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CoyoteQuilts 08-29-2011 07:45 PM

Nope, my mom taught me. I was always hanging over her shoulder asking, Why?, How come? What's that? and she got sick of answering me. She came home from work one day and I was using her machine....

cabbagepatchkid 08-29-2011 07:48 PM

Originally Posted by mo-rie
influenced my decision to major in Home Economics. I started my 30th year in the classroom last week. I wanted to be better than my HS teacher.

Awesome!!! :thumbup:
I graduated 40 yrs ago :shock: and I'm still thankful for my Home Ec teacher. I hope your students remember you 40 yrs from now!!

trisha 08-29-2011 07:49 PM

Yep, made an apron and never touched a sewing machine again for about 15 years!!!

Gladys 08-29-2011 07:51 PM

I learned how to sew from my Moma and Grandma but I loved Home Ec. I think they call it family living now.

Granny Quilter 08-29-2011 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by KwiltyKahy
By the time I got to Home Ec in Jr High I was already sewing. My teacher would shake her head trying to keep me going while getting the others going on the basics. I manaaged to finagle Home Ec in High School and was the Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow in my senior year. (And she would spin in here grave if she could see my house) Wonder if they still give that award.

I won that award in my senior year too, (1955). There were only 4 girls who took the test. The rest were afraid to.

IAmCatOwned 08-29-2011 07:54 PM

I learned to sew in Home Ec as well, but in junior high. They don't have home ec in the high school any longer. Nowadays, it's called "family and consumer science". Guess we have to elevate it with big words.

I was never really thrilled with my sewing classes at school because the teacher simply had no idea how to recommend alterations for a girl who had a size D cup. Nothing fit, I was so disappointed. Of course, I know now why - people who don't have large busts never learn how to alter for them.

I have to say though that the projects that the kids are doing are actually pretty encouraging for them. I think making boxer shorts in Home Ec in the 80s is what drove the market to make all these different varieties of boxer shorts.

Teddybear Lady 08-29-2011 07:56 PM

I took my first Home Economics class in 8th grade. Couldn't make biscuits but learned to love sewing. Started designing clothes for my Barbie I had got when I was 7. (I still have her. Shes old like me.) In High School, I made some of my clothes. I just love fabric!!!

jojo47 08-29-2011 08:24 PM

The small Catholic high school I graduated from didn't have a Home Ec program. I watched my mom a lot (she taught herself to sew after she and my dad married) and wanted her to teach me, but I ended up moving away and getting a job after high school. Thanks to the urging of my Aunt Marie, I took a Singer Sewing Class (yes, Singer offered sewing classes at one time...when Singer still sold their machines in their own stores!). The course was 8 weeks long, and the instructor took only 8 ladies at a time so she could give each one attention. I didn't have a sewing machine at the time, but my mom always had a Singer, so I was able to take the class for half price.

Those few weeks of class served me well over the years. I made lots of clothes for my kids when they were small, and when my daughters were teenagers, I did a lot of prom dresses, not just for them, but for several of their friends also. At one time I had made a suit for my DH and people wouldn't believe me at first! I don't do a lot of sewing for myself anymore, but I do make christening gowns for family and special friends...and of course, I quilt!

Cooking? I learned that from Mom...don't do so many big meals any more, as only DH and I here most days...Come spring and fall, I have more fun, because we have 2 or 3 extra guys helping with field work.

Painiacs 08-29-2011 08:37 PM

Yep ninth grade made 3 piece suit. Loved it!! Wore it alot!! Didn't sew much again until few yrs ago. Would u believe my parents were professional seamstress ?? Go figure!!

jaciqltznok 08-29-2011 08:39 PM

nope, granny taught me, then my mom..then home ec...

mzsooz 08-29-2011 09:12 PM

Originally Posted by Xstitshmom
Years ago -- had to take Home Ec all four years of high school. I guess it served me well as I ended up winning the Betty Crocker Homemaker award. LOL

Quilting is MUCH MORE fun than sewing clothing!

LOL!! I won the Betty Crocker Homemaker award too!!

Feathers-N-Fur 08-29-2011 09:21 PM

FYI, my teenage daughter says her school doesn't offer home ec anymore.

