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valsma 08-29-2011 04:30 PM

That is where I learned the basics. My mom wasn't much of a sewer so I had to learn someplace. I remember having such clashes with my home ec teacher, but if it wasn't for her I wouldn't know how to thread a sewing machine.

MoanaWahine 08-29-2011 04:30 PM

I knew how to sew before I took Home Ec class. Thanks to my mom and Aunt. I also had learned basic crocheting from my grandmother and also counted cross stitch by this time. Once I was out of school, I kind of left everything alone. I picked up quilting about 9 years ago and have not looked back.

Cosy 08-29-2011 04:34 PM

I took home ec, but learned to sew long before. I made a purple shirt waist dress with pleated skirt, set in short sleeves, button down the front of the top. But the girl who shared my machine had never sewed before, so she had to do a lot of frogging, which she did sitting at the machine. She insisted that a proper seam allowance was 1 1/4inch, couldn't figure out why nothing would work that way. When I objected, teacher told me I had to learn to share. Then I got in trouble for not having my work done. 1st class I flunked.

susie-susie-susie 08-29-2011 04:35 PM

I learned in Home Ec. First project was an apron--BORING! I loved sewing and made a lot of my own clothes. I had to make my girls little dresses--no money and 3 girls. My DGM and DA were very good seamstresses. My Mom, not so much. She did a lot of ripping--tried, but had a hard time. By the time I was 13-14, I was helping my Mom. Lots of good memories.

janell2009 08-29-2011 04:40 PM

Yes I did take home Ec... but my mom taught me the most.. Home ec was the class we took as a freshman that taught us to be women and wear foundation pieces... as they said then. I still got in on the girdles class.. lol... some cooking but more from my mom than from Home Ec.

Glassquilt 08-29-2011 04:41 PM

Could already sew by the time I got to Jr High. The neighbor ladies taught me. My mom didn't sew as much as they did.

running1 08-29-2011 04:46 PM

My sweet momma INSISTED that I take Home Ec in the 9th grade. I sooo had my heels dug in to hate it, but had the most wonderful teacher who taught me to sew... tried to teach the cooking and other stuff, but I was bored with that... love it now, of course, but could not get interested in it then.

I think they call it "Family and Consumer Sciences" or something like that these days.... there are some really great teachers out there teaching kids the skills we knew as "home ec."

Gramie bj 08-29-2011 04:50 PM

I was taught to sew by my Great grandmother, Grandmother and Mother Before I was in school I worked a hand sampler by 7 or 8 I could handel a machine. When I hit my first Home Ec class in High School I knew more about sewing and my machine than the teacher did. LOL My first project was a pants suit for myself with bound button holes, an lapels on the jacket a hidden zipper in the back pants seam. Jacket and pants were lined with that new fabric RAYON!!! what a mess it all had to be stay stiched before sewing pieces together. She gave me a C on it boy was I pissed because she gave another girl a A on her apron that didn't have an even width on any of the seams. Teacher said I got a C because I took shortcuts, and did not follow the instructions word for word! That year I also beat the same Teacher at the County fair, (Mom entered my pants suit in the adult division), I took overall grand in the garment division, my teacher got a red ribbion. Great Grandma said, Don't let it go to your head you still need to shorten your stiches when doing hand work! LOL I never did get those stiches short enough for her.

JenniePenny 08-29-2011 04:53 PM

I didn't ever sew before I was about 35. I still have never made any type of garment or curtain. Just quilts.

QuiltMania 08-29-2011 04:58 PM

I was forced to take home ec in junior high since girls were not allowed to take auto shop which is what I wanted to take. I already knew how to cook and sew. I taught myself to sew years before. I hated that class because I knew shortcuts and easier ways of doing things that got me in trouble.

