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winia 12-29-2012 05:56 AM

Put them all in a pile,close your eyes, and pick one. There is no perfect one to pick first to finish and a perfect
second one. Just pick one and finish it. It'll make you feel so good you'll keep going.

BeverlyJo 12-29-2012 06:04 AM

I agree that making a list seems to help me get organized and then you know which one you are going to work on next. and you don't have to think about it so much. Good luck on getting started.

christinetindell 12-29-2012 06:19 AM

Originally Posted by lots2do (Post 5744864)
Hi all,
Hope some of you can help me out. I have some time to sew before I go back to school but am feeling overwhelmed with how many projects are lurking around my sewing space. Argh, finding it hard to pick and this is frustrating me. Please give me your thoughts. If you are a 'finish one project before you move on' quilter, it's too late to change me now. :)

Well I suffer with too many projects at once. Presently I am preparing for a six day quilting retreat at the end of January and my goal is to not take yardage because it is so heavy. I have two projects to get to the pack- able stage and 8 packed!!! That's 10 unfinished projects. That doesn't count the ones that will stay at home. Does that help your guilt? I get bored quickly, I guess.

gabeway 12-29-2012 06:30 AM

I keep only one project in the sewing area. Others are kept elsewhere so that when we feel like doing some quilting we grab the closest and only project available instead of taking time to go upstairs and dig out another. That way we do finish one project at a time.

Mkotch 12-29-2012 06:33 AM

I keep a list of UFOs and finishes, and I review it at least once a month. It's amazing what I do get finished - I never realized it until I started listing. For blocks of the week/month, I add the blocks I do to the finishes, too, so I can remind myself that I am not idle.

Another thing I did recently was take a bunch of tops to a long armer. They are out of the house and somebody is working on them!

carolaug 12-29-2012 06:40 AM

I bet if you have tops finished, but not the quilting....that if you offer them up for a new longarmer to practice on...you just provide the batting and backing....she will have free pratice...once done that person can mail it back to you...just a thought...win, win for both...just don't be disappointed if the quilting is not perfect.

Beehiveof9 12-29-2012 06:43 AM

Just yesterday I was talking about this with my LQS owner. She has many projects going at once. We finally figured out that some projects you just need a break from, and thus another gets started. Or a baby in the family is born, and now a new project takes priority, or you are working on one, and need that perfect fabric for the borders and it gets set aside... etc etc.

I have many UFO's, and what I do is just pick one, do it, and mark it off the list. I have a few projects right now that are on priority, and others that I will get to when I can. I have a couple of UFO's that are more intricate than some of the other projects. Sometimes "intricate" isn't what I can do, so I go with something simpler.

I do admire those who can do one project at a time, but totally accept the fact I'm not one of them, and just go with the flow when the urge and mood strikes to finish off some UFO's. I just pick a project, finish it, and don't forget to post pics!

Jeannette51 12-29-2012 07:04 AM

Oh dear, my UFO list is amazingly looooooonnnggg! There are some good ideas and replys to this post, so I am going to organize my UFO's, make a list containing info about what needs to be done to get the project finished, then start with the one closest to finished project and work down from there. My guild has put out a UFO challenge for this year. The person completing the most UFO's at the end of the year receives a gift certificate from our LQS. I want to win so I can add even more to my stash, LOL.

topstitch 12-29-2012 07:06 AM

A local quilt guild had it's members sign a pledge to finish one UFO a month for a year. My friend decided to participate and she actually kept on going after the year was up. She had 14 UFO's and she finished all of them. Just one a month!!!!!

marymay 12-29-2012 07:12 AM

Please come to my house. I get bored with some of my UFOs. We all need help with these UFOs for sure. What to do for the New Year."do Not start a new quilt until UFOs are done. (I hope I can agree to my terms). :-(.

wolph33 12-29-2012 07:17 AM

Originally Posted by PatriceJ (Post 5744946)
when i hit that wall i don't waste my meager brain cells trying to figure out which one i would like to do.
after all, if i hadn't lost interest in it the project would be complete already. LOL

i look for the one that requires the least work left to do.
the satisfaction of getting that one done will often keep me inspired to get another one out of the way.
i just keep picking the ones with the least left to do until i have worked off enough "guilt" to not feel silly if i start another new one.

