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Rose Marie 06-10-2008 09:21 AM

My daughter is on the mailing list for forclosures and she just got the latest list. What a difference from 6 months ago. The current list has mostly $1000. starting bids, the last one only had a few. Also heard that few people are bidding against each other. It has hit bottom so now is the time to buy. One of the houses is a few blocks from me, its not the best neighborhood but the house is nice. Someone has broken into the doorway to the garage so no telling what it looks like inside. The auction signs are still out front even though the auction took place 3 days ago.
It is amazing and I sure wish I had the money to buy up some good houses.

Isisirena 06-10-2008 03:56 PM

Susan, ever think of moving down Interstate Highway 5 to Southern Oregon? It is pretty sunny here most of the time, and in Eastern Oregon, it is sunny and dry for about 10 months a year with about 10" of rain... Roseburg has less wind valocity than any other city in the USA. It is green here, and just enough rain, however, this year it is wetter than I have seen it in the last 18 years. Might get snow one or two days. Being from Everett, WA, the sunny days here are a big treat. At least it stops raining and clears up, not like in Seattle. We are 70-80 miles from Eugene, the coast, and the mountains and about 100 from Medford for good shopping, canping, fishing, etc. Lots of quilting and embroidery groups here. :-) Check us out... Irena

susan s. 06-11-2008 07:56 AM

So that's what I figured about the prices listed when I went into the forclosure site. Most of them were listing between 2, and 3,000. I figured it wasn't the asking price. It snowed last night and its cold enough that we have some still on the ground. I just want to go.

I need to make my husband sit down and look at one of the forclosure sites with me. I think he needs inspiration. Tho now we are thinking about getting a home equity loan and building a house then selling. Which would like leave us with twice as much capital to relocate on. I suppose the year extra it will take shouldn't leave us totally out of the running on cheaper real estate. It just means another winter.

As far as Oregon goes, yes, I have thought about it. But I understand property prices are pretty up there. My cousin just recently sold a house there (I believe it was Eugene). I'd love to hear more. Guess I'll research while I'm at it. :?:

Rose Marie 06-14-2008 08:52 AM

I dont have the book so dont know which auction it is but they are starting at $1000, bids.
That house is still sitting open with signs out front so nobody bid on it at the last auction.
I know you have to have a cashiers check for $5000 made out to yourself and be pre approved before you can bid.

susan s. 06-14-2008 02:19 PM

$5000.00 doesn't seem like much of a down payment thou I bought my house with less. If I buy I will probably have cash as I plan to sell my lot and then move. But, like I said the old man is not getting on board. I know I could I could brow beat him. (some people call it something elese :lol: But, I must be careful to make him believe it was all his idea! :twisted: :D You know how men are. Because then if there are any hiccups in the plan, I can blame it all on him. (he, he, he, he!). He is wanting to build a house here and then sell it which would probably mean more money. But also at least two more winters here. He wants to be cautious and take a trip down there to look around first. I'm like, what the heck? times-a-wastin and If I get a new house I know I won't want to move as bad. I think that's his counter attack plan! I should get out my video camera and start recording our process and progress, Maybe I can sell it as the next reality show. :idea:

I'm hoping we'll hear from his uncle who lives somewhere down there. He is likely to be more inspired if his family gives a recomendation!

Rose Marie 06-19-2008 07:51 AM

My daughter and I are going to do drive bys on the $1000 starting bid houses today.
She found out that the seller has a secret amount that they want for the house and if the bid dosnt come up to that amt. they can refuse the bid.
Also the original owner has a limited amt of time to come up with the back amt due so can get the house back even after you bought it.
You need to be pre qualified for credit purposes also.
It is the US AUCTION website.

susan s. 06-19-2008 08:39 AM

Well thats interesting info. About the owner having time to buy it back I wonder if they expect to hold your money during that time.?

I will not be buying on credit if I do not have enough cash I'll have to pass.

Do you know anything about motor home parking? If they are they pricey.

It seems pretty certain at the moment that I'll be coming alone. Well me and my cats :D It might be too riskey for my to go for a forclosure ubless I can inspect it and know that the homeowner has not totally trashed the place. I can do alot cosmetically, But I'll need something in fair structural shape. I've learned a lot from my husband. Especially when it comes to what is to big of a job for me :lol:

Rose Marie 06-20-2008 10:48 AM

I have seen people park in Wal Mart Lots. Dont know about pay places.
Yesterdey was a real eye opener. Our economy is in deep trouble if other areas are as bad as Phoenix.
We drove for 5 hrs looking at forclosure houses. Most were in pretty bad shape and in poor nieghborhoods.
One was in a nice place and a new house build in 2001. What was so shocking was that there were more houses sitting abandoned than were on the list for auction. The one for auction was a very nice 2 story and the house right next door and one across the street were both abandoned.
You can tell cause the yards are all overgrown and the houses were emty. Some had signs saying bank repo and real estate signs. The very next block over had 2 single level houses, both abandoned.
I have never seen anything like this before even in the 80,s when housing went bust.
The auction is on June 26 and it is USHOMEAUCTIONS. Check it out on line. Sign up for thier catalog.
Several houses should just be torn down and never rebuilt. The area was in south Phx and very poor.
Some were in better places more north but still needed lots of work.
Pools either drained of half full of swamp water. Bigger homes build around the 70,s.
The newer house was in El Mirage where the planes from Luke airforce base fly over.
Many of the houses were just left open and we walked in and looked around. Some had been trashed but not as bad as you would think for being emty for so long. We found more houses on the same blocks emty than ones up for auction. We did not drive around the neighborhoods, there are surely many more than we saw.
It was an amazing expierience. We did not check out any houses with more than the $1000 bid. There are alot with much higher bids.
My daughter in Cave Creek has been trying to sale their other house for almost a year. Somebody vandalized the pool so they took it off the market. It is a 700,000 dollar house that they could not sell for 590,000.

susan s. 06-22-2008 07:02 PM

Wow! That is something! It Isn't anywhere near that bad up here. Housing is slow but still moving. Of course we have a commercial lot and it will be vacant and ready to build on. We are hoping for a fairly quick sale. Our fingers are crossed.

What about jobs. Where are these people going?

Do you know a good real estate agent? Someone who will be straight up about propwerty and the areas around it?

Rose Marie 06-23-2008 11:49 AM

Dont know any Realtors.
My dauther is going to the auction this Thurs. She has her eye on a couple of houses. One for fix up and one for her retirement.
I will post what happens.
I dont see how the banks can keep up with all the forclosures. there was a big real estate scam that was on the news. They have arrested 144 people so far. Somehow they were getting money to buy homes then just skipping out.
Two big companies. Macys and Amazon are building big comercial buildings and will be hiring around 700 people each.
Phx is a big city, if you have the skills jobs are there, just avoid construction right now.

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