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JoanPD 05-08-2014 08:10 PM

I can't belive I just did that.
I was working on a quilt, and I lined up a bunch of pieces, and got them all ready to chain piece. I went to iron them, and I sewed them together backwards. Instead of pinning right side to right side, I pined right side to wrong side, now off to find the seam ripper.

Thankful it was only 16, and of those there are four from a fabric that looks the same on both sides.

stillclock 05-08-2014 08:29 PM

ugh. UGH!

tea time. wine time. bed time!

all. none. stitch ripper. go :)


stella63 05-09-2014 12:48 AM

I feel your pain, ask me how I know !!! Lol you won't do it again for a long while now though.

Auntie V 05-09-2014 02:41 AM

I think we have all done it a time or two. In a pinch I have even used the back side of a fabric as an additional fabric choice in a few projects.

PaperPrincess 05-09-2014 04:18 AM

Yesterday I chain pieced 24 curved patches, pressed them, THEN looked more closely & realized that I hadn't reset my needle position for 1/4". Turned off my machine for the day & will deal with them later this morning. After coffee. We all do something like this at one time or the other.

Knight 05-09-2014 04:21 AM

Last week I sewed a row on my queen quilt upside down. A whole row! There may have been tears when I was ripping the seams.

Chasing Hawk 05-09-2014 04:26 AM

Happy to have you as a member of the wrong side sewing club!!

We all did this at one time or another.

Grab a glass of tea, turn on the music and start taking them apart.

Make the music loud so no one can hear the cuss words...........LOL

GingerK 05-09-2014 04:34 AM

Uh huh. I can top all of you. I was monogramming sayings onto the binding of a wedding quilt. And got one side upside down. 20 inches of teeny tiny stitched letters. Took me 3 hours to oh so carefully pick out. Replacing the piece was not an option. I was working with a VERY finite amount of fabric.

After that I made large notes to myself with detailed drawings and instructions. This marriage should last forever, considering how much perseverance I have poured into the quilt!

Sewnoma 05-09-2014 04:59 AM

Oh man...been there, done that! A couple years ago (when I first started out) I decided I had to make a mountain of quilts for everyone for Christmas and then got sick about halfway through. I was working on a quilt for my niece and I sewed a whole border on inside-out. Ripped it all out, pressed the fabric back flat, and promptly sewed it back on exactly the same wrong way again.

That was when I learned that my brain does NOT function when I am sick and I should stay far away from my sewing machine when I am not well!

Billi 05-09-2014 05:09 AM

Ughhhhhhh I hate when that happens.

And Sewnoma I have also torn out a mistake and the redid it exactly the same......my favorite was tearing out a mess redoing it then realizing I had it right the first time, seriously I think I cried when I did that one.

tessagin 05-09-2014 05:23 AM

Got half way through on a project and realized wrong thread and color. No bobbin thread. Had been a long day so I just stopped and left it alone for couple days.

Doggramma 05-09-2014 05:23 AM

Yes I've done that, and then did it again after ripping it and re-doing! Quilting can be challenging for my old brain at times

Abby'smom 05-09-2014 05:30 AM

:( we have all done that at one time or the other -- so sorry!!-- and we always try to be so careful!!

ScrappyAZ 05-09-2014 05:59 AM

Yep, sometimes my seam ripper is my best friend. I keep one in my sewing room and my family room when I need to rip several blocks. At least I can watch TV while ripping! Come to think of it, I had to use my seam ripper just the other night. Nothing worst than looking at the big pile of thread after ripping several blocks.

ManiacQuilter2 05-09-2014 06:04 AM

Originally Posted by Chasing Hawk (Post 6709796)
Happy to have you as a member of the wrong side sewing club!!

We all did this at one time or another...........LOL

I agree. It is REALLY bad when you do it on a Bargello quilt with the strip sets that are an inch wide. YIKES!!

sap 05-09-2014 06:06 AM

how well I know, but that's not s bad as what I did. I sewed, after I'd used the seam ripper, them back together the wrong way again. ugh.

nativetexan 05-09-2014 07:09 AM

Oh I feel for you but not toooo much. Yesterday i was finishing my on point blocks. got the second half of the quilt together and sewed to the main section. done. I thought. i trimmed the edges of the setting triangles but thought it looked weird. well it was. i'd put sashing strips and corner stones in between the pieced blocks but forgot them on six of the blocks. on the end of the "rows". sigh. Now i must rip out those triangles, add the sashings and reinsert the triangles and trim again. I do so wish i had room to lay things out where i could see them well!!!

citruscountyquilter 05-09-2014 01:51 PM

I find chain piecing a challenge just for that reason. I usually take a picture of my design wall and keep it close so I get them in the right order. I also use something like a cookie sheet to put them on from my design wall to carry them over to my machine. Another thing that helps is to put a pin facing in the direction of the side I'm supposed to sew on. Usually one pin on the top one in the pile is enough to get me going.

Twisted Quilter 05-09-2014 01:57 PM

I feel your pain. I did the same thing about 2 weeks ago. I ripped them all apart and sewed them back together the wrong way...three times! :shock:

Good luck.

Mariposa 05-09-2014 02:04 PM

Ah bummer! Perhaps get yourself a cuppa, and find a good movie while you frog it......:) ripit! ripit!

Craftnut 05-09-2014 02:08 PM

Welcome to the club!! We have all done something like that, LOL!! I think some major chocolate is in order.

sewbizgirl 05-10-2014 05:12 AM

Considering all the pieces of our quilt "puzzles", it's a wonder we don't do this more often!

