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-   -   How Many WIP's Do YOU Have? Be honest! (https://www.quiltingboard.com/main-f1/how-many-wips-do-you-have-honest-t7333.html)

amma 05-23-2008 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by Ruth Camp
Yes feather i have to that are so bad......I did them when I first started....everything about them is bad.......they are going to good will..........I don'w want to have them connected to me lol

Maybe these would be good for the patchwork teddy bears?????

BDor 05-23-2008 01:47 PM

Traci wrote

The sad thing is I bought the material so long ago that I don't even remember what all the fabric is for. I hope I am able to get some of these numbers down and more quilts actually finished.
I have one like that I am working on now. I bought the fabric 3 years ago and I forgot what color was for what part. I hope I have it all figured out because I will not be able to get any more fabric.
Beside that I have 3 lap quilts to quilt, one christmas queen size that I need to get the backing for so I can carry it to the quilter, 2 more cut out and in bags just waiting, 2 set of place mats to quilt and that is all I can think of off the top of my head--don't want to look in boxes and start counting what I might find in there.LOL


amma 05-23-2008 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by Cathy M
Okay, this is how I am going to solve my gazillions of wips.... All of you that are listing wips under ten, are getting boxes (big ones) in the mail. I might have to stand on the dark corner of the post office and offer 'favors' for postage, but one must do what must do.,.. :):):)

:lol: :lol: :lol: It won't be the "quilt police" you will have to be worried about :lol: :lol: :lol:

ShellyQ 05-23-2008 05:48 PM

I have the perfect solution for reducing the WIP pile :P and it only takes 5 minutes :shock:

Rename every WIP you have, that hasn't been worked on at least once in the last six months a UFO :lol: . Well that takes care of most of my WIP pile.......now what do I do with all those UFO's :lol: :mrgreen:

DreamXer 05-23-2008 06:19 PM

[quote ]Rename every WIP you have, that hasn't been worked on at least once in the last six months a UFO [/quote]
LOL ShellyQ :D

I just started early last year and I have at least 10 plus fabric for 4 more (at least)...

Quilting Aggi, I like your idea. Lots. What motivation - a lovely packet of FQ!!!

tlrnhi 05-23-2008 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by Cathy M
Okay, this is how I am going to solve my gazillions of wips.... All of you that are listing wips under ten, are getting boxes (big ones) in the mail. I might have to stand on the dark corner of the post office and offer 'favors' for postage, but one must do what must do.,.. :):):)

You aren't going to LICK the stuff first so that you get it back, are you? lol

Diamonds 05-23-2008 07:29 PM

I am too ashamed to count my WIP :lol:

sondray 05-23-2008 08:46 PM

I have 2 WIP. A native american wall hanging, and a rag quilt. Just have to put a binding on the wall hanging. Have to add the batting and back to the rag quilt.

GMarie 05-24-2008 03:48 PM

Sadly, only 2. But that will change once I get my room done!!

sewnsewer2 05-24-2008 04:11 PM

My WIP pile is only 1. A wallet I am struggling with. Grrr! I just finished some work uniforms.

My next project will be a quilt for DS & DIL.

kathyd 05-24-2008 06:05 PM

I think it would be waaay to embarrassing to actually count my WIPs. I not only have ones that I started I also have ones that I buy at antique stores. Some are blocks but my favorite is a log cabin variation that was being sold because the lady's family said she was too ill to work on it any more. It came in a plastic bin with the pieces cut and the pattern book enclosed. I'm not sure what the finished size will be but I don't really care. Maybe I'll get to work on it this summer.
My sister-in-law also likes to ask me to fix old quilts for her. One was one my grandmother made for my brother years ago (40?) when he was young. When I finally finished it I had to laugh because it was definitely made by a non-quilter. If the fabric didn't fit right she just cut if off or folded it to make it fit. She tried. I also have a quilt top that my grandma's sister-in-law made. It is 40's or 50's fabric, lots of that melon orange color. It just waits with other things on the to do list to be done some day. Maybe they'll just be treasures for future generations!!!

Janstar 05-24-2008 08:11 PM

I have 20 WIP in various stages of unfinished. I was shocked when I counted them up. Guess I better get some of them done.

imaquilter 05-25-2008 05:50 AM

I think it's a great idea AGGI.....I'm up for a WIP challenge. You and I could knock out a ton just by quilting our tops. I have 20 quilts to be sandwiched and quilted.

