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ktbb 11-05-2013 09:01 AM

Originally Posted by Tfch8184 (Post 6387688)
I love the quilting on the backing. That just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. I don't know what to do with it right now. I just know my head won't let me move past it till I finish it.

so why not use the back as the front? if you love it, use it. Need more color on it? there are some amazing fabric paints and colorants out there that you could add after you've washed the quilt (or use them now if you pre-washed and didn't use softener).

AngeliaNR 11-05-2013 10:39 AM

Originally Posted by sewready (Post 6388329)
Don't throw it away! Always remember the old adage, "one man's trash is another man's treasure" I've told this
before, but here it is again, once while distributing quilts to a children's group we had a purple and brown donation quilt.
I thought that quilt was the ugliest thing I had ever seen and was embarrassed to add it to the pile of quilts we were
taking. As we were laying out the quilts, a little boy ran up to the purple and brown, he had huge smile on his face and he was saying, "a peanut butter and jelly quilt!". Needless to say, he claimed that quilt and cuddled in it all during the party. That "ugly" quilt made one little boy very happy.

What a great story!

bearisgray 11-05-2013 12:06 PM

You said your daughter loves this quilt! Let her have it - I think it would be a gteat snuggle quilt - and if it ends up on the floor now and then - so what?

Charming 11-05-2013 12:15 PM

It looks so nice and if you really think you or family member cannot use it a charity would love to have it... Believe me. Make someone at a hospice happy or a shelter...do you think those people will judge your quilting or piecing???

btiny36 11-05-2013 12:39 PM

Ok first off, I'm not laughing at you...believe me....Awhile back I made a baby quilt....absolutlely hate it really I do...should have ran the second border with stripes going the other way...oh hum I didn't and I wasn't going to take it apart because there is 3 borders and they were mitered in one piece....so I left it on the design wall for weeks. Decided I better quilt it because well baby is here now as of Nov.2. So I loaded onto my longarm and there it all starts...I loaded my backing going off the rail backwards,(it's put on face down but coming off rail wrong...) that spells trouble right there...moving on, I decided to quilt each border with it's own design...I'm trying to do the robe(cable) design...ummm uggggg not working, I keep getting lost...and then I reversed the design part way down the border...Then on the next 2 borders I did another design but both the same...yeppers reversed part way down...for the center It kinda worked...so I hear your pain...but I'm not ripping and will just finish up today and bind it hopefully later and it's done...I don't think baby is going to mind...but I'm really disappointed in myself for not having better quilting abilities...sheeish So no I don't like it at all....but I do know that no matter what I think, they all like homemade stuff especially quilts....

MadQuilter 11-05-2013 01:01 PM

I would quilt a wavy line with the same thread going the other direction. Definitely put the binding on. You are too far into it to quit now. It is really a nice quilt.

barny 11-05-2013 01:05 PM

I would finish it. It looks FINE to me. You are too hard on yourself. when you finish it and wash it, you will be surprised how pretty it is. Don't give it away. Keep it. Then after you have made dozens you can judge whether you are doing a lot better. It is pretty right now!

Nammie to 7 11-05-2013 01:10 PM

I'm glad you carried through and finished your quilt. We usually look at our quilts way too close so we see all the issues -- once they are completed and on the bed we don't see the things that bothered us before!

Dina 11-05-2013 01:25 PM

Your finished quilt looks great! And I think putting it on your chair is the perfect thing to do!!! Well done!!


quilter2090 11-05-2013 01:43 PM

Wow, you are hard on yourself!Who says that the quilt has to be perfect? It is fine exactly the way it is, because that is how you made it. I have a friend like you, she worries sooo much over things that I don't even pay attention to. She called me yesterday and was sorry about something she had said to me. I told her No problem,it was no big thing.I think you are having the same problem with this quilt. You see only the bad and not the good. If you really don't want to finish this quilt, check with some of the churches in your community and see if there are a group of ladies who quilt for charity. Since it looks like a lot of the quilt has been quilted, they would be ahead of the game with a quilt that is halfway or more done. What concerns me is how negative you seem and how every thing is bad about this quilt.I have learned the most in my life when things go wrong. I then have to find a solution. It has made me think outside the box to fix the problem. What happens when something goes wrong on the next quilt.And I can just about guess something will go wrong. I wish you well with your quilting.

quiltingfan 11-05-2013 01:51 PM

I like it..

justflyingin 11-05-2013 02:05 PM

I don't understand your problem with your using white thread on the top. Because of the variety of colors of fabrics, no matter what color of thread you used, something won't stand out. So, I guess I don't understand why you think the front is so bad and the back is so good. ?? The white doesn't stand out on the back either.

