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fratcat 02-17-2011 08:41 PM

My father always called me Fancy Pants. Started when I was very young becuase my mother used to dress me in the little panties that had all the ruffles on the rear end and the name never went away.

stitchnnana 02-17-2011 08:45 PM

Sissy Ann by my granny. Suzy Q by my grandpa.

Margie 02-17-2011 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by kwhite
I was called ugly and stupid. That was many years ago and a world far far away.

How cruel and how UNtrue. God bless you and wipe those awful memories away and replace them with peace and happiness.


DawnMarie 02-17-2011 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by noveltyjunkie
Nicknames are a big part of American life, arent they? I don't think we have that so much in other places- I certainly don't. Everyone calls me by my name- my sister sometimes replaces the last letter with a Y but that is the closest I ever got to a nickname. Where I come from nicknames are generally associated with bullying and "name calling". Some of yours are cute though!

I had a Spanish professor from Mexico. She was the smallest, skinniest thing you had ever seen. However, she was tubby when she was a little girl. Everyone called her "Gordita" (little fat girl), when she was younger. She was so sweet. I would have been offended if someone would have called me that, but she figured it was all in good humor.

supergma 02-17-2011 09:18 PM

My baby brother couldn't say Sister. He called me Foostie. I am 73, he is 69, and he still calls me that once in a while.

DONK 02-17-2011 09:29 PM

My cousin called me donkey when she was little cause she couldn't say Donna, when i got older it got shortend to Donk. My mom still calls me Donk and I have a niece that calls me Aunt Donk.

biscuitqueen 02-17-2011 10:09 PM

Suzie Q, when I was small I had a big yellow dog named suzie. Mom would call me in for lunch and we'd both come running. Growning up I had a bf call me suzie and one day his mom asked me if I knew he had another gf called suzie what a laugh, I told her it's my middle name.

B Jane 02-17-2011 10:23 PM

My favorite brother-in-law called me B Jane. My Mother started with "Eleanor" then "Ruth" then "Lainie" them Marietta before she ever got to Barbara - so I learned to answer to "Eleanor" real early! I've always maintained that calling me "Babs" would get you broken kneecaps! LOL

Rock Lady 02-17-2011 10:51 PM

My middle name is June and my immediate family has always called me that. When I started school I used my first name which is Lois. However, family members all called me "Juneie". The one that really got my goat was when they called me "junie runie". Grrrrrr........

Linsoblu 02-18-2011 12:27 AM

My dad called me Linda Lou even thouth Lou is not my middle name. My oldest brother always called me Loush. My Uncle called me Peg Leg pete as I had broken my right leg when I was 2 yrs old. My friends still call me Dude.

Sienna's GiGi 02-18-2011 03:05 AM

"Nanarita" My mom called me that.

puck116 02-18-2011 07:24 AM

Well all the aunts/uncles called me Janet Karen because my mother was also Janet, but her middle name was Alice. So even now when I go to a wake or gathering they call me Janet Karen. My mother has been gone for 8 yrs. and I'm in my 50's.

My sibs called me "Baby", because I was the youngest. When I was approaching dating age, my mother made them stop. She said it would be too embarrassing to have a boy come to the house and have my brothers calling, "Baby your date is here."

laalaaquilter 02-18-2011 07:37 AM

My mama called me 'pumpkin' and I have a fetish for them now. The family of a fiance called me 'missy chrissy' (ended up not getting married...very smart). DH and I call each other 'doll baby' and 'baby doll' interchangeably. I call a friend's little girl 'doll face'. They've just had another girl. I can't wait to meet her and find out what her's will be....I'm thinking 'sugar pea' or 'sugar snap'?

slstitcher 02-18-2011 07:59 AM

My sister called me Q for Suzy Q and still does and my uncle calles me Shoes (Suz).

Naturalmama 02-18-2011 08:16 AM

My Gram called me TeenBean 'cause I was as skinny as a string bean (and my name is Tina).

laalaaquilter 02-18-2011 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by Jan in VA

Originally Posted by kwhite
I was called ugly and stupid. That was many years ago and in a world far far away.