i do have the impossible dream that someday the inspiration will last long enough to clear the pile.

as if.


great way to finish.love it-pick the easiest to check of the list and keep going

Ann S. 12-29-2012 07:29 AM

Originally Posted by lots2do (Post 5744864)
Hi all,
Hope some of you can help me out. I have some time to sew before I go back to school but am feeling overwhelmed with how many projects are lurking around my sewing space. Argh, finding it hard to pick and this is frustrating me. Please give me your thoughts. If you are a 'finish one project before you move on' quilter, it's too late to change me now. :)

I find the next project that I want to do and post a picture of it on my bulletin board. This is the incentive. I then get all the unfinished items out and make a list of what needs to be done. Then, I pick the one with the least work and finish it, then go to the next one. Depending on the number of undone projects, I pick a number that has to be done before I can start that picture on the bulletin board. It works for me because I am always anxious to get to the new project.

ccthomas 12-29-2012 07:56 AM

Thanks for sharing. I thought there was something wrong with me.

overdew 12-29-2012 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by winia (Post 5747026)
Put them all in a pile,close your eyes, and pick one. There is no perfect one to pick first to finish and a perfect
second one. Just pick one and finish it. It'll make you feel so good you'll keep going.

Do what you enjoy and organize the others and put them aside. When you are in the mood, you will reach for one and enjoy sewing on it. Do not begin any more projects. You may save/file some for later. Good luck and Happy New Year!

caspharm 12-29-2012 09:10 AM

These are all great suggestions. My guild is having a UFO Challenge for the coming year. We submit a list of up to 11 projects in January that we would like to get finished by November 2013. We have to put down the date begun, description, size, technique, and status on the form. We then submit a copy with $5 for a prize drawing at the end. We can show and tell up to 2 finished projects a month and update our Registry sheet. There will also be a monthly drawing.

I am going to enter, now that I have retired again :) and will have time. I am looking forward to it.

inspectorcmm 12-29-2012 09:22 AM

I pick 2 projects, when I get bored with one I work on the other. Go back and forth and before you know it 2 are done. Pick 2 different size ones.

vickig626 12-29-2012 10:01 AM

Originally Posted by Raggiemom (Post 5744984)
I agree with Patrice, pick the one with the least amount of work and finish that one. Then the next closest one to being completed and so forth.... Once you get one or two done, it won't look as unsurmountable.

that might be the answer to my UFOs. I did so many BOMs that once the block meetings were done, I just stopped working on them and there they sit. Part of my problem is that I can't (physically) quilt on my DSM unless I do QAYG so I'm trying to figure out which ones can be finished this way too. I recently learned a few new methods on this board so 2013 is my year to try to get some things finished.

Scrap41 12-29-2012 10:48 AM

It sounds like we are all in same group...lol I have been learning quilting for 30 years, so I have lots of UFO's;
2013 is my year to work on some of them and at least get the tops done. My DD asked if all your quilt tops were
done, how many would you have? too many for her to use in her lifetime...she turned 50 this year and that was
my decision to get some tops finished. I have 2 children, 2 granddaughters and a soon to be great grand baby
coming in March. Let's encourage each other in 2013 and see how many quilts we get done?

sewnut 12-29-2012 11:00 AM

I agree. choose the one that is closest to finish and that will get you going. I too have many ufo's but it's not that i lost interest but that life got in the way then I joined a quilt group and that quilt group disbanded and now i'm in another one also weddings and grandchildren redirect my quilting, so i get to them when i can. good luck with sewing and with school.

gramquilter2 12-29-2012 11:15 AM

I too have many UFO's to finish and I am starting the new year early by working on my favorite. I think picking the project I still love will help me get one done at least! I hope setting a goal to finish "some" UFO's this year will keep me moving on to "new" fabric/patterns/projects.

lots2do 12-29-2012 12:38 PM

Found another great motivator, today. I went to the 20% sale at Keepsake Quilting and saw a lovely wall hanging on the wall. It's a loon in sillouette. Have everything I need for it and it doesn't look too complicated. I am itching to start it but will wait until I get at least three things done first.

