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OmaForFour 01-03-2011 05:32 AM

I made a folder called QUILTING in the Favorites Column on my PC. I put everything in there that I want to save, even some picture ideas from this board.

Originally Posted by plainpat
People say this or that quilt is "on their list".Do
you all keep a written list or ? I sure need a system,
but hate to start another notebook of lists.Don't knw how to do that on my MacBook. There are pics of quilts etc ,notes saved here & there....it's a mess.Do you have a system to keep notes & pics together?

emarkwood 01-03-2011 05:36 AM

I have a large 3 ring notebook and have divided into sections with dividers labeled: Information (how to resize stuff, quilt sizes, etc., Quilt Patterns, Blocks Designs (how to make a specific block), Projects (things other than quilts), and Applique. On the dividers I write down what is in that section on post-its. I know...I'm a micro manager, but this is the only way I can find what I want, when I want it. Also being a retired teacher causes me to organize this way.

SharonC 01-03-2011 05:39 AM

I save them to my computer in a folder called Projects. When I feel like starting a new project I go through the folder and do whichever one suits me at the time, or I go to the library, on line, or to a magazine and choose from there. It's really in "how I feel at the time" mode...the folder just seems to jog my memory :) :)

IndyQuilter 01-03-2011 06:05 AM

Originally Posted by kathdavis
I copy the picture of quilts I like and paste them in a word document labeled Quilts in my computer. Then when I need inspiration I go through that document. I even talk picture of quilts at shows, shops, etc. and add them to this document.

This is how I do it as well.
There are also plenty of free patterns out there for anyone to download. I keep these in a file called 'pieced patterns'.
On this site if someone has posted and interesting quilt that inspires me then I bookmark that post.
Saving them all on the computer helps me to attempt to keep them organized.

Theresa 01-03-2011 06:08 AM

Have a note book titled "My Quilting Bucket List" Just started it and have only one quilt in there. It is a BEAUTIFUL block quilt located at http:///www.debbiemumm.com. It's free on her website.

mrsddh97 01-03-2011 06:42 AM

Yes, I have a list. I have fabric specifically purchased for a particular pattern and don't want to forget, or I bought a pattern, acquired, or printed out one that may get lost or forgotten in a pile, etc.

quiltinghere 01-03-2011 06:45 AM

When I cleared up my sewing room last, I place all my WIPs in the same area. I think that will take me at least 2 years to finish.

All I have to do is look at one of the many books and magazines I have for ideas...but for right now I have enough going.

Peggyinno 01-03-2011 08:14 AM

2 words--- FLASH DRIVE :thumbup:

MaggieLou 01-03-2011 08:25 AM

I keep a list in a folder on my computer. That way I have pics and any info in one place. I also don't have to keep up with scraps of paper.

JudyM 01-03-2011 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by plainpat
People say this or that quilt is "on their list".Do
you all keep a written list or ? I sure need a system,
but hate to start another notebook of lists.Don't knw how to do that on my MacBook. There are pics of quilts etc ,notes saved here & there....it's a mess.Do you have a system to keep notes & pics together?

I do have a notebook where I write items that I plan to make. For instance, when I buy a kit or buy fabric for a certain pattern, then I write that in my notebook so that I remember what I have in my stash and what I am planning to make. Otherwise I would never remember what I have and what I had planned to do with the fabric.

hulahoop1 01-03-2011 09:21 AM

I have a "quilting" folder on my computer with sub-folders for quilt patterns filed by name, miscellaneous patterns (purses, etc.), Pantos, "how-to" tips and hints, quilt frame instructions, and sewing room ideas. Every once in awhile, I'll go in and clean out some of these files.

Patterns I've purchased or printed out are kept in 3-ring binders. Fabric requirements and a picture of projects I intend to make are kept in a little photo book in my purse for the trip to my favorite LQS. A small swatch of fabrics already purchased are included in the photobook and checked off the list.

