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Lostn51 04-30-2010 08:45 PM

I was wondering how many folks on the board are having to deal with all of the tornadoes and severe storms right now.

I know that eastern Arkansas is getting the crud beat out of it right now with half dollar sized hail and several tornadoes on the ground as I type this. We in West TN are looking forward to the weather and I have my weather radio sitting beside me and the TV on showing the storms. So far the radios alert has been going off about every 10 minutes and my wife told me she is not going to half to listen to it again this weekend. Last weekend was bad enough, now we have round two!!!

I know Eddie is in the areas with the bad storms. I just hope everybody is doing okay and that they and their families are safe and sound.


Jim's Gem 04-30-2010 08:46 PM

I hope everyone stays safe and sound!!!
We don't get tornado's around here, only fires and earthquakes!!

nursie76 04-30-2010 08:47 PM

Billy, Sending prayers your way for your safety and for any other folks in the storms path.

Eddie 04-30-2010 08:48 PM

Yeah, we got pummeled by them tonight. No damage here where I am, but several fatalities here in the state from the tornadoes. :(

nursie76 04-30-2010 08:52 PM

Originally Posted by Eddie
Yeah, we got pummeled by them tonight. No damage here where I am, but several fatalities here in the state from the tornadoes. :(

So glad you and yours are safe. So sad for the families who have lost loved ones to natures fury.

Lostn51 04-30-2010 08:53 PM

I am set, I have my laptop with the National weather service radar in one window, my weather radio, and the TV updating the weather as it happens. But I love this kind of weather for some reason, especially the tornadoes they are so awesome to watch.

But at night you dont know where they are so its not that much fun.


Lostn51 04-30-2010 08:57 PM

Originally Posted by Eddie
Yeah, we got pummeled by them tonight. No damage here where I am, but several fatalities here in the state from the tornadoes. :(

Yeah I heard about the folks in Van Buren that is so sad.

Here goes the weather radio again with a tornado warning, there is one on the ground in Craighead county near Caroway, Arkansas headed to Black Oak.

Its going to be a busy night tonite!!!


Edit: Lets make it 3 on the ground in Arkansas!!!

nursie76 04-30-2010 09:04 PM

Whoa! Oh stay safe Billy!

Lostn51 04-30-2010 09:17 PM

They are saying there is 1/2 dollar sized hail with 70mph winds about 10 miles from me heading this way. I have given up on leaving my weather radio on alert because it has been going off every 5 or so minutes.

Blytheville Arkansas has egg sized hail with a tornadoe on the ground heading for it.


amma 04-30-2010 09:45 PM

Holy Cow, that is some ugly weather!!! I too will be praying that you will all be safe!!!

no1jan 05-01-2010 12:03 AM

My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Take care and weather the storm.

marsye 05-01-2010 01:59 AM

The bad weather came thru sw Ar last night. We had one tornado warning in the area but no damage that I know of. Thank God!!!! :thumbup:

Lostn51 05-01-2010 02:48 AM

Well its 5:45am and we have not slept a wink. The Civil Defense sirens have been going off since around 3am and finally shut off about 5 and talk about RAIN!!!

It is coming down so hard right now it sounds like I have a jet on top of my house! And normally you can not hear the rain ay all in here. We had some pretty good sized hail for a bit before the hard rain but it has been the neatest lightning show!!


clem55 05-01-2010 03:37 AM

Billy, it ids 7:30 AM here in Lexington,KY and thunderstorms passed through starting about 5:00. NOw it is really black out there and looks like an all day thing. Too bad, today is Derby Day and so many plan parties, mainly cookouts.I feel so bad for the people that went through all the tornados. I experienced a couple as a child, and when the sky gets that black-greenish color, I get really nervous. Our Cairn terrier, Matti, heads for under the bed at the first sound of rain or lightning. I always fear we wont be able to get her out if there is a tornado and we go to the basement. Hope you all stay safe, be sure to let us know.

no1jan 05-01-2010 03:45 AM

Wow, you guys get some storms down there. I sure hope all is well now.

I live in upstate New York and have never heard the Civil Defense Sirens. I'm not even sure they have them and if they did if people would know what to do.

Hopefully all is well now and you can get some peaceful and much needed rest!


no1jan 05-01-2010 03:52 AM

I have a question. If I can get my walking foot working from my Janome low shank, will it fit my Model 66 machines?

