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abdconsultant 09-26-2011 04:16 AM

I'm thankful for a heart of contientment and my spiritual gifts, which allows me to help others. The family God gave me and the friends he sends my way. The magnificant creation of nature. The country in which I live. The freedom to worship. Most importantly I am loved!

Kuusistoquilter 09-26-2011 04:18 AM

I am thankful for grandchildren who live nearby so I can see them and love them up. I am thankful for family and friends who accept me for who I am. I am thankful for my DH who puts up with me. I am thankful for living in America.

jad1044 09-26-2011 04:24 AM

Health that abounds in our bodies, and a good life in general; freedom to be ourselves and the love of family

JacquelineVH 09-26-2011 05:03 AM

For Jesus and my wonderful DH and DS. And also that I finally got out of the hospital after a severe illness, on my birthday!

carolynbb 09-26-2011 05:14 AM

In all things give thanks...
Blessings abound.
So many things - God the Father, DH, adult children, friends, food, shelter, 3 dogs, cars, return to better health after illness, of course my quilting and crocheting, and like someone else mentioned - mint chocolate chip ice cream!

Anna O 09-26-2011 05:18 AM

I am thankful that God allowed me to be born in America.

gollytwo 09-26-2011 05:21 AM

my health, my family, my friends
and, that I'm an American

piepatch 09-26-2011 05:27 AM

I am thankful for the good health of my beautiful family and the bountiful blessings God has given us.

BellaBoo 09-26-2011 05:35 AM

I'm thankful that I have not one thing to be worried or stressed about. My DH, kids and their families are all in excellent health, no debt, and we go and do and have fun together.

luvstoquilt 09-26-2011 05:49 AM

My family and my life and all it has given me.

homecaregiver 09-26-2011 05:54 AM

My God and Savior, Jesus Christ who leads me every minute of everyday.

My loving family.

All my quilting friends, pals and mentors

My special friend Mary Lou who had the knowledge to help my husband during his heart attack and for giving me 4 extra years with him. I am very thankful and proud to call her friend.

This wonderful quilt board members who inspire me with all the beautiful quilts, free patterns,help when I have problems.

And the stash I am building up and the ability to turn that stash into something special.

Thanks to all on the board. Old and new and newer members.


Lucy90 09-26-2011 05:54 AM

Thankful for health, family, friends, home, and able to enjoy my life and hobbies.

mhansen6 09-26-2011 05:59 AM

What am I thankful for? A Sunday NASCAR race and quilting. I have a TV in my sewing room and I watch NASCAR on Sunday and sew. Now that is a perfect afternoon. I made a wallet to go with a Bow Tucks purse yesterday.

grumpy90650 09-26-2011 06:03 AM

my wonderful hubby, who supports all my quirky habits like buying more fabric when i have a ton at home, my two kids, their spouses, my 3 grandsons, that everyone has good health, and that my life is good!!!

LindaDeeter 09-26-2011 06:10 AM

Waking up!

Tinker Tots 09-26-2011 06:15 AM

I am thankful for the above, but I am also thankful, God has given me the knowledge to learn how to sew after being 50 yrs old before beginning. And that my disk in my neck is still allowing me to quilt in small doses. And thankful my hubby lets me walk in front of the tv a million times laying the quilts out as I am piecing and he said: I am going to count one day how many times you walk, and pick up and lay that quilt down. LOL

Great-great granny 09-26-2011 06:16 AM

The same thing I just posted on What makes me happy -

EVERY morning I wake up I feel blessed. God has given me another day to enjoy the bounties He puts around me every day.

A loving family, supporting friends, a friendly neighborhood to live in, & His beautiful world that still can reveal it's positive side w/the beautiful people who live in it. Like the people on this QB. :thumbup: :thumbup:

Rose Marie 09-26-2011 06:25 AM

Thankful mostly for being born in a country that allows me the freedom to lead the life I want.
Of course Im thankful for a healthy family, friends, etc.
I wish all of you a happy, healthy, long life.

Tinabodina 09-26-2011 06:27 AM

Great subject! Everyday I look around and I am thankful for everything I see. Life could be alot worse.

Murphy1 09-26-2011 06:30 AM

My dad use to say "If you have your health you have everything." This is so true. He passed away at 61, having had a heart attach at 42. I am grateful for health and a loving family and a few good friends. I have had a good life with little stress and am hopeful that the downturn so many are feeling will soon correct itself.

grannypat7925 09-26-2011 06:32 AM

A God who loves me

A wonderful, supportive hubby,

Good health

Nanaquilts44 09-26-2011 06:35 AM

God, my husband, my family, my friends, my home, beauty in nature, food, a comfortable bed and pillow, freedom, my car, and on and on.

