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Ethel A 08-17-2009 05:00 PM

How 'new' are you to quilting?

Let's welcome our newest quilters. I would say I'm pretty new (about two years), but I'm sure there are others who are newer.

Please share how 'new' you are to quilting and what drew you to this hobby!

MNQuilter 08-17-2009 05:15 PM

Since no one else is brave enough to answer, I will! :lol:

I learned to quilt three years ago but the last year has been a little too crazy and I have actually been working on the same lap quilt for tw years now. :oops:

Recently I have actually started to make some progress on my quilts and hope to actually finish some projects!

amma 08-17-2009 05:18 PM

Three years here and still a newbie in so many ways :lol: :lol: :lol:
I have always loved quilts and when I couldn't do handwork anymore it was a good choice for me and I fell in love with it :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

cutebuns 08-17-2009 05:28 PM

It will be three years in Oct for me. I started as I didn't know what to do for DH for Christmas. And then before I knew it I had done one each of the kids as well, so 4 done before 3 months were done, and the rest they say is history.

wichypoo 08-17-2009 05:28 PM

2 years, I started because menopaws was making me insane. Well ok, was probably insane before just reallllllly b_itchie. I tell everyone quilting kept me from killing myself. no laugh just fact.

ginnie6 08-17-2009 05:51 PM

I just started quilting this year. So far I've made one lap quilt and handquilted it, have two more lapquilt tops finished and ready to go and am working on two more. I am planning on lapquilts as Christmas presents for a few people this year. And I'm going to make a special quilt for a friend and one day hopefully make a king size quilt for our bed! Wait you didn't ask for our list did you? :lol:

SulaBug 08-17-2009 06:11 PM

My Grand Mother taught me to sew, when I was in the first grade. I used to sit on a dictionary, so my knee could reach the knee feed!! :D I couldn't begin to count the items that I have made over the years. I have enjoyed every minute of it & am so glad she took the time to teach me.
:D :D :D :D :D :D

Ethel A 08-17-2009 06:19 PM

Welcome fellow-'newbies!' LOL!!!! I LOVE this hobby!! I'm glad to be in the company of others who share this wonderful, therapeutic obsession!

Lisa_wanna_b_quilter 08-17-2009 06:24 PM

Unless you count a few simple patchwork squares stitched together and tied to cover up an ugly couch years ago, I never quilted anything.

I do hand embroidery, counted cross stitch and crochet. My knitting produces trapezoids instead of squares.

I have been sewing forever but you can only make so many clothes for no reason. I love to do bridesmaid/prom dresses but doing those just for fun is a bit silly. For that reason, I've decided I'm going to teach myself to quilt.

My first project is probably going to be a runner for the top of the piano.

deedum 08-17-2009 06:27 PM

I have been at this just under two years total I had joined a new small quilt group then and began doing applique and piecing there. Didn't really get into it til last July when I went on my first shop hop. bought the kit, and realized I got in a bit deep for my first attempt. I just finished it last week, and I may say not too bad for my first one! Well I guess my veryvery first one was a bluejean lapquilt or twin. Oh my gosh, was that heavy. Gave it to my son for Christmas last year, not sure he even wanted it, but he was so sweet and took it! Since then I have finished my shop hop quilt of course, and a baby quilt, 2 nice lap quilts. I have one in the machine now and another one waiting to be quilted. I just didn't know how addicting this was and how unlimited! When I was little I always would climb under the bed covers at my grandparents house and listen to the rain hit the metal roof. Those quilts were so warm and comforting. So that is my story.

showmequilter 08-17-2009 06:28 PM

i'm sort of a newbie been quilting for about 3 or 4 years and still do not know all the in's and out's.. i learn somethings each item i make

sandpat 08-17-2009 06:42 PM

I decided to teach myself to quilt in Jan 2006...so I'm still a real newbie. I don't know how to sew..could barely find the one switch on the old machine I had. I fell so hard that I now own a Bernina and I'm totally obsessed with quilting! I love it AND the people who do it!

Rhonda 08-17-2009 06:58 PM

I'm not a newbie but I just had to say When I started I couldn't sew a straight seam and hated any sort of attempt to be accurate!! So keep on keeping on and you will some day know it ALL!! NOT!

We never know all the ins and outs that's what makes the journey so rewarding!!!!

nursie76 08-17-2009 07:07 PM

Kinda new too! I always loved the quilt that was on my mothers bed in the winter. Had strep throat several times every winter and when I was sick I got to spend the day in the "big" bed, snuggled beneath it, picking out the different fabrics that matched grammys aprons or dresses.

