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lynnie 07-28-2010 04:59 PM

started quilting at 7 by hand. have more fabric than that, just got a room at 51 ( 2 months ago). I don't want to know what $$$ is invested, made over 300 quilts, stped counting then

butterflywing 07-28-2010 05:04 PM

over the top on everything. i'm slowly creeping out of my own room into the rest of the house. shhh!

VernaL 07-28-2010 05:18 PM

Yep, I fit all except I'm a little over 62.

LadyCougar 07-28-2010 05:32 PM

Guilty of all but the age, but working on that part.

Gaabah 07-28-2010 05:33 PM

I have none of those to claim. I'm just guilty of buying fabric I don't end. Not to that dollar amount though.

jhoward 07-28-2010 05:38 PM

Does $8500 include the total of all sewing machines.

jhoward 07-28-2010 05:38 PM

Does $8500 include the total of all sewing machines.

anniec55 07-28-2010 05:41 PM

That is amazing! And after reading several the post figure that I am one of those that fits the norm, catching up on the age buy more than m

Bubblegum0077 07-28-2010 05:45 PM

I'm 48 years young

I Use the kitchen table or my daughter's desk, but my house is so crowded with family members, I considered using two bookcases butted together in my master bath because I could not find any room to sew in piece!

I use my bedroom for a large bookcase for fabrics, books, projects, etc. but not nearly enough fabric selection. And the closet shelves are batting and clothes I am considering to use for quilting.

Scream....I need a larger house! Bless me oh Lord!

anniec55 07-28-2010 05:46 PM

That is amazing! And after reading several the post figure that I am one of those that fits the norm, catching up on the age buy more than make up for those wwho are sewing at the kitchen table, by the way I did my time there too, and definitely have the stash to bring the numbers up!! It is a scarey stat, though nice to know I'm not the exception!

anniec55 07-28-2010 05:47 PM

That is amazing! And after reading several the post figure that I am one of those that fits the norm, catching up on the age buy more than make up for those wwho are sewing at the kitchen table, by the way I did my time there too, and definitely have the stash to bring the numbers up!! It is a scarey stat, though nice to know I'm not the exception and in great company!!

Ruby Y Campos 07-28-2010 05:50 PM

If I am not there, I am very close. Bought my first sewing 50 years ago, and at one point in my life I decided to put all my time, $, and energy into one creative activity. Therefore, I now have 3 machines, and have one bedroom space only for sewing, and I have tools, fabrics and many unfinished projects. Oh, yes, I beat that age by over 10 years. And, of course, having a great deal of fun!!

ffpln 07-28-2010 05:51 PM

sounds like i fit in except for the age though .

Patched 07-28-2010 05:52 PM


Room, yes

Amount of machines and notions, no--less

Amount of fabric, no--way more

velvor 07-28-2010 05:52 PM

I am guilty on all accounts, just a little over the age, The equipment soon adds up with a couple of machines, embroidery machine and all the assorted rulers, templates, irons, magazines, pattern books and software etc etc oh, can't forget the computer that is needed to run a lot of this stuff. We used to have a combined computer/sewing room.... guess who got tossed out. Fabric is a huge investment over the years but I do enjoy shopping for it and so many nice quilts have gone to family.

IBQUILTIN 07-28-2010 06:00 PM

I'm there. Especially if you count the machines as supplies

sew_it_up 07-28-2010 06:03 PM

I am on the upper side of the age. I guess that's what helps make the average. I don't have that much in supplies and I CERTAINLY don't have the fabric. I am currently using scraps to make a quilt.

aborning 07-28-2010 06:09 PM

A couple months ago I bought an oak dining room table on an on-line furniture store auction for $120 and I only had to drive 1 hr. 20 minutes to get it. (The nice thing is we had to go to that town for semthing else anyway so it realy wasn't an extra trip). It is polished nice and has rounded edges so the fabric slides over it very nicely. I put both leaves in the table and then my husband cut out the hole exactly where I wanted the sewing machine to sit and then he lowered the piece he cut out so my sewing machine sits down below the surface of the table top so the sewing is all at an even level. I love it and it beat spending thousands on a special table (which would have been little and I wanted a big table to be able to more easily work with bigger quilts). This tabel sits in a permanent spot in my sewing room.

twinkie 07-28-2010 06:10 PM

I am older than the average age, I have a room and part of another one. I have a lot of equipment and tools but I think I need to reverse the $ amounts of tools and fabric. I probably have $8,500 in fabric and $3,700 in tools. But I think we need to work on the average age of quilters and get more young people into quilting. I have seen many grandmothers teaching the young people how to quilt and I think it is great!!

jeanmaire 07-28-2010 06:19 PM

I am there and enjoy them all.

penski 07-28-2010 07:02 PM

well i only fit ion the :have my own sewing room : catagory and gee wizzzi sure dont want to add up all the money i have invested in material and tools , if my hubby ever saw the amount he might ask me to get a job

weatheread 07-28-2010 07:03 PM

Yes to all except the age 58 so thats pretty close

lucyb 07-28-2010 07:15 PM

I'm 62 alright. If you count quilting books as equiptment I,m there again, but I don't have anywhere near as much in cloth as that. I had a quilting room but there is a cat door to the outside in the window. We have so many cats they took it over. Now I sew in the office and cut on the kitchen table.

