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Pzazz 10-20-2010 07:32 AM

Also guilty here. My latest, that I am SURE that cats are responsible for, (these are outside cats ;) ) the case for my sewing machine has been missing for several months now. Rather a nuisance when going to a quilt day or a class.

Way back when, if my siblings or I couldn't find something, my mom would offer to find it...for a quarter!!! LOL Amazingly, she would almost ALWAYS know where the item was.


kathidahl 10-20-2010 08:45 AM

Wish I could find my wrist pincushion that easily....I have looked everywhere I would put it. The problem must be that it is where I would NEVER put it!

klgreene 10-20-2010 08:57 AM

It's like taking the time to straighten up your sewing room to get rid of all the clutter. Then when you go to start something new, you can't find anything. "But I know I put it in a safe place I'd remember" yeah right.

craftmama 10-20-2010 09:28 AM

Originally Posted by klgreene
It's like taking the time to straighten up your sewing room to get rid of all the clutter. Then when you go to start something new, you can't find anything. "But I know I put it in a safe place I'd remember" yeah right.

LOL, I have SEVERAL safe places. Now if I could only remember where they are.

Peggyinno 10-20-2010 09:42 AM

Originally Posted by leiladylei54
The one I hate is when you look for something and it's right before your eyes and you still don't see it until hours or days later!!!

Key word here is "right before your eyes". My husband and I were coming home from a vacation and we stopped for gas. I got out to get something to drink and when we left the station and got back on the interstate, I could not find my sunglasses (the ones that you attach to your glasses). I looked everywhere, even thought I was sitting on them, but could not find them. Well, he turned around and started heading back to the station and I happened to take my glasses off and the "sunglasses were attached"!!!! I asked why didn't he tell me I had them on and all the time he thought I was looking for another pair that he had never seen before!!! I guessed I had panicked because I had already lost a pair and had to replace them at the cost of $85 and didn't want to do that again. So you see it was "right before my eyes"! LOL!

PatinAtlanta 10-20-2010 09:55 AM

OMG -- I have been laughing out loud at these -- but I have been this way for YEARS!! I know these things are somewhere in my house but it must be the dog's fault -- she is home all day when I am work!!! She is punishing me for working!!

I think I need to retire. Maybe THEN I will know where everything is!!

grann of 6 10-20-2010 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by PatinAtlanta
OMG -- I have been laughing out loud at these -- but I have been this way for YEARS!! I know these things are somewhere in my house but it must be the dog's fault -- she is home all day when I am work!!! She is punishing me for working!!

I think I need to retire. Maybe THEN I will know where everything is!!

Good Luck with that. I AM retired!!!!

FQ Stash Queen 10-20-2010 12:13 PM

The running joke in our home is, "quick, call my glasses" cuz I'm always setting them down where I can't find them. The phone you call, glasses you gotta find the old fashioned way, trace your steps back to the ole' quilting corner!

everybody's mother 10-20-2010 12:27 PM

Okay, here is one. Lost my glasses. Can't see anything w/o them. DH and I looked everywhere including the laundry. Have my prescption, so went to the eye glass place. ordered new pair $425. Ouch (no ins ) Got the new ones very next day,about an hour after I found mine stuck in the afghan I'd been napping with! Felt stupid, think of the fabric that I could have gotten!

Originally Posted by Holice
I have a theory about lost stuff. When you are not looking for it you will find it.

:oops: :oops:

PatinAtlanta 10-20-2010 12:29 PM

Oh, EM -- I am so sorry. That was an expensive trip! But now you have a backup and that is good too -- trying to find a bright side to this one!!


everybody's mother 10-20-2010 12:30 PM

Who put the little zip-loc with left over ham in the silverware drawer? and when?

Originally Posted by Gemini Dolly

Originally Posted by kriscraft99
and the cereal in the fridge?? unfortunately I've done that before too

Originally Posted by Charleen DiSante
At least you put the milk in the fridge and not the cupboard! :)

Oh yes, I am guilty too :lol: Once I filled a pitcher with water to put in the fridge to get cold. Later when I went to go get that nice cold water for a drink, it wasn't in the fridge. Someone, :roll: put the pitcher in the cupboard instead of the fridge. Gee, I wonder who would do such a thing. Since I lived alone at that time, it must have been the cat. :wink:

PatinAtlanta 10-20-2010 12:32 PM

Last week I decided I wanted one of those Toaster Strudels for dessert and made it. I put the package away. A couple of days later I wanted another one. Unfortunately, I found the package in the frig, not the freezer. Oops!!

noveltyjunkie 10-20-2010 01:00 PM

Originally Posted by hevemi
Some years ago my late husband lost his wallet. He'd been to a bakery to surprise me and bought a big shopping bag full of loaves.Could not find his wallet when he came home. About a week later I needed something I knew was at the very bottom of the freezer ( chest type) and something black caught my eye. A wallet. He had put his wallet into the bag at the bakery instead of his pocket and simply dumped the contents into the freezer. So Manly!

A frozen account!!!

desertrose 10-20-2010 01:03 PM

I feel that sometimes things are in the last possible place they could be becasue I've turned things upside down looking, however my dear deceased husband used to say of course it's in the last place you looked because when you found it you stopped looking! Hum, I was never able to convince him I was right...male logic I guess!

Andie :-) :-) :-)

sewmom 10-20-2010 01:51 PM

I sraightened my sewing room once(doesn't get it often) and put away a pair of snips that i was going to givew to a friend b/c i bought 2 pair(forgot i had one already) and then when i wanted to give them to her, i couldn't find them. Later i found them on top of the bookcase. I lost my son's wedding album for about a year. My Dh was convinced that i had left it somewhere, but i hadn't taken it anywhere. i finally found it in the pocket of my suitcase! I had put it in there to carry a bunch of upstairs to the spareroom. in order to make one trip, i had put stuff in the pockets and apparently forgot.

