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Nanasrcool 12-23-2011 09:13 AM

Had my first experience with the "Quilt Police"
I was visiting my LQS the other day. I hadn't been in there in quite a while. I was looking around and the service rep. came and asked if she could help me. I said not really since I don't know what all I want and it will probably be alot since I hadnt purchased anything in a while.

I was talking to her and telling her I was in the process of completing my 1st full size quilt. I am doing it in a QAYG process. I was telling her how I had started using Sharon Schamber's method of using elmer's glue with the fine metal tip attached and set with the iron instead of pinning (which usually results in me stabbing myself 14 times. It also stabilized it much more for me. For a beginner quilter and sewist this is VERY important. I guess it took a minute to register what I said because she asked me again what I was doing and where I learned this. I told her again and she got this horrified look on her face like I had just told her I was making my quilt with my own feet! Then asked who Sharon Shamber was. I thought this odd but ok. She also said "I would NEVER do that to one of MY quilts". This is fine since I believe we all find what works for us and use it. I know people have firm beliefs on things in quilting. For HER that works.

I told her "Well since MY quilts arent exactly masterpieces or even worthy of a competition yet, but more about passing on a part of me to my family. However, I feel confident that there are much less qualified people I could learn techinques from than a Master Quilter that wins almost any competition she enters! Glue AND ALL!!!" lol. I also use spray basting too!!! OMG!!! lol...

It was funny and I think she got how she came across because she backed up and repeated what I had said about finding what works for you and using it. I told her she should really look up who Sharon Schamber is since she is a highly renowned quilter.

Raggiemom 12-23-2011 09:19 AM

Good for you in standing up for yourself! And I agree, use what works for you! :)

Daylesewblessed 12-23-2011 09:49 AM

I think that what you said to the "policewoman" should have made her re-evaluate her mission. I hope she will choose to "help the public" more and intimidate it less in the future.

Taino Jan 12-23-2011 10:05 AM

Just say "no" to the quilt police.

Okay, there are a lot of quilters out there but not know Sharon Shamber? Maybe cause I'm on the West coast and knowe her. a lot of "western" quilters aren't as known in other regions. But still. And she worked at a quilt shop? Really?

DebraK 12-23-2011 10:31 AM

Maybe she wasn't with the police force, and you gave her a little education.

ptquilts 12-23-2011 10:36 AM

at least you didn't get a ticket, lol!!

Scissor Queen 12-23-2011 10:38 AM

The poor thing must be trapped in some world where she's isolated from the major shows, book and magazine coverage of all the latest and greatest. Poor thing, bless her heart.

sharon b 12-23-2011 10:39 AM

LOL I love the way you handled it and I am in the Midwest and have heard of Sharon- the employee at the quilt store needs to get out more :rolleyes:

KerryK 12-23-2011 10:40 AM

There are names for people like that ... and they aren't nice. :(

Good for you for "talking back" to the quilt police! :)

valleyquiltermo 12-23-2011 11:06 AM

Check mate one for the quilters and 0 for the quilt police, LOL

MaryMo 12-23-2011 11:15 AM

I'm glad you stood up to such bigotry .... and I am so glad there is more than one way to accomplish a feat. I wish I had your chutzpa. Yeah!

RDM 12-23-2011 11:46 AM

Sometimes it's easy to think one way is the only way. Glad you found what is working for you and that you had no problem stating such. Good job not letting the sales person get to you. She should have been rejoicing that you wanted to make purchases and enjoy making more quilts. Way to go for not giving in. Ofcourse for every method there's a reason why to do it and why not.

Lori S 12-23-2011 11:54 AM

I am thrilled you had the confidence to stand up to the police, sounds like she was "pulling you over" without probable cause.

luvstoquilt 12-23-2011 12:15 PM

What is wrong with people? I cannot imagine being so self assured that I would critisize someone else and what they do!

Sandra in Minnesota 12-23-2011 12:22 PM

What state do you live it?? Please keep the Quilt Police in your state. Thank you-----

mighty 12-23-2011 12:27 PM

OMG that is funny. Hope she learned from you, seem she needs a class LOL.

