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jmoore 12-22-2021 04:24 AM

Mkotch, I just got my machine back from having it service and cleaned. I dropped it off just before Thanksgiving and just got it back last Friday…not the most opportune time but luckily I had another machine to work on Christmas projects. These days (blaming it on Covid) you have to take the slots available and anticipate most things take longer than usual.

Rob, you certainly have quite a list of goals for 2022, surely enough to keep you busy. I have been motivated by your your declutter and organization posts this past year. I look forward to your projects and progress. Like you, I always try to learn one new technique or skill each year. This year I am going to challenge myself with reverse appliqué.

As far as other goals, I have about half of a king size quilt pieced for myself and need to get the other half finished. I have already painted our bedroom and replaced the carpet with hardwood in preparation for a new quilt…

SSheehan 12-22-2021 05:04 AM

1. Finish the rail fence quilt I am working on now
2. Make quilts for my nephews (made for my nieces this year)
3. Make a Christmas quilt
4. do something with the hand-sewn blocks (2 quilts worth) my great-grandmother made
5. just continue to get better and more accurate

homecaregiver 12-22-2021 07:11 AM

I want to push myself to achieve more in my quilting.
To work and finish my in progress quilting projects.
To learn more in my quilting world.
To become better and more knowledge in new things
To have a better year than last as I have faced health issues that have left me with not a lot of confidence in my quilting and have lost or misplaced my energy and will to get back into quilting.

To renew my love and enjoyment for the peace and comfort when making quilts and other projects.
To become a better person and make new advances in quilting.

petthefabric 12-22-2021 07:56 AM

My thinking is quite unique. Flimsy to me could be: it moves like feather weight silk, extremely fluid, beautiful drape. When I saw "flimsy" referring to a quilt, I immidiately guessed what it was. To me it's a perfect word: the most pliable form of a quilted/stiched quilt.

ckcowl 12-22-2021 10:18 AM

My 2022 quilting goals are to complete everything that needs to be completed, make 3 new quilts ( maybe 4) and continue to declutter and pass on my abundance of fabrics, patterns, books and tools.

LifeLovePassion 12-22-2021 05:58 PM

My goals include:
*Sew memory quilts (shirts of my dad's, backed with chicken fabric to represent my mom). This will be at least 3 quilts, possibly more depending on how things go. I purchased backing/sashing fabric today. I might have to get some solid fabric too. Not sure yet.
*Sew my aunt a quilt. She has been super supportive through this whole process. I was gifted some fabric scraps locally and there was a great piece that had a few panels of Elvis. She is an Elvis fan. (birthday is in August)
*Sew a quilt with the hustle and bustle bundle I purchased on black Friday
*I want to use my new accuquilt/cut some blocks and try out some curved blocks (I'm excited to use it for those specifically)
*continue to sew charity quilts/meet up and deliver the tops I've made and collect more fabric
*Finish quilt from the first quilting class I took about 12 years ago. I dug it out today. It was so busy visually I need to add some sashing so I picked up fabric to use for that.
*I'd also love to pick up a FQ bundle and the Tula Pink City Sampler book and work through that to improve my skills.
*Finish the basement so the girls each have their own room and I can use the 2nd upstairs bedroom for my studio space.

cjsews 12-23-2021 02:24 PM

I would like to get back to a needle turn appliqué. I came to a stop when I got to the borders. Also have a paper piece quilt given to me. I have 4 of 12 blocks done on this one. Then plenty of donation quilts to use some of my stash. Whatever distractions come along will surely mess with these plans but, I’ll deal with it as it comes

Lena1952 12-24-2021 05:25 AM

Since I still work 3 days per week, I've found making a list of 12 goals and the stage they are currently or what's required to finish them (ex: add borders, quilt and bind etc) helps keep me on track. But I also throw in new things during the year. I actually get more done than is on the list and it feels great to cross one of those items off the list. Some projects are large and take more than a month and other are smaller taking up less of my time. If I don't get everything off my list, it just gets added to the top of next years list. It's keep me on track for the past few years and I've finished most that were on my list without moving any to next years. BTW This list is posted on the door so I see it every time I go in or out of my studio. Keeping the list in my face has helped too:-)

GregB 12-24-2021 12:48 PM

I want to finish a quilt I started 3 years ago.

petthefabric 12-24-2021 01:21 PM

Lena; I love your attitude. I think this is how a look at goals. In my faith I'd say, "With the Lord willing," etc.

