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-   -   How Many WIP's Do YOU Have? Be honest! (https://www.quiltingboard.com/main-f1/how-many-wips-do-you-have-honest-t7333.html)

DJ 05-21-2008 08:40 PM

You're talking quilt WIPs, right? :D

*Double Irish chainall pieced unless I decide I want it bigger
*Star Light quilt http://tinyurl.com/4e6oc4 about 4 stars pieced
*Premie quilts [4 of 8 left to do . . . all cut out]
*4 Lutheran World Relief quilt tops Church quilt group will do the tying
*"My Heart's Home" Quilt
*Hot Air Balloon quilt Wedding Gift (7/19) http://tinyurl.com/6mzpdk all 9 balloons are done
*Whole cloth quilt for travel trailer
*Quilt wall hanging with duckie cross stitch
*Frog Quilt all pieced
*Angel Bears disappearing 9-patch all pieced
*Shirley's "Garden of Love" quilt needs borders
*Trellis Quilt for DD some cutting done
*Quilt wall hanging for bathroom http://tinyurl.com/4g46dl a couple of squares done


Fabric purchased but nothing done yet:

*Windows baby quilt (with grab ball if enough fabric)
*Butterflies & hearts disappearing 9-patch
*Train disappearing 9-patch

quiltwoman 05-22-2008 03:18 AM

I try :D

Quilting Aggi 05-22-2008 03:55 AM

Cordelia what do you mean you don't like how it turned out.. I LOVE IT!! I love how your grades of colours blended so well!!! Its a piece of art!! You also have a great place to show off your work!! Lucky girl!

Barbm 05-22-2008 03:59 AM

After reading all the WIPS, I'm going back to my original way of finishing up what I started. This could get way out of control for me. :) I have 3 that can be finished in an afternoon so I'm going to start there. I've been working every night on the flip flop quilt so it could possibly be done this week end too. My goal is to get the WIPs under control.

Quilting Aggi 05-22-2008 04:20 AM

Okay.. after thinking about this thread since yesterday, I plan to sit down at some point today and make a list of the long long list of WIPS I have on the go. ooh my head is going to hurt after all this!! Stay tuned!

imaquilter 05-22-2008 05:00 AM

Okay...I need some clarification on this one as it will be a huge difference in numbers dependint on the answer:

Do all quilting projects we EVER started count? Like the ones we started 10 years ago and put away but, do have part of them done?

Quilting Aggi 05-22-2008 05:10 AM

Originally Posted by imaquilter
Okay...I need some clarification on this one as it will be a huge difference in numbers dependint on the answer:

Do all quilting projects we EVER started count? Like the ones we started 10 years ago and put away but, do have part of them done?

Thats what I'm thinking it might be too. Cause if that is the case, I am in trouble!

imaquilter 05-22-2008 05:28 AM

yea, let's put it this way....I have 183 quilting projects....with fabric & pattern TOTAL (that does not include patterns that I have not bought fabric for). All of my WIP are included in that total.

So, I have enough projects to keep me busy well........the rest of my life and I am only 33.

I keep a running list of EVERYTHING I buy and will one day make and the stages they are in. I just looked and if you count the quilts to be "quilted", bindings to be put on and every project I ever started and put to the side.....I have........


That is disgusting! I try to keep track so I stay motivated but, sometimes it has the opposite effect and overwhelms me. I don't know where to begin and which of the 64 to start with. The one I like the most or the one that is the most completed or do I start the one that I just bought yesterday and really love right now? It's crazy!

I need help. :oops:

moonhoney2 05-22-2008 05:59 AM

I've only got one. My first. :lol:

I hope not to get where I have several in the works. With my scrapping, I am adamant about finishing a page before starting a new one. hopefully, I can do the same with this. *crosses fingers*

I just don't have the space to store too much stuff. My scrapbooking has taken up a huge chuck of my office. As it is, I'm struggling to find a small area to put a sewing table.

mgshaw 05-22-2008 06:05 AM

I consider a wip anything that has been cut out and started on, am I correct in my thinking, or what do you guys consider a wip?

dreamdanzzer 05-22-2008 06:09 AM

I have 4 tops waiting for borders, 2 waiting for backing/quilting and two tops in progress. I don't usually complete the whole quilt - I complete the top and then give that away or sell it on e-bay to cover costs of my materials. I'm not sure I can consider myself a true "quilter" since I rarely complete them. I spend my days conducting forensic interviews of sexually and physically abused kids which leaves me with a head filled with horrible images - so I come home and put pieces of quilts together as therapy. I tried other hobbies but none of them required the concentration cutting and sewing all those pieces together does - so, for awhile I can ignore the pictures in my head or at least until I try to sleep. My goal for 2008 is to learn some FM quilting so I've been practicing that........maybe I'll even complete a full quilt and move onto "quilter" status. :)

fabricluvr 05-22-2008 07:03 AM

WIP - depends on how you define it. technically just two, i guess. one is the glass bottom boat attic windows that needs to be in the mail next week to my brother. hmmm . . .