I thought of this idea for the drawing so that those with less WIP would have a chance. How about you get one entry in the drawing for EVERY WIP you complete? That way everyone has a shot. This would make it work for those with one WIP or 50+ (sadly, that's me).

What do ya'll think?

Feathers 05-25-2008 06:00 AM

I, too, like your idea of having a WIP challenge. Count me in if you decided to go for it. :-o

Janstar 05-25-2008 09:26 PM

I found three more WIP today! Holy smoke, I better get going on them! I'm in on the deal if someone comes up with one. It would be a great incentive. At our BOM class we get a one dollar coupon if we finish the block to be used at the quilt shop. You would be surprised how many get their blocks done just so they can get that coupon. Are we all a little crazy or what.

Quilting Aggi 05-26-2008 05:58 AM

Originally Posted by imaquilter
I think it's a great idea AGGI.....I'm up for a WIP challenge. You and I could knock out a ton just by quilting our tops. I have 20 quilts to be sandwiched and quilted.

I thought of this idea for the drawing so that those with less WIP would have a chance. How about you get one entry in the drawing for EVERY WIP you complete? That way everyone has a shot. This would make it work for those with one WIP or 50+ (sadly, that's me).

What do ya'll think?

I'm only getting to your message now after all weekend. I think that is an AWESOME idea!! that way everyone whether they have 1 WIP or 90 WIPS they are all eligible!!!! I love your idea!! That would DEFINETELY work!!!

hmmm so... so far I have heard of three people that would definetely be interested in this challenge. I don't mind being the coordinator for this challenge. I would like if there were more than 3 people that would like to do this! I guess if this is a go, we would need to see if the boss of the site would let us have this and how I go about setting it up.

I don't mind volunteering to coordinate the challenge, unless someone else would like to do it! I just hope if we do this there is more response.

Feathers 05-26-2008 07:58 AM

Originally Posted by Quilting Aggi

Originally Posted by imaquilter
I think it's a great idea AGGI.....I'm up for a WIP challenge. You and I could knock out a ton just by quilting our tops. I have 20 quilts to be sandwiched and quilted.

I thought of this idea for the drawing so that those with less WIP would have a chance. How about you get one entry in the drawing for EVERY WIP you complete? That way everyone has a shot. This would make it work for those with one WIP or 50+ (sadly, that's me).

What do ya'll think?

I'm only getting to your message now after all weekend. I think that is an AWESOME idea!! that way everyone whether they have 1 WIP or 90 WIPS they are all eligible!!!! I love your idea!! That would DEFINETELY work!!!

hmmm so... so far I have heard of three people that would definetely be interested in this challenge. I don't mind being the coordinator for this challenge. I would like if there were more than 3 people that would like to do this! I guess if this is a go, we would need to see if the boss of the site would let us have this and how I go about setting it up.

I don't mind volunteering to coordinate the challenge, unless someone else would like to do it! I just hope if we do this there is more response.

Thank you for your willingness to coordinate this possible challenge.

mar32428 05-27-2008 08:52 AM

You cleaned out your sewing room? If I did that I would never find anything again. I don't count my UFOs. I look at it this way. Every bag of scraps is a mystery to be explored. When I work on a quilt or whatever, I sometimes get bored so I go from one to the other. Then the work is always fresh. Eventually I get quite a lot finished but it's like giving up old friends. Then I look into my stash and begin dreaming of all the new friends I can make. Ain't sewing grand.

mom2three 05-27-2008 01:49 PM

Count me in also. The idea of a drawing sounds like a really good idea. Everyone has a good shot at winning.

sallyjo 05-27-2008 08:54 PM

Let's see...

the longest wip I have (I call them ufo) is a cathedral window I'm making for my dad's retirement. He keeps putting it off and so do I!

I also have a project I cut out before Christmas last year and didn't complete. Could have it done in two hours, but hey, it's flannel, it's warn here now, it can wait.

Have many leftover strips from a quilt I made for a friend (in exchange for a Jeep Cherokee!) that my daughter wants me to make one for her with.