SnowQuilt 08-29-2011 09:34 PM

Yes in Jr. High. I made a skirt. Wasn't to crazy about sewing then but after watching my mom make quilts when I was in my 20's I got interested. :)

GrannieAnnie 08-29-2011 09:53 PM

I learned a lot of what I know at my momma's knee. I was doing all my own sewing by the 5th grade. The rest I picked up largely on my own. Never had a home ec class in my life and I can sew, knit, crochet, embroider, crossstitch, latch hook, tat, and a few other crafty things.

Jim's Gem 08-29-2011 09:54 PM

I absolutely HATED sewing in Jr High. My mother had enrolled me in several sewing classes when I was younger, 8 or so. I hated sewing. When I was in High School, we had a deal, she did all the sewing and I did all the baking.
It wasn't until I was married and my DH wanted a couple of things made for backbacking that I started sewing.

GrannieAnnie 08-29-2011 09:57 PM

Originally Posted by fabric_fancy
no by the time i was in jr high or high school home ec no longer existed as a class.

i taught myself to sew. i just bought a machine one summer and got down to business.

Our schools still have a technology class in middle school. Some needlework and cooking are included as well as a bit of shop--wood and metal. Just a few years back it was required, still is I think.

GrannieAnnie 08-29-2011 10:03 PM

Originally Posted by pocoellie
I wouldn't have been caught DEAD in ANY Home Ec classes when I was in high school. LOL I wanted to take shop, but girls couldn't take shop, of course, they changed that the year AFTER I graduated. LOL

I still wish I'd been able to take shop classes. No way in the early 60's.

GrannieAnnie 08-29-2011 10:19 PM

Originally Posted by maryb119
I helped the teacher teach some of the other girls who didn't know how to sew. I don't ever remember not sewing. My mom and both grandmothers taught me.

I honestly can not tell you when I started sewing. It's a safe bet I learned to walk first. But I don't remember not sewing.

snipforfun 08-29-2011 10:45 PM

Our high schools here even teach quilting as part of the sewing class. One of the schools even has a lonfarm machine and the kids learn that too.

Jennoh2 08-29-2011 10:55 PM

I was in Home Ec - but didn't learn to sew... hated it. I had a willing grandmother who helped me cheat a lot to pass the class. We made 2 of each of the projects (a. a pair of pajamas and b. an apron where the top folded down.) I would sneak one project home, and leave the other at school - until grandma helped me rip seams and show me how to correct mistakes. She had an electric machine, but we worked on her treadle.... now I really miss that machine and her, too.

caliquocat 08-29-2011 11:07 PM

Yes, & I hated it, we had to hand baste every seam "perfectly" before using a machine. After an introduction to patterns, I used my Mom's treadle machine(White)to make most of my clothes.

Aurora 08-30-2011 02:26 AM

No. I bought a sewing machine after I was married and a few patterns and taught myself. Took a few classes much later.

mic-pa 08-30-2011 02:46 AM

I learned to sew at age 8, and by the time I got to "Home Ec," I was bored with what the teacher wanted us to make. She was not happy with me. So I basically have sewed all my life. Started quilting in the late 80"s and no longer make clothes

deedum 08-30-2011 03:24 AM

Originally Posted by moonwork42029
I had sewed before Home Ec and always loved doing it. Many clothes for me in high school and then for my 2 sons up until they were in the 6th grade or so.

Now I'd rather kiss a snake than do any mending.

Funny, I would much rather alter anything, zippers whatever than kiss a snake!

deedum 08-30-2011 03:25 AM

Originally Posted by mic-pa
I learned to sew at age 8, and by the time I got to "Home Ec," I was bored with what the teacher wanted us to make. She was not happy with me. So I basically have sewed all my life. Started quilting in the late 80"s and no longer make clothes

I agreed, I was quite bored and I had to wait til she explained everything to the entire class. Didn't they know how to cut a pattern? Really?

ptquilts 08-30-2011 03:44 AM

I had one half year of sewing in 8th grade. All I remember is, we learned to make tailor tacks. I can still make a mean tailor tack, lol, if any one ever needs one.

