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marthe brault-hunt 12-01-2010 08:16 AM

My DH wanted to try Steak Tartare (ground beef with a raw egg yolk on top). I was bottling potatoes with the skin, Then . he started worrying that our four kids would prefer theirs cooked, I said let's sit and eat, I'll cook them if necessary. The meal started, they looked at their plates, they looked at us , we were eating.Then the question came up "Are we going out tonight. A bit surprised I answered No . My daughter said , I thought you were in a hurry and didn't have time to cook the meal.

stitchofclass2 12-01-2010 08:20 AM

My oldest grandson (now 32) asked me when he was about 7 and I was 47, if I had electricity when I was a little girl. Love those grandkids!

clem55 12-01-2010 08:35 AM

My daughter , about 9 at the time overheard her little brother asking where babies come from. Before I had time to answer( I needed to think a minute or two on that one as we hadn't had that talk yet) she popped up with "the daddy puts his thing in the mommy and "shoots the juice to her and it makes a baby". I was dumbstruck!! ( Hope I didn't offend anyone here ) But the funniest thing she ever did was when she was two. (This was back in the day of padded bras and pointed boobs) We had a friend visiting with his girlfriend, I was meeting her for the first time. Well, said daughter got in her lap, poked the point of the boob and it stuck for a second or so, then POPPED back out. You could hear it!! Daughter thought that was so funny she just had to do it a few more times, and I LET HER!!

luvnquilt 12-01-2010 08:47 AM

When my son was 2 (he's 3 now) and was taking a bath one night, he looked down, grabbed his little boy parts and said,"look Mom, a tail".

Ripped on Scotch 12-01-2010 09:04 AM

My niece, who just turned 5, knows she is not supposed to have pop. My sister, niece , mother and I were all out for lunch and my sister went to the washroom. My neice jumped up in her mothers chair and started to drink some of her pop. My mother and I said "umm you know you aren't allowed to have that" she just looked up at us and said "well We're not going to tell her now are we?" She was had just turned 4 at the time.

nursie76 12-01-2010 09:12 AM

Originally Posted by tellabella

Originally Posted by nursie76
The summer before our DD started 2nd grade we went to Washington, D.C. and saw the Lincoln memorial, Fords theater where Lincoln was shot and the Washington monument. Well the next school year, in February and Presidents day, the kids were learning about both Lincoln and Washington...I guess learning about both at the same time as well as visiting the memorials of both presidents during the same summer trip caused my DD to be a little confused. One day while driving in the car, we were talking about what she was learning about in school and she looked at me very seriously and said, "Mommy, how old were you when Abraham Washington was shot?" Gosh, so much for being a young looking 36 year old..... !

I know how you feel, remember I must look like I was alive during WW1...
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

That daughter will be 28 in January.....I definitely must look like I date from the civil war! Ah well, you know what they say, the older you get the better you get...I figure I must be approaching magnificence...:lol:

Chasing Hawk 12-01-2010 09:25 AM

Our granddaughter Sissy came up to me one day and said........

"Gramma, I didn't know Native Americans were human."

I asked where did she hear that, she said in school. I explained to her that not everything she hears or reads about Gramma's culture is true.

Marlys 12-01-2010 09:34 AM

I have 2 children who were 6 & 8 at the time. One night we were flipping through the channels on TV. One channel had a pretty racy sex scene and I flipped past it. My daughter said, "Mom, did you and Dad ever do that?" Before I could answer, my son said "Well, they did at least twice!"

Suzan Larrimore 12-01-2010 11:04 AM

When my oldest son, now 25, was 5 yrs old he expressed a wish for a little brother. As time went on and I didn't be come pregnant he became impatient. He Looked at me one day and said "I want a brother!" I said "Dad and I are trying." He frowned and slapped his knee exclaiming, "Try harder!"

cafegold2 12-01-2010 11:21 AM

My very independent three year old declined gran's help to prove he was now a "big boy". His new cotton briefs had the usual front fold. He was determined to use it instead of pulling down his pants. Suddenly Mom heard him fussing while standing in front of the toilet...." I can't find it!" Mom was then horrified that he knew the right term for it.