Greg; I think it's wise to focus attention on 1 goal

Jo Anne B. 12-25-2021 08:23 AM

In my 2022 que:
1) 1 Christmas theme using the Box Ribbons pattern
2) 2 Halloween theme 1-Jack O'Lantern, 1- Green/purple colorway
3) A Pink/Green colorway using the Take 5 pattern
4) A Blue/yellow/white colorway using the Yellow Brick Road pattern

MeadowMist 12-26-2021 07:26 AM

1) create a dedicated quilting area
2) use up a good part of my stash before buying more fabric

and, these should be easy but they aren't
3) cut a straight line
4) stitch a straight line
5) take two 4" squares, sew together with 1/4" seam and end up with a rectangle that measures 4" x 7.5"

Panchita 12-26-2021 01:47 PM

I went back and dug out my goals for 2021:

1. I have 3 tops that will need to be longarmed (sent out) to finish - would like to do as many of these as finances will allow - ended up not getting any done at all! Not due as much to finances as to me losing motivation to sort them out... I did get backings for all of them, so I guess that's progress at least, lol

2. Finish Stars Sampler (UFO, currently a top - needs de-papering, basting, and quilting - I plan to handquilt this one) - top finished, handquilting not yet started

3. Finish Pumpkins wallhanging (WIP) - I'm in the process of handquilting this, have it all planned out and it is fairly small, so I feel confident that this is achievable, unless I get interrupted for some reason - fully finished

4. Finish Penguin Promenade BOM (WIP) - done the blocks, awaiting the setting instructions, will most likely handquilt - finished the top, needs to be quilted

5. Progress Sylvia's Wedding Sampler (UFO) - am doing this by hand, have about 1/3 of the blocks done, tend to do a couple of blocks and then put it away for a few months (hence aim to 'progress'...). No rush - progress has been made - at one point I was doing a block a week, but then ran out of steam again. Currently stands at just over half of the blocks completed.

6. Start Puffins quilt (been wanting to make this one for years!) - top finished, not yet quilted

7. Start Reindeer quilt - a kit (unusual for me) only just acquired. Would be great to get it done for next Christmas, but no pressure - top finished, not yet quilted

8. Do more quilting!! - this was definitely the case in the first half of the year, but not so much in the second (life got in the way)

So for 2022 I aim to:

1. Get the 3 tops from the 2021 Goals (Peace Cottage, Lone Star, Covering America) longarmed, and ideally a couple more (Puffins Aloft, Reindeer, maybe Penguin Promenade, maybe Stars Sampler - there's a few to choose from!!)

2. Finish handquilting Cats/Pumpkins table runner (started 2021) - done just about a third of it so far

3. Finish Flower Basket cushion cover (started in 2021) - need to machine quilt the front and then turn it into a cushion cover

4. Embellish Christmas star tree skirt - started and essentially finished in 2021, but I want to add some more handquilting and maybe some beading

5. Progress Sylvia's Wedding Sampler (2011 UFO) - I think I'm at about 75 out of 140 intended blocks made. Still no rush, other than it's now my longest running UFO and it's always satisfying to get those done

6. Get back into the habit of quilting - hoping this is going to be easier in the New Year if life calms down a bit!

Long post, whew. I wish everybody luck with their goals for 2022! :-)

Gemm 12-29-2021 08:03 AM

So many great goals and even some strategies for achieving them. Meadowmist, I especially like yours - I know the first one is currently out of my reach but the others seem like things I could strive for without getting overwhelmed. Adding them to my list as well. :-)

Fizzle 12-29-2021 05:15 PM

RedGarnet222 - i love and am absolutely impressed with all you have gotten done. I though the “Covid year” was going to be my year for cleaning and paring down but it was not. My job never stopped as we were essential and i got NOTHING good done. So you are inspirational. Maybe it IS possible for me!!!