Jingle 09-26-2011 06:37 AM

Originally Posted by luvTooQuilt
~ A hubby who supports my quilting hobby....
~ a stash big enough to shop from...
~ notions and and gadgets to make quilting faster, easier and more precise...

~ and the most I am thankful for, a happy, healthy loving family, a roof over our heads and food in our bellies...

All of the above and am happy to still be alive. I am the last of 5 kids to be alive.

How about you?? ..... lets make this A happy thread....

All of the above and happy to still be alive. I'm last of five kids to still be alive.

lillybeck 09-26-2011 06:43 AM

That the Lord saved my soul for eternity and blessed me with 8 kids, 25 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. I am thankful that he let me belong to a large family growing up where we were always around aunts, uncles. cousins, and grandparents. I am thankful that my children understand that they are loved unconditionally no matter what they do. They know I do not always like what they do but they know I love them.

bizzyquilter 09-26-2011 06:45 AM

Originally Posted by luvTooQuilt
~ A hubby who supports my quilting hobby....
~ a stash big enough to shop from...
~ notions and and gadgets to make quilting faster, easier and more precise...

~ and the most I am thankful for, a happy, healthy loving family, a roof over our heads and food in our bellies...

How about you?? ..... lets make this A happy thread....


Quilt Mom 09-26-2011 06:46 AM

two wonderful daughters (and a son-in-law), parents who are still with us, a husband who loves and suports me, and a hobby that keeps me sane! :lol:

j 09-26-2011 06:48 AM

I can pay off my bills each month. -- J

harrishs 09-26-2011 06:53 AM

My Faith, my family, my friends. Living in the USA! I love my home and where I live---a furry family to keep me company and love me. I am thankful that I can pay my bills and have enough left over to have fabric and vintage sewing machines!

debby wicke 09-26-2011 06:54 AM

I am thankful for my family and friends. Most of all that God loves me and is with me at all times.

greaterexp 09-26-2011 07:00 AM

Oh, my! Where to begin? Blessings all over the place! The world's best husband, kids, grandkids, and so much more! God is good and generous! I don't deserve any of it!

Mona Marie 09-26-2011 07:11 AM

Originally Posted by annthreecats
I'm thankful for my health, my family, my job, my home, my car, my pets, that I can have so much fun with a sewing machine (or knitting needles or crochet hook) and some material (or yarn) and I'm really thankful for Quilting Board.

ditto..except my job, retired!

crazy_quilter 09-26-2011 07:13 AM

A Vacation Day!! I so need to not go into work on a monday morning!

Bren 09-26-2011 07:14 AM

I am very thankful for my family, friends, home, church, pets, health and to be living in the USA!

pastimesquiltdesign 09-26-2011 07:17 AM

A home to live in,
Grandkids to hug and kiss,
A free country,
Sunshine and flowers,
Friends to laugh and smile with especially in hard times
All my new quilting friends on the quilting board

scisyb220 09-26-2011 07:22 AM

Thankful for husband, children & grandchildren who are the love of my life. Thankful for all the good things God has provided us. Thankful for the many talents He has given me to be able to use to bless others: sewing, crocheting, teaching. And thankful for love given and love received.

cjr5107 09-26-2011 07:23 AM

I am thankful for my Lord and Savior, my wonderful husband of 36 years, my children, grandchildren (5) my brothers and sisters and my church family.

EagarBeez 09-26-2011 07:36 AM

I am thankful to wake up and be able to enjoy a new day.
I am also very thankful to have a really great husband.
I am thankful for having super in-law
I am thankful for my two sisters, 2 step-children, 3 beautiful grandbabies
I am thankful for the talent I have for quilting,crochet,needlepoint to name a few
and I am thankful for all of you that I can come to for having answers, learning, or just listening to an occasional rant...thank you all.

margecam52 09-26-2011 07:37 AM

That I woke up this morning, and my hubby was sleeping beside me. Life is too short to fret the small stuff! Hubby just finished treatment for his CLL (type of leukemia that is not curable, but controlable), and all looks great. He is at doctor now, testing to see how well the treatment really did. We know we don't feel any more lumps, and his counts are great...but checking to see if any cll cells still in his nodes and blood. If not...next will be a bone marrow biopsy to see if any still in the marrow.
Lon supports me in all I do...and we laugh a lot these days...just enjoying lifes little joys... critters, raindrops on the roof, sunsets, stars...and I love yous from our children.

sew scrappy 09-26-2011 07:51 AM

my shop hop buddy!!

dixiechunk 09-26-2011 08:03 AM

That God has blessed me with salvation.
Secondarily...a husband who is not only tolerant of my quilting but also very supportive, a devoted son, a wonderful sister and niece and two gorgeous great-nephews.
Thirdly...great, and I do mean great, friends.
Finally...clean air, clean water, food, housing, access to medical care.

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