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-   -   What animals do you have inside or outside (also wild animals) at your house? (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/what-animals-do-you-have-inside-outside-also-wild-animals-your-house-t89896.html)

annpryor 01-13-2011 02:49 PM

From Montana about animals inside and out. I never know what is outside. I could be deer, moose, rabbits, grizzly bear, brown bear, cougars and on and on. Inside I have cockapoo, chihuahua and a part siamese cat.

zyxquilts 01-13-2011 02:57 PM

Inside the house - dust rhinos & dust bunnies. Outside the house - Opposums, cats, hawks (Red Tailed, I think), the Coyote Choir sings in the local hills some nights, deer, dogs, rabbits....and I live in So. Calif. suburbia!

sik1010 01-13-2011 03:30 PM

Obviously 4 cats inside...Outside, we have swans, geese, and ducks near a pond in the wooded area behind us. Rabbits, squirrels, lots of neighborhood dogs and cats, and we had a woodchuck under our shed for years, but he recently died (I think of old age).We have a bird feeder, but I can't always determine the types of birds we get--the squirrels like it too. We sometimes have some raccoons, possums, and skunks, so you have to be sure the garbage cans are covered tight & locked. And last but not least, as stated above, I'm sorry to say, I do have dust bunnies from time to time (the amount and frequency depends on the computer and my sewing frequency).

roda 01-13-2011 04:17 PM

Jinks myself after I said I'ld been good this year about animals got a baby calf in the bathroom.
But not sure I can save him

marknfran 01-13-2011 04:40 PM

WOW! Where do I begin.
No animals inside.
One outside feral male neutered cat.
Daily we are visited by a morning flock of magpies, while the white tail deer are roaming around. The woodpeckers (him and her) tend to check out the trees and ground; the grey squirrel keeps chasing them away. The woodchucks have gone underground with the groundhogs for the winter. Every other day we get a bunch of quail forging for food. Last year we had a series of four eagles picking at a dead white tail deer for about a week. Racoons and skunks have parted for the winter, but will certainly be back this spring. Oh yes, the cat brought us some gophers lately but hasn't been able to catch that little rabbit we saw a few weeks ago. I think he is eating the mice because he hasn't wanted much food lately. During the spring and summer the turkeys and peacocks show up on occasion. Wildlife....never ending supply. Love it all!!!

shelrox 01-13-2011 04:44 PM

Ok inside we have 1 black Lab, 1 Beagle/?, 1 Black & white Tuxedo cat, 1 Blue Front Amazon, and 1 Senegal Parrot. Outside we have 1 American Quarter Horse, 1 Paint Horse, 2 pygmy goats, with more due in about 3 weeks, 30 chickens, 20 quail, 1 tabby cat, approx. 9 neighbours dogs whom visit daily, oh and almost forgot 1 DH. Lots of birds, squirrels, chipmunks, mice, moles, opossums, fox, raccoons, coyote, bears a little way up the mountian, dear and i think that covers it.

Pam B 01-13-2011 04:45 PM

Inside: My DD and her fiance's mutt is living with us until their wedding in June when DD and mutt will move to Cincy. Usually don't mind having him around except when he is barking incessantly like he is this evening.

Outside: Our Border Collie, assorted squirrels, groundhogs, an occasional fox, and coyotes.

auntiehenno 01-13-2011 04:53 PM

One Fiona cat, age 17. Indoors,

sisLH 01-13-2011 04:55 PM

Tame: 7 goats, 3 dogs plus we live by public hunting so usually hace dogs and cats dropped off here.
Wild: deer, coyote, pheasant, geese, in the summer some swans. Never have seen a squirrel here -why? good question

grannypat7925 01-13-2011 04:57 PM

Inside........two cats. Outside........squirrels, coyotes, opposums, raccoons, garter snakes. Feral cats all around but my cats won't allow them to tarry in our yard.

marknfran 01-13-2011 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by marknfran
WOW! Where do I begin.
No animals inside.
One outside feral male neutered cat.
Daily we are visited by a morning flock of magpies, while the white tail deer are roaming around. The woodpeckers (him and her) tend to check out the trees and ground; the grey squirrel keeps chasing them away. The woodchucks have gone underground with the groundhogs for the winter. Every other day we get a bunch of quail forging for food. Last year we had a series of four eagles picking at a dead white tail deer for about a week. Racoons and skunks have parted for the winter, but will certainly be back this spring. Oh yes, the cat brought us some gophers lately but hasn't been able to catch that little rabbit we saw a few weeks ago. I think he is eating the mice because he hasn't wanted much food lately. During the spring and summer the turkeys and peacocks show up on occasion. Wildlife....never ending supply. Love it all!!!

OOPS, forgot those coyotes!!! And husband said to be sure tell you that Prancer, the feral cat, does come indoors when it gets to be below 15 degrees. He knows when it is too cold to be outside and we have a bed for him in here.

noahscats7 01-13-2011 05:11 PM

If you have access to the attic to block them out, throw moth balls all over the attic and they will leave. we had flying squirrels and it didn't take long. The down side is you get some of the smell in your house. We just nailed some wire over the apex openings and have had no more problems with them. Unfortunately the stink bugs took their place this winter but I can live with them.