Soooo, in the spring of 2000 I took the plunge and a class. I loved the feel of the fabric, and the mating and interplay of colors. But then life interrupted (went back to college) and didn't have time until after graduation last December. This spring, I started reading Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek series and decided that it was time to get reacquainted with quilting. I am now obsessed and proud of it. My DH the sweet man is sooo supportive. He says he loves to see how happy and excited I get when I am quilting. Because of him I now have a Bernina 440 and there is no end to the possiblilites!

*QuilterWannabee* 08-17-2009 07:18 PM

I'm as new as my name implies. : ) I just started about two months ago and am near completing a baby (first) quilt. It's a sad story, what brought me to quilting, so I'm holding back - maybe someday. On the bright side, I am finding alot of joy and happiness tempered with the occasional who-knew-I-could-cuss-like-a-sailor moment, in the pursuit of learning to quilt.

Pickles 08-17-2009 07:40 PM

I'm a newbie , I started quilting 6 years ago and I'm still learning something new all the time, thats why I love this group of quilters they
are all so friendly and helpful..I started to quilt because I use to watch my mother quilt as a child and I loved finding all my matching doll cloths in her quilts and my own cloths in her quilts as I grew up, so it was because
of all those sweet memorys that I started to Quilt, I have made two
Queen size quilts and I off them I gave to my little Sister this year and I'm now working on a Queen size Bluejean Quilt for my Son and a Twin size Bluejean Quilt for my DH..
Have fun Quilting !!!

quiltluvr 08-17-2009 07:57 PM

Growing up my mother had a scrappy feather quilt that had been passed down. Only on the coldest of winter days did she let us get it out to curl up with. I LOVED it.

Then when I had kids I did a little clothes sewing and small house projects. After the kids were grown I needed an outlet. I always did something. So I started looking into doing miniature dollhouses, which I was always fascinated with.

I loved quilts too and there was more of an opportunity to pursue that besides I at least had sewing experience.

I took my first class three years ago. I started one top in class, still not finished. I took another last year and started a sampler, still not finished. Currently working on a HST scrappy. Maybe I'll finish something or maybe I'm "destined" to just start each project????? :lol:

amandasgramma 08-17-2009 08:05 PM

Don't know if I'm considered a newbie!!! I made a quilt for each of my 2 children waaaaay back when...they're in their 30s. Then quit -- it was too hard for me to be patient enough to cut those pieces (had to cut out triangles with scissors then!) and to hand quilt. Last year DH bought me a new sewing machine and the only shop near me with fabric is a quilt shop. I made a tote bag and have been going at it ever since! I'm soon to get a quilting machine - longarm from a friend that has upgraded!!!!

tigger5464 08-17-2009 08:18 PM

not sure if most would say I'm a newbie but new to the forum anyway. I was a stay at home mom with my 2 sons and sewed constantly. After they both went to school all day I found a job (full time) and now that I'm an empty nester, (woo hoo!) I'm back to sewing and just starting quilting.
In July I finished a denim quilt for my son and entered it in the local county fair. Got a blue ribbon for it after almost a years labor....lol My son is absolutely in love with it so I guess it was a job well done. Plus the fact that it is the first quilt that I have ever attempted other than quillows.

pjinflorida 08-17-2009 08:59 PM

Hi Everyone,

First let me say thank you very much for the warm welcome to the group. Everyone here is so wonderfully nice and helpful.

I'm really new to quilting. I used to sew clothes for the grand kids and when they got older they weren't into home made clothing. I also used to sew household things like drapes. I stopped sewing about 10 years ago, but I missed it and I've always had a desire to make quilts so when a friend of mine told me about 'rag quilts' I thought perfect that way I get my skills back up and learn some of the cutting techniques, etc.

The first real quilted item I made was a bargello quilt for my dining table. And I must say I was really pleased with it. Every block lined up great. I have sense made a table topper for a friend. Just finished a 59" laptop quilt and have another quilt top ready to go.

I was using my 25 year old Kenmore and just couldn't get the quilt quilted with it. I did a lot research on machines and purchased a pfaff quilt expression 4.0. I love it, it so great. I never knew machines could so much, lol.

I also do a lot cross stitching and machine embroidery.

I shall get my profile filled out shortly, and get some pictures of my quilts.
I am married, 64 years old and live in Florida.

Well I guess I rattled on enough.

A warm welcome to other new quilters and new board members.