I am so very sorry for that burden you've carried. You are quite beautiful, you know, and likely very smart. I think you should be called Friend. :)

Jan in VA

You tell her Jan!

yonnikka 02-18-2011 08:22 AM

My parents called the firstborn "son." and ergo; I was called "sister" but fb had a lithp, tho I wath called "thithter" or "thithy"
The kindergarten teacher didn't understand why I would never respond to her. So there was a CONSULTATION. Turns out, I had never known my name. I had never been infomed that I had a name, not just a role. So, at 5 years old I learned to spell my name, a half year before the other children were taught. Things were different back then. Not much was expected of 5-year-olds. Handling scissors was the big accomplishment.

laalaaquilter 02-18-2011 08:47 AM

It has been so fun and also bittersweet to read all of the postings here. Thank you all for the trip down memory lane.

I forgot on my previous posting that I'm called 'Queen' by a group of friends (I'm very tall, very opinionated, and not the least bit shy about sharing).

Those of you called 'lou' or 'sue' in the middle, it is an endearment. Like Cindy Lou Who from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. I call my SMIL Brenda Sue for that very reason.

I think we need to start a thread on nicknames for our pets LOL

AnnieF 02-18-2011 08:55 AM

My name is Ann Marie and my older sister (1 year older) couldn't say that so she called me Amadee. That was the pet name my father called me until the day he died...and I was 48 at the time.

Jennifer22206 02-18-2011 09:05 AM

I was called Jellybean too. Then it moved to Bean. Also Punkin

Barbm 02-18-2011 09:50 AM

Given name- Barbara. reserved for my Mother, usually after the list of 5 other sisters' names are used with no response from me.

When I was young- Binky (I have no clue why) or Barbi (like Barbi Benton). About 15 I insisted no more Barbi, it was Barb.

My brother, who passed away 5 years ago at age 39, was the only one who could say Barbi and get away with it. I think it was the devilish smile and twinkle in his eye that said, go ahead, hit me, I'm still going to call you that. :)I used to tell him he was my favorite baby brother- of course, he was the only baby brother.

Hubby calls me Barb- he knows I can't stand that sappy crap of Babe or Honey. The kids call me Mom or Mommie-o. The grands call me Grammie Barb.

Laura22 02-18-2011 09:52 AM

Laurabelle by my Grandfather

Laurie by close relatives

Pumpkin (birthday is on Halloween) by lots of people

Some rather naughty names as I got older as my maiden name was Head

jazway 02-18-2011 11:28 AM

My mother named me Elizabeth Jane so I would have the same intiles as her but she called me Suzy. I didnt even know I had a another name untill kindergarten when the teacher call roll and I didnt answer. Then the school would not let me Suzy because there were 3 Susan and 2 Suzans. I only use my legal name for legal stuff. My driving lic is signed Suzy.

kathymarie 02-18-2011 11:29 AM

I guess I can say this....my mom called me a turdknocker (that's what her dad called her) and my dad called me his "little jewel"....go figure.

sew_sew 02-18-2011 01:23 PM

My name is Bonnie, my dad and most of his family called me Bon Bon. My middle name is Jean and my mother called me Jeannie, her mother called me BJ and her father called me BJ or Jonny Bean. One sister calls me Bon.

grandma Janice 02-18-2011 08:02 PM

my mom and dad's friend called me half pint because I was so short. It kind of stuck and others called me that. When I got to Jr. High, the kids called me Robbin hood because my name was Robinson

jpthequilter 02-18-2011 08:36 PM

Originally Posted by Tropical
I was called Sissie because I was the only girl among five brothers. Mom and my youngest brother still call me that. My Dad did until he passed away at age 84. My favorite nicknmae is one my mother gave me when I was in my young teens and helping her to clean house. It was Tillie. There was an old radio show she used to listen to and there was a character called "Tillie the Toiler." I guess I like it because it represents something that gave her pleasure when she listened to the radio show.

It was even before my time (I'm 81) but "Tillie the Toiler"
was a cartoon character in the newspapers.
Once in a while, my mom, who was born in 1909, called
herself that....
Look it up on google...
Our weekly newspaper features the "Katzenjammer Kids" cartoon now, which once was published about the same time...

My dutch cousins in Holland call me "Yane" , which they
earnestly explained as this : Jean = Jane and J is pronounced "Y". I like it - nobody else is very likely to have that name...Jeannie

Dottie Bug 02-18-2011 08:45 PM

my name is nora when i was born my aunt lois told my parents that i was no bigger than a dot so dottie ,, my grandfather sherman said i was no bigger than a lady bug so bug they have called me lady bug, dottie bug,&doodle bug and grade school other kids called me jolly-green giant . i was the tallest child in my class 5ft 6in in the 4th grade , funny i am only 5ft 8in now woosh what memories

jojo47 02-18-2011 08:57 PM

My given name is Joanne, but when I was little, my Gramma Mae used to call me Jan...sort of slid over the 'O'. That stuck for quite awhile, then a cousin started calling me 'Queenie'...why, I don't know, but if he ever thinks of it, he's the only person allowed to still do so..:). As years passed, my siblings began calling me Jo, and many use that shortened version now. I do have one favorite nickname, though, thanks to a (late) consumer where I work. She couldn't pronounce Joanne, but 'Jojo' came out plain as day and it stuck! Memories!