I am taking my Janome to the dealer today along with the walking foot. It was the first time I ever used it and for the last week have been struggling with it. It sews for about a foot then the needle falls out,no matter how tight I tighten it. I don't know if it something I am doing or if it is defective.

I would love to use it on the Model 66 machines as I love working on them. So far, I am not thrilled with modern machines. I would probably do all my sewing on the vintage machine is I could use the attachments.

If it shouldn't fit, does anyone sell a walking for for the Model 66's or a Model 201-2 for that matter. And what would be a good price. The one for the Janome cost $33.00.

Lostn51 05-01-2010 04:32 AM

Originally Posted by no1jan
I have a question. If I can get my walking foot working from my Janome low shank, will it fit my Model 66 machines?

I am taking my Janome to the dealer today along with the walking foot. It was the first time I ever used it and for the last week have been struggling with it. It sews for about a foot then the needle falls out,no matter how tight I tighten it. I don't know if it something I am doing or if it is defective.

I would love to use it on the Model 66 machines as I love working on them. So far, I am not thrilled with modern machines. I would probably do all my sewing on the vintage machine is I could use the attachments.

If it shouldn't fit, does anyone sell a walking for for the Model 66's or a Model 201-2 for that matter. And what would be a good price. The one for the Janome cost $33.00.

You know I am going to have to find that out, because I have never tried a walking foot on anything. I can find out later on today.

I just got back from getting my stranded daughter a minute ago and I am waiting for the water to go away so I can tow her car home. She spent the night at one of her friends houses just down the block and since their family was up all night just like ours she decides to go get doughnuts and bring them home. Well she was caught in a flash flood and I had to walk down the block to get her. Her car was up to the windows deep in water!!!

Fortunately she was not hurt, but she decided to park it on the street instead of their driveway and when she and her friend walked out to get in the car it was under water!

Our house is up on a hill as such and a few of the folks down the street are not that lucky. I waded through water almost waist deep that is how much rain came down before the lull. A few homes have water in them but for several that have in ground swimming pools, I feel sorry for them.

So my day is going pretty good so far......:roll: :lol: :lol:


IrishNY 05-01-2010 04:37 AM

You know, the snow we get in NY is looking better every minute.

nursie76 05-01-2010 05:06 AM

Oh, Billy, I am so glad that your daughter was only stranded and not harmed! You are a wonderful dad, you sure were her knight in shining armor today for sure. I remember during a flood here once back in the mid 90's, our son was living with my mom while going to college and one minute he was going to lay down and try to get rid of a headache and the next he called saying they were getting out. Then lost all contact with them for 12 hours (pre cell). During that time they had tried to get themselves and 2 cars out of danger and one ad stalled and my son (in her late 70's early 80's) had to wade waist deep to carry my mom to high ground. Scary!

Lostn51 05-01-2010 06:29 AM

I try being a good Dad if at all possible but she was flipping out. I got it home and in the driveway thanks to the Hot Rod!! But there is all sorts of damage around here but mainly flood related.

I am watching the news right now and the weather guy says that we have had close to 8" of rain since midnight. They are forecasting over 12" before this is over with.

And now the Civil Defense sirens are going off again as I am typing this. There is another Tornado on the ground not far from us but it looks like it will go by this area.

It looks as if it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.


Baren*eh*ked_canadian 05-01-2010 06:44 AM

Wow, that is really just crazy!
I've never been through something like that, I think I'll keep my crappy snowy Montreal weather, thank you! We had a hail storm a couple of years ago and that was pretty nuts... and all it did was damage cars and break windows! (great for ppl like me who work in auto body, lol!)

Stay safe!

clem55 05-01-2010 06:55 AM

Billy, bet you got a big hug from daughter! What you dads will do for those girls!! We've had some pretty good rain, but not a drop in the bucket compared to you. NOt to be insensitive, but I sure hope those TN. storms , stay that far from here. By the way, are you a basketball-football fan? You do know I am a UK Wildcat fan!!LOL

Lostn51 05-01-2010 07:06 AM

Originally Posted by clem55
Billy, bet you got a big hug from daughter! What you dads will do for those girls!! We've had some pretty good rain, but not a drop in the bucket compared to you. NOt to be insensitive, but I sure hope those TN. storms , stay that far from here. By the way, are you a basketball-football fan? You do know I am a UK Wildcat fan!!LOL

I hope they just disappear before they get up to you guys. I know the Derby is today and I knew the weather was going to be crappy so I didnt even bother going to Louisville to hang out and hammer a few Mint Juleps this weekend. My wife loves to go and look at the hats, and show off one of hers.

