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pumpkinpatchquilter 08-10-2011 03:53 AM

This is the lesson I am slowly learning. I have been quilting for 6 years, and as a new quilter I surrounded myself with some of THE most knowledgeable, and intimidating quilters in the area. I was 24 years old, green and new to the quilting world when I began. As I progressed I felt like I had to do BIGGER, BETTER, and GREATER to be taken even a little bit seriously by these women who were much older than me and knew what seemed to be SO very much more than me about quilting. If I wasn't getting snubbed for my age I was getting snubbed for my skill level. I am an artist at heart, all I wanted for years when I was young was to go to art school. That unfortunately never happened for me as I started a family early, and many of you know just how hard it is to go back to school with small children. But it was a blessing, truly, because my family is my world, and making a quilt for my daughter was what brought me to find my life's passion in quilting. All of this combined with a really awful experience with a quilt shop owner who hired me to teach a class but then treated me so rudely as if I didn't know a darn thing I was talking about has left me with this need to prove myself artistically and I feel like for the past several years I've been on this personal MISSION to prove to anybody and EVERYBODY that I am capapble, I am skilled, and gosh darnit, I'm artistic!!!

You know what? I refuse to live with that insecurity any longer, I know who I am and what I can do. Here I am. I am 30 years old, I'm a Mother first and foremost, second a wife, and third I'm a dedicated quilter. I have finally learned that FOR ME, every quilt doesn't need to be a masterpiece. Every quilt that I create does not have to knock everybody's socks off, and it doesn't have to encase all the techniques I have learned in the past 6 years to PROVE that I am a capable quilter. That is not to say I don't do the best I can with every quilt, but a corner that doesn't match perfectly doesn't always need to be ripped and resewn. Every project doesn't need to be the hardest and most complicated project I've ever done. I adore challenging projects but a simple nine patch quilt can be just as satisfying to complete as the most complicated paper pieced mariners compass.

Thanks for the vent. Just thought I'd share that little revelation, because I know I'm not the only one who feels like they need to prove themselves to the local quilting veterans. ;)

grendelskin 08-10-2011 03:58 AM

Ayyy-MEN! As long as you're happy sewing, and keep up learning and mastering your skills as you go, you're right on track.

I've yet to see the recipient of a gifted quilt turn their nose up at it; even with all of their lumps and bumps, the quilts I've given are all loved and appreciated.

VaNella 08-10-2011 03:59 AM

I agree with you. I always have an array of projects going, some simple and some more complicated. I do it more for the process than the result anyway. When it is finished it can go to a loved one, to myself, to a raffle, or to line a doggy cage at the pound. I enjoyed doing it, so so there!

mshollysd 08-10-2011 03:59 AM

Pumpkin Patch, I have been quilting for over 35 years and I am just like you. One day I figured out that the quilting police is not coming over to arrest me because one of my corners isn't perfect. Even on my avatar, that quilt was painted with fabric paint, not embroidered. You would have thought I had committed a crime. So I salute you!!!! You figured out something that I didn't for 30 years. Go for it and I am proud of you!!!

PegD 08-10-2011 04:00 AM

I agree. I see all the wonderful longarm quilting on here, and think I should be able to do that on mine, but all I can really do is stippling. It holds the quilt together, so I guess that is the point.

Sewfine 08-10-2011 04:06 AM

I agree. I am learning as I make something also.

LyndaOH 08-10-2011 04:08 AM

Very well said, PPQ! I've been quilting for four years and finished a Sylvia's Bridal Sampler last year. It was a real learning process for me and I was disappointed by some of the points and seams that didn't match until I realized that the overall wowiness (yes, I just made up that word) of the quilt made up for any non-perfection.

I too have an art background but didn't pursue it in college. The most common question about my quilts I get is how I knew to put together the colors and where I got the pattern. I don't think twice about colors and I generally design my own patterns. I need to appreciate that about myself.

Go forward and quilt!

jeank 08-10-2011 04:12 AM

Originally Posted by PegD
I agree. I see all the wonderful longarm quilting on here, and think I should be able to do that on mine, but all I can really do is stippling. It holds the quilt together, so I guess that is the point.