Have my church group's current project in house. Not completely mine, but I'm helping and it is here as I type...

Some folks counted material gather for a certain quilt. I have one like that. My daughter's crazy quilt. We've been collecting special pieces for over a year now. Will probably be collecting for another year before we have enough to fill a quilt.

My current piecework for my MIL, guess that puts me to 6.

That's about how many unfinished vehicle projects my husband has outside. Guess we were made for each other :lol:

Quilting Aggi 05-28-2008 03:13 AM

I decided to send off a note to Patrice to see if she would be okay with this WIP challenge. I would hate to step on any toes and do something without proper consent or do the wrong thing.

So far I have about 6 people that are showing an interest. But I hope there will be alot more. The way I would like to do this is for anyone who has from 1 to over 50 WIPS. Each person who is interested in the WIP challenge would PM me with their list of WIPs. I will keep a running tab of each persons list and tick off each project when it is completed. The challenge would run until December 31st. For each WIP that is completed, the quilter's name will be added to a piece of paper for a chance to win the final prize. your name will be added for every WIP you complete. So the more WIPs you complete the better your chances to win. Of course we would love to see photos of your finished WIP too.. you know how we looooooove to see photos here! :) :) :)

As for the prize, I was thinking for each person who is interested in the challenge, they could snail mail me a FQ that would be safely tucked away until the end of the year. The more people that join the bigger the final FQ prize!! Just imagine receiving a big squishy of FQs in the mail!!! It would be like Christmas was extended a little longer!!!
At the end of the year, I will send back everyone's WIP list and show which WIPS were completed. Wouldn't it be nice to see that list shortened!!!!! What a feeling it will be to see what you accomplished at the end of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am just waiting now for Patrice to give me the yay or nah.....

Tell me what you think!!!

Quilting Aggi 05-28-2008 08:56 AM

After a few pms back and forth from Patrice, through her wonderful advice and wisdom I have decided that a WIP challenge could become a rather complicated project to take on. The idea was good at the time, but between PIGS, WIPS, UFOs, possible pillows, totters and pole dancing, there may be too many ways this challenge to turn out.

Not to mention she did say there were alot of challenges ie: BOMS, scrap challenge and mystery quilt going on right now that another challenge might possibly be too much. I don't wish to add something else and worry that people might get overwhelmed and maybe upset. I still am interested in seeing everyone's WIPs getting finished and will of course continue with the encouragement and look forward to beautiful artwork you all make.


Missi 05-28-2008 01:56 PM

You have inspired me to start of one of my WIPs starter laying out the blocks to my yellow brink road the other night. Hopefully I can get 'er done this weekend. :D :D :D

imaquilter 05-28-2008 04:51 PM

Sounds good to me Aggi! We can just reward ourselves with a new fat quarter for every quilt we finish! :lol:

Quilting Aggi 05-29-2008 03:36 AM

HI Missi!! I'm so glad I inspired you!!! don't forget to share that finished WIP with us with a photo!!!!

Imaquilter.... that is a good idea!! with every WIP we complete we will reward ourselves with a trip to the fabric shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmmmmm somehow I KNOW I won't come out of it with just ONE FQ!!! lol

Missi 05-29-2008 09:26 AM

I reward myself and my WIP pile won't get smaller it will get bigger :) What was the goal we were looking to attain :?:

jadet 05-29-2008 11:16 AM

I knew that would be a problem so I promised myself I would not start a new quilt until I entirely finished the one I started. In 3 years I only broke my rule once. I have completed approximately a dozen quilts.

Roben 05-29-2008 12:01 PM

jadet. you have so much more discipline than me! I hate getting out the walking foot and the free motion feet; I'm spoiled by snap on feet. I got a bunch of tops done, and now that I've changed the foot I'll go through and quilt some (but not the baby quilts - don't want to kick in the granny karma just yet! LOL). By the looks of the one I'm working on, I can sure use the practice!

