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spokanequilter 07-28-2012 10:18 PM

Do you keep a quilt journal??
When I first started making quilts, I also started a quilt journal - just a small album with a picture of each quilt and a little paragraph about who it was for, the fabrics used, and anything else I felt like adding. Well, as I made more and more quilts, that small album was overflowing and so I now have a larger album, with 12x12 pages. I put a couple of quilts, wallhangings or other quilt project on each page. Of course, I've gotten behind and haven't added anything for the last couple of years, so I now am in the process of updating. (I had taken the photos of most of the quilts, but hadn't had them printed or added to my journal.) At one point, I thought, is it really worth it? And I decided that yes it is definitely worth it. And when I finish the updating, I have promised myself that when I finish a quilt, I will take a picture and get it in the album right away. It's actually been very fun to go back through my journal over the last 7 years and look at all those quilts! And I'm finding that I can add some photos - like if I catch my grandson taking a nap under his quilt, that photo goes in the journal. I'm hoping that some day when I'm long gone, the kids and grandkids may enjoy going through the journal..

Do some or all of you keep quilt journals?

quiltingcandy 07-28-2012 10:22 PM

I was keeping a journal but then when most pictures are taken with a digital camera and kept on the computer instead of a paper copy it just doesn't get done anymore.

w7sue 07-28-2012 10:28 PM

I have been a scrapbooker since I got pregnant with my son almost 30 years ago. So ... when I started quilting it just seemed natural to keep one for that. I have pictures of almost all the quilts I have made since 1998 (when I started). Like you, I have pertinent information - size, batting, pattern name, book it came from, type of batting, who quilted, how much it cost to quilt, who it went to - usually a full quilt picture and some close-ups. It is great fun to go back and look at all the pretty quilts I have made.

I did the same with quilt shows that I went to - those got big very fast because of all the pictures. When I take those, I always take a picture of the label on the quilt, a full view and any close-ups. Now, I just keep those on my computer - sorted by each show, by year. I usually delete all the informational pictures once I have generated a word document with the information in it. I label all the pictures according to the quilt name given by the maker (2012 07 26 - Twister Quilt (1), 2012 07 26 - Twister Quilt (2) and so on).

I have discovered that I don't have all the pictures of quilts I have made on my computer - I can only assume those must be in my negative boxes - I really need to purchase a decent negative/slide scanner and get those onto my computer - it probably would be a good idea to do the same with the kids pictures too - lol

w7sue 07-28-2012 10:30 PM

I was blessed with a Gammill this past year and have been learning how to use it. I have been doing quilting for charity and decided that if I wanted to use it as a deduction (still have to find out if this is even possible) that it would probably be a good idea to have a picture of each project that I would want to claim. Those are pictures that I print and attach to the receipt I get when I return the finished quilt.

KR 07-29-2012 04:02 AM

I got behind on family scrapbooks back in the 70s and never picked them up again, so I knew a quilting scrapbook wouldn't work for me. Instead, I created a document file on the computer that has photos of each quilting project, size, date, who it was for, and any other pertinent information. I may print it out at some point but right now it's not taking up space on a shelf.

patchsamkim 07-29-2012 04:20 AM

I used to keep photos of everything I made....but no written journal. Somehow I got away from even taking pictures of everything. I am lucky it seems to get a label on the back of a quilt, and I do know I should really do that for every quilt

HillCountryGal 07-29-2012 04:28 AM

Being new to quilting (guess after I've been quilting for a year I will quit saying that!) ... it never crossed my mind. However, two friends showed me their quilting journals. What a good idea.

In my way of thinking, it's something of a diary. And hope when I'm gone, my daughter and grandchildren will find pleasure in looking through it.

DebraK 07-29-2012 04:33 AM

I keep a simple quilting diary on line. I also have a picture file, but if my computer goes kaput, I can always retrieve the photos from the blog.