I love your declaration, it is my attitude too, there is no quilt police and you have to please yourself only.

As for longarm, I have one too and only know how to meander, I dont do it as small to call it stippling. It looks nice when done and I am happy.


mizkyp 08-10-2011 04:14 AM

congrats on learning who and what are important in your life.

pumpkinpatchquilter 08-10-2011 04:18 AM

Originally Posted by LyndaOH
Very well said, PPQ! I've been quilting for four years and finished a Sylvia's Bridal Sampler last year. It was a real learning process for me and I was disappointed by some of the points and seams that didn't match until I realized that the overall wowiness (yes, I just made up that word) of the quilt made up for any non-perfection.

Thank you for the encouragement! I have an in progress SBS quilt - guess how long it's been in progress? Since WAYYYY back when the patterns were online and FREE! LOL* I have about 14 blocks done, but it for me too has been a huge learning experience. You make me want to get back at it. That was the quilt that motivated me to learn paper piecing, and the first mariners compass I'd ever done was the one in that quilt - and it is AWFUL. But I am not going to rip it, because in many ways it is a memory book of sorts of my progression. Now I just need to finish the other bazillion blocks in the quilt! ;)

Annaquilts 08-10-2011 04:19 AM

I quilt to please myself. When I don't, I no longer enjoy the process and it becomes a chore. I am glad you found your balance.

emerald46 08-10-2011 04:21 AM

What a blessing for you to learn that at an early age! It really carries over into all areas of your life and makes for a more balanced lifestyle. Good for you!!

cheaha39 08-10-2011 04:23 AM

Yes, I agree, a quilt is to be enjoyed. Life is a journey but we don't have to make everything in it a challenge and a chore. I choose to quilt and enjoy......

pumpkinpatchquilter 08-10-2011 04:27 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by mshollysd
Pumpkin Patch, I have been quilting for over 35 years and I am just like you. One day I figured out that the quilting police is not coming over to arrest me because one of my corners isn't perfect. Even on my avatar, that quilt was painted with fabric paint, not embroidered. You would have thought I had committed a crime. So I salute you!!!! You figured out something that I didn't for 30 years. Go for it and I am proud of you!!!

I think the painting on the fabric in your quilt is WONDERFUL! Also - not everyone can PAINT! So I find it fantastic to see things like that, things that surprise you in a quilt. You truly have a talent. ;)

I know what you mean though, the quilt that is my avatar is one that I designed on EQ. That center star made me so mad when I attempted to piece it...it looked on screen like it would go together pretty easily as long as I was careful about cutting accurately, but it turned out to be a NIGHTMARE. So...I fused it like raw edge applique instead. LOL* It probably is a quilting sin, but what the heck. It's going to be a wall quilt, not a bed quilt, so it will likely never be washed. I did a trapunto technique that I learned from Patsy Thompson, with variegated rayon decorative thread and I just love it.

Let me see if I can find a picture...

Glassquilt 08-10-2011 04:30 AM

One learns so much as one ages. The most important thing is accepting yourself. Not letting someone else tell you how to feel about yourself can be a hard one to learn but once learned the world is your oyster. It still hurts when something derogatory is said - not for long though. :)

I like your center. I like how the teal is framed by the pink. Those are the colors I see.

susie-susie-susie 08-10-2011 04:31 AM

Good for you. The only person you need to please is yourself. If someone says something critical, let it go in one ear and out the other. If you are happy with the project, then it is perfect.

Judith1005 08-10-2011 04:34 AM

on a much smaller scale...i felt that to. that a quilt had to be complicated and a masterpiece....But, i gravitate to striking, simple quilts. so now, i just strive to keep it simple and enjoy the moments. i quilt for myself, family and to donate. and i've not been disappointed yet. so....enjoy your journey. look forward to seeing your quilts. :D

kountrykreation 08-10-2011 04:34 AM

That's what quilting is all about, anything other than that, then it becomes a J.O.B.!!! I've made quilts for myself, that I love, I've made quilts for others that are also loved, have also made quilts for others that have not been 'loved' and they were 'regifted', and quilts for fund raiser auctions that may bring $20 or $2000 (yeh, ok, I'm exagerating on the $2000, but a girl can dream! haha). But at the end of the day, it's MY hobby and it's what I see in my 'masterpiece' as 'perfection'. Everyone has different skills and needs and ultimately it's the happiness that quilting accomplishes for each of us, as the unique individuals that we are, that counts.

