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Tiggersmom 04-10-2014 01:31 PM

They walk among us
You’ll like these.

Our society is doomed..............

IDIOT SIGHTING I handed the teller @ my bank a withdrawal slip for $400.00 I said "May I have large bills, please" She looked at me and said "I'm sorry sir, all the bills are the same size." When I got up off the floor I explained it to her....

IDIOT SIGHTING When my husband and I arrived at an automobile dealership to pick up our car, we were told the keys had been locked in it. We went to the service department and found a mechanic working feverishly to unlock the driver side door. As I watched from the passenger side, I instinctively tried the door handle and discovered that it was unlocked. 'Hey,' I announced to the technician, 'it's open!' His reply: 'I know. I already got that side.' This was at the Ford dealership in Canton, MS

IDIOT SIGHTING We had to have the garage door repaired. The Sears repairman told us that one of our problems was that we did not have a 'large' enough motor on the opener. I thought for a minute, and said that we had the largest one Sears made at that time, a 1/2 horsepower. He shook his head and said, 'Lady, you need a 1/4 horsepower.' I responded that 1/2 was larger than 1/4. He said, 'NO, it's not..' Four is larger than two.' We haven't used Sears repair since.

IDIOT SIGHTING My daughter and I went through the McDonald's take-out window and I gave the clerk a $5 bill. Our total was $4.25, so I also handed her a quarter. She said, 'you gave me too much money.' I said, 'Yes I know, but this way you can just give me a dollar bill back. She sighed and went to get the manager, who asked me to repeat my request. I did so, and he handed me back the quarter, and said 'We're sorry but we could not do that kind of thing.' The clerk then proceeded to give me back $1 and 75 cents in change. Do not confuse the clerks at McD's.

IDIOT SIGHTING IN FOOD SERVICE My daughter went to a local Taco Bell and ordered a taco. She asked the person behind the counter for 'minimal lettuce.' He said he was sorry, but they only had iceberglettuce. -- From Kansas City

IDIOT SIGHTING I was at the airport, checking in at the gate when an airport employee asked, 'Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?' To which I replied, 'If it was without my knowledge, how would I know?' He smiled knowingly and nodded, 'That's why we ask.' Happened in Birmingham , Ala.

IDIOT SIGHTING The stoplight on the corner buzzes when it's safe to cross the street. I was crossing with an intellectually challenged coworker of mine. She asked if I knew what the buzzer was for. I explained that it signals blind people when the light is red. Appalled, she responded, 'What on earth are blind people doing driving?!' She was a probation officer in Wichita , KS

IDIOT SIGHTING At a good-bye luncheon for an old and dear coworker who was leaving the company due to 'downsizing,' our manager commented cheerfully, 'This is fun. We should do this more often.' Not another word was spoken. We all just looked at each other with that deer-in-the-headlights stare. This was a lunch at Texas Instruments.

IDIOT SIGHTING I work with an individual who plugged her power strip back into itself and for the sake of her life, couldn't understand why her system would not turn on. A deputy with the Dallas County Sheriff fs office, no less.

IDIOT SIGHTING How would you pronounce this child's name? "Le-a" Leah?? NO Lee - A?? NOPE Lay - a?? NO Lei?? Guess Again. This child attends a school in Kansas City, Mo. Her mother is irate because everyone is getting her name wrong. It's pronounced "Ledasha". When the Mother was asked about the pronunciation of the name, she said, "the dash don't be silent." SO, if you see something come across your desk like this please remember to pronounce the dash. If dey axe you why, tell dem de dash don't be silent.

STAY ALERT! They walk among us......and they VOTE and have babies.

woody 04-10-2014 01:45 PM

thanks for the laugh, just what I needed :)

mandyrose 04-10-2014 01:57 PM

so funny and true about the change I do that all the time in order to get a dollar back instead of change especially the younger kids always tell me I gave them to much until I explain i....t lol

Judith1005 04-10-2014 02:09 PM

:thumbup:, I'm still chuckling.