the other is a BOM throw that is sandwiched and needs quilted (it will be my first 'do it yourself quilting' quilt for a friend in the nursing home (better get busy on that one, too!)

but if you count blocks-of-the-month, i have two of those going, but can't finish them until the end of the BOM year.

but if you count 'planned' projects, well . . . that number is off the map! lots of things hanging in the 'closet' that are waiting for me to start! 10 monthly minis, 2 sweatshirts, three wall hangings, one grandma quilt (full size), one flannel rag quilt, one poinsettia wall hanging, and a pair of pj's (not really quilting, but they need completed!)

why am i sitting here reading? i should be in my room quilting!

:P :P

Quilting Aggi 05-22-2008 07:12 AM

Originally Posted by moonhoney2
I've only got one. My first. :lol:

I hope not to get where I have several in the works. With my scrapping, I am adamant about finishing a page before starting a new one. hopefully, I can do the same with this. *crosses fingers*

I just don't have the space to store too much stuff. My scrapbooking has taken up a huge chuck of my office. As it is, I'm struggling to find a small area to put a sewing table.

I'm a scrapbooker too, although with my quilting lately my scrapping has been put on the backburner til I get myself somewhat above water with my quilting projects! I have sooo much to do with my scrapping too!! I have a running list of stuff I want to do in that department too!! So have the fabric stash AND a scrapping stash... ooh mercy me!!!

Quilting Aggi 05-22-2008 07:14 AM

Originally Posted by dreamdanzzer
I have 4 tops waiting for borders, 2 waiting for backing/quilting and two tops in progress. I don't usually complete the whole quilt - I complete the top and then give that away or sell it on e-bay to cover costs of my materials. I'm not sure I can consider myself a true "quilter" since I rarely complete them. I spend my days conducting forensic interviews of sexually and physically abused kids which leaves me with a head filled with horrible images - so I come home and put pieces of quilts together as therapy. I tried other hobbies but none of them required the concentration cutting and sewing all those pieces together does - so, for awhile I can ignore the pictures in my head or at least until I try to sleep. My goal for 2008 is to learn some FM quilting so I've been practicing that........maybe I'll even complete a full quilt and move onto "quilter" status. :)

oooh dreamdanzzer what a job to have. Yes I too would need a good stress reliever hobby to get my mind of the day's events too. I too find that quilting is my best stress reliever. My mind is constantly engrossed on my projects I'm working on and forever imagining what projects to add to the ever increasing WIP pile!!!

Quilting Aggi 05-22-2008 07:15 AM

Originally Posted by imaquilter
yea, let's put it this way....I have 183 quilting projects....with fabric & pattern TOTAL (that does not include patterns that I have not bought fabric for). All of my WIP are included in that total.

So, I have enough projects to keep me busy well........the rest of my life and I am only 33.

I keep a running list of EVERYTHING I buy and will one day make and the stages they are in. I just looked and if you count the quilts to be "quilted", bindings to be put on and every project I ever started and put to the side.....I have........


That is disgusting! I try to keep track so I stay motivated but, sometimes it has the opposite effect and overwhelms me. I don't know where to begin and which of the 64 to start with. The one I like the most or the one that is the most completed or do I start the one that I just bought yesterday and really love right now? It's crazy!

I need help. :oops:

Okay.. so it seems I'm not the only one with that many WIPS.. although I haven't had a chance yet this morning to make a list as I have been busy working on various tenant relation issues, but I WILL start that list before the end of the day!

Knot Sew 05-22-2008 07:21 AM

Yes feather i have to that are so bad......I did them when I first started....everything about them is bad.......they are going to good will..........I don'w want to have them connected to me lol

Linda Nelson 05-22-2008 07:56 AM

We had an UFO challenge in our quilt guild. I am like you I make tops. Unfortunately, I just started more projects than I finished.

Feathers 05-22-2008 08:17 AM

Barbm: Good for you for tackling what I consider the impossible... obviously since I'm the one with almost a couple dozen unfinished projects I haven't found "my discipline!" :mrgreen:

Feathers 05-22-2008 08:19 AM

Ruth...they can't be THAT bad...I've seen your work. If you just can't stand them, then donating them is a great way to get them out of your house and into the arms of someone who will love them. Thanks for sharing.