Originally Posted by blzzrdqueen

Originally Posted by craftybear
What animals do you have inside or outside (also wild animals) at your house?

I was looking out the front living room window today and noticed a squirrel running across the yard in the snow was so cool to see.

Also we have seen coyotes tracks in the snow and can hear them howling at night in the woods behind our house.

I have seen squirrels, rabbits, stray cats and dogs around our yard.

Inside: we have a shih tzu male dog and he is spoiled rotten

Thanks again for sharing and this will be fun to see what types of animals are around our yards

I have 4 cats and a dog, and a family of squirrels living in my attic!
Can't afford to have them taken care of ($2000 to remove them, decontaminate the attic and seal off the entry points), and don't have the heart to kill them ourselves, so we let them be for the time being...

crankygran 01-13-2011 05:19 PM

I see plenty of deer...........maybe too many. No maybe about it. They can decimate a garden faster than You can plant one.I find bear and raccoon skat in the yard and saw a fox a couple of years ago.

shelrox 01-13-2011 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by roda
Jinks myself after I said I'ld been good this year about animals got a baby calf in the bathroom.
But not sure I can save him

Oh do I miss the days of having lambs in the bathtub at this time of year, never thought I would say it but I am. Having to get up every two hours to stomach tube them and all.. sigh, but it is alot easier not raising meat sheep anymore.

IT_Nana 01-13-2011 05:21 PM

I love your little kitties. The tabbies look just like my cat!

JANICE E. 01-13-2011 05:48 PM

In house my spoiled peke, he's 11 yrs old and so sweet. I have 2 senegal parrots. Outside stray cats, deers, possum , raccoons. I feed the cats ad the raccoon come and possum at night to see whats left. Even the birds outside eat the dry cat food.

roda 01-13-2011 05:53 PM

been there done that had 300 meat goats for 10 years

cherrio 01-13-2011 05:55 PM

I have 4 dogs; 1 maltese 2 yorkies and 1 maltese/shitzu mix. I have a 15 yr old cat and a lively/mean 1 yr old cat. 2 Python snakes and tons of outside squirrels (as opposed to the 1 in my attic) a fox wanders across the field almost daily. We have over 6 inches of snow and the cardnals still chirping in the tree outside the kitchen window. And I live in the city!

jitkaau 01-13-2011 06:06 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Here is a selection:

quiltgrammyt2 01-13-2011 06:14 PM

Inside-Toy wire-haired Jack Russel named Baby Girl
Outside-3 horses named Duke,Ole Girl and Snickers.
Wild-squirrels,coyotes,snakes(had one get in the house 2 years ago,Hubby and son came home from work real quick),rabbits,opposum,cougars,bobcats,badgers,rac coons,chicken hawks,several kinds of small birds.
Oh,and FIL's outside cats are everywhere. :D

milikaa1 01-13-2011 06:54 PM

We have a Old English Sheep dog mix ,Sarah, Bernese Mt. dog mix, Kodie and Lap/Pit mix, Kona in our house, and "a" sometimes Jack, sometimes Jack is our neighbors Lab, we named him that cause sometimes he is here and sometimes he is not, before all the new additions we had we had Shadow a Schipperke Pom.

We dont have any more squirels, they had some disease and they all died, we have lots of coyotes....

Patricia Ann 01-13-2011 07:13 PM

we have deer fox and bear, racoons

grannypat7925 01-13-2011 07:18 PM

And how could I have forgotten to mention our beautiful deer (3 of them) who cross our property often.

desertrose 01-13-2011 07:21 PM

Outside we have Coyotes,harris hawks, falcon, humming birds, and a variety of wintering birds. In side there are two parrots, and two spoiled lap dogs. One parrot is a Timna Africa Gray and talks and mimics every sound, including phones, mircowave, doorbells and repeats parts of conversations. Never a dull moment.

Annz 01-13-2011 07:50 PM

dog, cat, fish and bird.

grandma Janice 01-13-2011 08:11 PM

inside we have two dogs, small to medium size. Outside we have lots of squirrels that come eat the birdseed and drive my dogs crazy. We have a french door that they look out onto the patio. But the dogs get their daily exercise chasing them up the tree when I let them out. It's fun to watch them try to outwit each other. We have an assortment birds including two pair of doves that are the most beautiful things you ever saw.

Rabs 01-13-2011 08:14 PM

inside we have 2 dogs, a lab & a lab/shepard mix. Outside we have 2 horses. We live on 60 acres, so wild animals include tons of whitetail deer, turkeys, coyotes, pheasant, geese, ducks, ect. There have been reports of a cougar nearby and also a few bear sightings but I haven't seen any signs myself of those.