Annie Pearl 04-10-2014 02:53 PM

Too funny, I even had to share with my husband!

sandy l 04-11-2014 03:04 AM

And they seem to be like rabbits and wire hangers, more and more of them all the time:D

zennia 04-11-2014 03:32 AM

Good way to start my day. My daughter works in a bank. I am going to tell her to use the first one on one of her favorite customers. They will love it.

sparkys_mom 04-11-2014 03:43 AM

Originally Posted by mandyrose (Post 6669500)
so funny and true about the change I do that all the time in order to get a dollar back instead of change especially the younger kids always tell me I gave them to much until I explain i....t lol

I'm always relieved when I see the cash register calculate how much change I'm to receive. I can't tell you how many times I've had something like that happen to me. These things are funny ... but at the same time, they aren't.

mimim 04-11-2014 04:07 AM

Two true stories that happened to me---
Bank--I had a business deposit with less than $2.00in change. None of the coins made a roll. The teller said, "We don't take coins." what?? you're a bank!!

Fabric shop--I asked the cutter (a 18-19 yr old boy) for 1 1/3 yd. he said he couldn't cut that. He could not figure out how much that was because it wasn't marked on his yardstick. I bought 1 1/2 yd instead. He must have been absent in the third grade when fractions were presented.

grannie cheechee 04-11-2014 04:14 AM

I go to this nice restaurant for take-out. New cashier, meal is $18.25, hand her a 20 while I'm reaching in my pocket for a quarter, she's rang up the 20. I said I have a quarter, and looking me straight in the eyes, I can't take that, I've already put the 20 in and it tells me to give back $1. 75 cents. I was stunned that time. So, the next time I went, an the same thing started, I stopped her, and told her that my cash register tells me not to tip anymore if she doesn't know how to make correct change without depending on the cash reg.. She has even learned to count it back to me!

marymay 04-11-2014 04:22 AM

These were all graet. Laughing was good this morning. Thank You.

Doggramma 04-11-2014 04:26 AM

I actually think it's sad that young people can't figure out money/math stuff.

There are lots of examples I've had recently. But one of the dumbest is when I ordered 4 cookies at 50 cents each and the girl couldn't come up with the right amount. Then she called over another girl, who took out a calculator, and they still couldn't come up with the right amount. It must be the new confusing math!

bibi 04-11-2014 06:43 AM

Oh my this is so funny. Thanks for brightening my day.
The problem with counting back, etc is that students learn how to do give change when they are young, but as they grow there is really no opportunity for them to practice this learned skilled in real life situations. Parents pay for everything, and then typically with a credit/debit card. There are few neighborhood stores where children would be appreciated to shop on their own, something I believe was more prevalent in days gone by.
By the time the children are high school/college age the skill is lost, or not really needed. Many young adults of that age too have debit/credit cards paid for by their parents. I'm sure if they learn how to use the machines properly they will survive just fine, and leave us to our chuckles.

QUILTNMO 04-11-2014 09:53 AM

lol they do live among us scary!!!

Stitchit123 04-11-2014 09:54 AM

My BIL sent his daughter to the hardware store to pick something up for him.He gave her $ 20. The item came to $17-- Upon getting her change back she told the cashier he shorted her $10 -he should have gave her $13. She gave him a $30 dollar bill. There was no convincing her that there is no such thing. She was taking courses at the college at that time to become a CPA. She actually graduated and is now an IRS auditor. This explains a lot of the problems that outfit is having....

misseva 04-11-2014 12:34 PM

My husband and I owned/operated a fast food restaurant and had to teach everyone how to count back change. Young and Old alike. They all tried to do the math in their heads. I have the same problem that grannie cheechee had at the local grocery store clerks and they're not young and have been working there a long time.

farmquilter 04-11-2014 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by Stitchit123 (Post 6670889)
My BIL sent his daughter to the hardware store to pick something up for him.He gave her $ 20. The item came to $17-- Upon getting her change back she told the cashier he shorted her $10 -he should have gave her $13. She gave him a $30 dollar bill. There was no convincing her that there is no such thing. She was taking courses at the college at that time to become a CPA. She actually graduated and is now an IRS auditor. This explains a lot of the problems that outfit is having....

That is so scary to think she works for the IRS.

kayluvs2quilt 04-11-2014 05:34 PM

I am still laughing about the person who plugged the cord back into itself!!!!!
Thanks for my laugh of the day.