As far as football I am not that much into collage ball anymore but when I was it was nothing but UT Orange around here!!! I am more of a NFL fan (Go Colts) and love the Mannings!! But I guess I will have to start pulling for LSU since the daughter is going there this fall.


Lostn51 05-01-2010 07:11 AM

Originally Posted by Baren*eh*ked_canadian
Wow, that is really just crazy!
I've never been through something like that, I think I'll keep my crappy snowy Montreal weather, thank you! We had a hail storm a couple of years ago and that was pretty nuts... and all it did was damage cars and break windows! (great for ppl like me who work in auto body, lol!)

Stay safe!

Your not missing much, but I really love bad weather and LOVE to watch Tornadoes. The body shops around here love the bad weather because nobody here can drive in the rain!! :lol: :lol:

Speaking of body work, do you have a little Turbo Tot running around yet? I know it is getting really close for the little one to hatch.....


clem55 05-01-2010 07:12 AM

Yeah, crappy weather for Derby Day. All the private parties for us poor people ruined( well, not totally, you can still imbibe and see TV inside!!LOL)

Lostn51 05-01-2010 07:26 AM

Originally Posted by clem55
Yeah, crappy weather for Derby Day. All the private parties for us poor people ruined( well, not totally, you can still imbibe and see TV inside!!LOL)

The only reason I'd go up there is a client/friend of mine is a breeder.

One time he took my wife and I up there for the week a few years back and we did all of the parties and dinners. Val and I had a blast but I was amazed at the kind of money that folks drop on a critter.

I can blend in with just about any crowd but those folks were WAY out of my league!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Eagle Hawk 05-01-2010 07:53 AM

Hi, Billy, I live in California right now, but grew up in Iowa along with bad storms and tornados. We bought property in TN and plan on moving there within the next year or so and know we have something to look forward to again! Growing up around tornados we know what to expect and know to pray a lot. They took our barns down to the ground a couple of times and took my best friends house as she and her family braced themselves in their basement and watched her childhood home raised from over her head and fly away to be scattered all over the county. Luckily, they weren't hurt bad except for lifetime psychological scars. I really feel for everyone there and hope you are OK. And, by the way, they DO have tornados in CA. also. Just not as many, but one went thru downtown Los Angeles and killed a few people a few years ago and one hit Disneyland, and I know they also have earthquakes everywhere, just not as many or as strong. Takes care. Our prayers are with your family.

clem55 05-01-2010 08:33 AM

Those are the rich people friend, us poor guys just have the run of the mill cookouts, with plenty of booze, and lots of fun. We bet big, a dollar in the pot and you draw a name. But, today I am betting on my own pick( with hubby) on Sidneys Candy , 3-1, and Backtalk, 50-1. Reason, Sydney is my darling granddaughter, and I've had plenty of backtalk raising four kids!!LOL

boxerlady 05-01-2010 08:41 AM

In east Tennessee the rain had just started. Tornado watches along the Cumberland Plateau. So far, just rain, nothing really bad yet, maybe the storm will die out before it gets to the Tennessee Valley

Quilt Mom 05-01-2010 08:45 AM

Prayers for all of you in the storms. I know we will get them soon enough. (Seems lately we have had a little of everything except fires! Even an earthquake - in Nebraska...)

I'll bet your daughter was grateful for the rescue. Dads are wonderful knights in shining armor.

no1jan 05-01-2010 09:31 AM

Wow, guys you are having terrible storms. In upstate New York it is a gorgeous day.

Sorry Billy, you can have your storms. I like the nice weather without all the smog and earthquakes in California where I grew up. I was in 1 major earthquake in the late 60' or early 70's and that was enough for me.

I'm glad you saved your daughter, I can't even imagine what you all are going through.

Please take care all, and my prayers are with you for "normal" weather soon.

TO Baren*eh*ked_canadian: Congrats on the new to come. Didn't realize you were expecting. That is such an exciting time. Soon there will be giggles and smiles all around. Nothing is better than having a baby, not even Vintage sewing machines. Sorry Billy. I would take 10 kids over any sewing machine any day.