Crabby Patty 01-13-2011 08:24 PM

As we live in the country we have all the usual wild critters.Deer, opossums,raccoons,squirrels,groundhog,fox,coyotes, pheasants,various birds,etc. We even have a bobcat that lives in the woods south of our place. Inside we have 3 very spoiled Jack Russell terriers. Outside we have a Siberian Husky, a beautiful heinze (100 variety) dump off that we adopted and chickens 1 cat and 1 visiting cat. Thank goodness we don't have to feed all of them.

marlene tarzwell 01-13-2011 08:26 PM

We put out extra bird seed out[8 feeders] because we got 8 ins. of snow. I've never seen so many cardinals, blue-jays, woodpeckers, doves,[and of course those huge crows] Also I've seen a bunny, a small deer, and too many squirrels to count. I love watching them while I am sewing. I miss seeing so many animals when we lived in Northern Mi. We do have a precious little pappilion ,Bitsie. She loves wearing her hooded,fur trimmed coat.We had to shovel a potty spot for her though, she is 5 pounds and couldn't walk in the deep snow.It is finally melting though. My DH says he thought we moved away from this white stuff!!!![not his exact words though]

Celeste 01-13-2011 08:28 PM

One Doberman inside, (I hope we got rid of the mice!), outside, definitely squirrels, mice, some cute little birds, though not now (winter) and, we suspect, a skunk. Maybe not all the time, but s/he announces his/her presence with the smell.

My parent's home is more interesting, they often have wild turkeys, deer, foxes, owls, birds, (blue jays for sure!) woodpeckers, some type(s) of carrion eating birds, skunks, bobcat, and once, years ago, someone saw a mountain lion.

I'm sure there's mice and rats somewhere too. (They're ok if they're pets. . .)

seasaw2mch 01-13-2011 08:29 PM

first off there are NO critters allowed in the house, this is my area not theirs. I have my own long hair to deal with shedding and I at least know where and how to use the bathroom without leaving a mess for the rest of the family to deal with.

we have one hunting dog left, all the rest died of old age.
we see, squirrels, rabbits, foxes, coyote, bears, deer, snakes, mice, cats, other dogs, humming birds (my favorite), woodpeckers, lots og song birds, crows, owls, harks, possums, we even saw a bobcat this pass summer and some wild pigs.

Well I guess you get the picture. If it lives in the woods we have seen it.

rubia 01-13-2011 08:57 PM

We have two fish. WOOO! LOL

But at my boyfriend's farm... three indoor dogs, 9 calves, my 11 Ameracauna chicks, his 7 or 8 Rhode Island Red chickens and roosters. Lots of wild turkeys on the property along with red fox, deer and who knows what else.

rubia 01-13-2011 08:58 PM

Oh.. He also has a giant rabbit and two mice. He also had a hamster but it died about a month ago. All the small indoor caged critters freak me out so I try to ignore them.

Berta48 01-13-2011 09:35 PM

We have squirrles and YES a ground hog.He is in hibernation underneath our storage shed right now.He will come out this spring. He likes bananas.I use to have tochase off neighbors cats as they would try to wait by his hole under the shed waiting for him to show his face. (but they've moved)My mom is 92 and lives with us and she enjoys sitting in our screened-in porch and watching him.He tries to shake the birdfeeder to get the nuts and seeds that it contains

He is a lot of fun to watch.

We also have wild turkey and deer in this area along with thr geese and ducks.

Flapper 01-13-2011 10:02 PM

Just had a fox to appear today under the ornamental pear tree, he was eating the small fruit that had fallen off. Have had wild turkeys, deer, squirrels and lots of birds. Love living in the woods at the end of a dirt road!

Born2Sew 01-13-2011 10:20 PM

We have 6 domestic outside cats. No dogs at present time.
We have deer graze behind the house, beautiful Cardinals, squirrels, oppossums, and raccoons. The possums and coons take turns eating scraps at night that we take out. It's funny to watch them. We have an old upright freezer and I had to store the cat food in and lock it to keep the coons out! We used to keep it in a 55 gal trash can until the coons found it there. So we moved the cat food to the freezer and they got in there, so we started locking it up to keep them out. They tore off all of the rubber seal trying to get in. Oh, almost forgot we also have 2 goats.

BARES 01-13-2011 11:15 PM

Inside I have my furbaby that allowes me to live here. My avatar BarePaws. Outside, I have squirrels, raccoons, (three of the fattest - must have been 30 to 40 lbs apiece in my backyard) coyotes, dogs, skunks (one was living in my garage for awhile)bluejays, crows.

JAGSD 01-14-2011 05:09 AM

Originally Posted by roda
Jinks myself after I said I'ld been good this year about animals got a baby calf in the bathroom.
But not sure I can save him

Just checking to see how the little one is doing? I am kind of partial to bucket babies.

newfiegirl 01-14-2011 06:24 AM

I already made my list of outside and inside critters I have, but I have neighbors who have geese, goats, horses as well as one who has dogs, goats and much to my surprise emus; may be a cat or two that I haven't seen. Have only been a country gal for the last 4 years, but no way would I go back to the city life. As an aside, I have sat in my backyard and seen the massive glow of the space shuttle, looked like it was coming through the pine trees right at us.

MemoryKeeper 01-14-2011 06:40 AM

I have foxes, coyote, darned few white-tailed deer and otter. Mostly though, I have Squirrels. My snowy yard is a pretty good size but the squirrels have covered it with tracks. I informed a friend this morning that even though my yard is covered with tracks, that doesn't mean I'm "nuts".

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