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pollyjvan9 08-08-2012 04:50 AM

I have 52 purchased quilt patterns, how many do you have?
Sometimes it makes me dizzy thinking about how much money I have invested in quilt patterns. Out of the 52 purchased patterns I know I paid $60 each for 3 or 4 of them, $20 or so for several and $8 to $10 for the rest. That is a lot of money! And then, of course, there are all the books. I am not about to count the number of books I have and I love them all! And magazines! I don't subscribe anymore, but it seems I buy at least one every month. Again, I don't even want to know how many magazines I have and I intend to keep them all. I get many hours of enjoyment from all the books and magazines and about once or twice a year I go through all of them, and add more stickies! Do any of you feel the same way? or do you pass them on?

erstan947 08-08-2012 04:57 AM

I don't have very many purchased patterns.....but I do have a lot of magazines. About once a year I go thru them and thin them out. Most of my space is filled with fabrics♥♥. Are we a little obsessed? Well, just a little I think! :thumbup:

mary quilting 08-08-2012 05:03 AM

I don't know I am afraid to count . Love your avatar.

Julie in NM 08-08-2012 05:06 AM

I hate math so refuse to add up how much I've spent on patterns, book, mag. BUT I do belive it is cheaper than mental health therapy. But then isn't quilting therapy. See, I've justified what we spend on stuff!

burchquilts 08-08-2012 05:09 AM

Originally Posted by mary quilting (Post 5425922)
I don't know I am afraid to count . Love your avatar.

Same here. I have so many I can't even find them all! Patterns, books, magazines, downloads on my 'puter... oh my! And yet, I have several that are my go-tos... go figure!

Beeboop71 08-08-2012 05:16 AM

Originally Posted by Julie in NM (Post 5425934)
I hate math so refuse to add up how much I've spent on patterns, book, mag. BUT I do belive it is cheaper than mental health therapy. But then isn't quilting therapy. See, I've justified what we spend on stuff!

Wow! After reading your post I feel much better because like Polyjvan, I too have many patterns, books and magazines and the worst part I haven't even made a quarter of the things from any of them. I think I am obsessed with patterns cuz I do love buying them and having them in my library :0 I like knowing that if I do have a selection of patterns in my own stash that I can just pick out from if I do decide to make something from a pattern. As for the books and mags I do refer back to them quite often so that isn't a total obsession. So I will except the idea that our obsession for buying patterns, books, and mags as well as our love for quilting is a lot cheaper than mental health therapy and more rewarding too!

nygal 08-08-2012 05:21 AM

I have a lot of quilt books and a year or so ago donated many to the used bookstore. I only keep the magazine issues that have quilts in them that I like. Otherwise I leave a few at doctor's offices when I have an appointment now and then. I don't have many purchased patterns on their own.

SouthPStitches 08-08-2012 05:23 AM

Actually it's fabric that is my total downfall. Lately thread comes a close second, followed distantly by patterns/books.

gramarraine 08-08-2012 05:30 AM

Books and patterns have become an obsession with me lately also. I know I will never make even 1/4 of the patterns that I have but I just can't seem to resist when I just love the pattern.

wolph33 08-08-2012 05:32 AM

I do not buy many patterns-I like traditional.now templates,books ,magazines and a ridiculous stash -that is different.I do thin the magazines out a few times a year.If there is one or two I really like I put just those in a binder and the magazine goes to my daughter and then my grand daughter for collages.

kapatt 08-08-2012 05:41 AM

I have been quilting and looking at quilts for a long time. I do enjoy looking at quilt patterns but I decided that I can be obsessive about things and so I slimmed down my book collection to fit in a small bookcase. (I haven't counted them but I probably have around 75 books in the bookcase.) I'm trying to not buy any more books unless it is for a special reason. I try to keep only the books that I will definitely use in quilt making.

I use to collect quilt magazines and found that the stacks of magazines were starting to irritate me so I tore out the patterns that I liked (along with the directions) and put them into a plastic sleeve with the picture of the pattern as the top page. I put those plastic sleeves in 3 plastic magazine holders. I get a lot of enjoyment and ideas looking at those patterns. I'm now trying to not buy any more magazines because I have more than enough to look at.

I do buy patterns at the store but I'm trying not to buy to many. I try to not buy anything unless I really think I will make it.

I also use EQ5 to design my quilts. I even use it for the quilt patterns that I have bought from the store. That way I can plug in the color that I want to use on that quilt block and decide how big I want to make the quilt. I print the picture of the quilt top out and pin it up in my sewing room with the demensions and notes written on the paper.

All of this is done for the enjoyment of looking at quilts and for me, goes along with the enjoyment of making quilts.