Qwiltylady 10-20-2010 03:01 PM

I live 2 blocks from a Walmart so whenever I couldn't find what I needed I ran up and bought more. Now that I am a widow I have been trying to clean and organize my stuff and I have found I have a plethora of things that get put in strange places. I now have 140 glue sticks, 6 bottles of fray check, 20 tubes of crazy glue, 6 pair of glasses, 200 peacock feathers, and a ginormous stash because every time I ran up while they had fabric I always found something I couldn't live without!

lynsue 10-20-2010 03:02 PM

Yes, all the time -- seems I can set something down and not a few minutes later forget were it is. I keep trying to remind myself to think when I put things down. Doesn't seem to help. LOL

19angel52 10-20-2010 03:55 PM

much better putting away the milk AND keys in the fridge than to leave the milk in the car for days (yup....slid under the seat and forgotten) and the keys locked inside the car (yup)

inletjerry 10-20-2010 04:16 PM

Funny you should ask----Just this afternoon was on the phone with a quilting buddy, discussing a BOM we are in and the fabrics. We are going over the fabrics and fabric #'s, and I couldn't find one of the fabrics in the finishing kit. Looked and looked, no find. Got off the phone looked in front of me and behold there was the fabric, neatly hung on a hanger - I had cut it into strips and hung up as it should have been. Join the crazy quilters board - we are always good for a laugh.

seasaw2mch 10-20-2010 04:52 PM

Originally Posted by grann of 6
No, I didn't look there! Why? Because I have NEVER put it there before.

neither did I but found mine a week later, after buying more.
Nope I don't do that. LOL It was the mystery man that lives here.

jazway 10-20-2010 04:53 PM

My Dana was always hiding things from me as a child just for fun. She died when she was 7. Now when things are missing we blame it on Dana and have agood laugh.

penski 10-20-2010 05:03 PM

yipeeeeeee congrats on finding it

Berta48 10-20-2010 05:12 PM

Sounds as if you don't have to be a Senior to have those Senior moments.You all make me feel better !!LOL

donnalynett 10-20-2010 05:31 PM

I found the telephone in the refrigerator recently but still haven't found the 2 quart bottles of shampoo I bought? I finished cutting the pieces for a new quilt top last night and an hour later Mom called and asked what pattern I was making......I went totally blank!

BusyDebbie 10-20-2010 05:45 PM

lol sounds like something I would do.

Bonnie P 10-20-2010 06:20 PM

Story of my life,LOL

Ruby Y Campos 10-20-2010 06:53 PM

There is always something in my sewing room that I have misplaced. Right now it is my favorite short black handled scissors. I know it is in that room some place. I am sure it will show up sometime when I have given up looking for it. Also recently I had purchased several zippers, and about 6 packs of bias tape, all in the same bag. I was working on the project using my zippers then wanted to check out the colors of my bias tape and I could not find the tape anywhere. A day or so later I found them in the container where they belonged. Duhhh!!

imak 10-20-2010 07:34 PM

My online screen name is imaklutz cause of all the times I have done such goofy things LOL

Rosyhf 10-20-2010 07:45 PM

Originally Posted by Charleen DiSante
At least you put the milk in the fridge and not the cupboard! :)

haahahahahahh....I am not talking ahahahahahah

drgranny 10-20-2010 08:13 PM

Don't bet on it!!! linda

drgranny 10-20-2010 08:18 PM

When I find that safe place it will be like hitting the jackpot!!!

annette1952 10-20-2010 08:23 PM

Yup, You always find stuff when you aren't looking for it! LOL So funny. It happens to me all the time.

jridner1 10-20-2010 08:25 PM

lol I always put things where I CAN REMEMBER where they are, lots of MIA things

Cookie64 10-20-2010 11:26 PM

No your not alone. It happens to all of use.


Lilrain 10-20-2010 11:36 PM

didn't happen to me with basting spray, but with 1000 other items

sewingrams 10-21-2010 03:10 AM

I can totally relate to missplacing. This past year I moved back to Arkansas and tried to put things that I knew I would want later in boxes that were marked well. But I forgot where I put a dress pattern and material for my granddaughter. I've been searching for it now for about 6 months(my sewing room is still mostly boxes, but my machine is out in the open so I can use) A friend at church wanted help with some embroidery, so I found that box to take out the machine and guess what!!! That's where it was, I just never use my EMB machine as much as the others and never unpacked it.

Craftygirl 10-21-2010 03:25 AM

I put the ice cream in the microwave once. Hey, it's square and white.

patdesign 10-21-2010 05:49 AM

Originally Posted by Qwiltylady
I live 2 blocks from a Walmart so whenever I couldn't find what I needed I ran up and bought more. Now that I am a widow I have been trying to clean and organize my stuff and I have found I have a plethora of things that get put in strange places. I now have 140 glue sticks, 6 bottles of fray check, 20 tubes of crazy glue, 6 pair of glasses, 200 peacock feathers, and a ginormous stash because every time I ran up while they had fabric I always found something I couldn't live without!

Sounds like a ginormous yard sale in the making to me!

IBQUILTIN 10-21-2010 07:43 AM

At our house we call that "Sometimers" Happens a lot. I find things in the strangest places, and DH always thinks it was me that hid them

leiladylei54 10-21-2010 07:51 AM

Another one I really hate is putting something some place where you won't forget you put it and still forget where that place was. And as far as seeing something right before your eyes....I can look at that spot and still not see it even if I look at the spot multiple times!!! Then when I'm not doing the active search for it....it's there!!! It's them there spooks living in this house messing with me, I think!!! LO

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