Again thank you and God bless

purplemem 08-17-2009 10:52 PM

I started quilting in 2005 when a friend of mine at work offered to teach 5 of us to quilt by hand. She showed us the Jinny Beyer dvd's and taught us with a mystery quilt. She was/and is a fabulous teacher! We learned curved pieces, diamonds, stars, 4-patch, borders and hand quilting all in our first piece (a lapquilt). Since then I have made 12-14 baby quilts, 3 queen size and numerous lap quilts. After developing serious neuropathy in my hands, I moved to the sewing machine to piece. I had not used a sewing machine in 35 years, and then it was only one semester in home economics. Thanks be to this board for the patience in teaching me to sew straight seams, etc. I am now totally hooked on quilting and devote time every day to my hobby/obsession. I have a whole room just for sewing, and this spills over into the living room. I have participated in two IRR/RowRobins - they have really challenged me in my quilting skills and creativity. Jump on in, the water's fine!

reneebobby 08-18-2009 02:39 AM

I started in Jan of 08. I bought a machine to repair the cushions on the boat and DH says you can't sew :shock: (he was right) but I didn't want him to know that :D So my friend brought me over some fabric and I made a baby quilt but little did I know I was going to be a great Aunt, and well you know what happened your HOOKED

janedennis 08-18-2009 06:19 AM

I am a newbie to quilting but have come from a quilting family. My mom has made numerous ribbon winning quilts and have 7 of them in my closet and want to make some to match her ability. I just finished a quilt for my 4 year old grandaughter and will post it when i get the film developed. I dont have a camera that makes instant pictures. I also made her two quilted pillows, a doll quilt and two pillowcase dolls to match her quilt. That was my first real accomplishment. Now on to more things cause the bug has bitten and now I have to scratch.

Currently in Amish Lancaster PA and going fabric shopping in a few days. Hope to find some great fabrics cause in Ocala Florida there isnt much to choosd from.

Up North 08-18-2009 09:19 AM

I was laid off from my job in Oct of 07 started surfing the net for something to do and came across this site, My great Aunt was a quilter, For Christmas my son bought me a cutting mat and rotary cutter and the rest they say is history, I have finished 9 quilts have 4 or 5 WIP and I am addicted to fabric now.

janedennis 08-18-2009 09:28 AM

I know about that addiction very well. But it isnt a bad one to have unless you go overboard.

mytwopals 08-18-2009 09:33 AM

I started quilting in 2005 or 2006. Heck, I can barely remember last week. :lol: I've completed 2 queen sized quilts (1 BOM kit and 1 Bargello). I have one more (Lone Star) in the quilting stage and am in the initial design stages of a Whole Cloth quilt. I'm wanting ti incorporate some Celtic designs and my family crest into it somehow.

Jared 08-18-2009 10:05 AM

I first made a quilt with my mom when I was younger but I didn't actually create my own until about a year ago. Since then I've finished one more, which I'm a lot more happier with and I'm becoming increasingly interested in the craft.

I was originally drawn to quilting because I love art and I enjoy sewing. Through sewing I became interested in textiles and fabric, and then of course quilting. Now I find that it continues to interest and inspire me as quilts can be both utilitarian and artful, and sometimes they can be both.

MadQuilter 08-18-2009 10:10 AM

I'm not a newbie to quilting but I feel like it when I try a new technique. Many methods, I just dream of mastering and others I am too insecure to try. When I look at some of the pictures you newbies post, I am in awe. Just keep up the good work and keep inspiring the rest of us.

Sugarpumpkin 08-18-2009 12:50 PM

I started my first quilt last month..so about one month :lol:

Iluv2quilt 08-18-2009 01:06 PM

1 1/2 years for me! My husband's boss's wife is the wonderful lady who taught me how to make my first quilt, a log cabin design. I made four right after I was done, all queen and king sizes. Then I ventured out to lots of other patterns. All in all I've make 11 quilts, 19 quilt tops, and a bunch of wallhangings and table runners. :D

JeanDal 08-18-2009 02:26 PM

I have been a quilter at heart for the longest time but have only quilted one quilt and tied two in the last ten years. Raising a family and working has occupied most of my time.

sewjoyce 08-18-2009 02:30 PM

I have always wanted to quilt -- can remember cutting up squares with blunt scissors when I was a kid and sewing them together by hand. My grandma quilted but we never had a chance for her to teach me. About 12 years ago, I made my first baby quilt and probably made 2 or 3 baby ones per year. But then I retired :D and am slowly learning new techniques and having a ball!

Mousie 08-19-2009 07:48 AM

Started reading and collecting notions and fabrics, while still sewing garments and toys, about four years ago. Finally got up a little courage to try some blocks and such about two years ago. Then got very sick, and couldn't do anything for a long time...long to short...I am still kind of new to it, but since I read, read, and look up, etc. all the time...I feel like i am in training now, and not just 'brand new', anymore. I hope my work reflects that, lol! :D

littlehud 08-19-2009 06:12 PM

I started quilting about two and a half years ago. My sister and I started together, but she lost interest. Three years ago my kids would have been shocked if I went to the fabric store, but now they want to go with me to see if there is any fabric they can find for the next quilt I can make them. I have started my DGD sewing and she has her own Sew Mini machine. (Just like grandmas ) Now a days if I have a day off the kids first question is "did you get to sew today mom". They know if I have sewed I am happier.