GailG 12-29-2012 12:50 PM

Originally Posted by NanaCindyLou (Post 5744884)
I sure hope you (WE!) get some helpful advice here....I need the answer to this question too....I'm NOT a finish one project before you move on quilter either (and almost certainly never will be)...sorry I couldn't help but maybe misery loves company...:o

The only time I actually finish a project from start to finish is if there is a need to finish -- like a gift. I have so many tops completed and waiting to be sandwiched, etc. One is sandwiched and being hand quilted (and has been for a very long time). I was a teacher and wasn't a quilter at that time, but I did make garments then, so I'd always manage to make a new garment while I was off on holiday. Of course some lingered to be finished, but they were started. I do understand procrastination!! Good luck.

Kayaker26 12-29-2012 02:10 PM

I put mine in a tote before the holidays....pulled out the tote and I don't look I just grabbed and started....finished 4 on Thursday...started another today....It really does feel good to get them done.

maryb119 12-29-2012 03:22 PM

I have less UFO's than I used to because I just chose a project and jumped in to finish it. As I finished teh first one, I was thinking about how to finish another one. I still have a few to do but the pile is smaller. I used some of them for Christmas gifts...it really helped my budget this year.

sewingsuz 12-29-2012 03:25 PM

Just get one going and keep at it until it is finished and you will be so happy with your results that maybe this will get you going to the next and next. Happy new year and good luck.

Gennynut 12-29-2012 03:46 PM

I was in the same spot. I had 19 ufo's plus 8 sewing repairs. I did the quickest done 1st to get them out of the way . I also looked over them and decided if the project was something that I really want to do or was I going to finish them just because they were there. I eliminated 3 projects that way. I am done to 11 now and assigning each to a month in the coming year, if I get any finished before the end of that month I'll start the next as I really want to get them done. I did decide which I wanted to do next. Some of them are seasonal so assigned a month that would have them complete well ahead of the season they were for. That is get the fall stuff done in spring. That way i would not get in a frenzy trying to get them done in a hurry. This meant that the items that i wanted to get done for this winter will get done for next winter. I just had to skip over a season to keep my sanity. Good luck.

cathyvv 12-29-2012 03:49 PM

My sister and I are finishing some of my Mom's UFOs. I see why they were neglected - mostly poor cutting, a phase I have been through - but decided to ignore the imperfections as much as possible and finish them up. One is done and gets compliments from those who see it, another is pieced, but lap size, much smaller than the original intention. It's cute, but far from perfect. However, one of her grandkids will treasure it.

Perhaps the secret is getting yourself motivated? Pick one of your UFOs and decide who will get it. It can be a charity project, but motivate yourself by imagining someone loving it to tatters. That's motivation!

I also like the idea of choosing the one that needs the least work to finish it, and finishing it.

dlf0122quilting 12-29-2012 03:54 PM

Drowning in unfinished projects
I am there with you. I thought maybe this year I would put each UFO in a baggie, give it a number, put corresponding numbers in a bag and draw a number. When I finish that one, I draw another number and work that one until finished. I think that will keep me from procrastinating while I make a choice. Just a thought. I have several that need to be done so I can then start working on my cupboards full of stash and scraps. Making a quilt right now for my granddaughter's wedding in June which I am using all scraps for out of my cabinets. I am so glad I can use up some of my fabric. After all, isn't that why we bought it in the first place?

charlottemarie 12-29-2012 04:43 PM

Just one thing at a time, one day at a time and you will be able to catch up. I understand all the unfinished projects because I get bored and have to move on to something new, but just make yourself see one thing at a time and you will do a lot better. It's a reward that you won't understand until you see yourself doing it.

Scraplady 12-29-2012 05:53 PM

Right there with you--and all the rest. I actually function best if I have more than one project going at once because I sometimes just stall out on a project and need to put it away for a while. So I don't really feel guilty about not going straight through from start to finish. It also helps me to think of them as Works in Progress not UFOs.