PurplePansies - hilarious! With your sense of humor I am sure you will get things done!

2022. Learn to run my HQ Amara better (hopefully with out having to spend even more money to attend classes!).
Get the rest of my tops quilted and the binding on. I have several and keep dragging my feet as i have discovered that i really dislike doing the binding!!
Try to learn better habits for putting things back when i get them out so i dont have notions and fabric spread out everywhere. I have a decent sewing studio and it is just not always pretty and enjoyable.

I am sure there are lots of things i should list and concentrate on but why mentally overwhelm myself this early in the game!!!?

I do hope everyone has a very safe and Happy New Years!!!

tinlizzy 01-01-2022 07:42 AM

Last year I decided to try a bunch of free BOM (or week) programs and finish one UFO a month. I made tables with check-off spots for each step on each project and did pretty well but found all the deadlines stressful. This year, I hope to knock off a few more UFOs (like the 3 I didn’t do from last year’s list), complete the BOM quilts, mostly steer clear of new BOMs (with one exception so far), and do 2 new projects: a temperature quilt for 2021 and making one or more quilts from my crumb-sized scraps. Plus, whatever else I want to do. (Note: 2 of the bed-sized BOM quilts recently went to Afghans being resettled in my town).

goldsberry921 01-01-2022 09:50 AM

Everybody's goals are so very interesting to read! My goals are:
1. To make another donkey quilt. My deceased son had one when he was little and it was goal of mine to complete in 2021. His was a red donkey with muslin. I did make the first of 3, that was one a baby blue donkey. The other 2 will be green and a dark blue.
2. Make prayer quilt for my cousin with 10 squares that her mom had cut out before she passed in 2004. I have to look through my fabric to find something that will coordinate with it.
3. Cut out t-shirts for my granddaughter's t-shirt quilt. By the amount of t-shirts she's given me, I think I can get 3 quilts out of them.
4. Make a wall hanging quilt from a t-shirt that belonged to my friend's son. He passed in 1992.
5. Finish a t-shirt quilt for my daughter.
6. Make a quilt for my eldest son with camera fabric that I've had for years!
7. Make backings for the UFO's I have hanging in my closet so I can get them quilted.
8. Use up my fabric, keep no scraps of any kind (well maybe)
10. Accomplish at least one goal listed!!

cjsews 01-02-2022 04:20 AM

Golds berry, I love the last goal you listed 😊

lizzie3 01-02-2022 03:08 PM

This is a great thread idea, I'm not sure I had been thinking of goals for 2022 but now I am. My goals:

1) I've realized I've bought 6 jelly rolls over time but have never actually used any. I'd like to open one and use it for a quilt this year.

2) finish my 2 ufos. I started them in the summer but they are panels and my first time using panels and turns out I HATE using panels. They are sandwiched so almost done though

3) keep making new quilts as I'm inspired by them.

4) I'm expecting my first baby this summer (if all goes well) and I want to make a nice quilt once I know the sex. To try to get in a little quilting now and again after baby is born. I get this may not be realistic...

4) use one of my patterns from my stash. I often go online when making a new quilt.

5) use applique on at least 2 quilts

RustyOne 01-03-2022 05:08 PM

I've read this whole thread. Thank you ALL for curing my guilts. I'm really not in bad shape after all. I've got one on the frame in the process of hand quilting, two in advanced planning with the designs created and the fabric purchased, and one in the dream stage without even a usable diagram ready yet. And that is IT! All doable this year, right?

Hats off to you who are so prolific! 12 quilts in a year?!? WOW! Please teach me your secrets!