Feathers 05-22-2008 08:26 AM

Oh! Crap, you just had to ask that question, didn't you, Imaquilter? :lol: I have about 40 BIG Dresden Plate blocks that I started when I was about 24 years old...(I'm 62 now!)I must have thought the bigger the better or maybe I was trying to make something to cover 2 king-sized beds.Problem is, when I was 24 I don't think there was such a thing as a KING-Sized bed! I didn't count that project but I do plan to finish it. Also have a Garden Gate pattern that I started 35 years ago, too. You have to understand...I made my first crazy block quilt when I was 12 then I tried every decade thereafter but the quilt bug didn't "take" until I was about 55 so there are some old WIPS hidden in suitcases and bedroom closets that I didn't count when I went through my tubs the other day. :oops:

imaquilter 05-22-2008 08:32 AM

It is a sad, sad addiction and I don't think there is any help out there for us. I just keep drowning my sorrows in more fabric and projects. Oh well, at least it doesn't cause cancer, weight gain or bloating. :lol:

Quilting Aggi 05-22-2008 08:36 AM

You know.. perhaps we need to start some kind of WIP annoynomous group here. WE need to motivate everyone to maybe make a list of all their WIPS and to post them SOMEWHERE in their sewing areas. We should try as a group to tackle some of these WIPs and to encourage ourselves. Perhaps we need to do something to motivate us towards an award at the end of it or something.

How could we do something like this? Would anyone be interested in a WIP annoynomous group?

Feathers 05-22-2008 08:45 AM

Sure Aggi, sign me up! :lol:

Missi 05-22-2008 09:00 AM

so as I was laying in bed last night falling asleep I started to think of all these WIPs and more that I hadn't listed came to mind. Then I started thinking about all the PIW (projects in waiting) bought the fabric and the pattern and it is just sitting there. Wow I don't need to buy stuff for a year, but I just bought fabric last week :)

Here is my oath -
After I finish my current WIP (which is a new project that I would like to throw across the room or into the trash can but need it and have spent too much $$ on it) I will finish a WIP before I start a PIW or buy a new project

Feathers 05-22-2008 09:04 AM

Your quote regarding love being brought on the wings of angels is so true and you are one of the ANGELS! Bless you for doing the really hard job you do every day. You are surely making a huge improvement in the lives of children who are unable to escape the atrocities dished out by the adult humans in their lives. I did a similar job with protective services for 4 years then bailed out as I couldn't leave the ugliness of child sex and physical abuse at work. Thank you for doing what you are doing.

On a quilty note, I didn't read in the Quilt Rules and Regulations manual that you had to FINISH the quilts...if making quilt tops but not finishing the quilt works for you, go for it! The Quilt Police couldn't care less. YOU ARE A QUILTER!

Cathy M 05-22-2008 09:37 AM

Okay, this is how I am going to solve my gazillions of wips.... All of you that are listing wips under ten, are getting boxes (big ones) in the mail. I might have to stand on the dark corner of the post office and offer 'favors' for postage, but one must do what must do.,.. :):):)

Feathers 05-22-2008 10:40 AM

CathyM: Great idea...do you then want the WIPs returned when finished? I think that would be a great way to get your WIPs whittled down to a manageable number. I'm so glad I'm not in the under 10 crowd as I don't need anymore projects to work on....for myself or for someone else! :-o

DebJ 05-22-2008 11:40 AM

Why did you have to ask? I have:
1 being hand quilted in a hoop (forever, don't look like I will ever complete it)
1 sandwiched and waiting to be quilted
3 I spy's cut
1 floral full size cut
1 quilter's wall-hanging
1 woodworker throw
3 block swap tops (blocks)
2 cat (throw/wallhanging)? don't know which they will be
1 table runner
birthday block swap
1 of antique blocks
These are all I can recall but I know there are more because I was given some wip that I kept to do too. WOW I didn't realize I had so much waiting to get finished :shock: AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! :-o we need a emoticon that really screams! 15 of them. The more I think on this the higher the number goes! :oops: I think I will stop thinking on it NOW.

Roben 05-22-2008 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by Cathy M
Okay, this is how I am going to solve my gazillions of wips.... All of you that are listing wips under ten, are getting boxes (big ones) in the mail. I might have to stand on the dark corner of the post office and offer 'favors' for postage, but one must do what must do.,.. :):):)

Whew! Just got the blocks done for a San Antonio Throw, so that puts me at 10! Safe by a thread :lol:

loves_2_quilt 05-22-2008 01:46 PM

I counted four (4) in one stage or another, but WAY too many in my head to count!!!


