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rexie 04-16-2011 05:07 PM

I am loster than an Easter egg.

Quiltmaniac2010 04-16-2011 05:47 PM

Idle hands are the Devil's workshop. (that is why we quilt!!)

Hold her Newt, she's heading for the buckwheat!!

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!

This is such a great topic!! Thanks for the memories, although it makes me sad that my Gramps and my Mum are gone....

nyleckan 04-16-2011 09:01 PM

An elderly neighbor used to say, "Handy as a pocket on a shirt".
And "the needle doesn't have thread". (when someone was slow witted.)

MissBarbQuilts 04-16-2011 09:14 PM

You can choose your actions, but you can't choose the consequences.

Moonglow 04-17-2011 03:52 AM

If you are going to tell lies you better have a good memory.

stitchofclass2 04-17-2011 04:55 AM

Waste not, want not.
Anger destroys the vessel it is carried in.
If the shoe fits - wear it!
Monkey see, monkey do!
Not the brightest lamp in the room.
What goes around comes around.
A penny saved is a penny earned.
Don't spit up in the air, it will hit you in the face. (Don't be so cocky!)
Slow and easy wins the race.
Saints preserve us.
Don't criticize him until you walk a mile in his shoes.
Beauty is only skin deep.
Live, love and laugh often.
Life is short. Don't waste it!
He walks to his own drummer.
You are going a mile a minute. (Slow down.)

dreamer2009 04-17-2011 06:34 AM

do as i say...not as i do

wildyard 04-17-2011 07:12 AM

Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.
Up sh*t creek without a paddle.
Might as well spit into the wind. (your action is going to come back on you)

Dottie Bug 04-17-2011 08:56 PM

puttin on the dog , as to dress up

1screech 04-17-2011 09:27 PM

I have laughed out loud at some of these and I remember quite a few. My mom was a bit different, she said many of these. Here are a few more that I did not see.

S??t or get off the pot. (when someone could not make a decision

Can't never could do nothing.

If someone had something she wanted...she would say "I wish I had that and I wish they had a feather up their butt and we both would be happy.

She also had a poem that she would just say out of the blue

"I'm so tired and I'm so sore
Ain't gonna do it for a nickel no more
15 cents is my price...for a quarter, I'll do it twice.

SHOESHINE! Now what were you thinking?

Airwick156 04-18-2011 01:24 AM

Originally Posted by wildyard

Another line I would catch myself saying due to the fact that all of our childrens names started with A's, well you know which one you are when I would say one name and actually meant one of the other ones.
My mother didn't have the excuse of our names starting with the same letter, but she often called us by our siblings names and would go thru the list till she got to the right name. Then she would laugh and say: Just calling the roll.

I used to forget my kids' names and I would go through all of them. I would say...Syndy, Tina, Mistydawn, Hesid, Emeth, Charlie, Gus, CRYSTAL...whatever one you are, you have to go to sleep at some point and when you do, I will remember who Im looking for. LOL

My grandpa used to say "Son of a sea serpent" instead of saying son of a B......

Airwick156 04-18-2011 01:29 AM

Oh for Pities Sake.

Faiwee 04-18-2011 10:32 AM

If a task is once begun, never leave it 'til it's done. Be it great or be it small, do it well or not at all.
Both my mother and Grandmother said this.

ashlett 04-18-2011 11:41 AM

Mine is `no fool like an old fool` and over and over I have seen this proved right!!

jskbloomers 04-18-2011 11:54 AM

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

katykwilt 04-20-2011 10:47 AM

We grew up in the sticks (another old saying, I guess), but to us the slop pail was for anything that could be passed to the hogs (although there was an extra can for coffee grounds and egg shells for the chickens) and the honey bucket was the chamber pot. We heard "waste not, want not" a lot.

Originally Posted by Aurora
In my grandmother's house, it was called a "slop jar" aka "chamber pot". No pigs involved.

Lizzie 04-25-2011 02:34 PM

Silence is GOLDEN

Out of the frying pan into the fire

What goes around -- Comes around

Don't put the cart before the horse

jljack 04-25-2011 02:37 PM

Originally Posted by S D G
The 1 I remember is What goes around comes around.

Me too....and it has proved true!!

Kas 04-25-2011 03:18 PM

Lately I have been feeling what my Mema used to say, "I was born tired and had a relapse!"

mzsooz 06-07-2011 11:28 PM

"Dig deep the puppy is in the bottom" said when dishing up a stew or something.

"lower than a snake's belt buckle" said when feeling blue.

"Your eyes look like two burnt holes in an indian blanket" said when you didn't look too good.

"funnier than a two story outhouse"

"two heads are better than one even if one is a cabbage head"

"thats a heck of a note said the monkey as he farted in the tuba"

"strung around like a mad woman's s--t"

these gems are from my grams. I could go on and on and on......