Peepers 07-29-2012 05:00 AM

I keep pictures in an album with basic info on the back of the picture. I have about 20 vintage quilts I've collected over the years and I want to be sure my son knows which quilts I made as I'd like him to keep those for my grandtwins. I have simple labels on the quilts, but this is a back-up.

quiltingweb 07-29-2012 05:12 AM

I started keeping a journal. I think I bought it at a quilt show, small, spiral bound book. Well, it's been filled up, so now I'm thinking I need a bigger book. I like the scrap book idea. They're expandable and I didn't really need some of the pages that were in that book. I've also considered keeping a file folder for each quilt I do, snips of fabric, pattern or ideas I used, completed photo, that sort of thing.

You're right, since all the pictures are digital, they stay...or get lost...on my computer or my phone.

pinkcastle 07-29-2012 05:19 AM

Originally Posted by KR (Post 5402330)
I got behind on family scrapbooks back in the 70s and never picked them up again, so I knew a quilting scrapbook wouldn't work for me. Instead, I created a document file on the computer that has photos of each quilting project, size, date, who it was for, and any other pertinent information. I may print it out at some point but right now it's not taking up space on a shelf.

What a great idea! I never thought of making a journal on the computer. I've always had in mind using a photo album and of course making a quilted cover for it. I do try to take pictures of my quilting projects, but that is as far as it has gotten. I might just get it done if I do it on the computer. Thanks for the idea!

Digitizingqueen 07-29-2012 05:25 AM

I have a blog, it's online for all to see but most of my quilting projects go in there

jme 07-29-2012 05:37 AM

I don't yet but I have been wanting to start one.

Scraps 07-29-2012 05:41 AM

YES! I take a pic of EVERYTHING I make and have a 4 X 6 album. I only put the pictures in the album and if I am lucky, it is a picture with the recipient of any gifting I do. It is fun to look back at all the stuff I have made. My knitting projects that I finally gave up on and by the pictures that was a good choice. All the themed pillow cases! Oh my!! And now quilts and bags! I make some gifts and also sew fabric I couldn't leave in the store or sew because of a fascinating pattern. It all helps to keep me out of trouble.

liont 07-29-2012 05:42 AM

I have a quilt blog, which is separate from my regular blog. Since all pictures are digital, I find it easiest to document online. My quilt blog is full of trial and errors, simulations and what-nots, not for public consumption!

QuiltE 07-29-2012 05:43 AM

I've been good at taking pictures with the intention of a scrapbook with journal notes.
I even have the books, with the photos I already have set into the pages, not mounted. Also for those that have been LAQ I have kept the invoices there.

Then it seems I want to sew, more than sit and document!
I must make the point of getting copies of the pics ... and then get at the task of putting them together!!

My thoughts are that it's good for the quilter ... so we can look back at what we've achieved and the progress we've made with our skills. And when we get down in the dumps, what better place to go, to cheer us up! :D

Drue 07-29-2012 05:44 AM

I have pictures of all the quilts I have made since the very first one. I have them in a notebook in protective sleeves. I was keeping the patterns with them as well, but decided I might like to do another one of the same pattern some day. I also have pictures of other projects I have done. Wish I still had some of those quilts I've done, but before I ever got a quilt finished, someone wanted to buy it from me, so reluctantly I sold them. My very first quilt I gave to my mom and when she passed I gave it to my mom's favorite (and mine as well) cousin....she passed but her husband(a real dear) asked if he could keep it and I couldn't refuse him....One day I'll have it back.

Sewnoma 07-29-2012 05:57 AM

My quilting album is in it's baby stages and it's all on my PC - I use Microsoft OneNote (which works a lot like a shelf of digital notebooks - I use it for EVERYTHING) - I have a notebook where I track quilt ideas and quilts in progress, with notes, links to websites where I see patterns/quilts/fabrics I like, and links to my EQ files; then a separate notebook for finished quilts where I put any 'in progress' snapshots, notes about when I started/finished, who it was made for, etc., and as soon as I can get my husband to help me out, finished quilt photos. (I just started seriously quilting this year and they're all being made for Christmas, so I still have them here waiting for their portraits to be taken!) I want to try to capture a picture of each person with their quilt too, once I do finally get to give them away. I'm chronically behind on updating photos though, they stay on my camera for ages. But, eventually they do get dumped & sorted.

