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Tinabodina 10-09-2011 04:25 AM

Two years ago I found a pie plate and matching pie flute. They had 2 of them so I bought one for me and one for a friend of mine. I used mine and put the other away to give as a Christmas present. That was TWO years ago and I still can not find it. Keep your fingures crossed for this Christmas.

ksea 10-09-2011 04:32 AM

It is okay, it will surely be in the last place you look for it :lol:

Good luck!!

ksea 10-09-2011 04:32 AM

Sorry double post

GemState 10-09-2011 04:46 AM

A couple of months ago I lost a quilt top, and like you all say, I looked EVERYWHERE.... many times. It was driving me crazy so I decided I just had to put it out of my mind and someday it would show up.
Wellllll....as it turned out I was getting some flannel out of a box to make a baby quilt and what do you suppose was RIGHT ON TOP of all the flannel???.........my quilt, which was folded with the batting to the outside so it looked just like more white flannel!!!
These sorts of things can drive you crazy if you let them!!!

quilt3311 10-09-2011 04:48 AM

OH yes, I have done this. Amazingly my "I will remember where I put it" turns out to be just that, "where I put it". AND "it wasn't where I should have put it" ha. It will turn up and you will say "I looked there ten times."

Sharoni 10-09-2011 04:53 AM

Oh yeah, I used some black fabric for a project and when I went to my very neat and organized stash to do another project, it was not there! There was no where else it could be! My sweet neighbor helped me look and she found it. It was folded neatly in the dark fabric section. But...it was folded with the wrong side of the fabric in and It looked like a whole different fabric!

joycecil 10-09-2011 05:00 AM

Originally Posted by MaryAnnMc
Get someone else to look, they'll find it in two minutes or less! Somehow we get "blinded" and just cant' see what's right in front of us.

Good idea!

cdufur 10-09-2011 05:07 AM

Yep...sure have. It will turn up and then you will remember..."Oh,yeah, now I remember putting it there." I know it is aggravating !!

AngieS 10-09-2011 05:11 AM

Good luck finding it. I totally know what you mean! I have the same trouble. I put it up for safe keeping and then it falls in a black hole......to be found on a day that I am looking for totally something else! LOL I sure hope it turns up for you. ;)

auniqueview 10-09-2011 05:11 AM

I lived in a house with a ghost.....a VERY ANNOYING GHOST, who loved to keep moving the manual can opener. After having to hunt for the darned thing many times, I bought a second. Think that slowed him down? Nooooo. Finally, I gave up, bought A DOZEN. Threw them on the counter, told him to enjoy himself, lol. I could always find one after that, lol.

Hope you find your quilt top soon. Have someone else help you look. That usually works.

puck116 10-09-2011 05:24 AM

I misplaced a pattern once that I was working with. Luckily, I had read it and could remember what I needed to do to finish. Sometime later I found it in the middle of a quilt book. Apparently, I laid the pattern over an opened book and then closed the book.

graciemae 10-09-2011 05:26 AM

Looks like your cat in your picture is patiently waiting too. LOL I've done this many times and yes it will turn up.

Originally Posted by Quilter Lois
I made this lovely quilt with 7 blocks on point and lavender flowers in eac. After much thought I decided on the binding and then took the quilt top down off the design wall, nicely folded it, and laid it down thinking "I will just put it here!"

OK - two days later - now I can't find it. So, I am sharing my woe with the only people I know will sympathize with me! The quilt board members. I loved making those appliques in the blocks - lovely flowers made with batiks shaded with purples and lavenders.

So, after about 6 times going thru every shelf and drawer in my sewing room, and looking in lots of other places outside the room, I gave up and turned it over to God. He will put it in my sight!

So, I am waiting...........!! Patiently.......

Dianne1 10-09-2011 05:31 AM

You are now having a Senior Moment-there will be more to come.

Happy Linda 10-09-2011 05:38 AM

The cat looks guilty to me. just saying:)

johnnietate1225 10-09-2011 05:45 AM

Well, I would say, right off the bat, that your pretty "fat cat" ate it - lol.

Hope you find it soon.

Roxanne 10-09-2011 05:47 AM

I've been looking for my camera since September and my sister is still looking for a new pair of shoes she bought last year! Where do these boogers go to hide?

mountain deb 10-09-2011 06:21 AM

Been there done that. So God did not want me working on it at that time. When He is ready, I will find it and probably move in a different direction with it than I intended. Who am I to argue with God!

soccertxi 10-09-2011 06:45 AM

I had to laugh...I was in the middle of reading this thread, when my teen son came to INSIST I help him find part of his soccer uniform. (THis time, its not me..I quit washing his clothing because I got yelled at for it daily...SO satisfying to look him in the eye and say...I DON"T DO YOUR LAUNDRY!) SO..its not just YOU...hehehehehe.

When this happens to me, I usually just start organizing my area. I find what I'm looking for within about 10 mins- AND I have a cleaner area! One time I looked for a book..a pink book. When I found it? The cover is actually BLUE!
:::SIGH:::: good luck!

TeeGee 10-09-2011 06:47 AM

So glad I am not the only one, my Great-Granddaughter came into my sewing area, saw a wildly colored baby quilt that is one row from having the tope completed. She looked at it and said "Mine!" so it is. The last row is gone. cannot find it. Hope it turns up in time to finish for Christmas

misscarol 10-09-2011 06:47 AM

I have never lost a quilt top, but I still have not found my remote control :P

sweetpea 10-09-2011 06:49 AM

IF you seen my sewing room you would not ask this ???