chris_quilts 02-18-2011 09:23 PM

My dad called me Chrissy from the get-go. I HATE that nickname. I have only ever had one other person call me that but it didn't bother me. My brothers used to call me Pi**y Chrissy until my mom made them stop. When I lived with my grandparents, Grammy would call me Joanne (my mom's name) and I would answer; otherwise she'd run through a whole lotta names before she got to mine. I have always gone by Chris but I do tell everyone that if you must use my formal, given name it is Christina with an "a" on the end and not an "e". Ex-FIL called me Christy. I receive a lot of mail addressed to Mr Chris Smith which ususally makes me laugh.

laalaaquilter 02-18-2011 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by chris_quilts
My dad called me Chrissy from the get-go. I HATE that nickname. I have only ever had one other person call me that but it didn't bother me. My brothers used to call me Pi**y Chrissy until my mom made them stop. When I lived with my grandparents, Grammy would call me Joanne (my mom's name) and I would answer; otherwise she'd run through a whole lotta names before she got to mine. I have always gone by Chris but I do tell everyone that if you must use my formal, given name it is Christina with an "a" on the end and not an "e". Ex-FIL called me Christy. I receive a lot of mail addressed to Mr Chris Smith which ususally makes me laugh.

ME TOO! I HATE it when people use the 'e' not the 'a'. So I usually just say my name is Chris and skip the problem altogether. My first name was Mary..same as my mother, so I always hated the first day of school when the teacher learned not to call me that. I like going by Chris...I'm job hunting so this way I know I'm not discriminated against for gender.

nellebelles 02-19-2011 01:04 AM

My name really is Ellen, but I've been called Nelle since I was a newborn. The only ones who call me Ellen are those who don't know me very well, or for legal or medical purposes...

tutt 02-19-2011 07:44 AM

My brother called me Squirt, my grandmother Cindy Ann, my aunt Cinderella, my Mom and Dad Sister or Sister Ann, friends Tutt or Little Bit. OMG, I guess I'll answer to anything!!

fktsewing 02-19-2011 09:01 AM

My dad called me punkin, my grandma called me dumplin, my grandpa called me baby & my DH calls me BooBoo and my brother calls me Francie.
I call my DD Taz (Tazmanian Devil) because she was always moving and getting into things. My son was Turtle Man because he never did anything fast and his sister called him stinky. I call my grandaughter my little sweet potato.
When we were in highschool dating, my little cousin was about 3 and my now DH is Greek and she called him Geek. But she called me Shocky because she could not say Frances. I called my DB bubbie, but the worst was what all the mean little kids in school called my brother and I--remember now, it was the early 50's---My name is Frances, so they called me Frances the Mule after the movies with Donald O'Conner and his name is Hughie so he was called Baby Huey after the large cartoon duck. Needless to say, we beat an awful lot of kids up that called our sibling one of those names.

Dee 02-19-2011 09:36 PM

My dad called me Dee, mom called me liliac baby and uncles called me Coop, cuz my legs were so long and a tiny behind. My brother caleed me Di as most do today.

shortstack 02-20-2011 02:28 PM

I've been called so many things where do I begin. My great grandma called me Phissy Ann, my little brother called me Philly until he died January 3rd of this year. I miss him...and I always called him Dada. My name is actually Phyllis Ann and his was David.
Mostly I'm called Aunt Shorty by my neices, nephews & great neices & nephews. My sisters just call me Shorty

Angelmerritt 02-21-2011 08:40 PM

My godfather calls me Legna. It's my name (Angel) spelled backwards. Don't know why, but he still calls me this.

Ragann63 02-21-2011 08:47 PM

Hoots, by my mom.

M.I.Late 02-23-2011 09:42 PM

I remember my grandpa called my grandma Toots or Tootie. Boy, that was a long time ago...

ilovequilts 02-23-2011 10:31 PM

I was always called "HazelButt" as a little girl...maybe I should have worn more clothes to avoid that name haha
My family still calls me "Haze", I don't remember the last time my mom or sister called me by my name (Hailee).

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