cafegold2 12-01-2010 11:33 AM

I worked part time second shift at the hospital. Those mornings I worked diligently to get the house in order. I had three under three year olds. Put them outside in the fenced yard to play in the sunshine. The girl knocked on the kitchen door over and over. In exasperation I answered "What Do You Want?" Her reply was ..." With a name like Smuckers it's got to be good!" (An ad for jam from TV)

jbj137 12-01-2010 11:43 AM

My daughter, about 4 - 5, (she is now 37) one day asked me what "fashiondie" meant. I said I don't know where did you hear it?? She said, "you know in the prayer - now I lay me down to sleep". They were saying it so fast she thought "If I shoould die" was all one word "Fashion die". J J

Zebra2 12-01-2010 11:49 AM

Age 4, my daughter observed newborn (girl baby) at the home daycare she went to. Apparently was fastinated by umbilical cord coming off . . . .

Came home and informed me that "all babies are born with a penis. They fall off of the girls, because we really don't need one anyway!"

puck116 12-01-2010 12:20 PM

I remember asking my MIL when do I stop letting my DS and DD bath together. She said, "You'll know." Shortly after, at bath time, I'm in the kitchen and I hear giggling. I go to the bathroom and I see DD flicking DS's penis with her finger and giggling. I knew then that was the right time. By the way, they were only about 3 and 4 yrs old. Another time, DS at bath time, says "My beans, where are my beans?" Apparently, his "beans" had shrunk up inside him.

chichimamma 12-01-2010 12:52 PM

When my son was little he was sick and told me "Mom I don't feel real" I guess that's a pretty good way to identify being sick. My nephew was fishing with his grandma and it was a hot day and he wiped his head and told her his "two-head was sweating"

lynda1945 12-01-2010 12:54 PM

Many years ago when we were waiting for a new Pope to be elected my nephew was sitting at the dinner table and he was about 5 y/o - he asks his dad "Dad, who elects the new Pope, the Cardinals or the Mets?"

King's Daughter 12-01-2010 01:34 PM

When my DD was about 6 or 7, she asked me, "Mommy, if you and daddy didn't get married, would I be an orphan?"

She's 40, and for some reason, it irritates her when I tell this story.

Chickpea 12-01-2010 01:39 PM

It's not a question I was asked, but a funny comment.
We had just returned from Easter Sunday church services to find my oldest son's bunny dead. My then 4 year old youngest son commented, " Happy Easter, I don't know why they say Happy Easter. First Jesus died, and now Babs is dead."

crankygran 12-01-2010 02:24 PM

When my youngest GrandDaughter was in preschool they has Nursery Rhyme week when the had a program to recite their favorite rhyme. In Costume! She chose Mary Mary Quite Contrarry and while working on her Gardeners outfit we also worked on her being able to say "contrary" . Came the big day and she looked adorable and proudly said" Mary, Mary Quite contrary, How does your garden grow? With Silver Shells and Taco Bells couldnt understand why people laughed.

ArtisticDesign 12-01-2010 02:31 PM

These were great! rofl

Then: (round 4-5) > Serious as a tack, my son's in the bathroom while I was doing my makeup, starring at the bathtub he says, "Mommy, what are bathtubs made of?"

Now: (24)> I have a ton of art supplies packed in my closet, enter my new interest in quilting = closet stuffed with tons of notions, bags of fabric etc... He stepped in just to check out all the stuff (not touching anything)Suddenly about 5 sacks fall on his head like an avalanche. Of course I busted out laugh, saying "yea, I need more space..He's all dead pan serious and says, "Mother, I have a phone # of someone who can help you..It's (said real slow)> 1 - 8 0 0 - D i a l A P r a y e r lol..

Moon Holiday 12-01-2010 02:35 PM

On the first day of school, my neighbor Lori's 6-year-old daughter Mandy, got off the bus and proceeded to tell her mom that one of the big boys who sat right behind her on the bus kept asking her over and over if she was a virgin. Lori asked "What did you tell him?" Mandy said "I got so mad that I stood up (demonstrating to her mom emphatically with her hands on her hips) and said, "NO I'M NOT!" Curious, Lori asked Mandy if she knew what a virgin was and Mandy said no. So Lori asked her why she gave the boy that answer. Mandy answered, "Because it sounds like a bad word."

tellabella 12-01-2010 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by Aussie Quilter
When DS was about 5 - he's now45 - we went to a different church to our usual one. When I passed the collection plate to him, instead of putting his money in the plate he took some out. He was told to put it back and to put his money in. His reply was "God told me I could keep my money and take some out of the plate!" The sides-man and everyone in earshot cracked up. I felt like crawling under the pew. The minister said later I should have let him keep it - it was the best he had ever heard.

