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sueven 04-15-2011 12:38 PM

Hummingbirds are so adorable. I have only ever seen one in my entire life.

Julianna 04-15-2011 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by TerryQuilter
I love hummingbirds. Would love to have feeders, but we are in a neighborhood of cats and I would really be upset if the cats got to them.

We have 8 cats and gazillions of hummingbirds. Never saw a cat capture one.

Bonnie P 04-15-2011 12:50 PM

How wonderful for her.
It is grand she gets so much pleasure from her birdies.
We put out 7 new bird houses this year and will be putting the hummer feeders out soon:-))

mary quilting 04-15-2011 12:51 PM

I guess i got to my hummingbirds filled I saw blue bird and ran out and bought suet for them

bjdemir 04-15-2011 08:11 PM

Guess we are lucky, here in the Willamette Valley in Oregon the hummers (Anna's) stay all year. So we feed all year. Just need to watch in the winter so the feeders don't freeze or change them out so they get food. We have had a hummer nest in the tree outside our computer room on two different occasions. Haven't seen it this year, but what a thrill. I just wish we had more and 2 or three coming around at once. That must be a real thrill.

donnalynett 04-15-2011 08:32 PM

We have 3 that don't leave for the winter. We just have to make sure and keep the feeder full or they will starve.

Jammin' Jane 04-15-2011 08:50 PM

It's snowing again in Minnesota...those poor hummers!

Gerbie 04-15-2011 11:04 PM

I love hummers. I would love to see a hundred at a time. I have had my feeders out front for the last 2 weeks now. I heard one so I went in and got the feeders ready immediately.I have only seen two so far this year. But they are definitely hungry, because I need to refill again. I usually refill about every third day, because we normally don't have but about 4. One year we had at least 6-8. That year I had out 4 feeders two in front and two in back, we had greens, a Rufus, blacks, ring necked and a little speckled one. We had a Rufus for two years. For the last two years we have only had greys and white ring necked, and once in a while a green one. I love to sit and watch them fight over their feeders. They are extremely territorial, or the ones that come here are anyway.
Last year a little ring necked one, came right up to me and buzzed my head as if asking where it's food was. The feeder was empty. I have had them come to both the front and back storm door, and look in especially when the feeder is empty.
I try to replenish it every other day in the summer, so it will stay cool.
I have some great photos of them feeding and perching in one of our trees. I get my camera ready and have some great shots just after sunup in the morning. I have taken a chair out front and just sat with my camera to get terrific shots.
I love those little critters.
I am dying to make a hummer quilt, maybe get time next year, have too many lined up for Christmas this year, that I need to get done.

Little RoO 04-15-2011 11:21 PM

I came over to California on holiday in 1985...and the first bird I saw after waking up from a long jet lagged sleep was a beautiful small hummingbird dipping in and out of a flower....thought then it was one of the most amazing things I'd ever seen....over 25 years later...I still can recall the memory with the same delight....real shame they are not native to the UK....enjoy them...some people will never experience their beauty.

Tropical 04-15-2011 11:40 PM

We love to watch humming birds. They can be so territorial. We used to get a flock of them in our yard twice a year when we had a huge scarlet colored bottlebrush tree. They came in the spring on the way back up north and the fall going south. We hardly ever see any since we had to remove the tree because it was always loaded with all types of bees. My DH is allergic to bee stings. Some of those bees were giant sized yellow and black bumble bees. I almost cried when the tree service guy cut the tree down. It was the biggest and tallest one we had ever seen at at least 12 feet tall and almost 10 feet wide. I'm allergic to the fragrance of most flowering trees, but the bottlebrush didn't smell at all. It was always in bloom except for two weeks after Hurricane Ivan attacked it. The flowers came right back though. We had it for at least five years.

Mary O 04-16-2011 02:16 AM

Waiting for our hummers to show up.May 5th is their due date here....How many do I have to rescue this year......They get into places they shouldn't....

Joyce Ann 04-16-2011 06:44 AM

I love hummingbirds. She is so lucky to have so many, we don't have any where I live

quilt crazee 04-16-2011 07:02 AM

while vacationing in WVA a few years ago, we stopped at my GREAT Aunt's old homestead. I have never seen some many humming birds in one place! Well over 100 swarming a mimosa tree! I will never forget it!!

flybreit 04-16-2011 08:58 AM

My husband saw one Tuesday - too cold again now :-(

GrannieAnnie 04-16-2011 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by davis2se
Reminds me of a dear friend in Michigan who SWEARS that the first humming bird of the season shows up at her house on the same date every year, and always within 1/2 hour of the same time. Not sure I'm buying that, but she refuses to do anything or go anywhere on that particular date.

I wouldn't argue with her. I think we get the same ones most times.

Pattyjo7686 04-16-2011 07:54 PM

We had one lay eggs in a bush in the yard there were three eggs and when they hatched they were the size of a bee. They all lived to fly away.

SNAIL 04-17-2011 08:46 AM

Originally Posted by lisalisa
My husband used to drink Mountain Dew Code red and I'd take the flat leftovers, mix with water and viola! Hummingbird food! I soon came to realize you can use just about anything provided it's sweet and red.


sew1 04-18-2011 04:39 PM

I don't get that many, but do love watching and photographing them. My family thinks I'm hummingbird nuts. They are amazing creatures.

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