Barbm 05-29-2008 12:15 PM

Meeting some friends for dinner and going to the fabric shop after. Is this my reward for telling myself to go back to finishing WIPS before starting anything else? A reward to start my energy to get them done? he he. I'm only going because hubby is in NC and my son is glued to the computer killing aliens (I told him he could have won the war on Iraq if we let him run the war) so I'm going to disappear for 2 hrs. Not really looking to buy anything but will check the bargain basket for some fq or pieces to add to my scrap tub. Did set myself a limit of $25.00.

mgshaw 06-03-2008 06:26 AM

Yep! got all my WIP's to the quilting stage the other day. So cool, really proud of myself, yes indeed. So I am going to get these suckers quilted before I do anything else, Yep thats the plan..
So yesterday I just cant face basting 2 quilts so what do I do, Oh yes I start cutting out another quilt!!!!!
So does this mean the WIP Division of the Quilt Police is going to be knocking on my door?

Feathers 06-03-2008 08:08 AM

Originally Posted by mgshaw
Yep! got all my WIP's to the quilting stage the other day. So cool, really proud of myself, yes indeed. So I am going to get these suckers quilted before I do anything else, Yep thats the plan..
So yesterday I just cant face basting 2 quilts so what do I do, Oh yes I start cutting out another quilt!!!!!
So does this mean the WIP Division of the Quilt Police is going to be knocking on my door?

No quilt Police around here! I'm very proud of you for those you finished or almost finished and for those you started. We all need WIP's...keeps us interested and excited about our hobby. I can't believe how much I enjoy the "cooled" projects as Loretta calls them when I resurrect them. I get excited all over again! :lol:

moonhoney2 06-03-2008 08:12 AM

Ok, I've added a few. :oops:

-I have my big Mickey Mouse Quilt.
-A smaller MM quilt for my other son which I am taking apart and redoing some parts. It was a kit that came with this "plush" fabric that I just can't figure out how to work with.
-A pot Holder
-I have another small quilt kit, but haven't started on that yet.

I'm grounded from doing anything this week because I can't figure out how to put my rotary cutter back together after attempting to change the blade. It kinda fell all apart when I unscrewed it and I can't figure out where all the pieces go. :lol: I have to get to the store to look at one of theirs to see. :oops:

I am practicing free motion quilting on a practice block. It's going to take a while to figure that out.

DeeJays10 06-03-2008 11:17 AM

I have three queen sized quilts to sandwich and quilt and one wall hanging, all but center squares on that one are done.

We weren't counting clothing or purses were we?


cottagelover 06-03-2008 11:23 AM

Gee I feel so out of the loop. I have made 3 quilts, one at a time, one that I didn't make a block, just started piecing triangles and squares then put it together.
I am going to the cottage so will probably make a few tops this summer to get in the groove of you all.
I like the idea of working with one and then moving on. I am just a newbie, so my life may change when I get a "stash" of more than 10-15 fabrics, and 10 fat quarters....you think?


Roben 06-03-2008 11:51 AM

I can knock one off my list - whoohoo! Guess that means I have to start another one to keep the list at 10 so I don't get any WIP's in the mail :lol:

QuiltinLee 06-03-2008 06:24 PM

Down to 5 (I think)

Tricia 06-03-2008 08:22 PM

I have way more than it seems is the norm. I have considered myself a "piecer "and not a "quilter" If I was to count all my tops that are not quilted but are finished pieceing would probably be about 40. If I count the Quilts I am still in the process of piecing ther would be about 15. So do I win a prize for the most :twisted: :twisted: :roll: :lol: :?:

SBTexProQuilter 06-10-2008 07:37 PM

:twisted: :evil: didn't know what one was,didn't have one til I got in to the :twisted: guild and wham it hit me then more, got caught up now have 1. :twisted: :roll:

mumtoliam 06-11-2008 12:21 AM

I have quite a few

1. Liam's I spy quilt - need to finish quilting and binding
2. mum's throw - still piecing
3. my throw - still piecing
4. butterfly wallhanging - embroidery and finish piecing
5. simple blessings wallhanging - applique and piecing
6. mystery quilt - piecing

I have school holidays in 3 1/2 weeks and cant wait - I am a kindergarten teacher and I have no other plans but quilting these holidays!!!!

Feathers 03-05-2009 09:07 AM

Bump...I finished 2 WIP's yesterday. Have put them in the Pictures section but still have dozens of WIPs to finish. I just can't pass up trying a new pattern. I fear I won't live long enough to finish everything I have started. :roll:

Are you guys making any progress with yours?

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