What used to really get to me was when I wanted to finish one and couldn't find it in my sewing cave, OR discovering a UFO years later that I had forgotten I ever started. Something that helped me is when I started storing my WIPs in those square plastic containers designed for scrapbooking. They are inexpensive (coupons, coupons), stack neatly and are see-through. So far I have only one project that would not fit in the bin with all its fabrics, instructions, templates, etc. Best thing is I can SEE what's in them. If I'm looking for a particular project, there it is--always at the bottom of a stack, of course, but at least I know where it is. And it's been a while since I entirely LOST a WIP.

captlynhall 12-29-2012 06:06 PM

Personally, I have one in the frames being quilted, one on the design wall and one sort of bouncing around in my head. I would go bonkers with a bunch of started and unfinished stuff. With that said, I hear often of people finding quilt tops in the belongings of those that have passed. Perhaps, those that don't finish their projects are like the ones that did the quilt tops, but did not actually quilt them. You may enjoy the planning and design, and even perhaps piecing the top, but the actual quilting is a chore to you, so you put it aside and go on the the nest quilt planning, design and piecing. That's OK. If you go to the great beyond and leave some tops that still need to be quilted, I'm sure there will be someone who will appreciate what you did do and be most happy to finish the quilt themselves.

giquilt 12-29-2012 06:50 PM

I agree with the LLD or Dave Ramsey method. Start with the small/Least Left to Do project, finish. Then move to the next. I made a list and stopped at 32 because I became overwhelmed. Now I divide and finish. Don't look at the whole project because that might overwhelm you. Start with Step 1. make one block. Step 2. make a second block. Step 3. make a third block. Before you know it you will have all your blocks made. Then put together row 1, row 2 etc. Border one, Border two, etc. If you do small steps, you will finish a UFO. Since starting the step by step method in September have finished 4 quilts including labels along with two doll quilts and a quick quilt. I also use a random method to work from my list, say today is the 14th, ok I have to work on #14.

w7sue 12-29-2012 11:15 PM

I was at a guild quilt show a few years back and each person had to make a list of twelve unfinished projects. Each project was given a number. At the meeting each month, a number was drawn and each person was challenged to finish the project with that number on it. I remember thinking that this was a great idea. Maybe, in 2013, I will do this. My biggest problem is that with my longarm sitting here some of my UFO's are quilts that need to be loaded and quilted. I bet I have enough backlogged of my own to do one each month and that would not count the one project a month that I would need to finish the assembly of - boy, do I have a busy year ahead of me!!!!

w7sue 12-29-2012 11:20 PM

I love the idea about plastic containers for projects - it is so much nicer to pick up a container with all the parts and directions all in one place.

mamagrande 12-30-2012 01:31 AM

I find that to get started again is to make a quilting date with a fellow quilter. I can usually continue on my own once I am energized.

Annaquilts 12-30-2012 01:53 AM

Pick a couple you can finnish fairly quickly and you have a purpose or destination for like birthday gift or picnic quilt for the summer.

Aurora 12-30-2012 04:40 AM

I donated blocks from quilts I knew I would never finish to my guild for charity quilts. I now work on projects I know I will finish to the point of adding borders. I never purchase border fabric until I am ready to finish a project.

I currently only start projects that will improve my skills -- last year it was piecing and I made a lot of progress. This year my goals are applique and paper piecing.

Nantie 12-30-2012 04:44 AM

It is very comforting to know I am in such good company....thanks

Michelekolt 12-30-2012 04:50 AM

I'm working on my pile now. I was laid off from my job in November and have been sewing ever since. I have finished a lot of my UFO's and I have to tell you it's a great feeling. Finishing them one quilt at a time.

Maggie01 12-30-2012 06:05 AM

This sounds unreal but it works. Number 1 through whatever on little pieces of paper and put in a jar - draw out 1 of the pieces and finish. Then continue on. I actually do this is my accounting office when I have a lot of corporations to do -

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