BellaBoo 08-08-2012 05:46 AM

I use to buy lots of quilt patterns but now I'm very picky. I have to see the whole pattern before I buy. I won't buy black and white pictures only patterns or lousy printing of text. I have two big binders full of patterns in plastic sleeves and one big tote bag full. It's easy to look though the binders to refresh my memory of what patterns I do have.

HilaryK8 08-08-2012 05:49 AM

I have 4 purchased patterns :o, several books and a giant binder full of my favorite patterns ripped from magazines. I probably have around 50 patterns from magazines, nicely organized in a binder. I have to REALLY love a pattern to buy it because I think of the binder I have and all the free patterns online. But I'm sure my pattern library will continue to grow out of control.

I'm currently working on two projects. One free tute from a blog and one purchased pattern.

Tartan 08-08-2012 05:50 AM

I don't buy quilt patterns because then I would actually have to read them and follow the instructions.:D I find all the great quilts I want to do from the net now. What a money and timesaver! As for magazines, I do have a pile of those, okay several piles. I am currently getting rid of my older ones because they call for GASP templates!

lfstamper 08-08-2012 05:57 AM

I am glad to have such good company with my obsession! I want it ALL....lol.

Quilt-Till-U-Wilt 08-08-2012 06:09 AM

I rarely buy a pattern and I don't get quilt magazines anymore. I get most of my patterns from books or the internet.
The books are a much better value for the money since you get lots of patterns.

clsurz 08-08-2012 06:26 AM


I don't use patterns when creating my one of a kind quilts.

I hate using patterns. It drives me nuts and also is very boring to me.

I like to just start cutting, sewing, and slashing and sometimes cutting again, sewing some more. Folks around here seem to like my art. Its not something they would do and I guess are not wired like I am nor am I wired like they are regarding such. :-)

Dolphyngyrl 08-08-2012 06:52 AM

Probably about what you have, but I cant help it

mike'sgirl 08-08-2012 06:54 AM

Originally Posted by Tartan (Post 5426054)
I don't buy quilt patterns because then I would actually have to read them and follow the instructions.:D I find all the great quilts I want to do from the net now. What a money and timesaver! As for magazines, I do have a pile of those, okay several piles. I am currently getting rid of my older ones because they call for GASP templates!

I'm with you, I don't care for templates!

sweetana3 08-08-2012 07:58 AM

I did an excel spreadsheet and I had 952 quilt books and leaflets. Most were obtained at garage sales, for free, at library sales, at a discount bookstore, etc. There are very few that I paid retail for at a bricks and mortar store.

The patterns fill three large plastic totes. One is for Cinci Edgerton patterns, one is foundation patterns, and one is
for the others.

It is an obsession. Lets not talk about the two lateral file drawers with clipped patterns or the huge file online of saved patterns.

MarLeClair 08-08-2012 08:11 AM

This spring when I cleaned my sewing room, I was almost sick at the amount of money that i have spent on patterns and books. If I am going to sew with my applique group, we usually have to buy a book-that's o.k. But I had books that cost $29.95 that I sold for a quarter of the price. What didn't sell, I kept. When I would travel I would buy lots of patterns. Usually something that was not common to my area. Again, I haven't made any of them. Now I find that you can find almost anything on the internet free and I will look there first. But, I don't drink, don't smoke, don't have an antique car in the garage that I use for shelving, don't have a woodworking shop and tons of tools, don't collect coins or stamps, so I think I am still o.k.

Jim's Gem 08-08-2012 09:24 AM

I refuse to count them. Don't want to know.

jcrow 08-08-2012 10:02 AM

I just started collecting pattern books. I have tons of separate patterns I've bought. So many. So so many. I know I have probably 52 also, at least. Then I have all the free downloaded ones I printed. And I get four magazines a month, too. Yes, I love collecting them. If someone here shows a quilt and says the name of the pattern, off I go and buy it. I'm bad, or good, it depends on which way you look at it!

jillnjo 08-08-2012 10:30 AM

I have only bought a pattern or two, but I have many magazines and look through them at least once a year! I like to use a pattern for basic instructions and seldom make my own pattern, except in applique. I love books, too, but have a very small library compared to what I read some of you have.

