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ShellyQ 06-28-2007 04:17 AM

Hi folks, good to be back :) Well I say what the Quilt Police don't know about won't hurt them LOL.

I also love applique work, am currently starting on my long awaited baltimore quilt. I've only been mulling it over for about 10 years LOL. I'm so excited I just have to tell someone, just finished drawing the central block, and it works! You know that feeling you get when you not sure if something is going to work and it just does, I was so wrapped.

It' taken a week to draw, started out with photos of flowers I liked, photos make a 3 dimensional into a 2 dimensional one, makes it easier to simplify for applique. Then arranged them in a traditional baltimore basket, which took ages cause i had to keep rubbing it out and changing it to get some thing I liked. Then I had a problem with some filler flowers, just wouldnt work, in the end I made up some imaginary flowers.

Anyway I pinned it onto the wall and sat back to look at it and I just couldn't believe that I'd achieved this, I don't mean in a boastful kinda way but more like how did I do this, my daughter is always telling me I should believe in myself more, sorry guys didn't mean to get too personal :)

I can,t wait to show everybody what I've done, working on my photographic problems as we speak.

Anyhow cheers for now, catch up with you all again soon

kathy 06-28-2007 04:51 AM

we're anxiously waiting

vicki reno 06-28-2007 05:28 AM

We are definitely kindred spirits as I have always dreamed of making a quilt like that too. I don't know if it would be with as much red as the traditional ones, but definitely baskets of lowers. I am excited for you and hope to be able to do one im my lifetime too. Please share pics of your progress, not just the completed quilt. I think anyones WIP is fascinating, but especially one so close to my heart.

Welcome and Happy Quilting!

ShellyQ 06-28-2007 07:42 PM

Thanks for the supportive messages. I think every quilter has at least one major work inside them, it's just getting it out, when the time is right it will happen.

I decided to start this now partly to cheer myself up because of job redundancy (which gives me more time but less money :) ) And partly because I'm not getting any younger and my eyesight aint getting any better.

I've always found that when I am a bit down, if I can just get into some of my quilting work, things are always much better.

Anyhow will post a pick as I do each block, Have posted some pics in the pic board, as promised :) Hope you enjoy.

Will be intouch again soon

Feathers 07-31-2007 12:35 PM

Hi Shelly:
I've commented on your lovely quilts but just saw your intro so decided I needed to welcome you to the board. I've learned so much just reading all the questions and answers. I love being able to learn and enjoy all at the same time. Welcome, glad to have you part of this quilt family and I'm sure you'll learn a ton and teach us a ton!


ShellyQ 08-01-2007 03:35 AM

Thanks Feathers, Have only been here a short time and already have had so much fun, have met some wonderful people. Is really great to be able to share quilt ideas and talk with others who are interested in the same thing. Only prob is I have to make myself stay away from the puter some days so I get some actual work done :lol:

Has been a big help with learning to use the internet better too. have also seen plenty of new ideas I,d like to try, the rag quilt which I'd never come across before. Have been following the discussion and am fascinated with the idea of actually encouraging raw edges :) Looks like a lovely relaxing quilt to make. That extra layer of fabric could make it a bit pricey though, which may be why I haven't seen it here before, but managed to get some flannel on special last week so will give it a go some time. (sigh) So many quilts, so little time

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