I dunno if this is organized or just anal, but it keeps me in check.

probles 01-03-2011 11:31 AM

I used to own a quilt shop. I was amazed by people who came in all organized with what they have at home and just need to add to it or with a binder that has all their projects listed out with what fabric they used. One lady would bring in a binder that had every quilt she had ever made having its own sheet. On the sheet would be a picture of the finished quilt, small pictures of each fabric used, where the pattern is found or a copy attached in the binder, too.
Any notes she wrote about the quilt. Pretty amazing. I would like to be that organized, but I would rather be quilting.

Rose Bagwell 01-03-2011 12:23 PM

I don't use systems, because I won't follow it. I am more a spur of the moment person. Most of my quilts are made with someone in mind, althought some have been made from blocks that I have won at the quild meeting and I want to know what it will look like, then it becomes a gift.

amorerm 01-03-2011 12:40 PM

Do you know how to save to a disc? You can make folders and EVEn save the http: and then when you click on it, you will return to the page with the information.

I've been saving photos, notes, tutorials, etc. but must take the time to save a disc. myself. There are just sooooo many GREAT things on here.

Love the jokes and stories tooooo that I save.

Kayaker26 01-03-2011 01:19 PM

Does no one but me put there future projects in the bookmark section here?

Tweety2911 01-03-2011 01:45 PM

No system either, just get in the mood to do something and go with it. :lol:

crankygran 01-03-2011 01:46 PM

I just use a notebook and vinyl document sleeves.

Robinlee 01-03-2011 01:55 PM

My new years resolution for 2010 was to get as many UFO's/PHD's done that I could. So I made a list on Excel, with column of description, date started and date finished. I had 72 items on this list......yes, I did!!! some were in different stages, one I started in 1980 when I was pregnant with first DD and a few were kits I had bought.

As of Nov. 1st, I had 14 items completed and which did not include the outfits I made my DGD's (3), or the new DGD I got in October, which(I made her 3 tug along blankies and a quilt with matching bumper pad) wasn't expected till Nov 10th. I haven't quilted since the 3rd week of October, fore I was packing to move to our new house.......which I hate at the moment, cause I have no room, but I did get a sewing room. I haven't been in the mood since and just can't seem to make a new resolution for this year to continue on.

So the one time I made a list it did work for me. Just need to finish unloading a enclosed trailer with my quilting room stuff, so I can continue working on this list.

Sorry, just need to vent some.

Sharoni 01-03-2011 02:07 PM

System of organization? What a wonderful idea! However for a REAL quilter, not a reality that lasts a lifetime. Forget it. Just enjoy each day and let your creative juices flow.

emsgranny 01-03-2011 02:19 PM

I have put all my quilt patterns in binders and labeled them by their sizes. I have put coordinating fabrics in boxes/small totes so they are together I have been so busy organizing that I havent sewed in way too long...If I have quilt started I put it in seperate small box and put by sewing machine....I try not to have more than two cut out or started until I finish the two I have...Probably why I have only made about 6 quilts in two years lol If you come up with way to be organized and find time to sew let me know!!! Cheryl :-D

emsgranny 01-03-2011 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by amorerm
Do you know how to save to a disc? You can make folders and EVEn save the http: and then when you click on it, you will return to the page with the information.

I've been saving photos, notes, tutorials, etc. but must take the time to save a disc. myself. There are just sooooo many GREAT things on here.

Love the jokes and stories tooooo that I save.

amorerm ~ Love the "sherberts" in your avatar!!!

tjradj 01-03-2011 02:24 PM

My system is "when the pile falls over, start a new pile."
Works (or doesn't) for me!

gale 01-03-2011 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by Kayaker26
Does no one but me put there future projects in the bookmark section here?

I do but the projects here are but a tiny percentage of the projects I've got saved.

sewingsuz 01-03-2011 04:33 PM

When I signed in for this board, I put a notebook together for things I print out. Somethings I bookmark on board bookmark and sometimes I bookmark on my search engine bookmark. I also make notes in my notebook about different products or websites, and how to's. I am not getting anything else done. Just a little cutting.