Rusty's Mama 07-28-2010 07:17 PM

Yes to all of it. I justify the expense by comparing it to the boat motors and fishing supplies my husband has! We're close!

walen 07-28-2010 07:19 PM

Yes, this sounds right...are you sure that you weren't in my house when you got the statistics?

BRenea 07-28-2010 07:20 PM

Here's how I stack up:
Age: 39
Space: I sew in the bedroom, cut at the kitchen table, my machine quilting frame sits in the livingroom and I store things everywhere!
Notions: Over, way over! :oops:
Fabric: Yep, over on that, too!

Ditter43 07-28-2010 07:22 PM

I'm pretty close!! :-D

earthwalker 07-28-2010 07:26 PM

Originally Posted by Rainy Day
No to everything. I like to be outside the square tho. :shock: :lol: :roll:

Same here....do I detect a pattern...could Aussies be considered "renegades"....

omak 07-28-2010 07:28 PM

I am younger than the average.
I do not have a dedicated room for quilting, but I pretty much have the run of forty acres and access to most of a library at the Post.
I am probably above average on the $$ of tools, especially if you consider magazines and books as part of that realm.
I am waaaayyy ahead of the value of the fabric.
I should probably apologize to someone, but I can't think of who that might be at the moment. <wave>

max's grandma 07-28-2010 07:33 PM

here's how I stack up
age 70
have a sewing room, small bedroom on second floor
not a whole lot of money spent on mats and cutters etc
lots of fabric given to me from a neighbor.

bjdemir 07-28-2010 08:16 PM

Well, I almost fit. 69, and actually have a smallish sewing room and another room I use for cutting and measuring and storing books and magazines as well as other asundry items not related to quilting. Also use it for wrapping presents, etd. Don't quite the $$ in tools yet, although my 2 new sewing machines certainly upped the ante. Where do patterns fit in?. The material I am probably under yet, but have only been quilting for a couple of years.

Kieta 07-28-2010 09:05 PM

guess i need to get busy to make the average grade.
i'm 15 years below the age. have slowly been taking over the formal living room for sewing. (it has never been used as a formal living room) Including the piano in my sewing room i might have $3500 in equipment. No way near that amount in stash. Hubby would cut up my favorite credit card if i had more then $1000 in fabric laying around waiting to be quilted.

ozarkmama 07-28-2010 09:33 PM

Well over 62, do have my own sewing room but no way do I have that much money invested in equipment and supplies or in fabric. I would if I had the room to store it and the money to purchase it with. LOL

sewbaby 07-28-2010 09:43 PM

age coming on 51 in a hurry have been sewing for 40 plus years, actual quilting just the past 5 or 6 years. As for space i have material, machines , and accessories in every room of the house including the bathroom where i store finished tops in vaccum sealed bags. material replacement cost at todays prices is very seriously close to 40k. DH is starting to protest when i bring in any thing new even if it is reclcled item, not that it will stop me (lol)

OHSue 07-28-2010 09:47 PM

I thought I was average, but according to these stats I am 'below average' across the board.

Annya 07-29-2010 12:21 AM

Yes I am and will be getting another Sewing machine at the first week in December and getting more fabric from a shop that is coming to my quilt group next Wednesday.

Annya 07-29-2010 12:23 AM

no we are not renegades just like to work outside the box when it comes to quilting.

Bren 07-29-2010 02:24 AM

Very close--in all categories!

Mary Stire 07-29-2010 03:02 AM

This is me....

angelarose 07-29-2010 03:56 AM

I've been quilting for 2 yrs. I'm 65 yrs. old. I sew in a spare bedroom and keep supplies and fab. there. I bought a Janome, rather basic sewing machine which I love. I've made about 5 quilts, taken a quilting class for 5 weeks. Two of the quilts still have to be batted and backed. They're beatiful tops, but what is it about the final steps of completing a quilt that I read so many are guilty of. Is it a psychological "thing" or what. I truly want to know what it really is: why so many quilt tops are yet to be made into the final sandwich?
Also, oh boy! One of my unfinished projects is a Yellow Brick Road pattern of batiks and other complementary fabrics. Then I purchase some lime Minkee for the backing. No batting necessary I was advised. So I stitched in the ditch....A very hard technique for me to accomplish. I used a walking foot, too. I fail in keeping my stitching right in the ditch. Frustrating. I've ripped out hundreds of stitches. Any advice on sewing straight stitches in a ditch???????????

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