Anyway, I think it is fine. I personally hate doing HST, so you have my admiration for even making this pattern!

zozee 11-05-2013 02:17 PM

If your toddler loves it, please keep it. Something about it speaks comfort and love to her. And if she drags it around till it's dirty, or she wants it close when she's sick (and happens to throw up or poo on it or poo), you won't mind in the least, will you? And you will always have it to remind yourself that you are not perfect. It keeps us humble and compassionate knowing that we all are somewhere on the learning curve of something. I myself am a toddler when it comes to quilting. I admire your colors, the fun design. That's what I see, not your blunders. And hey, I would personally love it if I could get all my mistakes out on ONE quilt! bwhahhahahaaa. :)

Knowing that we all have a learning curve keeps us humble.

Originally Posted by Tfch8184 (Post 6387714)
I know I could easily give this as a gift to my sister in law or mother in law or my own mother and they would LOVE it. Heck my toddler is obsessed with it. It's the only top she would pull off the table and lay down on or try to carry around like its her wubbie.

I know I'm my own worst critic. I want to be good and I can't get better without practice but it's the not being perfect right off the bat that messes with me.

I'm going to put the binding on during nap time today. I am going to try the Elmer's glue trick though to hold the binding down for the back. I have the devil of a time with binding so hopefully this helps. Maybe I won't hate it so much if the binding turns out ok. Lol.

Thank you for the compliments. At least when it's all said and done I can say I tried.

Retired Fire Chief 11-06-2013 05:09 AM

Unfortunately the very first quilt I made did nothing for me, I loved the fabrics singularly, but once the quilt was together it just didn't appeal to me. I think I did a really good job at all the seaming lining up great, the pattern was relatively easy, it just didn't sparkle to me. When my sisters came up this summer I was showing them all my fabrics and UFO's when my oldest sister admired the darn thing so I gave it to her. She loves it, she has mentioned it a couple of times when we talk on the phone long-distance and she even said she only brings it out when she is expecting company so it stays special like she thinks it is. I've receive one of the nicest compliments I've ever had even if I didn't like the quilt.

sewmom 11-06-2013 05:14 AM

Finish it, wash it, and then decide what you want to do with it. Sometimes washing will hide imperfections in the quilting. Don't be too hard on yourself- i like the quilt and life is too short for worries.

Debbie C 11-06-2013 05:42 AM

exactly what I'd have said until I saw your photos. I like this quilt. Our own eyes are the most critical. Put it aside and come back to it later with a fresh, new attitude!!...

Originally Posted by joyce888 (Post 6387674)
I would put it aside and work on something else. Then go back and finish it and donate it to a homeless shelter or women's shelter. Some times it just takes a break from something that your not satisfied with to develope fresh eyes and the energy to finish.

DonnaPBradshaw 11-06-2013 05:57 AM

It's really not that bad! finish the binding and give to a charity! You will be blessed along with the person who gets it!

Taughtby Grandma 11-06-2013 05:59 AM

I think it's a very pretty quilt. I don't see a thing wrong with it. When I get a quilt I don't care for when it's done, I usually donate it as well. Then it will still keep someone warm instead of being hid away in my closet.

callen 11-06-2013 06:15 AM

Wow, that's a lot of HST's. Not nearly as bad as you seem to think it is. I too, am waaaaay too critical of my work & never think it quite measures up but "let it go". Maybe if you don't look at it for a few days, you will feel differently.
I just finished taking one of my tops all apart because the 1 colour of blue that I had picked looked awful (IMHO). I had the whole top pieced & the more I looked at it, the more I hated it so I did what my head told me & that was to take it apart. Haven't gotten back to it yet but will in the near future, I hope. If you are still not happy with it I would give it to a charity (nursing home, hospital etc.) & someone is going to LOVE that quilt.

Digitabulist 11-06-2013 06:15 AM

I have a baby quilt that I did with Minkee….it's in the corner on the floor and I kick it every once in awhile hoping it will change it's behavior…..that stuff stretches and gets all out of whack. I wound up making a different baby gift. I suppose I ought to toss it or give it to someone who can do something with it. It's the first time I've ever hated a creation.

lauriejo 11-06-2013 06:17 AM

I can understand your disappointment when it didn't turn out the way you thought it would, but it really is beautiful!

cpcarolyn 11-06-2013 07:04 AM

I think it looks just fine. Why not finish it and donate it. Someone will love it.