Kathy Osterby 10-09-2011 06:54 AM

I had the same thing happen. A friend gave me a tee shirt to back for a wall hanging. Iput it on my sewing chair and then "forgot" where I put it so thinking it was in with my stash with the fabrics I was using I totally re folded my stash 4hours later and a neater stash I found it under my shirt on the back of the chair. I forgot I moved the chair to the other sewing table! I have 2 chairs and didnt remember which chair it was on. lol. You will find it where you least expect to find it.

fsmcm 10-09-2011 07:04 AM

Oh good. I'm not the only one. I cut sashing for 25 blocks, to take with me to retreat and finish the top. Got to retreat, and no sashing. I have not idea where it is.

Jennifer22206 10-09-2011 07:06 AM

yep. been there, done that. It's usually stuck under something else.

zipit 10-09-2011 07:14 AM

I have done everything but toss it all out of the window down to nekkid floors. No painters tape. I know I saw and had it in my hand. I had a "use" for it.

Dolphyngyrl 10-09-2011 07:16 AM

Stop looking, trust me it is right in plain sight. Can't tell you how many times I have looked in a same place only to find it there the tenth time I've looked a few days later. It will show up.

zipit 10-09-2011 07:18 AM

Originally Posted by Dolphyngyrl
Stop looking, trust me it is right in plain sight. Can't tell you how many times I have looked in a same place only to find it there the tenth time I've looked a few days later. It will show up.

It's a shame. I can tell you with 100% accuracy where the two rolls are at my house in Texas.

Cindy2sew 10-09-2011 07:42 AM

Originally Posted by BrendaK
It probably had a secret meeting with one of my June Tailor rulers that I had been using now can't find. Wouldn't doubt if they each are wearing a purple flip flop wrapped up in painters tape. Hopefully they all will come home soon. BrendaK

Lol. Well tell them when they are finished playing they can return my super slider, its been missing for 3 weeks now!

pjnesler 10-09-2011 08:54 AM

Plenty of sympathy here - been there, done that lots of times. It will show up, but not fast enough....

athomenow 10-09-2011 08:56 AM

My mother is 86 and is constantly putting her purse in a safe place in the house where no one will take it. No one can because she can't find it. Her caretaker spends about an hour a week looking for the safest place today. Sometimes under a coat, behind the bed, in the china cabinet and various other places no one would think to look. Works doesn't it???

TeeGee 10-09-2011 09:01 AM

yes, sadly, my mother lost a platinum w/diamonds all the way around eternity ring. We never found it.

pjnesler 10-09-2011 09:08 AM

Originally Posted by TeeGee
yes, sadly, my mother lost a platinum w/diamonds all the way around eternity ring. We never found it.

My Grandma - now long gone had hiding places, but told us kids where so we would be sure to check once her day came. I can now tell you just in case you need to check your grandmas things :oops: :oops: , Diamond rings - wrapped up in klenex in bathrobe pocked. ;) Cash, in sewing machine drawer of patterns - it's in the Barbie doll pattern. ;) May be more cash in the freezer, wrapped up in aluminum foil. . . . There was quite a list of spots, just goes to show you when we do loose our loved ones, nothing should be taken for granted as useless or garbage, they are probably holding the treasure....

zipit 10-09-2011 09:25 AM

Originally Posted by athomenow
My mother is 86 and is constantly putting her purse in a safe place in the house where no one will take it. No one can because she can't find it. Her caretaker spends about an hour a week looking for the safest place today. Sometimes under a coat, behind the bed, in the china cabinet and various other places no one would think to look. Works doesn't it???

THey make a little device that you could put in there. When you need to find it, press the little remote and it beeps. We used this on and old, deaf lab we had. He'd go snooze under some shrubs and it's the only way to locate him.

rosiewell 10-09-2011 09:30 AM

Oh yeah! lost quilt tops, fabric, rotary cutter (that took 3 months to find) etc. it all turns up eventually, but I do understand your frustration!

sylvia77 10-09-2011 09:50 AM

This happened to me but it was with a book instead of fabric. I finally found it inside another book in my bookcase. Had me going there for awhile. Backtrack on where you last saw the quilt top and go from there, good luck!

Lavada 10-09-2011 09:55 AM

no but i have lost my glasses just to be told they are on top of your head

MS quilter 10-09-2011 10:24 AM

You did the right thing. Ask God and then wait (while you keep looking).

Quilter Lois 10-09-2011 10:24 AM

[quote=graciemae]Looks like your cat in your picture is patiently waiting too. LOL I've done this many times and yes it will turn up.

Yes, CC is a very patient cat. He is also very wonderful and has to "test" all the quilts I lay on my sewing table. One of the QB members said he looked guilty! hahaha Actually he does!!! He does like to steal little soft things out of my friends purses and sewing kits and play with them. He "found" a little blue crocheted mouse and ran away with it. Then a few minutes later he brought it back, stuffed it down in the bottom of the sewing kit, and brought out a little purple crocheted octopus and ran off with it. At the time I had a group of my friends here and we all watched and laughed when he popped his head out of her sewing kit with the purple octopus in his mouth.

It is still around here along with all his other treasures. He is very entertaining. I am thinking of starting a thread with his "adventures" along with pictures. What do you think?

dsch 10-09-2011 10:34 AM

I lost a quilt top that was ready to go to the quilter; only thing I didn't have ready was the binding. To help clean up some of the clutter, I hung the top & the backing on a hanger in the closet. Problem was, the backing was to the outside. I spent 3 days looking for the top until I finally thought to remove the backing from the hanger & start over. Surprise!!! There was the quilt top and backing entwined in one nice little package. Now if I fold things together, I make sure I can see a part of each.

RobertaMarie 10-09-2011 11:11 AM

Oh my goodness, Lois, I am afraid you are joining my club! I do stuff like that all the time. I am sure it is there somewhere, but I swear those gremlins are at work again. I hope you find it soon, because I want to see it!! Please post a photo when it finally shows up. Blessings, dear one.

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