New Quilter 08-29-2011 04:59 PM

I began "sewing" at age 4...made my first pillow out of 2 white washcloths with an appliqued a chair with a cat on it, a little round table/tablecloth with a lamp, and then put yarn fringe all around it...lol...my 87 yr young Mom still has it...it's been used as a "sick" pillow for all of the grandkids...it's just not as fluffy as it was then...I am 61 yrs young now...(smile) Naomi :thumbup: :thumbup:

New Quilter 08-29-2011 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltMania
I was forced to take home ec in junior high since girls were not allowed to take auto shop which is what I wanted to take. I already knew how to cook and sew. I taught myself to sew years before. I hated that class because I knew shortcuts and easier ways of doing things that got me in trouble.

I know what you mean...in kindedrgarten the girls were forced to play in the kitchen with the stove, fridge, and the dreaded iron/ironing board...my Dad had his own construction company, so naturally I wanted to play with the trucks that were in the table with sand...great that the girls now have more choices...Naomi

dmyers 08-29-2011 05:06 PM

I learned how to sew in Home Ec class in the 6th grade. I made a jumper outfit and a pillow shaped as a hamburger with applique lettuce, pickles and sesame seeds. I also learned how to type on a real typewriter!

Jill 08-29-2011 05:09 PM

My mother was an excellent seamstress who made almost all the clothes for my two sisters and myself. She started teaching me when I was 9, then I sewed in 4-H for the next 10 years. Girls were required to take home ec in 7th grade--one semester of cooking and one of sewing. By that time I was making all of my clothes. I made my wedding gown and the three bridesmaid's dresses, and sewed as much as possible for my two sons and my house--draperies, pillows, etc. I always wanted to learn to quilt and when I retired in 2002 I took a beginning quilting class. Nine years later I don't make any clothes, do very little mending, but have made dozens of quilts.

Honeynga 08-29-2011 05:10 PM

I learned to sew at my foster mother's "knee" at about 8 years old so I knew the basics....took home ec in high school and learned the "proper" techniques, but it all worked ! I made several things in home ec but it was never a chore. Also loved cooking in home ec...I still can remember the smell of the kitchen we had then.....

Made my clothes through high school, including my wedding dress. Made my husband pants/vests. Then I started sewing for my children as they came along including winter coats, bathing suits, costumes for school, etc.

Just started quilting earlier this year. Had a heart attack and stroke last fall and need something to do with my hands and mind to help me recover in a lot of areas. Have completed 3 quilt tops and have plans for more. I get somewhat discouraged when I look at my paltry tops and then see the exquisite quilts I see on the board...maybe I'll be there someday !

Lucky Lady 08-29-2011 05:11 PM

I also learned to sew in Home Economics in high school many years ago. That is also where I learned to knit and crochet. I wonder if they even teach that anymore in the high schools. Too bad if they don't.

mzsooz 08-29-2011 05:12 PM

Nope. When I was 6 I got an electric kid sized Singer for Christmas (still have it). My dad taught we how to sew on it and I cranked out Barbie and Troll doll clothes. It is funny he taught me because my mom is the one that sews!

By the time I was in 7th grade I had already sewn professionally for some ladies. The teacher in Home Ec. made me go around and teach the other girls how to put in a zipper. Didn't make me very popular with the girls!

GGinMcKinney 08-29-2011 05:26 PM

Sure I took home ec and sewed. Teacher accused me of having my Mother do my sewing. I put 5 patterns together and made a beautiful dress. I made a gathered skirt and matched the plaids at age 9. Grandma and Mother were both perfectionists. I think I did more seam ripping than sewing. I had to sketch clothes we saw when we went window shopping, go home, browse the patterns and use what we had to make what I wanted.
When I married I sewed a couple of things and DH said he would buy my clothes. I am close to 5'11" so it wasn't so easy to find things to fit. He soon learned and he took me to tall clothing stores. When I retired 12-31-04 I began to quilt. So had over 30 years of no sewing. It is my passion and I am sew delighted to have a sewing room just recently. Still fixing it up.