Judie 11-06-2013 07:54 AM

Oh Goodness sake.. it will be a wonderful quilt for someone that doesn't have any quilt at all.. When the tornado swept through Joplin and left us without any blankets at all, I picked up one that had blown out of our hospital I think (because it is a green cotton blanket like they had there) and washed it.. That's what we had. Talk about ugly, a hospital blanket picked up out of the mud and debris is the perfect description of ugly.. I would have cried with joy if someone would have handed me your ugly quilt. (Don't worry, a friend came and took us home to their house so we were okay, but I still have that hospital blanket on our bed.) Finish up the quilt, if you still think it's ugly donate it to the next disaster that hits our nation. I think it's beautiful and someone will be so grateful to have it that you have no idea. It's all a matter of perspective.

jbj137 11-06-2013 08:38 AM

I like it, you can always send it to me.

Letty 11-06-2013 09:40 AM

Dear Tfch8184, Please don't beat yourself up about it. We have all been there and done it.It may not be perfect but which of us is ! I have been making an 80th birthdat lap quilt.I have had to machine quilt it because my hands wouldn't allow me to do it by hand in the time given. I do not like the colours, have done it in the shades I think they will like ----- plus the label I have made I have had to re-do FOUR TIMES because I made spelling and date mistakes.That said there is always someone who will like it, maybe give it to a homeless person or someone needing comfort.They will not look for perfection.Be easy on yourself, Love Letty xx

Letty 11-06-2013 09:41 AM

Hi ,plus I misspelt birthday !!!!!

MargeD 11-06-2013 09:42 AM

I like your quilt, however, since it is so upsetting to you, fold it up, and put it away for a week, a month, whatever. If you come back to it and still don't like it, maybe you know of a charitable organization that could use the quilt rather than throwing it in the trash, which would be a real waste. I know that I am my own worst critic and what I think is horrid, others think is terrific. So cut yourself some slack and put it away for another day, then decide what to do with it.

Holice 11-06-2013 09:59 AM

Finish it and give it to a needy cause. They won't care about your "mistakes". Dont just put it away. Someone can use it. Knowing that it will keep someone warm will warm your thoughts as you work on it.

MamaDonna 11-06-2013 10:19 AM

i feel your anxiety, lately everything I touch has had a hiccup of some sort or another. I figure they will work out eventually. Hang in there..

debbiemarie 11-06-2013 10:53 AM

I do not know why you don't like it, I think it is just great!!

BuzzinBumble 11-06-2013 11:02 AM

It may not be perfect in your eyes, but I Love your fabric combination and your quilt looks very cuddly.

grandmaemma 11-06-2013 11:05 AM

It looks snuggly (sp?) to me. I like it. I am trying to free motion quilt and like looking at how far I've come from when I first started. If it were me i'd keep it.. Just a thought. Thank you for sharing.

Pennyhal 11-06-2013 11:08 AM

Your quilt is great!

carolynjo 11-06-2013 01:54 PM

If your toddler loves it, let her have it. She will have fond memories of it.

grandjan 11-06-2013 02:35 PM

You know, someone would treasure this and no one will ever be as critical of it as you are yourself. I think I've been disappointed in every quilt I ever made--just sort of goes with the territory. Don't beat up on yourself about it. Finish it up, and give it away or keep it but start the next one and enjoy the process.

RAChhap 11-06-2013 02:56 PM

You have a lot of work in this and and I think it is very nice. We are our own worst critics. If it were me I would go ahead and bind it then wash it in hot water with lots of Shout Color Catchers,dry it is a hot dryer so it will shrink up and look like an old quilt. That should also take away the lines where you ripped out the old quilting. If you still don't like it there are probably lots of charities that would love to have it.

GrammaNan 11-06-2013 04:21 PM

I think you should wrap it up and mail it to me. LOL! Seriously, the top is done so well, finish it. Don't let it hand around unfinished as a reminder. It is good enough for a gift or a charitable donation. Don't be so hard on yourself. Live and learn.

BillieJean 11-06-2013 04:29 PM

Don't be so hard on yourself ...I had made one and it was really, really bad...but any if my friends would love to have it..
I am sure your friends would too. :)

Tfch8184 11-06-2013 04:50 PM

I just want to thank you all.

I was so disappointed in it when it was done that I felt like poo. But all your kind words made me feel a million times better about and my work. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I am going to give it as a Christmas gift to my step dads father. He is getting up there is years and made my daughter a step stool. His last step stool because he can't work his machinery anymore. This will be my gift to him as a thank you for thinking of Lulu and a thank you for being a great great grandfather to her.

Jeanette Frantz 11-06-2013 04:53 PM

Your quilt is beautiful! We are always our own worst critic (myself included). but your quilt is really very nice! Every once in a while a project just gives us a lot of problems. I just made a series of three flannel and lined baby blankets. For some reason, the binding on the last one just didn't "click". So, I just decided that one would be a little bit smaller! I cut the old binding off and re-did the binding! It came out almost perfect the second time around!

We have to learn to forgive ourselves for being human!

Jeanette Frantz

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