Lostn51 05-01-2010 09:36 AM

Originally Posted by no1jan
Nothing is better than having a baby, not even Vintage sewing machines. Sorry Billy. I would take 10 kids over any sewing machine any day.

Nothing wrong with short people!! I guess thats why all of the kids in the neighborhood hang out with us here.

Unless there is 3 feet of water on you street.. :roll:


Lostn51 05-01-2010 09:59 AM

Storm update!!!

We have another lull in the storm and the sun is trying to break out of the clouds.

BUT the next round is coming and they are talking about it dumping 5" to 6" of rain an hour! There is tons of flooding homes, cars, and businesses. It even flipped a full sized fire truck over while they were trying to rescue a lady in her car.

We did have a tornado go over my house and I thought my trees in the front yard were fixing to take off and golf ball sized hail before and after it came over. It is bad enough my daughters Honda was a U-Boat this morning but now the car has several dents in it from the hail storm. Poor kid cant get a break for the life of her.

We are sitting at over 11" of rain since midnight and the county over from us has had over 12" of rain and they have closed a lot of the main highways in the tri county area.

So now I am fixing to take a tour of the neighborhood and see what it looks like before it hits again in the next hour or so.

I hope that everyone is safe and okay that has to deal with this weather!!


boxerlady 05-01-2010 10:34 AM

Are touring by boat?

kwiltkrazy 05-01-2010 10:36 AM

I can't imagine living where you do, and having to live through the tornadoes. In Oregon, (on the coast) I have lived through 125 mph sustained winds. As a child I had a fear of the wind, now I love it. Lightning too. Though lightning scares me now because my youngest is a fire fighter, and he has been sent out on some terrible fires. But, they are beautiful, and inspire renewal.

you all take care of yourselves and keep your heads down.

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 05-01-2010 11:07 AM

I think weather like that is so cool! I think as long as I knew that I myself was not in danger, I would love to experience something like that. Thunderstorms are awesome to watch... I just hate when they happen in the middle of the night because it stops me from sleeping... even just rain outside keeps me up, lol. I'm a very light sleeper. One of my favorite movies is Twister, and I know it's only a movie, really, but all they stuff that happens just seems so cool!
Tornados are common in your area, right? I bet insurance is $$$$$$$

As for the baby, he should have been here by a couple of days ago, but he's being stubborn!

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 05-01-2010 11:13 AM

Speaking of calm before the next wave hits, when we were much much younger, a girl I went to school with went outside in the eye of a hurricane. She thought the storm was over, and I guess as a child, you don't really know any better... I don't remember ever being through a hurricane, even a mild one, so I wouldn't know what was over and what was not.

Lostn51 05-01-2010 11:14 AM

We had a few shear force winds around 120mph but I think they were from the tornadoes.

They just said Brownsville, TN has had over 16" of rain and it is still coming down in buckets!! It has been said that we have broken every record for rainfall and tornado warnings in west TN's history.

There are still tornadoes on the ground in MS, one outside of Ripley and another heading to Iuka.

I was thinking about using my neighbors boat but I just hopped on the Four Wheeler. Then I ended up getting drowned before getting to the end of the block so I headed back. :evil:

Oh well they say that this is going to go on until sometime Sunday afternoon.


Lostn51 05-01-2010 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by Baren*eh*ked_canadian
I think weather like that is so cool! I think as long as I knew that I myself was not in danger, I would love to experience something like that. Thunderstorms are awesome to watch... I just hate when they happen in the middle of the night because it stops me from sleeping... even just rain outside keeps me up, lol. I'm a very light sleeper. One of my favorite movies is Twister, and I know it's only a movie, really, but all they stuff that happens just seems so cool!
Tornados are common in your area, right? I bet insurance is $$$$$$$

As for the baby, he should have been here by a couple of days ago, but he's being stubborn!

I think they're pretty neat as long as you can see where they are going so you can get out of the way. Like you I love Twister, the effects were pretty incredible. "We have cows" LOL!!

So he is being stubborn is he?!? Just drive across railroad traks a few times and hit a pot hole or two and he will change his mind!!


cjomomma 05-01-2010 11:27 AM

We had the storms come thru last night in western Ky. The weather radio went off twice, once for a tornado warning for the eastern part of our county. We are expecting more over night tonight. Cancelled a trip to poplar bluff missouri today because of the storms, didn't want to take the chance to get caught in a storm with the kids.
It has been raining all day. I think we had a 30 min break from the rain.
every one be safe out there.

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