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sarahrachel 07-16-2011 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by Prism99
Wow! I've been in fabric rehab for awhile, with my stash not growing, so feel I have a right to contribute to this thread.

In my case, I simply stopped going to fabric stores and stopped looking online (had stopped going to garage sales several years ago). That has helped a lot!

What strikes me as unusual about your case is the multitude of unfinished quilts. I think you need to learn how to do binding and then warm your heart by finding people/charities who can actually use your quilts. Maybe find ways to display some of your quilts in your house too.

Concerning binding, here are links to my favorite method by Leah Day for completely machine binding quilts (much faster than finishing by hand):

Those videos are great! I hate hand binding and even though I just started, I had only finished 2 quilts of the 6 I started and none of the tree skirts. Using this method, last night I bound 1 quilt and a tree skirt and I'm working on another. The videos make it soooo easy!! Sew twice around the quilt and you're done!

Good luck with everything though! I don't have much advice to offer as I'm stuck in a corner of my room while running downstairs to use the iron because that's where there's room! If I lived closer, I would definately help!

But you could always see if there's a fellow quilter, whether it be from a guild or church group that would be willing to help. They seem to have a better knack of organizing and what goes with what.

jaciqltznok 07-16-2011 08:40 AM

Originally Posted by Kitsie
I hope you never recover!!!

no really.....she/we do need to recover.

first off...unsub from ALL of the fabric shop emails...it isn't really that hard..took me about an hour...yes, a FULL hour to go through all the emails I filed away and just unsubscribe from that shop!

Then I did the same thing on facebook!
Then I deleted the upteen yahoogroups, I never really participated in, but just READ the links to more FREE patterns.

I am 50...I have very little time to sew/quilt/craft at all any more.
I have over 1,000 patterns, 300+ books, 38 UFO's that are all queen size quilts, another 50+ PIGS and about 3,000 yards of fabric. ADD to that my inking, painting, dyeing, stamping, discharging, foiling, threads, notions, rulers, die cutters, dies, machines, irons, you name it...and that one tiny 10' room contains nearly $100,000.00 in merchandise!

I have two children, both boys. Both not on their own in this economy. Both with NO inclination of making a family yet, since they are still NOT on their own. Should I ever get grands, those quilts are already made. NO need to keep the baby fabrics!
The boys both have 6 quilts now and each has a UFO that will be a wedding gift(should that ever happen)! My entire family is quilted out..as in they do not want/need any more quilts from me!

SO...why do I keep all of this stuff?
This is NOT my only passion in life...I no longer have my store, I no longer teach classes...it no longer brings me joy when I see it, it just STUFF that is weighing me down....so...it is all going...
I will never recoup 1/2 of what I have spent on all this stuff...nobody wants to inherit it..so I came to the realization that it just needs to go. Hopefully it will bring someone else some joy/happiness.

SharBear 07-16-2011 08:41 AM


I think you should be proud of your admission. It sounds to me like you hate to bind - or is that binding represents finishing and letting go? Were the almost done quilts made for charities, for family or just for the pleasure of creating? If you have some for charity - I would be glad to bind them for you and then ship them directly to the charity that you specify. If you pay to ship them to me I'll pay to ship them to the charity. Just PM me.

Change is very difficult in these situations. Small steps mean a lot.

Some once told me that "Yard by yard, it's hard. Inch by inch it's a cinch!". Be patient and kind to yourself!


Lori S 07-16-2011 08:41 AM

I had to make some Adjustments myself recently.... I finally got into my head a method that helped me get moving.
I had to play a mind game with myself to prioritize. I asked myself If my house was burning and I could only make two trips into the sewing room, and could only take what I ccould carry what would it be?
Some say you can never have too much fabric .. but I do believe it is possible... and it can actually inhibit us in doing what we love.
I completely inderstand your situation. We are here for you. Wish I lived closer so I could help you...at mimium get some of those quilts bound.

gollytwo 07-16-2011 08:42 AM

Same situation here.
One of the things I've done is delete all e-mails from quilting resources/vendors w/o opening.
Hasn't stopped me buying, but has cut it way down.

Tropical 07-16-2011 08:57 AM

[quote=Prism99]Wow! I've been in fabric rehab for awhile, with my stash not growing, so feel I have a right to contribute to this thread.

In my case, I simply stopped going to fabric stores and stopped looking online (had stopped going to garage sales several years ago). That has helped a lot!

What strikes me as unusual about your case is the multitude of unfinished quilts. I think you need to learn how to do binding and then warm your heart by finding people/charities who can actually use your quilts. Maybe find ways to display some of your quilts in your house too.

Concerning binding, here are links to my favorite method by Leah Day for completely machine binding quilts (much faster than finishing by hand):

Thank you so much Prism99 for the websites. I could have used them yesterday when I was doing my first binding on a gift for my Mom's birthday next month. I didn't come across them when I searched the web. Well, I have them now and have taken notes and bookmarked them for future use. :)

I do not have a fabric addiction because I can't afford to have one. I know what would happen if I could though. :) :) :) Good Luck to you ArizonQuilts1

Scissor Queen 07-16-2011 08:59 AM

The first thing to do is unsubscribe from all those store newsletters. I have done that too. The second thing to do is learn a good method for binding and get those out of the way.

Put yourself on a BBB diet. Only buy fabric if you *MUST* have it for borders, binding or backing to finish a quilt!

Sort and organize everything. Hauling all your fabric out and sorting and organizing it can satisfy the need to just play with fabric without buying and adding to the problem. Plus when it's in a giant pile in the middle of the room you'll see new and interesting fabric combinations that'll inspire you.

marknfran 07-16-2011 09:11 AM

I have not reached that yet; however, I can see it in the future if I do not change my ways. I will keep checking back on the blog to see if there is help. Depression is dangerous and must be taken seriously. Some would laugh at this but I started out using my quilting to get out of the depression and now find that in order to prevent the depression I must plan a home for the quilts I make. This does make me feel good and have been able to prevent depression from setting in.
good luck!

BluegrassGurl 07-16-2011 09:17 AM

I completely understand as I am in the same boat. I went to a yard sale this morning and "hit the jackpot" for the first time ever..... huge tote of cotton fabric for $30.00. I just LOVE fabric.

I am washing it and preparing to wrap it to place in my bookshelves where all my other stash resides... but this is it. I have GOT to stop. Time to finish my UFOs (about 12) and utilize my beautiful stash into quilts that can be used.


I'm not even going to look and tempt myself. Enough is enough. I can do it... I can do it!!!!

loves_2_quilt 07-16-2011 09:47 AM

I have allowed myself in 2011 the 4 Bs...batting, backing, border, and background. I don't have the stash that I see some quilters have and I am doing this to not become one of "those" quilters. Take baby steps and you will recover. Many have offered great suggestions to get you started. Hang in there it will happen.

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