That is too cute...

crankygran 12-01-2010 02:43 PM

I was watching the two little boys that my then teenaged daughter usually babysat( while my husband took her to get her drivers permit) and these two were extremely timid for four and five years old. We were outdoors in the back yard when we heard a dog barkin quite a distance away. They both began to cry and wanted to go inside so they wouldn't get bitten by the dog. I said the dog was too far away to bite them and the older one said"it is close enough to bite someone"

morelcabin 12-01-2010 02:50 PM

When my son was 8 I found him sobbing in his room one day shortly before Christmas...his sister had convinced him there was no Santa...and he was really upset about it. I figured that he was old enough for the truth so I had a little chat with him about it and sobbing, he said "And I bet now you're gonna tell me that the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy don't exist either, huh?"...

tellabella 12-01-2010 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by dungeonquilter
In the tub on evening when he was almost 3, my son was washing his privates, and looked up at me and said "There's candies in there." I still start laughing every time I think of it. He is 33 now.

That is hilarious...I have sons so I can relate...one night at bathtime my little guy was experiencing a little "muscle movement" down there and he said.."Mommy, I don't like that...why is it doing that?..." I said "It's just stretching"..and he turned to me as serious as ever and he said..."Does this ever happen to Daddy?"...I replied.."When you get out of the tub you can go and ask him?" I couldn't stop laughing....My youngest son, when he was about the same age, was also experiencing a little "stretch" down there one night as I was trying to put on his pj bottoms...he looked at me, laughed, and said..."I'm a man now!"

...the same son one night said to me, while he was in the bath and I was washing him..."Mom, don't touch my perverts"...I explained to him that they were "privates" not "perverts"....they had being doing something at school about good touch, bad touch...I cracked up...

I have one more cute story about privates...(maybe my family is obsessed by them?)...one night we were at the cottage and my son and niece were about 3..they just had a bath and were told to run upstairs and put their pj's on...as my sister and I turned to corner to the stairs, there was my naked son, standing on the second step, and my niece, with my son's Fisher Price Drill in her hand, buffing him up with the soft buffer attachment...my sister and I tried not to laugh but we were out of control after they went upstairs...they are 22 now and are disgusted when we bring this story up...

ligia 12-01-2010 03:38 PM

My 7 y. (now 33)
I know what oral sex is !
:shock: tell me ...
Itīs when you talk about the sex of plants, animals

King's Daughter 12-01-2010 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by morelcabin
When my son was 8 I found him sobbing in his room one day shortly before Christmas...his sister had convinced him there was no Santa...and he was really upset about it. I figured that he was old enough for the truth so I had a little chat with him about it and sobbing, he said "And I bet now you're gonna tell me that the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy don't exist either, huh?"...

That is EXACTLY what I said to MY mom!

Maggiemay 12-01-2010 04:06 PM

Shortly after my husband & I were married we were at family dinner at my inlaws. I was sitting next to my 4yr old nephew (now 31)& he looked at me & asked "Aunt Maggie, why is Dorothy pregnant?" All conversation seemed to stop as everyone waited to hear how I would answer him. "Because she & Jerry want to have a baby" I told him. That satisfied him & back to his dinner he went!

angieh1964 12-01-2010 05:59 PM

one time when we were at my in laws my oldest son who was about 5 saw that his grandparents had a lot of record albums and he looked at me and said mommy what kind of cds are those?

and this was also the same kid who kept saying look at the clowns mommy! and as us mommys do sometimes i just said yes dear thats nice it took me months to realize he was talking about the "clouds" i still tease him about that one

dljennings 12-01-2010 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by sunflower126
A bunch of us girls were talking on Thanksgiving about our granddaughters/daughters starting their periods. It reminded me of telling my daughter about what to expect. She turned and looked at me and said "Sorry I'm not having any of those" and went out to play with the little boys across the street.I guess she changed her mind--she has 2 kids! Don't we wish we could dismiss having "those" so easily.

my youngest dd said the same thing.. and she really wishes she had stuck to it...course she's only 17... and thank god, not interested in kids yet!