Kat Sews 08-29-2011 05:27 PM

Home EC was required when I went to school. Didn't learn a thing in that class. I was already making most of my own clothing before the 7th grade, and could prepare a meal for 12 people (our family) without help. I wanted to take shop but girls were not allowed.

0tis 08-29-2011 05:28 PM

No, never took Home Ec - although it was available - I took shop class - I taught myself to sew about 1 1/2 yrs ago and have been going strong since.

lheartsl 08-29-2011 05:35 PM

yup sure did... 6-9th grade... my kids are now going to that school. the preschool is now in the home ec room...
both boys and girls had to take the class./. 1/2 yr cooking.. 1/2 sewing.....

emerald46 08-29-2011 06:01 PM

I was sewing before but did Home Ec all thru Jr High and Hi School. I was even President of our Future Homemakers of America (FHA) in High School...lol.

Cyn 08-29-2011 06:03 PM

I'm self-taught and it probably shows :)

pocoellie 08-29-2011 06:06 PM

I wouldn't have been caught DEAD in ANY Home Ec classes when I was in high school. LOL I wanted to take shop, but girls couldn't take shop, of course, they changed that the year AFTER I graduated. LOL

OneMoreQuilt 08-29-2011 06:06 PM

I was actually asked not to take Home Ec in HS --- by the teacher!!! I had been sewing since I was 6 and had several blue ribbons from 4H and County Fairs --- she said my time would be better spent elsewhere!!!

KwiltyKahy 08-29-2011 06:06 PM

By the time I got to Home Ec in Jr High I was already sewing. My teacher would shake her head trying to keep me going while getting the others going on the basics. I manaaged to finagle Home Ec in High School and was the Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow in my senior year. (And she would spin in here grave if she could see my house) Wonder if they still give that award.

jayelee 08-29-2011 06:17 PM

No Home Ec was the only class that I almost failed she gave me a point so I would have a sixty five and pass it For the most part I was a straight A high B student No other grades close to failing It was horrible I hated it My mother sewed so my husband thought I could and bought me a sewing machine for our first anniversary Our thirtieth is coming up in two weeks Wonder what I will get then

Launie 08-29-2011 06:28 PM

I did! I was looking for a class to take the last half of my 9th grade year. My mom insisted on a Home Ec class, and I was NOT interested in cooking class. So I thought, what the heck- sewing it is!
I knew nothing going into it. By the end of the semester, I was helping the teacher with special projects, and helping other kids in the class. I took sewing again that fall as a HS sophomore and my teacher recommended me for an opening at a local dept store working in alterations- I was barely 16 at the time. I got the job and did ladies' alterations for 4 years. Learned a bunch!

Xstitshmom 08-29-2011 06:33 PM

Years ago -- had to take Home Ec all four years of high school. I guess it served me well as I ended up winning the Betty Crocker Homemaker award. LOL

Quilting is MUCH MORE fun than sewing clothing!

Lucio 08-29-2011 06:46 PM

Out of financial necessity my mother always sewed all of our clothes and also home dec. Although I learned to knit and crochet by age 8, I was never interested in sewing. I had to take home ec in 8th grade. All the rest of the girls made a gathered skirt but because I was fat the teacher had me make an apron. The humiliation turned me off of anything domestic for years. It shocked all my friends and family when I won the "homemaker of tomorrow" award sponsered by Betty Crocker. The three years I was in nursing school I lived in uniforms or my quilted bathrobe. I was so poor upon graduation and had to buy a car. I had just met my now husband, dating 4 times a week and no money for clothes. I took a few sewing classes at the Jr. College and was hooked. I made all my little girl's clothes, prom and bridesmaid's dresses as well as my uniforms. About 8 years ago I took a quilting class in adult ed so garment sewing and home dec have been on the back burner ever since.

GagaSmith 08-29-2011 06:46 PM

I first sewed in home ec in 7th grade. We made aprons. Years later, in 1987, my son made me an apron in home ec (only by then it was callled Life Skills). It was the kind of apron with a bodice and he was very embarrassed to have to sew my initials on it--BS. He said all the other kids laughed. I still wear it sometimes.