Bubbie 04-12-2014 04:45 AM

My problem is I think I know some of these people!!! lol

Wonnie 04-12-2014 06:12 AM

Originally Posted by bibi (Post 6670579)
Oh my this is so funny. Thanks for brightening my day.
The problem with counting back, etc is that students learn how to do give change when they are young, but as they grow there is really no opportunity for them to practice this learned skilled in real life situations. Parents pay for everything, and then typically with a credit/debit card. There are few neighborhood stores where children would be appreciated to shop on their own, something I believe was more prevalent in days gone by.
By the time the children are high school/college age the skill is lost, or not really needed. Many young adults of that age too have debit/credit cards paid for by their parents. I'm sure if they learn how to use the machines properly they will survive just fine, and leave us to our chuckles.

Although I do respect your opinion my thoughts are different. I was taught to count back money by the third grade. We were POOR so had no opportunity to use that skill until much, much older. But when the opportunity finally did arise due to working in a fast food I never had that first problem remembering what I had been taught. I often wonder how young people would survive if suddenly their calculators and electronics that give them all the answers suddenly died.

tessagin 04-12-2014 06:22 AM

Same thing happened to me at McD's drive thru. Manager told me it would throw their register off!

jeank 04-12-2014 06:27 AM

Our church specifies a different type of item each week to encourage people to contribute to the pantry. One week it was toilet paper. I mentioned this to my neighbor that had to miss that week. She asked me with a straight face why would the homeless need toilet paper.

I told her that bodily functions don't stop just because you are homeless. Also, the reality is that it will go to low income families that have to stretch what little money they have.

cactusmomma 04-12-2014 07:22 AM

Thanks. Love the Le-a. I work with the public and the names we get!

Onebyone 04-12-2014 11:10 AM

All these idiots live in my town. I have had encounters with them all. LOL. I had a co worker who was having a problem with her car. Another co worker said she probably needed a new fuel filter. A few weeks later the guy asked her if she bought a new fuel filter. She said yes, she had bought four of them and they made the problem worse. He said what do you mean? She had been dropping the filters in her gas tank!

caspharm 04-12-2014 11:19 AM

I had heard of a couple before, even though they're true and funny, it's also frightening, since these people are either running things or our future.

We are dumbing everything down.. Have you seen the videos of kids who don't know how to use a dial phone - that one's cute. The same thing with the names: some are changed to be different, but others names come about, because they go with the phonetic spelling rather than the correct spelling.

Has anyone seen "Water's world" on "The O'Reilly Factor"? He goes to places and asks people about news stories, political people, and other things? Some of the answers are scary. For example, he asked some people whether they were for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare. One answer he received was the person was for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but not for Obamacare, because they thought the ACA was cheaper. The person didn't know they were one and the same. :o

pw6 04-12-2014 11:21 AM

ohhhh yes needed that laugh. thanks

Quilty-Louise 04-12-2014 11:33 AM

My oldest daughter who is 32 years old recently bought a new
laptop for gaming.
After a couple days she called the place she bought it from to
complaining that the "stupid" thing won't turn on and charge.

The guy she spoke with said "first things first, did you have the
cord plugged into the wall outlet"?


My daughter then said umm never mind, please disregard this
phone call.

She ended up returning that laptop because it wasn't all they
said it would be for her online gaming.

Last Sunday we was out shopping and she bought another new
laptop. After we finished out shopping I took her home, and as
she got out of my car I reminded her not to forget to PLUG the
laptop up to the wall outlet so it can charge.

orangeroom 04-12-2014 11:37 AM

I work in an area where we hear new names all the time. One woman DID name her baby La-a in our area. I've also heard of Kash Money (pronounced mo-nay) and Strawberry. I understand that it's your choice what you name your child, but please do not make it sound like a strippers name.

I've often given cashiers coins in order to get bills in return. When they look at me quizzically, I just say "Enter it into the cash register. You'll understand afterwards." I'm not sure that all of them did understand.

Onebyone 04-12-2014 12:37 PM

My DD's high school just graduated new art teacher was telling me about her trip to New Jersey. She said she never knew New Jersey has such a big lake around it like Michigan. The school custodian standing near us about busted a gut.

Doggramma 04-12-2014 02:01 PM

My sister asked me if Mexico was part of the US. She was 16 at the time.

madamekelly 04-12-2014 10:07 PM

I once mentioned to a new friend from New York that I had watched Mt. St. Helens blow her top. She looked me in the eye and asked how did I avoid getting blown up by the volcano! (I lived in Vancouver, WA at the time and watched it from our back patio.) Lol!

gale 04-12-2014 11:06 PM

I've had no problems giving change with dollars (even when a total is something like 18.03 and I give $20.05) so I think everyone around here has seen that. But a few years back when I used to pay with a check, I wrote one check for $10 over the total so I could get some cash and the cashier had to get the calculator out to figure my change.