dljennings 12-01-2010 06:12 PM

dh was a marine fighter pilot, so the kids have all had some conversations about planes & flying...

one day in the car, youngest dd (about 5) asked what the white lines in the sky were.. i told her they were called con trails..

she asked how planes made them...i told her i didn't know. in this very resigned voice she answered "don't worry mom, after dad explains it to me, i will explain it to you"

frostbaa 12-01-2010 06:51 PM

I was babysitting for my cousin one weekend many years ago.The two little girls and I were all sleeping in my bed (or at least I was trying to sleep). The oldest one sat up and said guess what? What? I asked. My daddy doesnt wear any clothes to bed. I said, Really? A couple seconds later the youngest one sits up and says guess what? What ? I asked. Neither does my mommy.

jadet 12-01-2010 06:54 PM

Here is one for the books. My middle son was in 5th grade I believe and he came home from school and asked his dad and I if either of us had ever been in jail. We told him no. He seemed very concerned about our answer and asked if we were sure we had not been to jail. We asked him why he he was asking this and his reply was that he had heard at school that day that 1 in 5 people go to jail. Since there were 5 total in our family he wanted to make sure one of his parents had already gone to jail to ensure he was never going to have to go.

Borgie3 12-01-2010 08:39 PM

What a fun topic this is.
When my son was 3 (he's 32 now) he was lying on the bed with his grandma. Now, my mom was deeply & heavily wrinkled (too much sun & smoking). So my son is stroking gramma's face & says, "Grammy, you need to iron your face".
Even though she was self-conscious about her wrinkles my mom thought that was one of the funniest things she'd ever heard.

Karo 12-01-2010 08:52 PM

When daughter graduated from kindergarten, she was so pleased and stated " Whew, I am so glad I'm through school" I said, No, you have to go to first grade next. She looked at me aghast and said "why? I learned how to read already. so why do I have to go to school again?"

Karo 12-01-2010 08:59 PM

Grandson , not quite 4 at the time, was riding in a shopping cart when an elderly man came over, said HI and rubbed GS head. GS asked --why you rub my head? Man replied, because I have always heard rubbing a redheads head will bring good luck. GS thought for a moment then said, I don't know bout that cause I rub my head every day and I got no good luck yet.

madamekelly 12-01-2010 09:24 PM

I am one of seven kids, so late afternoons there were usually several choruses of "What's for dinner?" my stepmother, tired after a long day, just started to answer "dog food" every time the question was asked. It back fired on her big time when she took my little sister (age 4) to go grocery shopping. My little sister NEVER spoke quietly. In the middle of the store she asked "Are we having dog food again!?". You could have heard a pin drop in that busy supermarket!

Same sister, comes home from kindergarten crying. When asked why, she replied "Mommy, will you make me a name tag?". When asked why she needed one, she replied "Nobody knows my name." We asked, "What do they call you?" She said "Everyone just calls me 'brat'!"

irenecarter 12-01-2010 09:47 PM

My GD was visiting one weekend and I took her to Mass. When the alter boy rang the bell, she looked all around for it. When he rang it the second time she yelled out "Hello". Everyone in that church was chuckling, yes out loud. I even saw FR Chris smile as he finished the Mass.

argranny 12-01-2010 10:08 PM

when my son was about 3 (he's 45 now) he came out of the bathroom with kotex all over his body, he said he had made some new cloths.

penski 12-01-2010 10:24 PM

when my youngest son was 6 (now 23) we went to a picnic/ fundraiser, there was a man there running for Mayor and he was handing out balloons, my son kept getting ballons from him , after i saw about his 10th trip of getting ballons and dissapearing in the crowd i followed him to see where he was going and low and behold he was selling them to people on the other side of the building to people for a dime each!!

one of my other sons and i went to the grocery store one day he was in the back seat with groceries and in the sack i had a box of kotex pads i picked up for my mom, well i decided to stop off at the drive yourself thru car wash , while we were in line waiting ( it was a busy saturday) he was in the sack and found the kotex , he took one out of the box and stuck it on his forhead over his eyebrows and i didnt notice till we came out of the drive thru and there he was looking out the window at everyone, with this stuck on him, he had rolled his window down a bit to see the water spray out and didnt want it to get in his eyes , so he put the kotex on to keep the rain out of his eyes !! i was mortified when everyone saw him

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