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Caswews 08-15-2013 08:53 AM

oh one cannot have too many quilting, crocheting, crafting books ! LOL

MargeD 08-15-2013 09:27 AM

I love my quilt books and magazines, as it's so nice to sit and relax going through them to get ideas for new quilts. However, when we moved to a 2-bedroom apt. from a 3-bedroom home, I was forced to "downsize" my stash of books, and so many magazines. When I get a magazine I use Post-It notes to flag a quilt pattern I might like to make, so when deciding whether to keep a magazine or book, I would go to the flagged patterns, take another look and if I've changed my mind I gather them up and give them to my quilting buddy. When she's done looking at them she passes them on. One thing she told me that she does is to pull the pattern out of a magazine, put it in a see-through page protector and then put them into a binder. It seems to work out for both of us, and whatever book she wants, she keeps, then passes them on to another quilting buddy. Saves us all money in the end, although I have severely cut back on books and magazines since we moved. Drat. Oh well, I have enough magazines and books to last me a long time for ideas.

KyKaren1949 08-15-2013 09:59 AM

If you find that you have quilt books you'd like to sell Victoriana Quilter has a section on her webpage where you can list them for sale at no charge. http://www.victorianaquiltdesigns.co.../UsedBooks.htm

MOLLYDOOKER2 08-15-2013 11:58 AM

I have been guilty of purchasing too many quilting magazines and have found a way to cut down on my purchases. I take a quick pic with my phone camera if there is only 1 or 2 quilts in a magazine that I like. I then keep a folder on my computer filled with pics and instructions of quilt ideas. It only takes a min or 2 while I am at joann's or standing in the supermarket. I have even gone to the library and done it and it saves me from buying too many magazines that I don't need and I have a folder of ideas for future use and can find most patterns in the books I already own. If a book has at least 4 or 5 patterns that I do like, I will usually buy it to have later. Just a way to buy more fabric !!!

caspharm 08-15-2013 12:30 PM

Count me in as well, I also have a lot of quilt books and liked some so much I ended up with 2 copies because I forgot I already had a copy. :)

gigi4419 08-15-2013 01:13 PM

Count me in too! I have lots and just ordered 2 more from Amazon! Love to look at the books!

crafty2 08-15-2013 02:12 PM

Quilt books and magazines are like fabric you can never have too much.

Christine- 08-15-2013 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by KyKaren1949 (Post 6235825)
If you find that you have quilt books you'd like to sell Victoriana Quilter has a section on her webpage where you can list them for sale at no charge. http://www.victorianaquiltdesigns.co.../UsedBooks.htm

Wow, thank you for sharing this url!

starrynite 08-15-2013 03:03 PM

NUBQ, I was so glad to see that someone has a collection close to mine. I just have at least 500 shelved in categories, and another 200 that are duplicates. Needless to say, this means that I have learned to buy on eBay well, while I have been dragging my feet in learning to sell. I need the space for fabric though, so intend to bite the bullet and start listing the extras......soon. Maybe by telling everyone, this will inspire me to get busy....

Krystyna 08-16-2013 02:25 AM

As I attempt to declutter, my pile of quilting books and magazines were on my list. As much as I love them and will probably continue to buy them, they must go ... so I listed them all on Etsy.

Sandi 08-16-2013 03:17 AM

Count me in on the "I love quilting books." I have them and some magazines that I have saved and I really don't want to throw them out. I have stopped buying many quilt magazines but I like so many of you just love my quilt books. I have picked up some books at the used library book sale but most through amazon but not the pricey ones.
So don't anyone feel bad about having "too many books." They are a joy and a pleasure.

bobbiesboutique 08-16-2013 03:53 AM

No I am right their with you
I have books upon books and lets not start with they magazines I feel like I want them all because like you I see these projects and honestly tell myself I will make that quilt and I feel like I can never have enough but I think we will be okay. It will be a really nice collection to pass on to a family member someday if they fall head over heels in love with quilting like I have.

quilttiger 08-16-2013 03:54 AM

Over the years, I have picked up quite a few books. Every few years, I go through them and pull out the ones I have either "outgrown" or no longer have an interest in them. This year, I am donating the current batch to my guild's next silent auction fundraiser. As to magazines, I have subscribed to a few and have downsized down to a couple real favorites. I do love having a quilt book in my hand! However, so many quilt patterns are free online, that we may not be buying as many books as we used to in the past.

GailG 08-16-2013 04:35 AM

Originally Posted by Prism99 (Post 6234097)
I love my collection, but we are planning to move. Have found some books that I really don't need anymore, and those have gone to the local "friends" of the library. I have a lot left, though -- many more than I will ever use. Still love having them. My dh has a collection of over 3,000 classical records, so I don't feel *too* guilty over my collection of quilting books.

It is the quilt magazines that are worse for me. I have spent countless hours going through them page by page, marking pages I want to keep, giving the "friends" magazines that don't have at least one marker in them. Not sure there is enough time in my lifetime to go through all of them! This experience has finally convinced me to stop buying magazines. I even quit looking at them when I go out, so I won't be tempted to buy another one!

When I realized that I would no longer be doing garment sewing, I packed up the magazines and some of the books to send do the local library's annual book sale.They were happy to have them. Of course I had kept some of them and now wish that I had brought those also. I suppose it's time to get another load ready for the library.