If I were smarter and/or a bit less lazy, I'd keep a second notebook out in the real world, with fabric samples and notes on manufacturer, where I got the fabric and how much I paid for it, plus what quilts or other projects I've used it in. I keep thinking I am going to regret not doing this, but so far I still haven't done it. Sorry, future me! Too busy making quilts! LOL

Oh, and I also have a box I shove all my graph paper designs into, but most of the decent ideas from there end up in EQ and either linked to a project or in the "ideas" notebook, so I haven't worried about organizing them yet. I do keep them though, because sometimes I flip through and find I have something that didn't really work but gives me ideas for something else, or I see a way to fix it.

Lori S 07-29-2012 06:06 AM

I don't .. I just can't bring myself to have the discipline to do it. My family bugs me all the time to keep some kind of record... and to sign and date my quilts... it one of those things , just not into doing it.

dunster 07-29-2012 07:08 AM

I take pictures of each quilt and organize them on the computer. I also have a spreadsheet that I *try* to keep up to date, with the size, date, disposition, etc. of each quilt.

pollyjvan9 07-29-2012 07:23 AM

I started a keeping photos of my quilts from the very first one. I am so glad that I did. I have all the pics on my computer but I really like to thumb through my very messy album. It seems that I can see how much I have progressed since I started in '05 or '06. I try to keep a photo of the front, back and if it has a "special" label a photo of that. Someway the very first quilt I made, which was a cotton crazy quilt for my mom, went missing and I had not taken a picture of it, at least I didn't think I did, and then one day I was looking at photos that had been developed but that I had never taken out of the folder and lo and behold there was a picture of that quilt. I had taken it to my youngest daughters house to show her and her youngest was playing with it on the floor. Pretending he was asleep, you know how they do. He, my mom and the quilt are all gone now, but at least I have a photo.

DebraK 07-29-2012 07:36 AM

lol, same here, but every once in awhile I let family or a friend in.

newbee3 07-29-2012 07:45 AM

Yes I do I take pics of my quilts they are digital but I do have them on a usb stick I take to the store and print out for a small price. I also try to include what fabrics were used and the pattern used I usually add some samples of the fabrics for further refrence. Who the quilt was made for the batting content and who quilted of done by someone else or myself

spokanequilter 07-29-2012 08:13 AM

Originally Posted by QuiltE (Post 5402524)
Then it seems I want to sew, more than sit and document!
I must make the point of getting copies of the pics ... and then get at the task of putting them together!! :D

Me too - when I'm home I would rather sew and document. We are going to be camping (RV style) for ten days starting the end of this week, so I am taking my journal and all the loose photos I have and I have promised myself I will spend some time each day at the picnic table updating my journal. We'll see....

WilliP 07-29-2012 09:33 AM

I have started journaling again, picked up a leather bound journal and just jotted my current project in it. Sample of the main focal fabric and a photo of blocks that I find challenging or espeically interesting. Will have a final photo at the end of the project. A few sketches of my ideas for original blocks. I am recreating a few from photos as to year and fabrics used. I also have another journal that is more a workbook to try out design elements and total quilt pattern ideas. Dabbling a bit in design to augment retirement perhaps someday down the road.


gramajo 07-29-2012 10:45 AM

Yes, I do. I got a quilt journal book a number of years ago. I keep photo, name of quilt, pattern name, size, who it's for and why. Also if it has won any awards. Not very detailed compared to a lot of you, but it reminds me of all I've done. Hopefully, it will be a record for my GKs & GGKs. One DD is a quilter, so she knows what I've made--I bounce ideas off her, she usually has good suggestions. And she also layers them for me.

I did Counted Xstitch and needlepoint for years & kept a journal of all those projects. Hmm,I wonder what happened to it.

joyce888 07-29-2012 11:06 AM

I've tried but must admit I've fallen behind. I've taken pics and saved on hard drive but really need to print them out and write the info before I forget everything.

BellaBoo 07-29-2012 11:37 AM

I don't journal and never kept a diary. I barely remembered to keep my kids baby books updated. I take a picture and store it online. It's accessible to my family to view anytime. I took digital pictures of the photographs from when I first started quilting, remember having to wait for the film to be use up to get them developed? so glad those days are over with.