PieceandLuv 01-03-2011 04:51 PM

well yes scraps of paper and guess what .....when i look at them i forget what they might mean.....hmmmmmmmlol

BRenea 01-03-2011 04:58 PM

I use Microsoft One Note a lot because it's great for organizing all the stuff I find on the internet...but I also have several cute little journals lying around, as a lot of great ideas come to me in the middle of the night, and that way I can write them down immediately.

yellowsnow55 01-03-2011 05:21 PM

I keep it in folders on my laptop, any patterns I use from magazines I scan and don't have to spend half a day looking for it when I've had a break from that particular quilt. Currently working on scanning all those loose bits of paper, that I keep finding every where. Lots in the back of last years diary.

olebat 01-03-2011 05:24 PM

When I was making square dance outfits, I started a little system with index cards. I’d sketch a design and staple swatches to the card. If using a pattern, I wrote the pattern number for the bodice, another for the sleeves, Many of the sketches were color penciled. I kept them in a typical card file box.

This habit carried over to quilting, sort of. Now, I carry a couple of small photo albums instead of a card file, into which I put cards of swatches. When shopping, my reaction is, “Ooh, that would be perfect for so and so.” That “perfect” fabric, probably the focal, is placed on the card, with so and so’s name on it. On future trips, I match other colors, gathering sale fabrics - having no idea how they’ll be used, just that they have a pleasing look. When so and so’s card fills up, or on those ‘don’t feel much like sewing’ days, I begin studying my block libraries. (Books and downloads) I find blocks/block combinations which will work well with the fabrics, print them out or scan them, scan the swatch card, and put it all into a sheet protector in a binder. I keep the original swatches in the photo album. I then assemble the selected stash of fabrics together in a ready zone.

When time to start a new project, I go the fabric and say, “now that’s for so and so, but what the heck was I going to do with it?” I look at the binder, and muse, “What was I thinking???” I toy around with the original idea on the EQ6, tweaking, design modifications or even complete changes. At least all of the fabrics (usually) are on hand to begin the project. Then it’s print, cut, sew.

The reverse is true too. An inspiration quilt, just waiting to find the right fabrics - A mini copy taped into the note book I carry around.

Part of my shopping “system” is my backpack. The big compartment is filled with my tote bags. The next larger one is for the photo albums, scissors, mirrors, color wheel, calculator, peep hole, magnifying glass, a small stapler and refill staples, a pen, and a small note book of wish lists. The smaller outside pocket is used for the discount coupons and a snack bar or crackers. (The drinks are in the cooler in the car.) The back pack goes everywhere with me. I just never know when I’m going to find a deal. When on a shop hop, I cut swatches between stores and add them to the albums, in no particular order. I gave up on trying to keep track of the yardage next to the swatches.

OC? Oh yeah.

christinetindell 01-03-2011 06:18 PM

I have a written list hanging above my sewing machine of quilts in process, tops that need to be quilted, quilts that need to be photographed for my journal and then a column of quilts on my "wish list".

tuesy 01-03-2011 06:23 PM

No system what so ever.. I make plans and life takes over, so I do things on a whim mostly and do what I can when I can...

oldswimmer 01-03-2011 06:34 PM

I use a small 3 ring binder (about 7" X 9", I think) and you can get plastic sleeves that size at Hobby Lobby or scrapbook places. I keep a photo copy of the pattern and yardage requirements in there, and take it with me when I shop. If I buy one fabric for a quilt at one place, I cut a small swatch to put in the sleeve...until I get all the pieces I need.
I started this because our state shop hop handed out these small binders one year....I ended up putting the info I needed in it when I went "hopping"...and the idea worked so I just kept up with it.

I also keep a larger binder with quilt ideas out of magazines too. But the ones that I am planning on working on soon, go in the small one so I can take it with me.

Gabrielle's Mimi 01-03-2011 07:51 PM

I use a spreadsheet (Excel) to list projects, patterns, etc.