KatyMc 05-22-2008 03:28 PM

I have 3 BOM's in process. I am binding one quilt and my eye on 2 patterns. I am JUST about to pull a quilt out of the dryer from the inagural wash! Yippeeee!

mom2three 05-22-2008 04:33 PM

Quilting Aggi you have something there. It would be nice to see everyones progress on WIP. I know it would hold me accountable and seeing those projects completed would be wonderful.

Quilting Aggi 05-23-2008 06:43 AM

Ok.. I finally sat down over my break here at work and started my list. I know there are alot more than what I have on this list but this is what I have come up with so far....

To Be Layered/Quilted/Binded:

1 queen size log cabin
1 Country Rose Quilt
1 Trip Around the World Quilt
2 Double Irish Chain Quilts
1 Autumn Leaf and Friendship Star Quilt (Thimbleberries)
1 Mountains of Stars Quilt (Thimbleberries)
1 Blackford Beauty Quilt
1 Applique Blue Flowers Lap Quilt
1 Gentleman's Fancy Lap Quilt (just layered and basted last week... to be quilted this weekend.. I hope)
1 Crossroads and Pathways Quilt
1 Scrappy Log Cabin Quilt
1 Waterlily Kladieoscope wallhanging
1 paper piece cabin in the woods wallhanging
1 pineapple block wallhanging (my first design attempt from many years ago)
3 Round Robin Quilts
12 Christmas Tree Skirts (to sell in November/December)

In the sewing/assembling/cutting process:

1 Van Halen Lap Quilt (Boyfriend's birthday gift for August)
1 Wedding Quilt (due for August)
1 Baby Quilt (due for August)
3 Full Size Quilts to start my teaching year in Sept.
1 crumb block quilt (about 60-70 6" square blocks to make.. I have roughly about 48 complete)
1 Online BOM sampler quilt
1 Online Mystery quilt
2 Row Robins quilt strips to assemble

4 more Summer beach tote bags to prep for selling (I have 4 already made and ready to sell)
5 Block sets cut and ready to assemble for eBay

So that is 50 projects so far... WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep.. I need to get working more on my WIPS!!!

We definetely need to start motivating one another to get our WIPS done!

Chele 05-23-2008 06:48 AM

Ha ha, Quilting Aggi and Imaquilter, you guys have it bad! LMBO. Good thing you're young! And so very brave to "fess up!" LOL!

Quilting Aggi 05-23-2008 06:51 AM

Ok.. so I did some thinking since reading this thread and trying to think up ways to get us all working and finishing up our WIPS to make room for new projects!!

Here is what I came up with... Tell me what you think.

Lets make this a hypothetical example.

A coordinator keeps track of everyone's list (that would be PM'ed to them) of the WIPS they have to complete. The objective would be to see who finishes the most WIPS in their list before December 31, 2008. Proof of each WIP completed would be through a photo and then the coordinator would tick that WIP off that person's list.

As an incentive to get the most WIPS done in the WIP Anonymous Group that is set will earn a prize at the end of the year. Each person who joins would send by snail addy a FQ to the coordinator who would keep them safely tucked away for the winner at the end of the year.

Once the list of WIPS has been sent, all other WIPS that are created cannot be added, as it will only make things more crazy I would think.. but I will leave that up to all of you to decide. The coordinator will hold all the WIP lists together and keep a tally of all WIPS each person sends in.

At the end of the year, the individual with the most WIPS complete will win lots of lovely FQs in the mail!! What a nice additional Christmas gift that would be!! and what a way to begin 2009!!!!!!!! Lots more fabrics to add to their STASH!!!!!!!!!

I would love to hear your thoughts.


judee0624 05-23-2008 07:15 AM

Good to hear someone else is disciplined. I was following that rule until I read on this board about all the WIPs out there. So I started more than one project at a time but right now I can only count 4 at the most, counting the cutting that is still to be done to start another quilt. My new machine is in the shop so that will force me to take a srious inventory. Having more than one WIP is fun because you don't get bored with one project,just go on to another. I have learned a lot here!

judee0624 05-23-2008 07:18 AM

:) Great idea but it wouldn't be fair for someone like me to participate aas I only have 4 WIPs now. Someone with a lot more would be able to beat me, huh?

judee0624 05-23-2008 07:21 AM

:D OK, I am waiting for the mail as I write! LOL!

Quilting Aggi 05-23-2008 07:26 AM

lol oooh if only I had only 4 WIPS!!!

I understand your point. But it will be nice to see how everyone progresses all the same!! we will still need people to keep us on the straight and narrow and to keep us motivated!!! You could be part of the cheering squad!!!! :)

Feathers 05-23-2008 01:22 PM

You win...do you want me to send the WIPs Queen \ crown now or wait til you give us the FINAL count. :lol: :wink:

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