuilter 10-18-2011 09:20 AM

I think the scariest movie I ever saw was "The Hitche" with Rudger Hauer - It was so intense I get shivers just thinking about it. Pat said that "Hostel" gave him the creeps.

Ramona Byrd 10-18-2011 09:21 AM

Rocky Horror Picture Show. Not scarey, a bit twisted but fun every time. Someday even if i'm really old i'm going to a midnight showing. I haven't been able to get tickets and I have tried. They sell out so fast.[/quote]
You can get the CD and watch it anytime. My daughter got it for me, she used to work after school at the local movie house, she and her then fiancee used to go to midnight screenings of Rocky Horror Picture Show and throw slices of toast at the screen with all the others!!! Used up most of my boughten bread supply on that darn movie!!

valsma 10-18-2011 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by Ramona Byrd
Rocky Horror Picture Show. Not scarey, a bit twisted but fun every time. Someday even if i'm really old i'm going to a midnight showing. I haven't been able to get tickets and I have tried. They sell out so fast.

You can get the CD and watch it anytime. My daughter got it for me, she used to work after school at the local movie house, she and her then fiancee used to go to midnight screenings of Rocky Horror Picture Show and throw slices of toast at the screen with all the others!!! Used up most of my boughten bread supply on that darn movie!![/quote]

My sons bought the dvd for me for Christmas one year. We put it on every year to watch at Halloween. It is a fun movie. Who knew many of the stars would become so well known. I love Tim Curry in the movie.

EllijaysUFOqueen 10-18-2011 09:35 AM

I sometimes like scary movies BUT my favorite movies are disaster movies. Not the 4-hr new ones on TV but the older ones. Fun time to watch.

Jingle 10-18-2011 09:38 AM

I'm a scaredy cat and won't watch anything scary. I only watch shows on HGTV and DIY.

kittycats 10-18-2011 10:28 AM

I love scary movies also. Same with books.

Quiltbeagle 10-18-2011 10:31 AM

Oh no, oh no, no WAY, can NOT watch any of the Chucky movies! Uh uh! ...Little creepy doll-boy-thing... Ahhhhhhh!

Rann 10-18-2011 10:48 AM

I like the old Vincent Price movies.

Sannianni 10-18-2011 11:31 AM

There is a movie I saw years ago, had Lindsey Wagner in it. Wasnt scarey, but interesting. She found an old dress, and when she put it on, she was transported back in time. Turned out she liked that life better, and stayed. Must have seen it 25 years ago, haven't seen it since, and I don't know the name of it.

valsma 10-18-2011 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by Sannianni
There is a movie I saw years ago, had Lindsey Wagner in it. Wasnt scarey, but interesting. She found an old dress, and when she put it on, she was transported back in time. Turned out she liked that life better, and stayed. Must have seen it 25 years ago, haven't seen it since, and I don't know the name of it.

It is called The Two Worlds of Jennie Logan. Just in case you want to see it again.

rexie 10-18-2011 02:47 PM

I love the Stephen King movies. I like the old Frankenstein and Dracula, too.

RobertaMarie 10-18-2011 03:38 PM

At my stage of life, I want nothing ugly or scary...;( Only the beauty of sight and sound. There is too much scary stuff in the real world for me to go seeking it in movies. :-)

madamekelly 10-18-2011 03:53 PM

The only scary movie I ever saw that I liked was Stephen King's "Maximum Overdrive". I thought it was a comedy because I missed the opening credits and was amazed that he had made a comedy. (And this was before I had a stroke!) Dufus! Dufus!

Bren 10-18-2011 04:28 PM

The stock market scares me every day!

BettyJean 10-18-2011 05:14 PM

I like all the Halloweentown movies off of disney channel. They are on every night this week. One of these days I'll buy the whole set. I also like paranormal scary movies. The old classics like Silver Bullet, Werewolf stories, older scarey movies that aren't all blood and gore. :)

Linsoblu 10-18-2011 05:21 PM

They don't make a movie scary enough for me. I know sick!!

familyfun 10-18-2011 05:31 PM

Originally Posted by Linsoblu
They don't make a movie scary enough for me. I know sick!!

Me Too..
I LOVE scary movies.. The only problem now is I dont think they make them Scary anymore.. they are mostly blood and guts. I like the pass by the doorway, pop in front of the screen, curl up on the couch with a blanket and have everyone saying.. Did you see that.. did you see that person in the background kind of movie..
Can someone recomend any ?? OH and the Music.. that is the best.

valsma 10-18-2011 05:46 PM

Scary movies are now slasher movies with all the free flowing blood and guts.
I remember when my friendss and I would have sleepovers at each others house, pop popcorn, snuggle down in our sleeping bags in front of the tv and wait for Friday Fright Night Theater to start. They played old B movie scary's like "I was Teenage Warewolf", or "Creature From The Black Lagoon", now those were scary movies.

sharoney 10-18-2011 05:48 PM

Originally Posted by Airwick156
Nope Not Me. I don't watch Scary Movies as I am a chicken and I have nightmares. So I don't watch any scary movie.

That's me too!

Teacup 10-18-2011 06:53 PM

Anyone remember The Ghost and Mr. Chicken with Don Knotts? That one scared me to death when I was 8. I still get the shivers when the old organ starts playing by itself!

I don't do many scary movies...do like Hitchcock, detest horror/slasher movies. DH has been on kick with old scary movies the past few weeks on Turner Classic Movies and Netflix. He's watched at least 4 versions of Dracula and tons of old Vincent Price movies. He has another on right now! I'm not paying much attention.

Farm Quilter 10-18-2011 07:25 PM

The original Haunting of Hill House done in 1963. Scared me to death (nightmares to this day) and read the book (written 1959) with the same results. I steer away from scary these days!

Quiltaddict 10-18-2011 07:38 PM

Psycho has always been one of my favorites.

traumaRN 10-18-2011 08:09 PM

A few of my older favorites:
"The Haunting" with Claire Bloom; probably the scariest movie from my childhood.
"The Changeling" with George C Scott
"Stir of Echoes" Kevin Bacon
"What Lies Beneath" Harrison Ford

fuail 10-18-2011 08:14 PM

I don't like gross, bloody movies - I like old, classix b&w horror flicks - Bela Lugosi, Vincent Price, Boris Karloff

mrs. fitz 10-19-2011 07:03 PM

Psycho, a perfect film in every aspect (acting, cinematography, score, direction, etc.). Only one movie has ever given me a nightmare, a harmless film I saw as a very young child called "The Shadow On the Wall". Not at all a horror film but one scene still gives me shivers. The film is so old (and so am I) that the social worker was played by Nancy Davis, now Nancy Reagan, former first lady.

pal 10-19-2011 08:19 PM

The Changeling - George C. Scott
The Shining - Jack Nicholson
Storm of the Century by Stephen King
Amityville Horror - James Brolin
Blair Witch
-Can't watch them anymore either now that I'm older and have to get up so many times in the middle of the night

nellie 10-19-2011 08:41 PM

i like so many but i guess i;ll go with jeepers creeper,s 1 and 2 ,but i don,t like anything to do with the devil or evil sprits in movie

Aggierebel76 10-20-2011 10:38 AM


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