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justflyingin 07-01-2015 09:26 PM

Originally Posted by bearisgray (Post 7244269)
Some of us have partners that are enablers, some of us have partners that are tolerators, and some of us have partners that are discouragers.

If you have an enabler/encourager, be grateful.

I think you summarized it well.

ghostrider 07-02-2015 03:05 AM

Originally Posted by bearisgray (Post 7244269)
Some of us have partners that are enablers, some of us have partners that are tolerators, and some of us have partners that are discouragers.

And, sadly, some of us have (or had) partners who are punishers.

Mazda 07-02-2015 06:52 AM

No, I don't hide my fabric purchases. He buys what he wants & I buy what I want! And, we lived happily ever after!

profannie 07-02-2015 01:51 PM

YES! My DH don't care at all about the money spent, but he cares about the house space my stash takes! Like he says, he is concerned that there more fabric coming in than going out :-) So when my dedicated closet is full, I have to find ingenious place where to hide new fabric until I can put it in the right place. LOL

bakermom 07-02-2015 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by FroggyinTexas (Post 7243743)
As several others have said in earlier discussion of this subject, I wonder what it means that "her husband lets" her? Is she a child to be given permission by the lord and master of the house? The last of the "lord and master" laws in the United States was not repealed until some time in the late 1970's, so I suppose the idea of "letting" someone buy fabric, have a puppy or kitten or anything else should not surprise me.

I wonder how many articles in Popular Mechanics or Field and Stream are devoted to helping husbands "hide" their purchases from their wives

Come on, Women. We are more than 15 yrs into the 21st Century in the United States of America! Let's hear you roar! froggyintexas

Amen! like the people(esp. my inlaws) that told me nearly 40 years ago "it was nice my husband "let" me work"

Latrinka 07-02-2015 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by Mitch's mom (Post 7244490)
I just did a burn test on a piece of fabric I got in a scrap bag from the thrift store. He knows I buy fabric but he knows most of it is second hand. I went out to the living room and grabbed a set of tweezers and his lighter. I had a sliver of the fabric in my hand and was folding it to grab with the tweezers. He looked at me in all seriousness and said " You've started snorting fabric haven't you?" I laughed and told him "Yep. You are on to me!".

This is freakin hilarious! I laughed til I cried on this one!!!

MadQuilter 07-02-2015 05:03 PM

I am part of the Fabric Moratorium thread on the QB which means I really really need to stop buying fabric BUT if (and when) I fall off the wagon I stand by that fall. No need to hide as my DH is fully supportive of my hobby. When I get something in the mail he usually gives me advanced warning that I have a "squishy" waiting. When those blessed catalogs come in he totally teases me with them. I think he wants to help me test my resolve.

Do I judge people who feel they have to hide things? Absolutely not. I just think it is sad.
Now I have known couples where there is good reason for not making ANY unnecessary purchases and then one of them will go and buy "stuff" just to upset the other. Whether it is fabric or clothes or electronics, don't spend what you don't have to spend.

Mousie 07-04-2015 05:27 AM

Originally Posted by bearisgray (Post 7211731)
If he asks - I tell.
If he does not ask - I do not volunteer.

there you go.
I haven't bought anything more than a fat quarter in a really long
time, but if he asked me anything, I would tell the truth...he
just doesn't ask.
I don't ask him about all his stuff either...as long as the budget
stays balanced. We do have to have our diversions

Mousie 07-04-2015 05:44 AM

Originally Posted by bearisgray (Post 7244269)
Some of us have partners that are enablers, some of us have partners that are tolerators, and some of us have partners that are discouragers.

If you have an enabler/encourager, be grateful.

now there is the most balanced, insightful comment
I've seen here yet!

Mousie 07-04-2015 05:49 AM

Originally Posted by acjacques (Post 7244578)
I don't have any more room to hide my fabric stash. The other day I told my husband that we should move into a 5 or 6 bedroom house, "What for?" he asked, and I said the 3 bedrooms will be for my fabric and sewing equipment.

dh always said that we needed to move into a warehouse but
that I would only fill it up.
He used to be right about that.
Now I am not sewing bc I am too busy downsizing!
It's amazing what you love can be part of what stifles you.
Love the "snorting fabric" joke between you and dh, sewbeadit

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