Mad Mimm 12-23-2011 01:37 PM

You handled the situation well. I bet she is going to feel like a real turkey when she gets around to Googling Sharon Schamber. I would so pay to be a fly on her wall when that happened!

patski 12-23-2011 01:57 PM

I really think this why so many LQS go out of business, they don't encourage you, they often belittle and insult the customers!

SouthPStitches 12-23-2011 01:59 PM

I'm glad you put the sour-pussed, uppity, no-it-all broad in her place.

Kim Bohannon 12-23-2011 02:04 PM

it's amazing how some people are so set in their ways that they can't believe anyone else would do it differently... like glueing in place of sewing (and some people do liquid stitch)... wow... I'm so glad you stood up for yourself, she needed to wake up! lol

Arleners 12-23-2011 02:21 PM

Don't you just love THEM?? I went to to quilt retreat a few months ago. The project I was working on was a quilt that I was hired to make. I had done the pattern before, but in a much smaller size. I was having a problem with the piecing, but knew I had to do some frog sewing (rip it rip it) One woman came over to me and told me I would lose my points if I sewed the pieces togethers ( like tell me something, this is why I was unsewing) She then looked at me and said - "and this person is PAYING you for this??
Well - three months later, I am finished with the King sized quilts, all the points are right where they belong and the new owner is thrilled.
I love a happy ending.

BellaBoo 12-23-2011 02:22 PM

I would never give my money to any quilt shop owner/rep that didn't know of Sharon Schamber. That's pure ignorance. I would have laughed in her face. Sharon Schamber wins every show she enters. No one has to agree with her methods but no one can argue her quilts are masterpieces. There are only 26 Master Quilters acknowledged by NQA. Sharon Schamber was given the honor in 2008.

Xtgirl 12-23-2011 03:18 PM

Moderately off topic, but where do you find the glue with the metal tip...I've looked a couple places and couldn't find it. I haven't had an experience like you had but I always feel like an outsider and my quilt shop....

quiltsillysandi 12-23-2011 03:41 PM

Kudos to you!! And I just started using that same turned edge technique....Works great!!

Buckeye Rose 12-23-2011 03:52 PM

all I could do is laugh.....I use a glue stick instead of liquid glue, but it all works the same....and I spray baste too.....I use whatever technique works the best for me.....I don't have time to be incredibly fussy and most of the time you wouldn't be able to see my little oops unless you look really close .....unless it's a paid job, I let most of them go - it gives them character! LOL!!!

Jingle 12-23-2011 04:13 PM

I wouldn't give my money to such an insulting person. When they are working, they should only give advice if asked.

ghostrider 12-23-2011 04:31 PM

I don't think she was acting uppity or know-it-all in the least. Nowhere in your description of the events do I see any indication of this person being the bigoted, belittling, uppity, insulting, know-it-all sourpuss that some responders have called her. Cut her some slack. She was clearly interested in what you were doing by asking about the techniques you were using and it seems to me she was trying to learn from you and help you at the same time, you being a new quilter and all.

As for apparantly not knowing Sharon Schamber's name or reputation, I certainly wouldn't hold that up as a measure of the knowledge or quality of anyone's quilting. She has her way of doing things, and she certainly knows how to market them, so if they work for you, fine, but there's no need to be a snob about it. There are lots of excellent ways to get the same results in quilting.

frugalfabrics 12-23-2011 04:39 PM

wow...sorry you had to endure that snootyness. You definitely took the higher road...good for you!

jaciqltznok 12-23-2011 04:52 PM

I get really tired of people yelling "quilt police" every time someone suggests that the THEY might be doing something unconventional.
Quilting "today" is NOT what it was 5 years ago..not even 10 years ago..or 100....just because someone says they don't know Sharon Schamber, does not make them any more ignorant than perhaps you not knowing who Danetta Burnett was to the quilting world! Heck, I had never seen, nor heard of Alex Anderson until the day I sold her fabric in the shop I was working in!

Using glue on your quilt is fine for someone who understands WHY it is used...most people just see it as a quick, cheap fix to a problem they have not learned how to really deal with! Same with spray basting, zig-zag binding, and even fusible applique that never gets sewn down.