LyndaOH 08-10-2011 04:35 AM

Originally Posted by pumpkinpatchquilter
Thank you for the encouragement! I have an in progress SBS quilt - guess how long it's been in progress? Since WAYYYY back when the patterns were online and FREE! LOL* I have about 14 blocks done, but it for me too has been a huge learning experience. You make me want to get back at it. That was the quilt that motivated me to learn paper piecing, and the first mariners compass I'd ever done was the one in that quilt - and it is AWFUL. But I am not going to rip it, because in many ways it is a memory book of sorts of my progression. Now I just need to finish the other bazillion blocks in the quilt! ;)

I coordinate a block of the week group for Jennifer; we would love to have you join us! You don't have to make the block every week, but it is very encouraging and a lot of fun. You can find more info on how to join at www.sylviasbridalsampler.com.

Holice 08-10-2011 04:39 AM

I have three rules to good quiltmakeing: Accurate measuring and/or marking; Accurate cutting; Accurate piecing.
Beyond these three it is the quilt makers choise.
Also........creativity can be in simple things. It is not always the wowiness of the quilt.

GABBYABBY 08-10-2011 04:42 AM

I am sooooo glad you have figured out what truly
makes you happy. You go girl!!!

MelodyWB 08-10-2011 04:42 AM

When I first started..20 some years ago..I thought it all had to be by the book..then I saw MARY ELLEN HOPKINS on TV..she was my liberator..she had a saying OPP..Own Personal Preference !! Design it..sandwhich it..quilt it..bind it and you have a quilt..I have made quilts my DD or DH have said ..are you sure..and they always seem to be the one people love..so go for it! Example: 2 years ago..I put 11 quilts in a local Coffee House ..that we all hang out..for a month to exhibit..DD said I shouldn't show (2) I'd picked out..they sold 1/2 hour after going up..we were'nt even doing it to sell..we did it to show quilting has come along way..one was bought by the owner and still hangs there...sooo goes to show you to express yourself..glad you learned it early and young !!

grandma judy 08-10-2011 04:42 AM

Well said!!

I'm new to this website, and I can see I will love it!

loves_2_quilt 08-10-2011 04:44 AM


LyndaOH 08-10-2011 04:48 AM

Originally Posted by Holice
I have three rules to good quiltmakeing: Accurate measuring and/or marking; Accurate cutting; Accurate piecing.
Beyond these three it is the quilt makers choise.
Also........creativity can be in simple things. It is not always the wowiness of the quilt.

Hanging my head down in shame for my wowiness...

I would argue that simplicity and wowiness are not mutually exclusive.

lsb142 08-10-2011 04:52 AM

Thanks so much for posting this. I am a new quilter and struggle every day with my lack of perfection in my quilts. I have one on the design wall that I've had a problem with. As a result I haven't pieced in over a month because I just can't seem to get that one right. I'm going home tonight and finish it. I also have a quilting frame and machine that I struggle with. It hasn't been touched in several months. I like the idea that the quilting is to hold the sandwich together. I think I can do that. I don't have to get fancy. ;-)


SewExtremeSeams 08-10-2011 05:02 AM

Well said. Just think of the wonderful years ahead of you that you will enjoy quilting and learn more and more to express yourself along with your artitstic flare.

This board has taught me to loosen up, enjoy the process and try some of the things that appeal to me... even if, at first, they don't exactly turn out as I thought they might or as someone else's does. The idea is to learn and have fun along the way. Take care and enjoy what you are doing.

:thumbup: :thumbup:

kountrykreation 08-10-2011 05:14 AM

Originally Posted by LyndaOH

Originally Posted by Holice
I have three rules to good quiltmakeing: Accurate measuring and/or marking; Accurate cutting; Accurate piecing.
Beyond these three it is the quilt makers choise.
Also........creativity can be in simple things. It is not always the wowiness of the quilt.