:D :D :D


babyquiltlady 01-05-2022 10:32 AM

Despite the many UFO's that sit in my sewing room that I would say should be a great 2022 goal, I have one more dear to my heart that I want to finish.

My Mom passed away 6 years ago. The Christmas following her death, I took her clothes which were not able to donated and made quilts for my three siblings. My pieces are still sitting in the container waiting for my heart push my hands to finish the quilt. This year, 2022, should be that one. As I sew, each memory of a day with my Mom in that outfit will bring the love of a wonderful lady back into my life.

Memory quilts are wonderful tributes. My hands have created many of these treasures for others. My goal for 2022 is create my own memory quilt of my Mom. Rest in Peace, Mom

WesternWilson 01-06-2022 04:57 AM

This has been a wonderful thread. We all seem to share four major concerns:
1. using up the stash
2. finishing WIP's
3. resisting the lure of new projects when you have a bunch of WIP's in hand
4. becoming better quilters/learning a new skill (esp. quilting your own quilts)

Although I have wayyy too much fabric, I love to buy new fabrics that strike me as spectacular. That really feeds my creative juices and is a pretty harmless "fix"!

Although I have wayyy too many WIP's, I love to start new projects, in particular if they teach me a new skill. That really feeds the creative spirit as well.

I am reasonably organized...it was a lot easier after I put all my stash onto comic book boards...but my goal for 2022 is to experience Marie Kondo levels of joy *whenever* I am up in my quilt studio, my Creation Station. I do not go up there to beat myself up for mess, for lack of skill, for spending too much on that 5 yards of Marimekko, or to fight with sub-par tools.

I go up there to have a wonderful, creative experience. I have a poster hung over the cutting table "This Is Where the Magic Happens"...may 2022 hold much magic for you all.

RustyOne 01-06-2022 05:43 AM

Yes, indeed!

Originally Posted by WesternWilson (Post 8529260)
I go up there to have a wonderful, creative experience. I have a poster hung over the cutting table "This Is Where the Magic Happens"...may 2022 hold much magic for you all.

THIS is exactly how I feel, too. It's how I used to feel about ceramics until my hands got too arthritic to work the clay. It's taken some time but I have finally come to feel this way about my quilts. It feels so good to finally be able to feel this way again!


WesternWilson 01-06-2022 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by Fizzle (Post 8527600)
RedGarnet222 -

2022. Learn to run my HQ Amara better (hopefully with out having to spend even more money to attend classes!).
Get the rest of my tops quilted and the binding on.

I have been dawdling at learning to use my own new-to-me longarm and finally found a set of instructional videos that actually worked for me...from "Michael Quilts" on YouTube. Michael is a high school teacher so he understands how to actually teach a skill rather than demo and he has good camera skills so you can really see what he is doing. I also thought his rulers were really well thought out.

Have a go with his videos and I think you will find they work together to kind of give you a framework for building longarm skills...start with the part 1 & 2 on beginner ruler work...


tropit 01-06-2022 09:44 AM

-Tallchick, I agree with this one: Work more with EQ8. I like that program!

-Finish 2 quilts that are sitting in my big baskets, just staring back at me.

-Finish 3...no 4...no, maybe 5 more quilts that are afraid to come out of hiding.

-Get rid of some fabric that I don't think I'll ever use, even though I think that, by some small chance, I might.

-Reorganize the loft. Get rid of things that aren't working anymore in this tight space.

- Make some big, colorful, quilted pillows for the living room and sun porch.

-Master that blasted Consew Sewing Machine. (It's a love/hate relationship.)