Sure we all might have our own special way of getting from point A to point B, but just because someone does not like the way you do it, or says they would do it differently does not make them the POLICE at all...
when a person is paid to JUDGE, that is what they do, they are not the POLICE...

I used to hate when the OLD ladies at quilt guild shuddered at how my borders waved, or my stitches were too big in my hand quilting...until one day I realized...that by taking the time to read, watch, learn, I too could do a better job with my time, money, hands...

Granted not all criticism is creative, or well tongued, but if you stop, listen and learn, you will find that when you do want to make that show piece or family heirloom quilt, their advise will often pop back into your head and you will find yourself wanting to learn to do things differently! Albeit your own, or by watching/learning from Sharon Schamber!

Lois-nounoe 12-23-2011 05:05 PM

I have only used the "glue" method on applique flowers for my new Step Granddaughter's quilt to see how it works and it worked great! I might try your method on my next quit cause I am planning on doing a QAYG. I put my Elmer's glue in a printer ink refill bottle. Best use for those pain in the assets! Only quilt police I have around here are my 3 cats and they only check on the comfort level. LOL

momto5 12-23-2011 05:05 PM

You handled it exactly right...I, however, am not as disciplined as you so therefore, would've ended up causing a great disturbance...did I mention I can't stand for someone who doesn't know what I know, doesn't do what I do, to try to tell me what to do (and how to do it??)? Sigh...guess there's a reason I'm a solitary quilter...:)

RedGarnet222 12-23-2011 05:57 PM

I personally think that the old meanie might learn something from your little talk. LOL! Sheesh... !! That glue washes out the first time you wash it. What is the big deal? I perosnally don't use it, but I would if I had one of those neat needle pin sized dispensers.

BellaBoo 12-23-2011 06:03 PM

I won't back down from my opinion of quilt shop business owner/rep not getting my money if they have no clue to the top National quilt show winners from the last few years.

dixie_fried 12-23-2011 06:15 PM

I'm sitting here giggling about some of the stuff I've done in the name of supreme ignorance that would make that lady's head explode. Some worked, some didn't. Lessons learned.

Different strokes and all that jazz.

Murphy 12-23-2011 06:42 PM

Not everyone knows of all the "master quilters" and shows and "experts" that are out there. Even working in a LQS does not mean that you would know of this. I think you had an opportunity to educate and encourage someone to learn. I don't see the "quilt police" in this person; I see someone who was not exposed to information that you had. It was very kind of you to share with her your knowledge and perhaps this will afford her more personal growth.

liking quilting 12-23-2011 07:17 PM

A Sharon Shamber u-tube video was excellent for me when learing to do my binding; also my first quilt. When I showed my finished quilt to one of my quilting friends (who was a great inspration to me), one of her first comments was about the wondeful binding I had done. She too thought any method Sharon Shamber would use was great advice to follow.

joyce888 12-23-2011 07:21 PM

Sounds like you handled her rather well - good for you!

Painiacs 12-23-2011 07:32 PM

Good for you! You were assertive without being aggressive! You were polite not snotty! That is great because she heard you without vein defensive! I like sharons techniques!! I glue baste sometimes and I use her board method for sandwiching! Yay!!!

Lilrain 12-23-2011 07:37 PM

Doesn't seem like she is the right type of person for a quilt shop employee.

YukonViv 12-23-2011 07:54 PM

I'm sorry, I just don't see it. If you felt she was criticizing you, I'm sorry you felt like you were in that position.

But, I now cringe when see the words Quilt Police thrown about...seriously? I don't think the situation was that at all, and I feel a bit bad for her now seeing what everyone is writing about her. This woman we don't know, who didn't say anything terrible, in my opinion.

There are no quilt police, there are people who's opinions differ then ours, that's all. and you know what? I haven't a clue who this Sharon Schamber person is, never heard of her.

You know, this post could have gone a totally different way. "Hey, I got to teach a quilt store employee something new today! She never heard of.......method or Sharon Schamber!" How cool would that be.

anyway, that's just my two cents. Again, I'm sorry if you felt you were put in a position where she was critical of your method.

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