Yesterday I meticulously sewed several rows of my quilt top together, perfectly matching and nesting seam allowances... only to find out I had run out of bobbin thread about two inches into the first seam! HATE that. I wish sewing machines would just stop running when there's no bobbin thread.

trolleystation 05-10-2014 05:21 AM

Chocolate time.......................

RobynRaye 05-10-2014 05:30 AM

feeling your pain. I am well versed in sewing wrong, ripping it out only to sew it wrong again :mad:

Kris P 05-10-2014 05:33 AM

I was at a sewing 'get away' a couple of weeks ago. I used a specialty ruler, but forgot to bring the instructions along. I sewed all 128 blocks wrong. When I got home, I found the instructions, and why my blocks weren't playing nicely. Had to stitch rip all of them, re-position them and resew. It took me almost 2 days to undo the problems I had created.

NIICHMOM 05-10-2014 05:46 AM

I just did a single Irish Chain, had it on my board, showed DH what I was working on and at no time did I see 2, mind you, 2 triangles pointing the wrong way... only after I had 2 borders on it did I see this... and I decided NO!! I am not going to
take it all apart. I think only a quilter would notice. DH says he may just want this one for watching TV... he liked this one before he even got the whole picture. He said the king size if for our bed this summer for looks, as it is too warm to use. What Ever........I still did enough take outs as I went along.

FroggyinTexas 05-10-2014 05:58 AM

Originally Posted by Auntie V (Post 6709688)
I think we have all done it a time or two. In a pinch I have even used the back side of a fabric as an additional fabric choice in a few projects.

Me, too! And never metnioned to anyone, especially when someone commented on what unique fabric it was. froggyintexas

linynp 05-10-2014 06:10 AM

Omg!!! I feel your pain. Been there done that many a time!

gram2five 05-10-2014 06:44 AM

So, so glad to read these stories! I am working on my first real quilt, a log cabin for a beginning quilting class. Top went together fine, put the borders on yesterday, felt confident about doing the mitered corners - then realized I had sewn two of the corners inside out. :shock:

oldtnquiltinglady 05-10-2014 07:10 AM

Only two? Lucky you. I've done that more times than I would like to admit. But ripping out solves the problem, and going back "slowly and surely" will fix it for you; for me anyhow. Speed is not one of my long suits, and when I hurry I make boo boos. I have also found that if I check the signs before I start something, I have better luck ("signs" being the zodiac or almanac signs for you who are not of these Southern leanings; and I say Southern because I am of Southern upbringings and don't know any Northern folks who admit to this kind of thinking).

BuzzinBumble 05-10-2014 08:27 AM

You all are making me laugh (in a good way) and I feel a whole lot better knowing that I am not the only one who does these things!

Friday1961 05-10-2014 09:22 AM

Don't feel too bad.....or at least don't feel alone! While quilting fabric recently for mug rugs, I discovered I had sewed the little scrap I use as a "starter" to the back.

Friday1961 05-10-2014 09:23 AM

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl (Post 6711087)
Considering all the pieces of our quilt "puzzles", it's a wonder we don't do this more often!

Yesterday I meticulously sewed several rows of my quilt top together, perfectly matching and nesting seam allowances... only to find out I had run out of bobbin thread about two inches into the first seam! HATE that. I wish sewing machines would just stop running when there's no bobbin thread.

It doesn't make sense to me that machine manufacturers haven't figured a way to install a warning when this happens, particularly on the new computerized jobs.

JanieH 05-10-2014 09:26 AM

I also am a member of the "Wrong Side Sewing Club" (aka: "We Are Not Alone"). Glad to know there are so many wonderful people in our club!!

MargeD 05-10-2014 10:45 AM

Been there, done that. This week I have been making 2 dresses for my DGD and sometimes I've taken 2 steps forward and 5 back, but one is finished and the other is nearly finished, although I think I will go back to quilting for a bit - zippers are not my friend. LOL.

PaperPrincess 05-10-2014 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by mme3924 (Post 6711413)
It doesn't make sense to me that machine manufacturers haven't figured a way to install a warning when this happens, particularly on the new computerized jobs.

Hmmm, all my computerized machines have warnings, even my 15 year old Viking.

joy 05-10-2014 11:54 AM

I got my quilt back from the quilters and found out that two rectangle pieces were back side showing... too late to do anything about it.... was such a pretty quilt too... can't make out why I didn't see them as I had the quilt on my bed to admire it(before quilting) and also on the floor when measuring out for the borders....

athomenow 05-10-2014 12:10 PM

I have a whole quilt that got sewed together wrong in terms of layout and I just left it alone. It's unique!

Tink's Mom 05-10-2014 03:54 PM

Ughhh...I think we have all done it at one time or another. My handy dandy seam ripper gets a good workout.

One piece I didn't even notice until I was freemotion quilting it and it is still in there. If it was that hard for me to notice it, than the person that got that quilt will never know the difference.

nanacc 05-10-2014 04:16 PM

I understand! Last year, I planned to make monogrammed 'hoodies' for my grand son and his girlfriend. Good thing that I decided to practice on one of mine! Did the whole floral embellished initial upside down!
Last week, I was sewing 3 3/8" squares of patriotic fabric left from QOV together for hst blocks. Did a pile, chain pieced. Cut them in half. Started pressing, only to realize that I had sewn 3 squares together instead of 2. Not once, but two times!

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