MissMermaid 08-19-2009 06:46 PM

I learned how to sew from my mom 11 years ago. All of the "older ladies" in the family knit/crochet/make clothing/some form of needlework, but no one that i know of quilts.

I'm on the summer before leaving for college, and decided i wanted to take up quilting...so I started about a month ago.

I bought one of those BOM sets from Jo-Ann's, the whole set, and just started at the begining and worked my way through. took about 3 weeks to piece the whole thing together (83" square quilt top!) and my mom has since decided my birthday/channukkah gift from her is having the quilting professionally done at the local shop...which im fine with, because its huge and i have a small machine, and wont have the time to get a large quilt quilted by hand in a remotely timely fashion, what with starting school soon and all.

SO...now im making a lap-ish sized quilt top, doing all the piecing by machine before i leave for school in 3 weeks (i hope!) and my plan is so hand quilt it throughout the fall term, to hopefully give to the boy for christmas.

MissMermaid 08-19-2009 06:51 PM

I learned how to sew from my mom 11 years ago. All of the "older ladies" in the family knit/crochet/make clothing/some form of needlework, but no one that i know of quilts.

I'm on the summer before leaving for college, and decided i wanted to take up quilting...so I started about a month ago.

I bought one of those BOM sets from Jo-Ann's, the whole set, and just started at the begining and worked my way through. took about 3 weeks to piece the whole thing together (83" square quilt top!) and my mom has since decided my birthday/channukkah gift from her is having the quilting professionally done at the local shop...which im fine with, because its huge and i have a small machine, and wont have the time to get a large quilt quilted by hand in a remotely timely fashion, what with starting school soon and all.

SO...now im making a lap-ish sized quilt top, doing all the piecing by machine before i leave for school in 3 weeks (i hope!) and my plan is so hand quilt it throughout the fall term, to hopefully give to the boy for christmas. unless i keep it for myself and just lovingly share it with him (weve been together all through highschool, im okay with putting the emotional investment into it...at least a quilt he'll use...hes afraid to wear my hand knit socks for fear of ruining them...silly boy.)

oh, and im doing the forever yours design by Annette Ornelas. and im loving it.

tarib 08-20-2009 03:16 AM

I had always wanted to learn to make a quilt. I always said "when I retire" well I guess there was no time like the present. A couple years ago a friend that I also work with had quilted for years and said, "pick out a simple quilt (wallhanging) and I will help you pick material, and I will show you the ins and outs". She did and I love it. I go in spurts, I work like a crazy person until a project is finished, then burn out for awhile. I have been in the burn out mode for a couple weeks. Time to get started again though. I have material for a lap quilt for my mom for Christmas.

mingorose 08-20-2009 06:13 AM

I am very new to quilting - always wanted to learn but didn't know where to start. Went on a bus outing and just happened to sit across a table at lunch from quilters who invited me to join their guild. I have been in it for a year now. First thing we did was a round robin and I enjoyed it very much and learned a lot with that first project. Still learn something at every meeting too. Love reading the posts here and have been printing out all the different instructions on quilting - have them in a binder at home. Still haven't really quilted anything but I know I will finish something one of these days.


blackberryhill1 08-20-2009 06:56 AM

How fortunate I am that my Grandma taught me to sew. As soon as I was tall enough (around 7 or 8 I think) she taught me to sew on her treadle sewing machine. Later I took Home Ec in school and then a few classes with Cooperative Extension. One Christmas I received a portable electric machine that I sewing on for many, many years. I made many of my own clothes when I worked. I sewed for my daughter when she was little and again in high school & college. I've made everything from suits, to a wedding gown, cocktail dresses, window treatments, cushions and now quilts.

A friend started to quilt in 2001 and got me interested. I signed up for 8 weeks of classes at a local quilt shop in 2002 and I was on my way. I love to sew - I find it very relaxing and stress free. Now I make quilts, American Girl doll clothes and clothing for my 5 year old twin grand daughters. My current projects are twin sized bed quilts for my granddaughters plus some school clothing for them. What fun I am having!

QuilterKim 08-20-2009 07:22 AM

I've been quilting about 2 years now and am so in love with it. Everything from planning the project to putting the binding on. Started doing cross stitch and embroidery when I was a teenager and had always loved quilts but never thought I'd have the patience for it - still working on that patience. I've been practicing my free-motion quilting to get better at it.

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