Knitnoid 08-08-2012 10:38 AM

When I redid my sewing room I purged my books/magazines/patterns until it fit in one small book case and on one wire shelf. Well, fast forward a couple of years and there's a stack of books & magazines beside my bed, a couple of stacks on a NEW shelving unit a pile stacked on top of the fabric totes and who knows how many scattered here and there. I think it's time to go through them again and get them back in their allotted space.

fien777 08-08-2012 10:47 AM

My pile of books and second ( or thirth-fourth - fifth) hand magazines is growing.
But although I will not live long enough to make all the patterns I like, I enjoy looking at them over and over again.
And sometimes patterns I didn't like two years ago I love right now!!!!
and should I have saved all that money I spend on it??
I don't know....like Marilyn says: I don't smoke and don't drink and so on...
Would I haven spend my money on those things I would have nothing left to look at......:D

TexasGurl 08-08-2012 12:03 PM

I did a pattern & book purge recently, cleaning out my quilt closet ... gave a bunch to friends and a niece who's quilting now, and donated more to the guild sale. I realized that even after 20+ yrs of quilting, I have FAR more "to do's" than I'll ever have time for ...!

jj1150 08-08-2012 02:28 PM

Ohhh, I LoVE collecting quilt patterns. Especially love it when I can buy/download them to my printer and just print them out ... gotta love etsy.com for that.

Sooo, I probably have about 25-30 I have bought and yet to make any of them .... but I'm gonna!!! But first I want to learn more about paper piecing!!!


susieqwva 08-08-2012 05:16 PM

OMG! I have notebooks full! Quilt Patterns, Wall Hangings, Table Runners & Miscellaneous!!!!! Don't depress me with how much money I have spent ...... it gives me great pleasure to leaf thru them when I don't have time to sew! :)

bigdogmom 08-08-2012 05:38 PM

I have never counted but have tons of patterns,books,magazines,downloads,etc. I do enjoy looking at them and realize there is no way I will make them all,except "in my mind."I have purged many times,given to friends who are thrilled and if they don't want them,they can pass them on too. I have donated some to goodwill and figure someday there will be a post on this board called "LOOK at my GOODWILL find!"

rush88888 08-09-2012 02:55 AM

i buy some patterns by the picture, but of course when i want to make it, i don't have the fabric for it! i had better start evening that out!!!

Originally Posted by pollyjvan9 (Post 5425883)
Sometimes it makes me dizzy thinking about how much money I have invested in quilt patterns. Out of the 52 purchased patterns I know I paid $60 each for 3 or 4 of them, $20 or so for several and $8 to $10 for the rest. That is a lot of money! And then, of course, there are all the books. I am not about to count the number of books I have and I love them all! And magazines! I don't subscribe anymore, but it seems I buy at least one every month. Again, I don't even want to know how many magazines I have and I intend to keep them all. I get many hours of enjoyment from all the books and magazines and about once or twice a year I go through all of them, and add more stickies! Do any of you feel the same way? or do you pass them on?

Amythyst02 08-09-2012 03:09 AM

I think I spend more on books than patterns.

ghquilter53 08-09-2012 03:26 AM

I'm afraid to count how many patterns I have and I have another book and pattern on order at the quilt shop where I work right now. I really, really try not to like the new ones but.....oh well. I no longer subscribe to magazines though since working at a quilt shop. I always share my patterns and books whenever possible.

nana myra 08-09-2012 03:37 AM

I also am afraid to count. Although I get mine from the internet and also magazines, I must thin my stash out someday. Right now I love to look through them and think about all the quilts I would love to make. When I do make a quilt I wind up doing something easy cause I am usually in a hurry for a baby, birthday or Christmas. Let's get that next cup of coffee and enjoy!!

JENNR8R 08-09-2012 03:43 AM

Zero patterns... I've never felt smart enough to figure them out.

linmid 08-09-2012 04:12 AM

"I hate math so refuse to add up how much I've spent on patterns, book, mag. BUT I do belive it is cheaper than mental health therapy. But then isn't quilting therapy. See, I've justified what we spend on stuff!"

I think I will print the above out and put it on my craft room door! LOL

Vat 08-09-2012 04:15 AM

Books and magazines more that buying just one pattern. How many quilts to you produce from all those patterns? Lots , I hope ! ! With all the money you have invested.

joyce888 08-09-2012 04:15 AM

Yes I have a lot of purchased patterns (don't know how many) and books. Only have three of those sixty dollar patterns, know exactly what there are and no I haven't made one of them yet. I used to log all of my patterns books on an Excel spreadsheet but I've sold a few and haven't keep up with the ones I've purchased in the last couple of years. Once my sewing room is organized it's on my " to do list ".

sharin'Sharon 08-09-2012 04:18 AM

I can't keep up with sorting my patterns, from purchased patterns, downloads, magazine pages, and notations from TV programs. I have about as many (or more) machine embroidery downloads to deal with also. But I won't give up any of them, for now. We only hope to live long enough to use our fabrics and patterns and if not, it's been pleasure knowing them.

orangeroom 08-09-2012 04:22 AM

I have quite a few books. However, I never paid full price for any of them. I used 30 - 40% off coupons. I have a few (~25) patterns. I've had subscriptions in the past and once it's time for them to leave the bathroom, I cut out the patterns that I want to keep and file them in a 3 ring binder.

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