CompulsiveQuilter 08-30-2011 03:57 AM

I took a Jr. High class and choose the easiest thing to make (or so I thought) - a pair of knit pants, elastic waist with the huge legs that were in style at the time. What I learned, and why I still hate making clothes, is that the fit is crucial. I just never got that part and gave up sewing completely for 30 years. THEN I found quilting!

jitkaau 08-30-2011 04:08 AM

Yes, for the whole 6 years.

QuiltMom2 08-30-2011 04:11 AM

25 years after the fact I was lucky enough to see my home ec teacher and I thanked her profusely for teaching me how to use a sewing machine!! Now, if I could just be fortunate enough to see my geometry teacher. Thanks to him, I can figure out yardage and how to draft a pattern!!!

franc36 08-30-2011 04:11 AM

I learned to sew in a Freshman Home Ec. class. We made an apron. I so enjoyed sewing that I took home ec. each year and majored in Home. Ec. in college. While in high school, I made clothes for myself, my mother, father, and sisters. I was the best dressed girl in my high school and college classes. To think, I almost didn't take home ec. Look at all I would have missed!

pkelly1947 08-30-2011 04:13 AM

I too learned in Home Ec class in Jr High. Then didn't sew until I got married & the took another sewing class. I made a lot of clothes for my children & then came quilting.

lillybeck 08-30-2011 04:13 AM

No I already knew how to sew but, did use my first pattern in Home Ec and I wore that dress for many years. I did learn how to make biscuits there however. They do not make you take these classes now they are electives, There are a lot of subjects we had to take that are no longer offered at all. Very sad situation in my opinion.

lovelyl 08-30-2011 04:15 AM

Originally Posted by Pies mom
I learned to sew in Jr. High.....now they call it middle school. I made most of my clothes through out high school and did alterations for college classmates and dorm mates....gave me the extra spending money. Of course that was when the hem lines were going up! It seems to me that sewing and cooking classes aren't offered much any more in schools. I signed up for my first quilting class about 15 years ago and couldn't wait for the class to start so I had my friend help me do a log cabin Christmas tree wall hanging.

Yes! I learned in 8th grade - went on to even make my wedding dress! The school district I teach in did away with 8th grade Home Ec two years ago and now do not even offer a sewing course at the high school! What a shame, but out protests have all fallen on deaf ears.

Annette Searcy 08-30-2011 04:22 AM

me too. but i already knew how to sew. mom taught me before i was 6.
made nearly all my kids clothes and hubbies boxers and shirts. he had some of the most colorful undies on the clothes line.

Quilting Pastor 08-30-2011 04:26 AM

yes, I did and thank God for the skills learned in those classes.

quilted dakota 08-30-2011 04:30 AM

the only reason i passed home ec was the cooking part. at the end of the semester of sewing, i still couldnt even thread the machine! when my grandmother passed, i inherited her singer 66-16. i taught myself using that machine. like to thing grandma helped, lol.

Joset 08-30-2011 04:34 AM

I learned how to sew in 4-H at about the age of 9 or 10. we had very good 4-H leaders and mother also helped because she sewed most of our clothes.

Val in IN 08-30-2011 04:34 AM

Yes, Jr. High. First half of the semester was obtaining the tools, learning the mechanics of the machine, etc. First project was a gym bag made from a bath towel to tote our dirty gym uniforms home each Fri. Next was a pair of wash cloth slippers, then an apron, then an A-line skirt. Needless to say, hooked on sewing since.

BabyCakes 08-30-2011 04:37 AM

Back in the 60's just before my senior yr my counselor calls me into his office and tells me I have to take home ec 12x in order to graduate from high school. I thought this was a joke. No joke first semester cooking second semester sewing.I had not taken any home ec courses in jr or hs.I wasn't going to college to get an MRS degree I told my counselor. Didn't work. My mom taught me everything,sewing,quilting,knitting,crochet,cannin g,cooking,baking.The best teacher I ever had. Thanks MOM

Quilt-Till-U-Wilt 08-30-2011 04:38 AM

I learned to sew in high school. I never liked making clothes because I could never get them to fit right. I love to sew though and the basics I learned in school got me started. I like to makee anything that doesn't need to be fitted.

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