SouthPStitches 07-29-2012 11:48 AM

I almost always remember to take a picture, nothing more than that, however.

annthreecats 07-29-2012 12:31 PM

Originally Posted by Digitizingqueen (Post 5402468)
I have a blog, it's online for all to see but most of my quilting projects go in there

This is what I do. I use this as my project diary for my knitting, crocheting, sewing and quilting.

JudyTheSewer 07-29-2012 01:22 PM

I snap digital photos of everything as it is going out the door. I snap the fronts, backs, and all of the labeling that I hand embroider on the quilts. I store the snaps in my laptop. Each quilt has its own folder whose "name" starts with a date in the CCYYMMDD format and then who the quilt was for. I sometimes store the EQ7 pictures in this folder too. If I am lucky to receive digital photos from the recipients showing them using the quilt I made, then those photos are also added to the electronic folder. I like to look through the folders and reminisce. I make a quilt for each niece and nephew that comes along. Having this filing system is great so that I can remind myself of the fabrics used for an older siblings quilt and try to use entirely different fabrics in the new arrival's quilt.

ube quilting 07-29-2012 01:32 PM

My journals are in binders with full pg pics so the detail shows, front and back. I sew fabric swatches to a piece of copy paper and add info to the paper. making notes as I progress through the journey of making the quillt is very satisfying. Going back over all the info and thoughts gives me great pleasure and even though I give the away the quilts I still have the record to remember.


nygal 07-29-2012 03:05 PM

I do have a quilt journal but I haven't kept up with it. I'll have to "find" it....wonder where I put it? :rolleyes:

May in Jersey 07-29-2012 03:26 PM

I do take a photos of my quilts and special items, print them out for my quilt album and include a little bit about them, dates, etc.

I also keep an annual journal of sorts, mostly about quilting and also include stuff about family, friends, trips, addresses of people I send quilts, pillowcases and other stuff to. I keep all my fabric and book order forms in the journal and any papers that I might want to refer to at a later date. Better to have them and not need them than to hunt all over for a paper you threw out by mistake.

Jingle 07-29-2012 05:23 PM

I have been making quilt and comforters since 1965-66 and was able to about 10 years ago to think up all the quilts I had made. I forgot two that my son had, I recogonized fabrics, i used when making clothes. Otherwise I remembered them all. Since 2008 I have pics of all the quilts from then to now. I have a list of all the quilts, comforters and biscuit quilts with a description, and who I gave it to.

EdieClay 07-29-2012 05:39 PM

I am also a scrapbooker, so when I began quilting I have recorded all my quilts in a 8x8 scrapbook. I take a photo of every quilt and the receipient. Each quilt is on a separate page. I add some fabric scraps and the date and reason I gave them the quilt. I also include the thank you notes I receive ... out of the 25 quilts in my book, there are 3 thank you notes. I go through my scrapbook occasionally ... fun to look at the quilts and see how my skills have improved through the years.

Maureen 07-29-2012 06:18 PM

Someone gave me a quilt journal and I add to it periodically. I like it very much. Sometimes I bring it to a friends house, easier than carrying all my quilts!

Rose_P 07-29-2012 06:35 PM

I take a picture of each item and keep them on the computer. My quilting friend and I write each other emails about our progress, and that seems to be enough of a record for my use these days. Sometimes I will search my email for mention of something, just to see how long a particular UFO has been hanging around! Years ago I remember being surprised at myself one day when I decided to sit down and list all the sewing projects I'd made in the last few weeks. At the time I was sewing little clothes for my daughter, swimsuits for all three kids (who swam in a league), and curtains, pillows and such. This was before digital cameras, and none of them were in pictures unless the kids happened to be wearing something I made.

krysti 07-29-2012 06:59 PM

I think that's a really neat idea! It would be cool to have something to look back on all your previous work, but also something to be treasured by family after we're gone. Thanks for bringing this up. I may just have to start one.

Ruby the Quilter 07-29-2012 07:02 PM

I have pictures of most of my quilts, need to get them printed. I have good intentions in making a quilt journal. Maybe a good project this winter!

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