Some people bring books, magazines,and even fabrics to guild meetings. Members flock to those tables and carry them to their own sewing rooms.:o)

Wonnie 08-16-2013 04:46 AM

I simply LOVE books in general, quilting, sewing, gentle mysteries, autobiographies, educational, cookbooks, novels...love the feel...love the smell ...love the print...love the glossy colored pictures...love the paper jackets (those that have them) and nothing can replace that. I have a Kindle and a Kindle Fire...they serve a purpose but will never replace a lovely book in my hands. A book, to me, is warm and inviting...the digital equivalents are cold and unfriendly...at least to me. I like the ability to underline a word or phrase in instructional books or to highlight with a yellow marker...makes it personal. Have donated in my lifetime more than 300 books to local libraries and it's pleasing to see them on the shelves for others to use.

svenskaflicka1 08-16-2013 05:12 AM

one of the things that has "saved" me from going broke over books is a little used book store two blocks from my house. i read, bring back, get used book credit, buy more, read bring back, get more, etc. i have amazon one click. i have more reading material than one person should see in a lifetime. i just retired, so one of the joys is getting rid of all the medical/anesthesia/nursing books i no longer use daily. and now, the quilting and cookbooks can take center stage. i'm a confirmed bookaholic--and as long as i can walk through the house, i won't have "too many" books. (and i found a rare quilting book, years ago, that i gave to a friend who was an avid quilter--it was at a library sale for a quarter. she was so excited to get it, and valued it so highly, that she wrote it into her will for a daughter who was also a quilter. library sales are our friend!) i'm with you all who read instructional books like novels. there's nothing better than a good cookbook or quilting book on a cold evening.

lynndianne 08-16-2013 05:31 AM

I love all books. I must have 200 quilt related books and can't seem to quit buying them. I can sit in a corner and just look at them. I'm now on the hunt for Becky Goldsmith books. She was at our quilt guild meeting last night and she does wonderful work.


DixieLee 08-16-2013 05:33 AM

I too love quilt books. I like to just look through them again and again. I think that is a way to stimulate your mind and there is no computer or tablet that can replace the feel of a real book.

RugosaB 08-16-2013 06:46 AM

My computer and sewing machine are in separate rooms, and I save most of my quilting directions on the computer. BUT, for complicated things, look complicated to me, like bargello for instance, I buy a book

Seaside gal 08-16-2013 10:56 AM

I find it so much easier to follow directions in a book than on a video tutorial. If I watch a video, I have to write down the directions anyway. I do love books.

BETTY62 08-16-2013 12:24 PM

You are not alone. I love looking thru the hardback/paper books and often take them with me on doctor visits and other places where I'm going to have to wait my turn. Seems like I see new things each time I flip thru one. And, everyone has something they collect, I just happer to collect all things related to quilting. LOL

marciacp 08-16-2013 12:53 PM

Originally Posted by KyKaren1949 (Post 6235825)
If you find that you have quilt books you'd like to sell Victoriana Quilter has a section on her webpage where you can list them for sale at no charge. http://www.victorianaquiltdesigns.co.../UsedBooks.htm

Oh, thanks for the tip. I have about 50 or 60 books and maybe 500 quilt magazines I want to sell so I will check out that site posthaste. :)

maryquitecontrary 08-16-2013 01:21 PM

Yay!! There are other people with the same addiction I have.

quilting in my60s 08-16-2013 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by marciacp (Post 6237771)
Oh, thanks for the tip. I have about 50 or 60 books and maybe 500 quilt magazines I want to sell so I will check out that site posthaste. :)

I took a look at the books for sale and I think they are way too expensive. I get lots of my quilting books off of Amazon by looking up book I want and checking out the "used" ones. Shipping is always $3.99 so I take that into consideration. Most of the books I buy with shipping are $10 or less. Such great bargains and the books are pretty new like 2010-2012.

nygal 08-16-2013 02:17 PM

I don't just have tons of Quilt books I also have Knitting books!! I did weed them out last year and donated a lot of both to my local used bookstore. The lady told me she didn't have a craft section until I started bringing books in to her. lol But my book shelves are still full.

Luv Quilts and Cats 08-16-2013 03:07 PM

I still love hard copy books. Just love to curl up with a good read or look at a good quilt book to get my imagination going. Somehow, I just can't see cuddling up with and e-reader. But that's me. I too have lots of quilting books and counted cross stitch pattern leaflets. If I live to be 200 they still won't be all done. But it's fun to dream and to look at them. Quilt magazines too. Goes with the territory it guess and no, I'm not stopping.

kathyd 08-16-2013 05:09 PM

Originally Posted by JustAbitCrazy (Post 6234096)
Count me in. I have it B-A-A-D! And I don't feel guilty, so neither should you. They give us a lot of pleasure, and I figure, so many people spend so much money on cigarettes, drinking, and gambling, etc. and I do none of that. At least we have something to show for our money, right? And in the future all those books (and yards of fabric, patterns, etc.) can be resold if necessary. Feeling better now? Lol! (I'm pretty good at justifying....)

I agree...no cigarettes, drinking or gambling here either. But plenty of quilting supplies for me and carving supplies for hubby. We are both suckers for a good book, no matter how old. Just collecting for future inspiration. And if nothing else I can dream and maybe make a quilt or two! :)

marciacp 08-17-2013 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by quilting in my60s (Post 6237854)
I took a look at the books for sale and I think they are way too expensive. I get lots of my quilting books off of Amazon by looking up book I want and checking out the "used" ones. Shipping is always $3.99 so I take that into consideration. Most of the books I buy with shipping are $10 or less. Such great bargains and the books are pretty new like 2010-2012.

I agree that the one's I saw listed are way too expensive. The one's I have for sale are more in
line with Amazon - at least half off retail, and some even less. :)

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