MAMMY6 01-03-2011 07:57 PM

I'll think I have a system and then all of a sudden I don't have a system. I'll see something online (I'm pretty much homebound to start with, and there are no quilt shops withing 60 miles of here) so I'll order it and can't wait for it to come in. Then before it gets here, I'll see something else and I'm on the can't wait list again. So needless to say, I do have a list of unfinished projects.

IBQLTN 01-03-2011 08:35 PM

Do I have a system .... hummmm .. well????

I did have a very good system. I put post-it notes on all the quilts in magazines I wanted to make. That took up too much space so I started tearing out the pages I wanted and taking the remainder of the magazine(s) to my 2nd Saturday group.

I put those pages in clear plastic page protectors and put them in notebooks. I did the same thing with embroidery projects and then added to that the handbags/wallets/acccessories I want to make. I just counted and I have 32 notebooks full of classes I've taught, potential classes and/or just 'someday' stuff!!!!

This doesn't count the hundreds of things I've saved on my laptop.

I'm really SORRY you asked this question!!!

Peggy in Fla

IBQLTN 01-03-2011 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by IBQLTN
Do I have a system .... hummmm .. well????

I did have a very good system. I put post-it notes on all the quilts in magazines I wanted to make. That took up too much space so I started tearing out the pages I wanted and taking the remainder of the magazine(s) to my 2nd Saturday group.

I put those pages in clear plastic page protectors and put them in notebooks. I did the same thing with embroidery projects and then added to that the handbags/wallets/acccessories I want to make. I just counted and I have 32 notebooks full of classes I've taught, potential classes and/or just 'someday' stuff!!!!

This doesn't count the hundreds of things I've saved on my laptop.

I'm really SORRY you asked this question!!!

Peggy in Fla

Oh, and I forgot the WIPs and UFO's ... I can't bear to look! Oh, and what about all the books I've purchased. I'll never live long enough!!!! I wonder if I can quilt in heaven???


PKITTY1 01-03-2011 09:13 PM

I had a three ring binder that I kept for years until I moved to Nashville (I think it is in storage right now). This is what I included in the book. A completed block list--each new block I tried, I wrote it down. List of quilts in progress...quilt pattern name, fabric bought, etc(no swatches which I now find was stupid). BOMs--when I received kits, when finished, when top finished, etc...Not a great system but it kept some of my projects organized.

katigirl 01-04-2011 12:18 AM

love the groovin cat. :)

plainpat 01-04-2011 02:53 AM

I know how to put a disc in the puter, but don't think I ever saved to one....good idea. need to try that

Do you know how to save to a disc? You can make folders and EVEn save the http: and then when you click on it, you will return to the page with the information.

plainpat 01-04-2011 02:54 AM

I do bookmark, but how do you add projects from other sites?

Does no one but me put there future projects in the bookmark section here?

chrisqlt 01-04-2011 03:53 AM

I have quilted for many years and find what I do to try to be organized evolves over time. What I am currently doing that helps me is: I keep a large notebook with quilt ideas stored in clear sleeves. I can thumb through when I'm looking for ideas or a specific pattern, then take it out while I use it. I also learned the hard way to store directions for a project with the project, in case it ends up inactive for a longer time, I'll still know what I was planning when I get it out again. My current pet peeve is how many times I would measure and remeasure a top or backing in the UFO pile so...I just started measuring them and staple the size on so it's there when I need to know. The staple keeps me from getting unexpectedly stuck by a straight pin in the pile. I have "favorite sites" on the computer but the directions or pictures on the computer do need better folder systems. It may sound over the top but making a speadsheet type page by hand helped the most with my UFO list. Across the top I penned in: top finished, borders, quilting, binding, label. Down the side I have the name of the project. I can check off what is done for that quilt. Then at a glance I may see that three projects would be finished if I just made a batch of labels or maybe a number of projects are all ready to get their bindings. The books, notions, and fabrics have there own storage areas but when the fabrics fly and the sewing machine is humming it all gets messy until the next big effort becomes finding the top of the cutting table! Mostly I just try to have fun and enjoy the process.

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