Linda1 08-29-2011 06:52 PM

I took Home Ec all 4 years of high school. I made all my clothes for year but then I started making quilts and that is here to stay.

NJ Quilter 08-29-2011 06:55 PM

I actually learned to sew from Grandmother and Mother. By the time I got to high school Home Ec I was fairly advanced. Had a teacher in 9th grade Home Ec that didn't like how I was altering a pattern and took out the bazillion pins I had in the collar of a jump suit and threw them all across the room. I got up and walked out. She flunked me for the term. My (female) friends and I got together and refused to take home ec the following year. Demanded to take woodshop. School initially would not let us as they felt they couldn't let the 'student body' dictate curriculum. Lo and behold the following year, we all had woodshop and it was required for the boys to take home ec. That was 40 plus years ago. Guess I was a feminist before there were feminists.

MadQuilter 08-29-2011 06:57 PM

SOrt of. I definitely never finished anything. We had to sew STUPID things like an apron. Give me a break!

slk350 08-29-2011 07:00 PM

No, I learned how to sew on an old Singer threadle when I was around 10. One of my friend's Mom also taught us some. Did take 4 years of Home Ec. in HS. It was my favorite subject in school. No wonder I'm a domestic goddess...LOL

Robinlee 08-29-2011 07:06 PM

Nope I learned in 4-H at 7 years. By the time I was in Home Ec classes, I was the student aid. Made all clothes, alterations for teachers. Did a Frostline snowsuit for a teacher when I was 16.
I made all my DK their clothes, my clothes, and Western shirts for "Cowboys" from the states of Montana, SD, WY and NE. Still make western shirts for my DH. My first quilt was for the school secretary for her son when I also 16years. Now I sew clothes for my DGC, myself and DH, and still manage to quilt too.
My Home Ec Degree has a emphasis in Fabrics and Textiles. I was President, Secretary for FHA. Then became Chair, Chair Elect and Programs Coordinator for NE Association for FCS at local, state and national levels when in college. Miss those years.

Anna.425 08-29-2011 07:11 PM

No, I learned to sew in summer sewing camp at a local fabric store starting when I was 5. I used home ec to fulfill an elective, get an easy A and for fun. It was at about the time that guys started taking Home Ec. While everyone else was making boxer shorts I was making a warm wool winter coat.

PamS 08-29-2011 07:28 PM

I had sewing in home ec in junior high; but, had already learned to sew from my Mom and she taught me a lot of shortcuts, etc. BUT, the Home Ec teacher would NOT allow that, so I spent a lot of time with the handy dandy seam ripper taking things apart and assembling them the 'correct' way. It was discouraging, but I survived and continued to sew in 4-H and got a blue ribbon at the county fair one year for a fully lined linen suit. Sewed my own clothes for many years and a lot of my daughter's clothes until she learned to sew. Made 3 or 4 small quilts through the years, make a lot of bags/purses/totes and have gotten back into quilting AND my daughter is on her 2nd one right now. LOVE IT!!!

cabbagepatchkid 08-29-2011 07:33 PM

I took Home Ec from 7th to 12th grade (1970/71). I will always be thankful for all that I learned. My high school Home Ec teacher was Mrs. Beatrice Wood. She taught at JFK in Grafton, MA. I wish I knew whether she is still alive.

mo-rie 08-29-2011 07:39 PM

I learned some from Mom, Home Economics, and from reading the directions. These, along with 4-H, influenced my decision to major in Home Economics. I started my 30th year in the classroom last week. I wanted to be better than my HS teacher. I currently teach in TX where it is still occassionally referred as "homemaking". I, at first, thought that was quaint, but now believe that everyone needs to learn these skills, no matter what your vocation. I am especially thankful to my mom for letting me sew almost anything I desired. If I wanted clothes I had to make most of them!

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