Catherine Marie 06-08-2011 07:24 AM

Not my pig, not my farm

Ramona Byrd 06-10-2011 07:58 PM

It was the slop bucket that got me ... and in our home it was the "Pigs Pail"! :)
Sometimes where I come from the "slop bucket" sometimes meant something more like the thunder mug that was kept under the bed. With a tight lid. Which sometimes did not work that well. Which meant that if at first you didn't have to go out back, then try to wait till morning, but if not, then put that lid on TIGHT!!

Ramona Byrd 06-10-2011 08:59 PM

It don't make me no never mind. ==I don't care.

He doesn't know his A%^& from a hole in the ground.

He can't find his A%&* with both hands.

He who laughs last, has a real slow mind.

My get up and go got up and went without me.

Cleanliness may be next to Godliness, but with kids it's next to impossible.

Bless her heart, she's got a rear end two axe handles wide.

ThayerRags 06-12-2011 07:16 PM

"Dryer'n a Popcorn F*rt!"

"I was looking for a job when I found this one."

"I'll slap you into next week!"

CD in Oklahoma

TonnieLoree 06-12-2011 08:20 PM

Originally Posted by frauhahn
Actually, mine is one my husband brought from Germany-translated it says: If someone is born an a**hole, he can't die as a canary. . .(hope I haven't offended anyone)
Another (the German language is full of these)is: the soup is never eaten as hot as it was cooked.

I wonder if my dad has heard that. He is German and his folks immigrated from Germany.

nellie 06-12-2011 09:08 PM

i always say {god bless america}when i have to give someone some thing for them and im busy working and not wanting to stop what i'm doing instead of cusing thats one and i tell my grandkid,s i'll fix you up instead of saying spanking

Faiwee 10-07-2012 05:22 AM

My grandmother and Mother always said " If a task is once begun, never leave it till it's done. Be it great or be it small, do it well or not at all.

Ramona Byrd 10-07-2012 05:50 PM

Old Sayings
Beauty don't last but good cooking does.

Lazy as a hound dog sitting on a tack.

Mutton dressed up as lamb. (I'm not going to explain this one)

A whistling girl and a crowing hen, both come to no good end.

Don't squat down with your spurs on.

lynnie 10-07-2012 08:17 PM

Just a stones throw away...when measuring distance
$#!+ on a popsicle

For when things were bad.
the wrse they got the more youd add
ie frozen

MissM 10-07-2012 08:48 PM

I have enjoyed reading this and seen many of the sayings my Mom and Dad used to use. Here are two my Mom used all the time I didn't see:

Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

It will all come out in the wash.

dublb 10-08-2012 12:02 PM

I'm so glad that this thread is up & again! I enjoyed it so much.

cbpirate 10-08-2012 03:57 PM

I have one that helps me through bad times. You may remember "Time heals all wounds." but, "Time wounds all heels". It is one way that i can think of the people who have caused me pain will eventually get " theirs" in the end without coming out and causing problems. my counselor thought it was different and very appropriate......

Ccorazone 10-08-2012 05:08 PM

My mom would say, "Soap is cheap and patches are honorable".

debbiemarie 09-15-2013 03:55 PM

I got a kick out of hearing these says again, my Dad was from Ohio and my Mom from Kentucky. If someone startled my Dad he would say," you scared the tar out of me", or "what in tarnation are you doin? Mom was always saying, "Mercy", Don't be a selfish gut!"

debbiemarie 09-15-2013 04:18 PM

I just remembered another one, when he ate something he liked my Dad would say, "that hit the spot"!

omacookie 09-15-2013 04:21 PM

Spit in the air it will fall in your eye ! In other words watch out what you say !

lynnie 09-15-2013 04:59 PM

deader than a door nail
kicked the bucket
bought the farm
(for the dead, or the passed)

the dirty end of the stick
handwriting is on the wall
truth is said in jest

$#!t wrapped up in paper( usually said in Polish)

My mom always talked in euphinisms, never saying exactly what she ment, so you had to figure out what you did wrong.

yel 09-15-2013 05:52 PM

this is for every boss, big shot and all those people in life that think they are all that ..............they all put their pants on the same way i do

yel 09-15-2013 05:57 PM

this is for every boss, big shot and all those people in life that think they are all that ..............they all put their pants on the same way i do

carolstickelmaier 09-17-2013 10:55 AM

I love this thread! Heard most of the ones listed but I will give you a few more..
"Dumber than a post". "You play You pay" (said when someone partied to hard the night before)
"1/2 a brick short of a load". "Half a bubble off". "You see my eyes?" (grandma said when she was mad)
Last but not least...."You're makin my jaw teeth hurt" (said when someone is irritating you, kind of like"biting my tongue".

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