Hanging my head down in shame for my wowiness...

I would argue that simplicity and wowiness are not mutually exclusive.

There are only two rules that I follow when quilting (uh, or that my family follows): first rule, when I show them a quilt they can only reply with WOW, and second rule, they say it with exuberance!

arkansasquilter123 08-10-2011 05:15 AM

Very well said. I know that people have made me feel bad about my quilting and I really took it to heart. I even sew scraps together to make quilts for people that NEED them, and had one woman (a fellow quilter) tell me that the blocks were UGLY. How rude. I informed her that it would still make someone warm and/or feel better. I think beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and the gesture of giving is the important part. I personally have yet to see an UGLY quilt, as I think there is personality, character, and love that goes into EVERY quilt, no matter what fabric is used.

NanaCsews2 08-10-2011 05:20 AM

I think you are in a very large club, my dear. Many of us come to terms with doing what we love to do and accepting it for what it is and never mind what others think and say. Our work is perfect and the best and award-worthy and we are proud. Here's to us and those who know us and love us for who we are and what we do. Happy sewing everyone!

MrsM 08-10-2011 05:26 AM

Originally Posted by pumpkinpatchquilter

Originally Posted by mshollysd
Pumpkin Patch, I have been quilting for over 35 years and I am just like you. One day I figured out that the quilting police is not coming over to arrest me because one of my corners isn't perfect. Even on my avatar, that quilt was painted with fabric paint, not embroidered. You would have thought I had committed a crime. So I salute you!!!! You figured out something that I didn't for 30 years. Go for it and I am proud of you!!!

I think the painting on the fabric in your quilt is WONDERFUL! Also - not everyone can PAINT! So I find it fantastic to see things like that, things that surprise you in a quilt. You truly have a talent. ;)

I know what you mean though, the quilt that is my avatar is one that I designed on EQ. That center star made me so mad when I attempted to piece it...it looked on screen like it would go together pretty easily as long as I was careful about cutting accurately, but it turned out to be a NIGHTMARE. So...I fused it like raw edge applique instead. LOL* It probably is a quilting sin, but what the heck. It's going to be a wall quilt, not a bed quilt, so it will likely never be washed. I did a trapunto technique that I learned from Patsy Thompson, with variegated rayon decorative thread and I just love it.

Let me see if I can find a picture...

You are my quilting soulmate!

Brett Quilts 08-10-2011 05:27 AM

This does my heart good to hear. Thanks yall.

blueangel 08-10-2011 05:31 AM

I love it

0tis 08-10-2011 06:12 AM

Can you imagine how boring life would be if we were all "master quilters" - some of my most popular quilted stuff was what I called the big mistakes. I love the whole process - from finding fabric to sewing the binding - there is room out there for all of us - I feel like I do create a masterpiece - because when my family and friends see my quilts they love them as much as I loved to make them - that is all that matters to me. Hurrah to you pumpkin quilter - "we are tired, and we are not going to take it anymore"...

pamesue 08-10-2011 06:18 AM

I agree....no quilt police in my home...

they are not welcome

LyndaK 08-10-2011 06:18 AM

Good for you! I quit quilting for several years because I wasn't "good enough". Now I don't care. I'm in my 50's and I can do as I please!

trolleystation 08-10-2011 06:23 AM

Congratulations on the birth of your 'own person'.

Cherylsea 08-10-2011 07:41 AM

I think people who find fault and put others down do so because they are unhappy - either with themselves or their life. It is up to us not to buy in to their remarks. Everyone is on their own journey. If you do the best you can,keep trying to improve, and have fun what more do you need.

Neena 08-10-2011 07:44 AM

Amen Sista!!

EagarBeez 08-10-2011 08:01 AM

I too am fairly new to quilting. I had been hard on myself if my blocks were a little off, but, I have learned a lot here. No one is perfect, and if you can't see the mistake by someone riding by on a horse your fine.
I am more relaxed now and love creating and colors.
I too wanted to go to art school when I was younger. I love art

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