I knew someone from New Mexico who tried to order something over the phone only to be told the company only ships to the United States. Then they would not believe her that New Mexico IS part of the United States.

cricket_iscute 04-13-2014 12:07 AM

I asked an 30-something English teacher at a local high school to clear up when "bring" should be used and when "take" should be used. She said she didn't know; they don't teach that kind of stuff in school anymore. This woman had just completed her master's degree in English (not English literature). I asked how she grades her student's papers when grammar and spelling are involved; she said she just skips that part.

Do any of you know about bring and take? If I say I'm going to take a book to school with me, doesn't that mean I was not at school when I said this, but that I am headed for school? And if I am at home and ask my husband to stop at the store on his way home and bring milk home, don't I use "bring" if the thing to be brought is at the store currently? Doesn't the choice of which word to use depend on the location of the person who uses it? (I hear this mistake on the local news all the time.)

I was able to get an answer from a retired teacher for the difference between fewer and less. According to her, I am less tired IF I CANNOT COUNT OR MEASURE IT, and have fewer flowers IF I CAN COUNT THEM.


ube quilting 04-13-2014 05:27 AM

Just a day ago, having a fun time, ragging on each other during lunch break at work: During our conversation

Eve1 said "I took a selfie of myself".

I chuckled and said "that was redundant."
Eve2 asked " What does that even mean, don't be usen those big words around me."
Eve3 piped in and said " It's something you say over and over and over."

I was, and stayed speechless.:D

They do walk among us. it is a lesson in patience for the rest of us users of big words.:D

ptquilts 04-13-2014 06:04 AM

When we used to go on vacation in Canada, we would change money at a bank in the US. One time the exchange rate was 80%. We had $100 to change. We watched a teller (not a young one either) use her calculator to figure out 80% of 100. Yep, she came up with 80!! What a shock!

nativetexan 04-13-2014 06:38 AM

OH Cricket_is cute, bring and take being misused gives me headaches every time I hear it. Even 1960's movies have people saying bring or brought when it should be take or took. Now, I looked that up the other day on Yahoo and got several answers. None good. Even went to say The English in England say "take", we say "bring". NOT!! I was taught in Texas schools to say Take when I have what ever it is I'm talking about. Bring when I want something. sigh.

Anyway, I was at Arby's and gave money to the clerk, including some change. The clerk couldn't figure it out and called her/his manager. The manager got it wrong tooo!!! I had to tell her. Sigh! I finally got the correct change but it was a struggle. I try not to confuse them anymore.

cricket_iscute 04-20-2014 12:28 PM

Thanks, nativetexan. So it is the item's location, not my location, that determines the usage of bring or take.

DebbE 04-20-2014 01:28 PM

Grannie Cheechee, I'll have to remember your example the next time I run into that situation -- it happens a lot more often than one would think!

cathyvv 04-20-2014 04:02 PM

Very good. You're an educational customer. The owner should pay you to eat there!

cathyvv 04-20-2014 04:16 PM

My grandson (then 8) once (only once!) told me he'd show me how smart he was.

I said, "Ok, show me."

He then asked me to give him the calculator so he could show me how smart he was.

After suppressing a big, hearty laugh, I responded by saying, "That won't show me how smart YOU are. It'll show me how smart the calculator is."

He left the room without another word.

The rest of the story: He has Aspergers Syndrome and truly is very smart. Mom and Dad thought he 'learned things differently', that he didn't need to do all the work other kids needed to do to learn. Since I was not a 'true believer' in undemonstrated abilities, I wrote down some simple math and addition problems for him to add and subtract.

Again, he asked for the calculator. Again, he was told no. He confidently began adding the two numbers, which were hundreds, from left to the right, and insisted that his answer was right. After wrangling over whether his answer was right or wrong, I handed him the calculator and he 'figured' out that he was wrong.

The same thing happened with subtraction.

It took me 1.5 days to teach him how to do addition and math, and, like with most kids, it required repetition, repetition, repetition.

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