-Finally finish my couch cushions. (Requires that I master the Consew first.)

sue z q 03-09-2022 10:49 AM

Chuck Nohara

Originally Posted by sewingitalltogether (Post 8525161)
That’s funny. I was just trying to organize my plan for 2022. Good grief did I say 2022? Ok, well AP&Q has a print out page that I want. It’s a UFO list and a group to join. Not joining the group but I think I will tape up my list of UFO’s. It’s about 15. Didn’t make any progress this year but would like to throw myself into it next year. It’s really hard not to start new quilts. They draw me in with excitement. But I have too many big projects started.
On the exciting side I bought a used book last night. Love paying $5 for a $30 quilting book. Got it from www.abebooks.com. I bought Chuck Nohara’s 2001 New Patchwork Patterns. Paid quite a bit more than $5. Have wanted it for a long time. Hard to find. Out of print. It’s in Japanese, coming from Japan. Won’t get here until March. Anyone else excited about Chuck Nohara?

Have you gotten your book? Are you going to do this in 2022?

pennyhal2 03-09-2022 11:42 AM

Use the fabric I have...or at least some of it!

berrynice 03-09-2022 02:04 PM

Great Topic!

My goals for 2022 are:

Getting my craft room completely set up (moving into a larger space)
Work on and complete the quilt projects I have lined up - basically 5 quilts that are completely planned out, and ready to start. (I don't have any UFO, as I completely finish each quilt before I start another.)
Make some holders for my large square rulers, basically a tote with pockets to slide the rulers in to hang on a hook
Make a new ironing board set up for on my 8 foot table. I have one of those overlay boards that fit onto an ironing board, but it isn't steady enough, so I am going to make a new cover for it and lay it on one of my tables, next to my cutting mats.
Make some new quilted hotpads
Make a quilted Christmas Tree quilt for the wall to hang ornaments on. We don't put up a tree due to climbing kitties!

And last but not least, have fun!

Fabricgator 03-10-2022 02:53 PM

2022 Goals
My goals are to pack up and move my sewing room (and the rest of the house) and move to KY. I got remarried nearly a year ago, retired, purchased a home, and need to sell my home and move. Let's do everything major in life within a 3 month time period!

Once my stuff is moved and I am out from under my OH home, I want to set up a cozy sewing space in the designated room, and be productive. I need to use the fabric I have purchased, and make the quilts I have fabric and patterns for.

It's going to be a busy year! lol

WMUTeach 03-11-2022 04:26 AM

Looks like time to check in and cross off some of the work on my list
2022 - Quilting Goals
1.Make quilts for three dear friends who have patiently been watching me make quilts for others.
a. pastel floral
b. mariner's star/compass
c. something blue ships or boats?
2. Make one of the kits that were given to me Start in January - Finish by..March - Top made and layered, not quilted.
3. Sandwich and quilt three that have been hanging in the closet for a year (April Retreat project.) One done and out the door, two layered and ready for quilting.
4. Finish two WIP - (January and February) - DONE!
5. Make 5 quilts from 2.5's for donation to Project Linus - fast and fun and get'r done! 3 Done
6. Maintain an acceptable level of "neatness" in my sewing room. (Daily) So far, improving but not conquered.
7. Make a list of patterns that I really want to make ( Soon, and include a, b, c. above)
8. Leave some time for spontaneous creation of quilts that are yet to be discovered.

jmoore 03-12-2022 04:02 AM

WMUTeach, it appears you are making great strides in your 2022 goals. I assume from #8 on your list, you will likely add additional goals as your current list becomes shorter? Keep up the good work.

I just received another yard of fabric that I needed for the border of my king size quilt. Since I posted back in early January, I have since assembled all the blocks/rows of my king quilt but just need to add borders.

Wendatb 03-12-2022 10:44 AM

My 2022 goal is to make time to be in my sewing room. Work seems to get in my way! Also I want to spend more time learning FMQ on my Moxie. Of course using fabric from my stash is on my list but for some random reason more fabric just keeps “showing up”!😆

rusty quilter 03-14-2022 11:22 AM

I love your goals! Mine was pretty simple for last year...to get the binding right! I bought a binding attachment for my Bernina 770---Don't waste your Money! I then tried their #71 foot, kind of right, but not great. Then watched utube from Krista Moser...It finally clicked! Did my first GREAT looking binding today...I have been quilting since 1978...but gave up hand binding 15 years ago.:)

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